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Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. — Fluid mechanics
Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. — Fluid mechanics

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Íàçâàíèå: Fluid mechanics

Àâòîðû: Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R.


This book is a basic introduction to the subject of fluid mechanics and is intended for undergraduate and beginning graduate students of science and engineering. There is enough material in the book for at least two courses. No previous knowledge of the subject is assumed, and much of the text is suitable in a first course on the subject. On the other hand, a selection of the advanced topics could be used in a second course. I have not tried to indicate which sections should be considered advanced; the choice often depends on the teacher, the university, and the field of study. Particular effort has been made to make the presentation clear and accurate and at the same time easy enough for students. Mathematically rigorous approaches have been avoided in favor of the physically revealing ones.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 730

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 19.06.2005

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Effective gravity force      102
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric tensors      40—42
Einsteir summation convention      27
Ekman layer at tree surface      569—574
Ekman layer on rigid surface      574—577
Ekman layer thickness      571
Ekman number      568
Ekman spiral      571—572
Ekman transport at a free surface      572
Elastic waves      194 665
Element point of view      390—393
Elliptic circulation      651—653
Elliptic cylinder, ideal flow      173—174
Elliptic equation      151
Energy baroclinic instability      621—623
Energy Bernoulli equation      114
Energy equation, integral form      76—77
Energy equation, mechanical      104—107
Energy equation, one-dimensional      668—669
Energy equation, thermal      108—109
Energy flux, group velocity and      218—221
Energy flux, in internal gravity wave      250—253
Energy flux, in surface gravity wave      209
Energy spectrum      505
Ensemble average      500—501
Enstrophy      623
Enstrophy cascade      624
Enthalpy, defined      13
Enthalpy, stagnation      671
Entrainment in laminar jet      351
Entrainment, turbulent      524
entropy, defined      14
Entropy, production      109—110
Epsilon delta relation      36 99
Equations of motion, averaged      506—512
Equations of motion, Boussinesq      119 559—560
Equations of motion, Cauchy's      87
Equations of motion, for Newtonian fluid      94—97
Equations of motion, for stratified medium      559—561
Equations of motion, for thin layer on rotating sphere      562—564
Equations of motion, in rotating frame      99—104
Equations of state      13
Equations of state, for perfect gas      16
Equilibrium range      521
Equipartition of energy      208
Equivalent depth      586
Euler equation      98 111 317
Euler equation, one-dimensional      669—670
Eulerian specifications      51—52
Exchange of stabilities, principle of      432
Expansion coefficient, thermal      15—16 17
f-planc mode      564
Falkner — Skan solution      329—330
Falkner, V.W.      329
Fick's law of mass diffusion      6
Finite clement method, element point of view      390—393
Finite clement method, Galerkin's approximation      386—388
Finite clement method, matrix equations      388—390
Finite clement method, weak or variational form      385—386
Finite difference method      380—385 388—390
First law of thermodynamics      12—13
First law of thermodynamics, thermal energy equation and      108—109
Fish, locomotion of      655—656
Fixed point      486
Fixed region, mechanical energy equation and      107
Fixed volume      78
Fixed volume, angular momentum principle for      92—93
Fixed volume, momentum principle for      88—90
Fjortoft's theorem      472—474
Flat plate, boundary layer and Blasius solution      323—329
Flat plate, closed form solution      321—323
Flat plate, drag coefficient      328—329
Fluid mechanics, applications      1—2
Fluid statics      9—12
Flux divergence      104—105
Flux of vorticity      60
Force field      83
Force potential      83
Forces in fluid, body      83
Forces in fluid, line      84
Forces in fluid, origin of      82—84
Forces in fluid, surface      83
Forces, conservative body      83 132
Forces, Coriolis      103—104
Forces, on a surface      32—35
Form drag      338 654
Fourier's law of heat conduction      6
Frequency, wave, circular or radian      197
Frequency, wave, Doppler shifted      199
Frequency, wave, intrinsic      198
Frequency, wave, observed      198
Friction drag      328—329 634 654
Friction, effects in constant-area ducts      690—694
Froude number      227 259 268
Froude number, internal      268—269
Fully developed flow      274
Fuselage      630
Galerkin Least Squares (GLS)      405
Galerkin's approximation      386—388
Gas constant, defined      16—17
Gas constant, universal      16
Gas dynamics      629. See also Compressible flow
Gases      3—4
Gauge Functions      360—361
Gauge pressure, defined      9
Gauss' theorem      42—45 77
Geophysical fluid dynamics, approximate equations for thin layer on rotating sphere      562—564
Geophysical fluid dynamics, background information      555—557
Geophysical fluid dynamics, baroclinic instability      615—623
Geophysical fluid dynamics, barotropic instability      613—614
Geophysical fluid dynamics, Ekman layer at free surface      569—574
Geophysical fluid dynamics, Ekman layer on rigid surface      574—577
Geophysical fluid dynamics, equations of motion      559—561
Geophysical fluid dynamics, geostrophic flow      564—569
Geophysical fluid dynamics, gravity waves with rotation      588—591
Geophysical fluid dynamics, Kelvin waves      591—595
Geophysical fluid dynamics, normal modes in continuous stratified layer      579—586
Geophysical fluid dynamics, Rossby waves      608—613
Geophysical fluid dynamics, shallow-water equations      577—579 586—587
Geophysical fluid dynamics, vertical variations of density      557—559
Geophysical fluid dynamics, vorticity conservation in shallow-water theory      595—598
Geostrophic balance      565
Geostrophic flow      564—569
Geostrophic turbulence      623—626
Glauert, M.B.      355
Glowinski scheme      403—404
Goertler vortices      453
Gradient operator      37
Gravity force, effective      102
Gravity waves, at density interface      234—237
Gravity waves, deep water      210—211
Gravity waves, dispersion      203 221—225 248—250
Gravity waves, energy issues      250—253
Gravity waves, equation      194—195
Gravity waves, finite amplitude      230—232
Gravity waves, group velocity and energy flux      218—221
Gravity waves, hydraulic jump      227—229
Gravity waves, in finite layer      238—240
Gravity waves, in stratified fluid      248—250
Gravity waves, internal      245—248
Gravity waves, motion equations      242—245
Gravity waves, nonlinear steepening      225—227
Gravity waves, parameters      196—199
Gravity waves, refraction      212—213
Gravity waves, shallow water      211—213 240—242
Gravity waves, standing      216—218
Gravity waves, Stokes' drill      232—234
Gravity waves, surface      203—209
Gravity waves, surface tension      213—216
Gravity waves, with rotation      588—591
Group velocity, concept      209 218—227
Group velocity, energy flux and      218—221
Group velocity, of deep water wave      210—211
Group velocity, Rossby waves      611—612
Group velocity, wave dispersion and      221—225
Half-body, flow past a      159—160
Hardy, G.H.      2
Harmonic function      151
Heal flux, turbulent      512
Healing, effects in constant-area ducts      690—694
Heat diffusion      273
Heat equation      108—109
Heat equation, Boussinesq equation and      119—121
Hele — Shaw flow      306—308
Helmholtz vortex theorems      134
Hodograph plot      571
Homogeneous turbulent flow      502
Howard's semicircle theorem      465—467
Hugoniot, Pierre Henry      681
Hydraulic jump      227—229
Hydrostatic waves      212
Hydrostatics      11
Hypersonic flow      664
Images, method of      143 170—171
Incompressible aerodynamics      See Aerodynamics
Incompressible fluids      81 96
Incompressible viscous fluid flow      393
Incompressible viscous fluid flow, convection-dominated problems      394—396
Incompressible viscous fluid flow, Glowinski scheme      403—404
Incompressible viscous fluid flow, incompressibility condition      396
Incompressible viscous fluid flow, MAC scheme      396^100
Incompressible viscous fluid flow, mixed finite clement      404—406
Incompressible viscous fluid flow, SIMPLE-type formulations      400—403
Induced/vortex drag      646 649—650
Induced/vortex drag, coefficient      652
Inertia forces      296
Inertial motion      590—591
Inertial period      563 591
Inertial subrange      520—522
Inertia] sublayer      532—534
Inettial circles      591
Inf-sup condition      404
Inflection point criterion, Kayleigh      472 613
Initial and boundary condition error      379
Inner layer, law of the wall      529—531
Input data error      379
Instability, background information      430—431
Instability, barotropic      613—614
Instability, boundary layer      477—478 480—482
Instability, centrifugal (Taylor)      448—453
Instability, destabilizing effect of viscosity      478—480
Instability, double-diffusive      444—448
Instability, haroclinic      615—623
Instability, inviscid stability of parallel flows      471—475
Instability, Kelvin — Helmholtz instability      453—461
Instability, marginal versus neutral state      432
Instability, method of normal modes      431 -432
Instability, mixing layer      475—476
Instability, nonlinear effects      482—483
Instability, of continuously stratified parallel flows      461—467
Instability, Orr — Sommerfeld equation      470—471
Instability, oscillatory mode      432 447—448
Instability, pipe flow      477
Instability, plane Couette flow      477
Instability, plane Poiscuillc How      476—477
Instability, principle of exchange of stabilities      432
Instability, results of parallel viscous flows      475—480
Instability, salt linger      444—447
Instability, sausage instability      494
Instability, secondary      483
Instability, sinuous mode      494
Instability, Squire's theorem      461 467 469—470
Instability, thermal (Benard)      432—443
Integral lime scale      504
Intermittency      522—524
Internal energy      12 108—109
Internal Froude number      268—269
Internal gravity waves      194. See also Gravity waves
Internal gravity waves, at interface      234—237
Internal gravity waves, energy flux      250—253
Internal gravity waves, in stratified fluid      245—253
Internal gravity waves, in stratified fluid with rotation      598—608
Internal gravity waves, WKB solution      600—603
Internal Rossby radius of deformation      594
Intrinsic frequency      198 607
Inversion, atmospheric      19
Inviscid stability of parallel flows      471—475
Irrotational flow      59
Irrotational flow, application of complex variables      152—154
Irrotational flow, around body of revolution      187—189
Irrotational flow, at wall angle      154—156
Irrotational flow, axisymmetric      181—187
Irrotational flow, conformal mapping      171—173
Irrotational flow, doublet/dipole      157—159
Irrotational flow, forces on two-dimensional body      166—170
Irrotational flow, images, method of      143 170—171
Irrotational flow, numerical solution of plane      176—181
Irrotational flow, over elliptic cylinder      173—174
Irrotational flow, past circular cylinder with circulation      163—166
Irrotational flow, past circular cylinder without circulation      160—163
Irrotational flow, past half-body      159—160
Irrotational flow, relevance of      148—150
Irrotational flow, sources and sinks      156
Irrotational flow, uniqueness of      175—176
Irrotational flow, unsteady      113—114
Irrotational flow, velocity potential and Laplace equation      150—152
Irrotational vector      38
Irrotational vortex      66—67 127—130 157
Isentropic flow, one-dimensional      676—679
Isentropic process      17
Isotropic tensors      35 94
Isotropic turbulence      509
Iteration method      176—181
Jets, two-dimensional laminar      350—358
Karman      See under von Karman
Kelvin waves, external      591—594
Kelvin waves, internal      594—595
Kelvin — Helmholtz instability      453—461
Kelvin's circulation theorem      130—134
Kinematics, defined      50
Kinematics, Lagrangian and Eulerian specifications      51—52
Kinematics, linear strain rate      56-^57
Kinematics, material derivative      52—53
Kinematics, one-, two-, and three-dimensional flows      68—69
Kinematics, parallel shear flows and      63—64
Kinematics, path lines      55—56
Kinematics, polar coordinates      72—73
Kinematics, reference frames and streamline pattern      56
Kinematics, relative motion near a poiut      60—63
Kinematics, shear strain rate      58
Kinematics, streak lines      56
Kinematics, stream function      69—71
Kinematics, streamlines      53—55
Kinematics, viscosity      7
Kinematics, vortex flows and      65—68
Kinematics, vorticity and circulation      58—60
Kinetic energy of mean flow      512—514
Kinetic energy of turbulent flow      514—517
Kolmogorov microscale      520
Kolmogorov spectral law      266 520—522
Kolmogorov, A.N.      499
Korteweg — deVrics equation      231
Kronecker delta      35—36
Kutta condition      635—636
Kutta — Zhukhovsky lift theorem      165 168—170 635
Kutta, Wilhclm      165 636
Lagrangian specifications      51—52
Lamb surfaces      113
Lamb, Horace      113
Laminar boundary layer equations, Falkner — Skan solution      329—330
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