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Hoselitz K. — Ferromagnetic Properties of Metals and Alloys |
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Specific resistance, iron-nickel alloys 225
Specific resistance, permanent magnet alloys and steels folder
Specific resistance, silicon sheet steel 203
Spontaneous magnetization (intrinsic magnetization) 5f.
Spreadbury, F.G. 255 293
Springer, H. 174 187
Stability of magnets 286f.
Staeblein, F. 241 251
Stainless steel recording wire 177f.
Stambke, K. 182 186
Stanley, J.K. 180 187
Steinhaus, W. 56 85 267 293 297 308
Steinitz, R. 285 293
Stewart, K.H. 23 85
Stoner, E.C. 2 5 7 9 16 32f. 36 56 78 80f. 85 86 118 137 173 179 187 279f. 286 290 293
Street, R. 277 290 293
Stress 28f. 49f. 61f. 64f. 67f. 180f.
Stress theory of coercive force 67f.
Stress, analysis 180f.
Studders, R.J. 288f. 293
Stupart, G.V. 284 292
Sucksmith ring balance 131f.
Sucksmith, W. 121 125 131f. 152f. 170 187 188 223 250 275 279f. 281 293 298f. 308
Sully, A.H. 153 187
Superlattice 101 107
Superlattice, iron-cobalt 220
Superlattice, Permalloy 232
Superlattice, Perminvar 247
Supermalloy 229 231 239
Susceptibility, initial 21 47f. 82
Susceptibility, maximum 22
Susceptibility, reversible 60
Sykes, C. 232 250
Takei, T. 285 292
Taylor, A. 273f. 291
Temperature, effect of, on permanent magnets 287f.
Tetley, F.W. 268f. 292
Thermal study of metallic systems 97
Thermodynamic conditions in alloys 103f.
Thermoperm 241
Ticonal 270
| Ticonal, , , composition, , heat treatment, saturation magnetization folder
Tonks, L. 34 38 85
Torque curves 185 211
Total iron losses 191f.
Tromalit 260 285
Tungsten steel 168f. 263f.
Tungsten steel, , , composition, Curie point, , heat treatment, saturation magnetization folder
Tyrrell, A.J. 270 293
Ugine 286 293
Underhill, E.M. 281 283 293
V-Permendur see "Permendur"
Vacuum melting 88
Van Urk, A.T. 270 293
van Vleck, J.H. 24 86
Vectolite 260 265
Vibration, effect of, on permanent magnets 289
Vicalloy 258 283
Vigoureux, P. 118 124 128 188
Waggoner, C.W. 262 293
Wainwright, C. 168 188 263 293
Ward, L. 266 293
Wassermann, G. 235 251
Webb, C.E. 118 124 128 188
Weil, L. 286 292
Weill, A.R. 162 167 186 187
Weiss, P. 2 16 19 56f. 86 120 129f. 136f. 188 217f. 251 297 308
Went, J.J. 217 251
Wentzel, K. 174 187
Wiest, P. 273 291
Williams, E.J. 235 249
Williams, H.J. 7 16 19 42 46 86 198 208 250 251
Williams, J.R. 219 251
Wilson, A.J.C. 10 16
Wlodek, T. 64 84 183f. 186 188
Wohlfarth, E.P. 32f. 78 80f. 86 173 179 187 279f. 286 290 293
Wolman, W. 125 188
Woolley, J.C. 277 290 293
X-ray metallography 94
Yensen, T.D. 190 193f. 203 217 223f. 235 251
Young's modulus of permanent magnet alloys and steels folder
Ziegler, N.A. 190 194f. 203 251
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