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Hoselitz K. — Ferromagnetic Properties of Metals and Alloys |
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point 254
point, permanent magnet alloys and steels folder
curves 141f.
'1040'-alloy 229 231 248
'Kobalt' see "Cobalt steels"
Ageing of permanent magnets 288f.
Akulov, N. 24 54 81 84
Alcomax 257 271f.
Alcomax with unidirectional crystals 271 279
Alcomax, , , 257 260 271 folder
Alcomax, composition, Curie point, heat treatment, saturation magnetization folder
Alder, M. 137 186 303 308
Alloys 9f. 87f.
Alloys, methods of preparation 87
Alni 257 267f.
Alni, , , 257 260 268 folder
Alni, composition 268 folder
Alni, Curie point, heat treatment, saturation magnetization folder
Alnico 257 268f.
Alnico, , , 257 260 folder
Alnico, composition, Curie point, saturation magnetization folder
Alnico, heat treatment 268 folder
Alnico, magnetic field cooling 269
Alperm 214 215
Anchor ring test 123
Anisotropic permanent magnets 258 260 269f. 277 folder
Approach to saturation 53f.
Armco iron 199f.
Armco iron, composition, , hysteresis loss, permeability 195
Arnold, H.D. 193 223 227f. 249
Aston, J. 264 291
Aubry, J. 286 292
Auwers, O. 175 186 223 247 249 263 291
B.I.O.S. 215 249
Baermann, M. 285 291
Barkhausen effect 6 19
Barrett, W.F. 189 202 219
Bates, L.F. 2 7 16 118 125 130 186
Becker, R. 9 16 24f. 30f. 46 49 51 54 59f. 62 66 80 81 232 234 249 290 291
Bethe, H. 4 16
Bischof, K. 280 293
Bitter patterns 6 19
Bitter, F. 6 16
Bloch, F. 24 35 46 81
Boas, H. 121 186
Boothby, O.L. 229 249
Bozorth, R.M. 7 16 19 25 42 46 84 86 139 186 198 211 227 229 234f. 249 250 269 291
Bradley, A.J. 153 186 273f. 291
Bragg, W.L. 235 249 284 291
Brailsford, F. 185 186 189f. 206 210f. 221 249 250
Brown, W. 189 202 249
Bumm, H. 232 250
Burge, E.J. 121 186
Burgers, W.G. 273 291
Burgess, E.G. 264 291
Campbell, E.D. 173 187
Carbon steel 173 184 201f. 257f.
Carbon steel, , composition, Curie point, saturation magnetization folder
Carbon steel, , 261 folder
Carbon steel, permeability 202
Carbon, effect of, on magnetic properties of iron 196 201 261
Carbon, effect of, on magnetic properties of Si-steel 203 205
Caslox 260 285
Cavanagh, P.E. 64 84 183f. 186
Chatt, E.S. 178f. 187
Chattock, A.P. 125 186
Chegwidden, R.A. 281 283 285 291
Chitty, M.W.G. 285 291
Chromium steel 173 257 263f.
Chromium steel, , , 257 folder
Chromium steel, composition, Curie point, heat treatment, saturation magnetization folder
Cioffi, P.P. 34 52 84 193f. 197f. 250
Cobalt steels 265f.
Cobalt steels, , 257 folder
Cobalt steels, , heat treatment 265 folder
Cobalt steels, composition, Curie point, saturation magnetization folder
Cobalt, Curie point, saturation intensity 137 298
Cobalt, single crystal magnetization curves and crystal anisotropy constant 25
Cobalt-aluminium, saturation intensity 306
Cobalt-chromium, saturation intensity 306
Cobalt-gold, saturation intensity 306
Cobalt-manganese, saturation intensity 306
Cobalt-molybdenum, saturation intensity 307
Cobalt-nickel, saturation intensity 299
Cobalt-nickel-copper 282 see
Cobalt-platinum 283f.
Cobalt-platinum, , , , composition 259 283f
Cobalt-platinum, heat treatment 259
Cobalt-platinum, saturation intensity 307
Cobalt-silicon, saturation intensity 307
Cobalt-tungsten, saturation intensity 307
Coercive force 23 66f.
Coercive force, inclusion theory 70f.
Coercive force, magnetic analysis 171f.
Coercive force, maximum 68
Coercive force, permanent magnet alloys 273f. folder
Coercive force, perturbation theory 73f.
Coercive force, single domain particle or rotational theory 78f.
Coercive force, stress theory 67f.
Coldwork 113
Coldwork, iron-aluminium 180
Coldwork, iron-nickel 159
Coldwork, stainless steel 178
Comalloy 257 280
Comalloy, , , composition, 258
Comalloy, heat treatment 258 280
Comol see "Comalloy"
Conradt, H.W. 235f. 250
Cottrell, A.H. 11 16
Crack detection 177
Crapper, E.H. 265 291
Critical field 38 41 44 66f. 70 78f.
Crystal anisotropy 24f. 54f. 65f.
Crystal anisotropy, constants, of Alcomax 276
Crystal anisotropy, constants, of binary iron alloys 27f.
Crystal anisotropy, constants, of iron-nickel alloys 28 233
Crystal anisotropy, constants, of pure metals 25f.
Crystal size, effect on losses in sheet steel 190f.
Cunico 281f.
Cunico, , , composition, 258 282
Cunife 281
Cunife, , , composition, , heat treatment 258 281
Curie temperature 3 13f. 128f. 135f. 297f.
Curie temperature, iron alloys 300f.
Curie temperature, iron-cobalt alloys 218 299
Curie temperature, iron-nickel alloys 155 223 299
Curie temperature, iron-silicon alloys 166 301
Curie temperature, nickel alloys 140 302f.
Curie temperature, pure metals 137 298
Curie, M. 263 291
Czerlinsky, E. 26 55f. 84 85
Dahl, O. 232 235f. 249 250 281 291
Daniel, V. 72 84 281 291
Dannoehl, W. 172 187 248 250 281f. 291
DeBarr, A.E. 178 186
Demagnetization curve 252f. 257 270
Demagnetizing factor 32 123
Demagnetizing factor of cylinders and ellipsoids of revolution 296
Demagnetizing field 20 55
Demagnetizing field, effect on permanent magnets 289
Density, high permeability nickel-iron alloys 231 236
Density, iron-nickel alloys 225
Density, magnet alloys and steels 258 259 260 folder
Density, magnetically soft iron alloys 214
Density, silicon sheet steel 204
Desmond, D.J. 255 291
Diffusion hardening magnet alloys 266f.
Dilatometry 97
Dillinger, J.F. 234f. 249 269 291
Disperse fields 42f. 56f. 73f.
| Doering, W. 9 16 24f. 31 35f. 46 54 59f. 62 66 84 232 234 249 290 291
Domain boundary 20 34f. 46
Domain boundary energy 36f.
Domain boundary movement 38f. 48f. 61
Domain boundary thickness 36f.
Domain group 46f.
Domain shape 32f.
Domain theory 5f. 19f.
Dorsey, H.G. 262 291
Dreyfus, L. 121 186
Dyna-magnetic analyser 183
Dynamo magnet steel 199
Eddy current losses 190f
Edwards, A. 281 285 291
Electrical sheet steel 189f. 202f.
Electrical sheet, technical requirements of 190
Electromagnet 119f.
Electron microscope 94
Ellis, W.C. 264 291
Elmen, G.W. 193 221 223 227 229 242f. 249 250
Elmore, W.C. 7 16
Emmons, J.V. 174 186
Energy of magnetization 7f. 24f. 31 33 44f. 54 79
Energy of magnetization, reversible 64f.
Equilibrium diagram 10f. 99f.
Evershed, S. 255 263f. 291
Ewing, A. 189 250 264 291
Exchange integral 3f. 35f. 294
Expansion coefficient of magnet alloys and steels 259 folder
Fallot, M. 56 85 130 137 170 186 300f. 308
Farcas, T. 137 186 306f. 308
Farquhar, M. 162 186
Fatigue failure 184
Ferrograph 182
Field cooling of Alnico 269
Field cooling of anisotropic permanent magnets 270
Field cooling of Permalloy 228 234
Fink, W.L. 173 187
Foerster, F. 182 186
Forrer, R. 56f. 86 129f. 136f. 188 218f. 223 250 251 297f. 308
Franssen, H. 122 187
Free energy 103f
Gans, R. 24 26 54 60 85
Garnett, H.J. 208 237 250
Garvin, S.J. 285 291
Gaume, F. 119 186
Gebert, N.J. 175 186
Gentile, G. 24 84
Gerlach, W. 141f. 171 187
Glocker, R. 273 291
Goldman, J.E. 220 250
Goldschmidt, H.J. 153 186 275 292
Goss, N.P. 208 250
Gould, J.E. 281 285 291
Grabbe, E.M. 232 L 250
Graf, L. 283 291
Grain growth 114
Gregg, J.L. 168 187 263 291
Guggenheimer, K.M. 150 162f. 187 301 308
Guillaud, C. 167 187 286f. 291
Gumlich, E. 53 85 201 250 264 291
Gyromagnetic effect 2
Haake, H. 37 84
Hadfield, D. 271 285 289f. 291
Hadfield, R.A. 189 202 249
Hannack, G. 263 292
Hardness 173
Hardness of permanent magnet alloys and steels folder
HCR 237f.
HCR, composition, , heat treatment, permeability, saturation magnetization 236
Heat treatment 91
Heat treatment of iron of high purity 193f.
Heat treatment of Permalloy 227
Heat treatment of permanent magnet alloys and steels folder
Heisenberg, W. 3 16
Heitler, H. 150 162f. 187 301 308
Helmholtz coils 119
High permeability nickel-iron alloys 227f.
Hiperco 221
Hiperco, composition, hysteresis loss, permeability, saturation magnetization 214
Hipernik 227
Hipernik, composition, , heat treatment, hysteresis loss, permeability, saturation magnetization 236
Hobson, P.T. 178f. 187
Honda, K. 24 26 85 265 268 292
Horsburgh, G.D.L. 268f. 292
Hoselitz, A. 264 292
Hoselitz, K. 133 150 154f. 162f. 168f. 185 187 223 250 264 270f. 276f. 281 285 290 291 292 299 301 308
Hycomax 257 270
Hycomax, , , 257 260 folder
Hycomax, composition, heat treatment 260 folder
Hycomax, Curie point, saturation magnetization folder
Hynico 257
Hynico, , , 257 folder
Hysteresis curve 23 see
Hysteresis loss 190 207
Hysteresis loss of electrical sheet steel 204
Hysteresis loss of high permeability alloys 231 236
Hysteresis loss of pure iron 195f.
Hysteresis loss, crystal size 190f.
Hysteresis loss, relation of, to mechanical properties 175
Hysteresis loss, rotational 206f.
Hysteresis loss, sheet thickness 190
Impurities, removal of, in iron 194f.
Impurities, removal of, in metals 88
Inclusion theory 40f. 52f. 70f.
Inclusions, non-magnetic or 'other magnetic' 57 73f.
Indalloy 260
Initial permeability 21
Initial susceptibility 21 47f. 82
Initial susceptibility, maximum value of 52
Intensity of magnetization see "Magnetization intensity"
Iron 193f.
Iron powder magnets 260 286
Iron, 195 200 204
Iron, Curie point of 137
Iron, density 204
Iron, effect of annealing 201
Iron, effect of carbon on 196
Iron, effect of nitrogen on 201
Iron, effect of oxygen on 197
Iron, hysteresis loss of 195 204 207
Iron, magnetic ageing of 197
Iron, permeability of 195 201 204
Iron, removal of impurities in 194f.
Iron, saturation intensity of 137 297
Iron, saturation magnetization of 204 207
Iron, single crystal, magnetization curves and crystal anisotropy 25f.
Iron, specific resistance of 204
Iron-aluminium 180f. 213f. see
Iron-aluminium, crystal anisotropy 29
Iron-aluminium, Curie points, saturation intensity 300
Iron-aluminium, internal stresses 182
Iron-aluminium, magnetostriction 215
Iron-aluminium, recovery after coldwork 180f
Iron-aluminium-silicon 216f. see
Iron-aluminium-silicon, magnetostriction, crystal anisotropy 216
Iron-beryllium: , composition 258 279
Iron-chromium-molybdenum 258
Iron-chromium-tungsten 258
Iron-chromium: Curie points, saturation intensity 300
Iron-cobalt 217f. see "Permendur"
Iron-cobalt, crystal anisotropy 29
Iron-cobalt, Curie points 218
Iron-cobalt, density 298
Iron-cobalt, equilibrium diagram 218
Iron-cobalt, magneto-striction, specific resistance 220
Iron-cobalt, oxide magnets 260 285
Iron-cobalt, powder magnets 260 286
Iron-cobalt, saturation intensity 298
Iron-cobalt, saturation magnetization 219
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