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Hoselitz K. — Ferromagnetic Properties of Metals and Alloys |
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Iron-cobalt-molybdenum 280 see
Iron-cobalt-nickel 242f. see
Iron-cobalt-nickel, permeability 244 245
Iron-cobalt-nickel, saturation magnetization 246
Iron-cobalt-silicon 221
Iron-cobalt-tungsten 258
Iron-cobalt-vanadium 283 see
Iron-copper, equilibrium diagram 11
Iron-gold: Curie points, saturation intensity 300
Iron-manganese, saturation intensity of 300
Iron-molybdenum 258 279f.
Iron-molybdenum, equilibrium diagram 100
Iron-nickel 106 111 147 151f. 222f. see "Hipernik" "Mumetal" "Permalloy" "Radiometal" "Rhometal"
Iron-nickel, alloys of high permeability 227f.
Iron-nickel, coldwork 159f.
Iron-nickel, crystal anisotropy 28 233
Iron-nickel, Curie points 155 223 299
Iron-nickel, density 225
Iron-nickel, effect of cold rolling 230 237
Iron-nickel, equilibrium diagram 152 154
Iron-nickel, magnetostriction 226
Iron-nickel, permeability 53 228
Iron-nickel, precipitation 158f.
Iron-nickel, saturation intensity 223 299
Iron-nickel, saturation magnetization 224 233
Iron-nickel, specific resistance 225
Iron-nickel, superlattice 232
Iron-nickel-aluminium 170 256 266f. see "Mishima
Iron-nickel-aluminium, equilibrium diagram 273f.
Iron-nickel-aluminium, magnetic hardness, interpretation 272
Iron-nickel-aluminium, sintered magnets 260
Iron-nickel-copper 247f. 281f. see "Isoperm" "Magnetoflex" "1040"
Iron-nickel-copper, alloys with high permeability 247f.
Iron-nickel-copper, cold-rolled alloys 248 281
Iron-nickel-copper, permanent magnet alloys 281f.
Iron-platinum 283f.
Iron-platinum, , , composition, , heat treatment 259 283
Iron-silicon 162f. 202f. see
Iron-silicon, crystal anisotropy 29
Iron-silicon, Curie points, saturation intensity 165 301
Iron-silicon, equilibrium diagram 163
Iron-tin: Curie points, saturation intensity 301
Iron-titanium 258 279
Iron-tungsten 258 279
Iron-vanadium 258
Iron-zinc: Curie points, saturation intensity 301
Isoperm 248f.
Jellinghaus, W. 275 283 292
Jonas, B. 270 292
Kato, Y. 285 292
Kaya, S. 24 26 85
Kelsall, G.A. 234 249 283 292
Kersten, M. 30f. 40f. 49f. 64f. 67 70f. 75 84 85 180 187 198 249 250 275 292
Kittel, C. 7 16 278 287 292
Kleis, J.D. 27 85
Koester, W. 72 85 172 187 200f. 248 250 266f. 279f. 292
Krupp 267 292
Kuehlewein, H. 247 249
Kussmann, A. 56 85 173 187 219 250 267 283 291 293 297 308
Landau, L. 46 85
Lange, H. 122 187
Langevin treatment of paramagnetic gas 1f.
Law of corresponding states 3f.
Lawton, H. 23 85
Leech, P. 232 250
Lichtenberger, F. 225 250
Lifshitz, E. 46 85
Linley, A. 270 292
Lipson, H. 10 16 72 84 162 167 186 187 281 284 291 292
Lloyd-Evans, B. 125 186
Losses in iron 195
Losses in sheet steel 189f. 204
Maddocks, W.R. 219 250
Magnet test set 127
Magnetic analysis 13f. 116f. see
Magnetic analysis, carbon in steels 174
Magnetic field 118f.
Magnetic hardness coefficient 56 297f.
magnetic moment 2
Magnetic moment of alloys with ferromagnetic elements 138
Magnetic moment, nickel alloys 139
Magnetic potentiometer 124
Magnetic testing of high-speed steel tools 174f.
Magnetic testing, stainless steel wires 177f.
Magnetic viscosity 290
Magnetically hard materials 15 252f.
Magnetically soft materials 15 189f.
magnetization 2f. 18f. 44f. 116f.
Magnetization curve 6 18f. 123f. 177f.
Magnetization curve of Alcomax 278
Magnetization curve, Armco iron 200
Magnetization curve, HCR 240
Magnetization curve, Hiperco, Permendur and iron 222
Magnetization curve, nickel and Permalloy under tension 30
Magnetization curve, nickel at various temperatures 136
Magnetization curve, Perminvar 246
Magnetization curve, silicon sheet steel 207 209f.
Magnetization curve, single crystals 25f.
Magnetization curve, single domain particle assemblies 82f.
Magnetization curve, Supermalloy 239
Magnetocrystalline energy see "Crystal anisotropy"
Magnetoflex 258 281
Magnetostriction 28f. 185 211
Magnetostriction of Alcomax 276
Magnetostriction of silicon sheet steel 211
Magnetothermal analysis 140f.
Magnetothermal analysis of alloys of iron 151f.
Magnetothermal analysis, alloys of nickel 140f.
Magnetothermal analysis, general treatment 147
Magnetothermal analysis, iron-nickel 151f.
Magnetothermal analysis, iron-silicon 162f.
Magnetothermal analysis, nickel-beryllium 145
Magnetothermal analysis, nickel-gold 144
Magnetothermal analysis, tungsten steel 168
Manganese-bismuth 260 286
Margerison, T.A. 125 187 279f. 293
Marian, V. 137 187 302f. 308
Martindale, R.G. 185 186 211 250
Masumoto, H. 26 85 215f. 250 268 292
Maximum permeability 22
Maximum permeability of carbon steel 201
Maximum permeability, iron 195f.
Maximum permeability, iron alloys 214
Maximum permeability, nickel-iron alloys 228 231 236
Maximum permeability, silicon sheet steel 204
Maximum permeability, susceptibility 22
McCaig, M. 133 168f. 185 187 264 271 276f. 292
McKeehan, L.W. 7 16 27 85
Meerkamp van Embden, H.J. 270 292
Melting of alloys 87f
Messkin, W.S. 267 292
Metallographic examination 91f.
Metals 9f. 87f.
Metastable states 106
Microscope 92f.
Mild steel 189
Mishima alloy 267
Mishima, T. 266f. 292
Molecular field 2f.
Mumetal 229f.
Mumetal, composition, , heat treatment, hysteresis loss, permeability, saturation magnetization 231
Myers, H.P. 298 308
Neale, F.E. 7 16
Neel, L. 7 16 19 23 33f. 37 42 44 55f. 73f. 85 173 286 292
Nesbitt, E.A. 278 283 292
Neumann, H. 229 247f. 249 250 281f. 291 292
New K.S. steel folder
Nickel under tension 30 183
Nickel, coercive force of hard drawn and softened wires 70
Nickel, Curie point and saturation intensity 137
| Nickel, magnetization and saturation intensity at different temperatures 136 298
Nickel, single crystal magnetization curves and crystal anisotropy 25
Nickel-aluminium: Curie points, saturation intensity 302
Nickel-antimony: Curie points, saturation intensity 304
Nickel-beryllium 145f.
Nickel-chromium: Curie points, saturation intensity 302
Nickel-copper: Curie points, saturation intensity 303
Nickel-gold 144f.
Nickel-gold, Curie points, saturation intensity 302
Nickel-manganese: Curie points, saturation intensity 303
Nickel-molybdenum: Curie points, saturation intensity 303
Nickel-palladium: Curie points, saturation intensity 304
Nickel-ruthenium: Curie points, saturation intensity 304
Nickel-silicon: Curie points, saturation intensity 304
Nickel-tin: Curie points, saturation intensity 305
Nickel-titanium: Curie points, saturation intensity 305
Nickel-tungsten: Curie points, saturation intensity 305
Nickel-vanadium: Curie points, saturation intensity 305
Nickel-zinc: Curie points, saturation intensity 306
Non-destructive magnetic testing 175f.
Non-magnetic inclusions see "Inclusions"
Oerstit folder
Oliver, D.A. 268f. 275 288 292
Ordered lattice see "Superlattice"
Osmond, W.P. 178f. 187
Owen, E.A. 153 187
Oxide magnets 260 285
Pederzani, Th. 121 186
Permalloy 227f.
Permalloy problem 232f.
Permalloy treatment 227
Permalloy, composition 229 231 236
Permalloy, crystal anisotropy 233
Permalloy, density, , hysteresis loss, specific resistance 231 236
Permalloy, heat treatment 227 231 236
Permalloy, magnetic annealing 228 234
Permalloy, permeability 228 231 236
Permalloy, saturation magnetization 231 233 236
Permalloy, superlattice 232
Permanent magnet 252f.
Permanent magnet, alloys 255f. 258 266f. 279f.
Permanent magnet, energy 253f.
Permanent magnet, steels 255f. 257f.
Permeability 13f.
Permeability, high permeability nickel-iron alloys 231 236
Permeability, initial 21
Permeability, iron 195
Permeability, maximum 22
Permeability, Permalloy 232f.
Permeability, silicon sheet steel 204
Permeameter 124
Permendur 214 221
Permet 260 285
Perminvar 242f.
Perturbation theory of coercive force 73f. 276
Perturbations of magnetization see "Disperse fields"
Peschard, M. 56 85 137 152 187 223 250
Pfaffenberger, J. 249 250 281 291
Pfister, H. 273 291
Phase rule 10 103f.
Pickles, A.T. 152 154f. 187
Poelzguter, F. 267 292
Polley, H. 55f. 85
Potter, H.H. 137 187 284 292
Powder magnets 260 285f.
Powder magnets, patterns 6f. 19
Precipitation 11f. 102 108f. 144f. 158 178 247 273 279f.
Precipitation hardening permanent magnets 258 279f.
Preferred crystal orientation 211 237 271 279
Preisach, F. 30 85
Radiometal 236
Randall, W.F. 208 229f. 237 250
Rathenau, G.W. 235f. 250
Recovery of cold worked metal 114 180
Recrystallization 114
Reluctivity (minimum) 196
Remalloy see "Comalloy"
Remanence 22 58f.
Remanence of magnet alloys and steels 258f. folder
Remanence, change with applied stress 61f.
Resinbonded magnets 260 285
Reversible energy of magnetization 64
Reversible susceptibility 60
Rhodes, P. 9 16
Rhometal 236 238
Richer, G.C. 178 187 190 250
Riott, J.P. 174 187
Rodgers, J.W. 219 250
Rogers, B.A. 172 174 187 266 279 293
Rolling anisotropy 208 237
Rotation of domain magnetization 54 63 78f.
Ruder, E.W. 267 292
Sadron, C. 56 85 137 187 300f. 308
Saito, H. 215 250
Saito, S. 265 292
Sanford, R.L. 174 186 255 288f. 293
Saturation intensity 128 135f. 297f.
Saturation intensity of intermetallic compounds 307
Saturation intensity, iron alloys 300f.
Saturation intensity, iron-cobalt alloys 299
Saturation intensity, iron-nickel alloys 151f. 223 299
Saturation intensity, iron-silicon alloys 165 301
Saturation intensity, nickel alloys 302f.
Saturation intensity, pure metals 137 297f.
saturation magnetization 2 13f.
Saturation magnetization of iron-cobalt alloys 219
Saturation magnetization, iron-nickel alloys 224
Saturation magnetization, silicon sheet steel 204
Saturation, approach to 53f.
Scharnow, B. 173 187 219 250
Scheil, E. 280 293
Schoen, E. 56 85 297 308
Scholefield, H.H. 237 250
Schottky, W. 275 293
Schulz, E.H. 280 293
Schulze, A. 219 225 250
Schulze, H. 51 85
Schumacher, E.E. 264 291
Schwartz, N. 281 291
Seljesater, K.S. 172 187 266 279 293
Sendust 214 217
Shedden, J.W. 268f. 288 292
Shirakawa, Y. 268 292
Shockley, W. 7 16 19 42 46 86 278 292
Shoenberg, D. 119 187 284 292
Silicon alternating and rotational hysteresis loss and magnetization curves 207
Silicon cold rolled sheet steel 208f.
Silicon composition, density, , hysteresis loss, saturation magnetization, specific resistance 204
Silicon sheet steel 189 202f.
Silicon, effect of carbon 205
Silmanal (silver-manganese-aluminium) 258 284
Single Crystals 112
Single crystals, magnetization curves 25f.
Single domain particle theory of coercive force 78
Single domain particles 32f. 81f. 294
Single domain particles, iron-molybdenum alloys 280
Single domain particles, stainless steel wire 179
Sintered magnets 260 284
Sintering 90
Sixtus, K.J. 34 38 85 235f. 250
Smith, A.W. 173 187
Smith, W.S. 208 237 250
Smoluchlowski, R. 220 250
Snellman, O. 121 186
Snoek, J.L. 27 66 85 217 235f. 250 273f. 291 293
Solenoid 118
Solid solution 100
Somin, B.E. 267 292
Specific resistance of high permeability nickel-iron alloys 231 236
Specific resistance, iron-cobalt alloys 219
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