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Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. — Fluid mechanics
Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. — Fluid mechanics

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Íàçâàíèå: Fluid mechanics

Àâòîðû: Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R.


This book is a basic introduction to the subject of fluid mechanics and is intended for undergraduate and beginning graduate students of science and engineering. There is enough material in the book for at least two courses. No previous knowledge of the subject is assumed, and much of the text is suitable in a first course on the subject. On the other hand, a selection of the advanced topics could be used in a second course. I have not tried to indicate which sections should be considered advanced; the choice often depends on the teacher, the university, and the field of study. Particular effort has been made to make the presentation clear and accurate and at the same time easy enough for students. Mathematically rigorous approaches have been avoided in favor of the physically revealing ones.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Êëàññè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà/Ìåõàíèêà æèäêîñòè è ãàçà/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 730

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.06.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Sonic properties, compressible flow      671—675
Sound, speed of      15 17 665—667
Sound, waves      665—667
Source-sink, axisymmetric      186
Source-sink, near a wall      170—171
Source-sink, plane      156
Spatial distribution      10
Specific heats      13—14
Spectrum as function of frequency      505
Spectrum as function of wave number      505
Spectrum energy      505
Spectrum in inertial subrange      520—522
Spectrum temperature fluctuations      544—546
Sphere, creeping flow around      297—302
Sphere, flow around      186—187
Sphere, flow at various Re      346
Sphere, Oseen's approximation      303—306
Sports balls, dynamics of      347—350
Squire's theorem      461 467 469—470
Stability      382—385. See ulso Instability
Stagnation density      672
Stagnation flow      155
Stagnation points      150
Stagnation pressure      115.671
Stagnation properties, compressible flow      671—675
Stagnation temperature      671
Stale functions      13 15
Stale functions, surface tension      8—9
Standard deviation      502
standing waves      216—218
Starling vortex      637—638
Stationary turbulent flow      502
Statistics of a variable      502
Steady flow, Bernoulli equation and      112—113
Steady flow, between concentric cylinders      279—282
Steady flow, between parallel plates      274—277
Steady flow, in a pipe      277—279
Stokes      184
Stokes' assumption      96
Stokes' creeping flow around      297—302
Stokes' creeping flow around spheres      297—302
Stokes' drift      232—234
Stokes' first problem      282
Stokes' law of resistance      265 300
Stokes' second problem      293
Stokes' stream function      184
Stokes' theorem      45—46 60
Stokes' waves      230—231
Strain rate, linear/normal      56—57
Strain rate, shear      58
Strain rate, tensor      58
Strange attractors      489—490
Stratified layer, normal modes in continuous      579—586
Stratified turbulence      540—546
Stratopause      558
Stratosphere      557—558
Streak lines      56 540
Stream function in axisymmetric flow      184—185
Stream function in plane flow      69—71
Stream function, generalized      81—82
Streamlines      53—55
Stress tensor, deviatoric      94
Stress tensor, normal or shear      84
Stress tensor, Reynolds      509
Stress tensor, symmetric      84—86
Stress, at a point      84—86
Strouhal number      341
Sturm — Liouville form      581
Subcritical gravity flow      227
Subharmonic cascade      490—492
Sublayer, incriial      532—534
Sublayer, streaks      540
Sublayer, viscous      530—531
Subrange, inertial      520—522
Subrange, viscous convective      545
Subsonic flow      270 663
Substantial derivative      53
Supercritical gravity flow      227
Supersonic flow      270 664
Supersonic flow, airfoil theory      702—704
Supersonic flow, expansion and compression      700—702
Surface forces      83 86
Surface gravity waves      194 199—203.
Surface gravity waves, features of      203—209
Surface gravity waves, in deep water      210—211
Surface gravity waves, in shallow water      211—213
Surface tension      8
Sverdrup waves      588
Sweepback angle      631 655
Symmetric tensors      38—39
Symmetric tensors, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of      40—42
Taylor biographical information      716—717
Taylor centrifugal instability      448—453
Taylor column      568
Taylor hypothesis      506
Taylor number      451
Taylor theory of turbulent dispersion      546—552
Taylor vortices      453
Taylor — Goldstein equation      461—463
Taylor — Proudman theorem      567—569
Taylor, G.L      498
TdS relations      15
Temperature, adiabatic temperature gradient      19 557
Temperature, fluctuations, spectrum      544—546
Temperature, potential      19—21
Temperature, stagnation      671
Tennis ball dynamics      349—350
Tensors, Cartesian, boldface versus indicial notation      47
Tensors, Cartesian, comma notation      46—47
Tensors, Cartesian, contraction and multiplication      31—32
Tensors, Cartesian, cross product      36—37
Tensors, Cartesian, dot product      36
Tensors, Cartesian, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric      40—42
Tensors, Cartesian, force on a surface      32—35
Tensors, Cartesian, Ganss' theorem      42—45
Tensors, Cartesian, invariants of      31
Tensors, Cartesian, isotropic      35 94
Tensors, Cartesian, Kronecker delta and alternating      35—36
Tensors, Cartesian, multiplication of matrices      28—29
Tensors, Cartesian, operator del      37—38
Tensors, Cartesian, rotation of axes      25—28
Tensors, Cartesian, sealars and vectors      24—28
Tensors, Cartesian, second-order      29—31
Tensors, Cartesian, Stokes' theorem      45—46
Tensors, Cartesian, strain rate      58
Tensors, Cartesian, symmetric and antisymmetric      38—39
Tensors, Cartesian, vector or dyadic notation      47—48
Theodorsen's method      638
thermal conductivity      6
Thermal convection, Lorenz model of      488—489
Thermal diffusivity      109 120
Thermal energy      12—13
Thermal energy equation      108—109
Thermal energy equation, Boussinesq equation and      119—121
Thermal expansion coefficient      15—16 17
Thermal instability (Benard)      432—443
Thermal wind      5.65—567
Thermocline      559
Thermodynamic pressure      94
Thermodynamics, entropy relations      15
Thermodynamics, equations of stale      13 16
Thermodynamics, first law of      12—13 108—109
Thermodynamics, review or      664—665
Thermodynamics, second law of      14—15 109—110
Thermodynamics, specific heats      13—14
Thermodynamics, speed of sound      15
Thermodynamics, thermal expansion coefficient      15—16
Thin airfoil theory      638—642
Three-dimensional flows      68—69
Time derivatives of volume integrals, fixed volume      78
Time derivatives of volume integrals, general case      77—78
Time derivatives of volume integrals, material volume      78—79
Time lag      503
Tip vortices      646
Tollmien — Schlichting wave      431 477
Trailing vortices      646 647—648
Transition to turbulence      337—338 483—485
Transonic flow      663—664
Transport phenomena      5—7
Transport terms      105
Tropopause      557
Troposphere      557
Turbulent flow / turbulence, averaged equations of motion      506—512
Turbulent flow / turbulence, averages      499—502
Turbulent flow / turbulence, buoyant production      516—517 542
Turbulent flow / turbulence, cascade of energy      519
Turbulent flow / turbulence, characteristics of      497—498
Turbulent flow / turbulence, coherent structures      539—540
Turbulent flow / turbulence, commutation rules      501—502
Turbulent flow / turbulence, correlations and spectra      502—506
Turbulent flow / turbulence, defined      272
Turbulent flow / turbulence, dispersion of panicles      547—549
Turbulent flow / turbulence, dissipating scales      519
Turbulent flow / turbulence, dissipation of mean kinetic energy      513
Turbulent flow / turbulence, dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy      517
Turbulent flow / turbulence, eddy diffusivity      537—539
Turbulent flow / turbulence, eddy viscosity      536—539
Turbulent flow / turbulence, entrainment      524
Turbulent flow / turbulence, geostrophic      623—626
Turbulent flow / turbulence, heat flux      512
Turbulent flow / turbulence, homogeneous      502
Turbulent flow / turbulence, in a jet      525—528
Turbulent flow / turbulence, inertial sublayer      532—534
Turbulent flow / turbulence, inertial subrange      520—522
Turbulent flow / turbulence, integral time scale      504
Turbulent flow / turbulence, intensity variations      534—536
Turbulent flow / turbulence, intermittency      522—524
Turbulent flow / turbulence, isotropic      509—510
Turbulent flow / turbulence, kinetic energy of      514—517
Turbulent flow / turbulence, kinetic energy of mean flow      512—514
Turbulent flow / turbulence, law of the wall      529—531
Turbulent flow / turbulence, logarithmic law      531—534
Turbulent flow / turbulence, mean continuity equation      507
Turbulent flow / turbulence, mean heat equation      511—512
Turbulent flow / turbulence, mean momentum equation      507—508
Turbulent flow / turbulence, mixing length      536—539
Turbulent flow / turbulence, Monin — Obukhov length      543
Turbulent flow / turbulence, research on      498—499
Turbulent flow / turbulence, Reynolds analogy      543
Turbulent flow / turbulence, Reynolds stress      508—511
Turbulent flow / turbulence, rough surface      534
Turbulent flow / turbulence, self-preservation      524—526
Turbulent flow / turbulence, shear production      514 517 517—520
Turbulent flow / turbulence, stationary      502
Turbulent flow / turbulence, stratified      540—546
Turbulent flow / turbulence, Taylor theory of      546—552
Turbulent flow / turbulence, temperature fluctuations      544—546
Turbulent flow / turbulence, transition to      337—338 483—485
Turbulent flow / turbulence, velocity defect law      531
Turbulent flow / turbulence, viscous convectivc subrange      545
Turbulent flow / turbulence, viscous sublayer      530—531
Turbulent flow / turbulence, wall-bounded      528—536
Turbulent flow / turbulence, wall-free      522—528
Two-dimensional flows      68—69 166—170
Two-dimensional jets      See Jets two-dimensional
Unbounded ocean      591
Uniform flow, axisymmetric flow      185
Uniformity      109
Unsteady irrotational flow      113—114
Upwelling      595
Vapor trails      646
Variables, random      499—502
Variance      502
Vector(s), cross product      36—37
Vector(s), curl of      37
Vector(s), defined      24—28
Vector(s), divergence of      37
Vector(s), dot product      36
Vector(s), operator del      37—38
Velocity defect law      531
Velocity gradient tensor      61
Velocity potential      113 150—152
Vertical shear      565
Viscoelastic      4
Viscosity, coefficient of bulk      96
Viscosity, destabilizing      467
Viscosity, dynamic      7
Viscosity, eddy      536—539
Viscosity, irrotational vortices and      127—130
Viscosity, kinematic      7
Viscosity, net force      128 129
Viscosity, rotational vortices and      126—127
Viscous convective subrange      545
Viscous dissipation      105—106
Viscous fluid flow, incompressible      393—406
Viscous sublayer      530—531
Volumetric strain rate      57
von Karman      636
von Karman, constant      532
von Karman, momentum integral      332—335
von Karman, vortex streets      248 340—342
Vortex bound      647—648
Vortex decay      289—292
Vortex drag      646 649—650
Vortex flows, irrotational      66—67
Vortex flows, Rankine      67—68
Vortex flows, solid-body rotation      65—66
Vortex Helmholtz theorems      134
Vortex interactions      141—144
Vortex lines      126.290—292
Vortex sheet      144—145 289—290 457 646
Vortex starting      637—638
Vortex stretching      140 597
Vortex Taylor      453
Vortex tilting      140 574 597
Vortex tip      646
Vortex trailing      646 647—648
Vortex tubes      126
Vortex, Goertler      453
Vortex, irrotational      157
Vortex, von Karman vortex streets      248 340—342
Vorticity      58—30
Vorticity, absolute      138 596
Vorticity, baroclinic flow and      132—133
Vorticity, diffusion      132 273 289—292
Vorticity, equation in nonrotating frame      134—136
Vorticity, equation in rotating frame      136—140
Vorticity, flux of      60
Vorticity, Helmholtz vortex theorems      134
Vorticity, Kelvin's circulation theorem      130—134
Vorticity, perturbation vorticity equation      616—618
Vorticity, planetary      138 140 563
Vorticity, potential      597
Vorticity, quasi-geostrophic      609—610
Vorticity, relative      596
Vorticity, shallow-water theory      595—598
Wall angle, flow at      154—156
Wall jet      355—358
Wall layer, coherent structures in      539—540
Wall, law of the      529—531
Wall-bounded shear flow      528—536
Wall-free shear flow      522—528
Water, physical properties of      708
Wavelength      196
Wavenumbcr      196 197
Waves      See also Internal gravity waves; Surface gravity waves
Waves, acoustic      665
Waves, amplitude of      196
Waves, angle      696
1 2 3 4 5
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