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Davey W.P. — A study of crystal structure and its applications
Davey W.P. — A study of crystal structure and its applications

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Название: A study of crystal structure and its applications

Автор: Davey W.P.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1934

Количество страниц: 694

Добавлена в каталог: 09.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Osmotic pressure of cane sugar      527
Owen and Preston charts      134 137
Oxygen, ionic birefringence      451
Oxygen, ionic radius      343 421 426
P-planes      385
Packing dimensions      284 396 415
Packing shapes      396 415
Palladium lattice parameter      531
Palladium solid solution in copper      525 563
Palladium-hydrogen system      530
Paper, probability      165 168
Para-dichlorobenzene      206
Paraffin crystals, in melt      371
Paraffin series      557
Parameter of effect of impurities      166 167
Parameter of probability paper      163
Parameter of sources of error      157 158 166
Parameter of use of calibrating substance      166 163
Parameter, data on lattice      13 14 145 153 184 282 323 347 422; 399 402 419 421
Parameter, precision measurements of axial ratio.      168
Parametral plane      258 260
Particle size of micellae      479 480
Particle size, effect on diffraction      6
Pattern, interpretation of, Bragg method      91
Pattern, interpretation of, Laue method      78
Pattern, interpretation of, powder method      122 126
Pattern, interpretation of, rotation method      182 187 192 199
Perfection of crystals      206 363 505
periodicity      41 52 53 124 241 243
Permeability to hydrogen      413
Phase coordinates      339 349
Phase-angle      81 334
photoelectric effect      466
Pi-crevices and pi-planes      385 386
Plane fictitious      140
Plane form      31
Plane of projection      58 60 65 66
Plane of symmetry      176 213
Plane parametral      258 260
Plane, family      29
Plot, Bjurstroem      128
Plot, Bragg      91
Plot, Davey      128 596
Plot, Ewald      134
Plot, Owen and Preston      134
Plot, Wilhelm      128 606
Plotting paper, probability      165 168
Point-groups      214
Points, coordinates of equivalent      223
Points, lattice      236
Polar compounds      545
Polarized x-ray beam      206 300 441
Pole figures      510 516 518
Positive ion, potential energy of      460
Potassium chloride      92 99 138 139
Potassium chloroplatinate      551
Potassium cyanate      556
Potassium halides      99 100 102 138 419 424
Potential energy of atom      453 456
Potential energy of positive ion      460
Potential energy of sound wave      476
Potential energy of unit-crystal      463
Potential energy of valence electron      456
Powder method      111 241
Powder method accuracy      138 167
Powder method determination of orientation      506
Powder method technique      112
Powder method, sources of error      167
Powdered crystals, diffraction by      304
Powdered crystals, dilution of      117 118 158
Power, diffracting      149
Precipitation of intermetallic compound      534
Precision measurements      156 168
Preferential etching      501
Preferred orientation      506
Primary extinction      16 307
Primary halo      472
Primary standards      10 107
Primary valence forces      551
Primitive translations      25 237 240
Principal axes      32 214 225
Prism, trigonal      258
Probability curve      163 411
Probability paper      165 168
Probable orbital radii of electrons      309 498
Projection, general equation for      61
Projection, gnomonic      60 65 68
Projection, plane of      60
Projection, stereographic      60 66
Propyl butyrate      559
Protection from x-rays      594
Pseudo-graphite      135
Pyramid, trigonal      258
Quadratic group      215
Quantum equation      54
Quantum, diffraction of      7
Quartz coordinates of ion centers      145
Quartz coordinates of ion centers, low-temperature form      143
Quartz coordinates of ion centers, parameters of      145
Quartz coordinates of ion centers, structure of      145 544
r-units      594
Radiation, homogeneous      144
Radii in molecular combination      434 435
Radii of ionic domains      416
Radii, of atomic domains      397
Ratio of intensities      96
Ratio, axial      22 128 168 169 184
Reciprocal lattice      135 187 189 192 200
Rectifying x-ray tubes      580
Reflection of light by crystals      501
Reflection of x-rays      9
Reflection, back      167 169
Reflection, sphere of      190
Refraction, of light by crystals      439
Regulator, voltage      587
Resultant wave      93 143 287
Rhodium K radiation      324
Rhodochrosite      71
Rhombohedral      33 134 230
Rhombohedral division of hexagonal system      231 254 650
Rhombohedral lattice      134
Rhombohedral unit-crystal      10
Rotating switch      582
Rotating-crystal method, apparatus      171
Rotating-crystal method, assignment of indices      182 186
Rotating-crystal method, technique      171
Rotation method      171
Rotation net, gnomonic      74
Rotation photograph      206
Row line      186 198
Rubber, fiber structure of      664
Rubber, fibering effect in      480
Rubidium halides      102 419
Ruler, gnomonic      69
Rutile      71
Scattering of x-rays by benzene      479
Scattering of x-rays by helium      496
Scattering of x-rays by hydrogen      495
Scattering of x-rays by inert gases      489
Schoenflies code      220 239 240
Schoenflies symbols      222
Screening constants      432
Screw axes      147 212
Secondary axis      215 225
Secondary crystal structure      381
Secondary extinction      16
Secondary halo      472
Secondary standards      10 114 161 162
Secondary-valence compounds      649
Secondary-valence forces      550
Seemann slit      120
Seemann — Bohlin camera      121 169
Semilogarithmic charts      128 168 169 596
Serial number of space-groups      240
Shapes of domains, atomic      397
Shapes of domains, ionic      415
Shearer tube      589
Silicates, interatomic distances in      343
Silver      138
Single crystal, diffraction by      54 86 302
Sirk's method      408
Size of atomic domains      397
Size of crystals      376
Size of ionic domains      416
Skeletal structure      382
Slide rule, application to powder method      126 127
Slip bands      388
Slit, Seemann      120
Sodalite      555
Sodium amalgam      529
Sodium chloride, electron distribution in      425
Sodium chloride, lattice parameter      13
Sodium chloride, rotation photograph      182
Sodium chloride, secondary calibration standard      12 114 158
Sodium chloride, structure      99 138 265
Sodium halides      102 114 419 425
Sodium-potassium alloy      529
Solid solutions, compressibility of      532
Solid solutions, criteria for      523
Solid solutions, density of      526
Solid solutions, diffusion in      539
Solid solutions, lattice parameters of      524 533
Solid solvent, definition of      526
Solution, definition of      523
Solution, energy transfer in      527
Sound waves, energy of      476
Sources of error      167
Space-groups      211
Space-lattices      21 27 237
Spacings, interplanar      38 47 162
Sphere, limiting      190 191 192 200
Sphere-gap      593
Spherical atomic domains      397 398
Spheroidal atomic domains      399
Spiegelung      212
Spinel structure      554
Spontaneous nuclei      369 370
Stability of crystal lattices      469
stabilizers      583
Standard radii of Pauling      429
Standard, primary      10 117
Standard, secondary      10 114 161 162
Static atom      461 489
Stereo formulas      562
Stereographic net      505 518
Stereographic projection      60 66 516 518
Straight-chain compounds      471 472
Strain in crystals      115 116 363
Structural angular elements      261
Structural axes      261
Structural constant      163 164
Structural formulas for paraffins      557
Structure factor      97 292 323
Structure of alkali halides      99 138 265
Structure of alkali-earth compounds      422
Structure of aluminum oxide      569
Structure of ammonium-oxy-fluoro-molybdate      556
Structure of aragonite      444
Structure of arsenic      147
Structure of benzene and its derivatives      562
Structure of brassidic acid      560
Structure of cadmium oxide      13
Structure of calcite      272
Structure of cellulose      564
Structure of cesium dichloriodide      552
Structure of copper aluminide      547
Structure of copper stannide      547
Structure of copper zincide      547
Structure of diamond      23 103 141 570
Structure of diopside      323
Structure of elements      396
Structure of erucic acid      560
Structure of fluorite      105 141
Structure of kauyne      556
Structure of lithium ferrite      555
Structure of naphthalene      562
Structure of noselite      555
Structure of paraffin series      55
Structure Of potassium cyanate      556
Structure of potassium hexachloroplateate      551; see also “Alkali halides”
Structure of quartz, low      143 544 669
Structure of rubber      504
Structure of sodalite      555
Structure of sodium chloride      26; see also “Alkali halides”
Structure of spinels      664
Structure of topaz      347
Structure of tricalcium aluminate      282 553
Structure of zinc blende      104 141
Structure of “low” quartz      143 544 569
Supercrevices      386
Supersolubitity curve      375
Surface energy      383
Symbols, Schoenflies      220 222 239 240
Symbols, space-group, Hermann — Mauguin      239 672
Symbols, Wyckoff      222 239
Symmetry machines      211 214
Symmetry number (=p)f      240 615
Symmetry, center of      213 241
Symmetry, external      41
Symmetry, glide plane of      213 247
Symmetry, molecular      266
Symmetry, of topaz      347
Symmetry, operations of      223
System of crystallization, cubic      22 227 642 675
System of crystallization, hexagonal      22 230 254 258 596 650 680
System of crystallization, monoclinic      21 223 241 616
System of crystallization, orthorhombic      21 128 133 224 243 565 606 618
System of crystallization, tetragonal      22 225 247 603 626
System of crystallization, triclinic      21 223 240 616
Targets      580
Technique, Bragg method      86
Technique, Laue method      55
Technique, powder method      112
Technique, rotation method      171
Temperature, effect on intensity      14 307
Temperature-concentration diagram      374 375
Temporary nuclei      472
Tensile strength of metals      412
Tetrahedral atomic domains      402
Tetrahedral groups      215
Textile fibers      119
Theory of rotation photograph      17
Theory of solid solutions      527
Theory of space-groups      211
Thermodynamic probability      476
Thickness of specimen      116
Thomas' atom      312
Topaz coordinates      354
Topaz Fourier analysis      366
Topaz symmetry      347
Torus      191 200
Transformers      579
Translation, primitive      25 237 240
Transmission pattern      520
Transparency to light      488
Transparency to x-rays      158
Trial-and-error method      312
Tricalcium aluminate      282 553
Triclinic system      21 223 240 616
Trigonal crystals      169
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