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Davey W.P. — A study of crystal structure and its applications |
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Electrolysis of alloys 529
Electron as diffracting center 17
Electron distribution 309 425 498
Electron, atmosphere 311
Electron, density in alkali halides 424 425
Electron, potential energy of 456
Electron-sharing compounds 415
Elements, compressibility of 463
Empirical dilution of powdered crystal 118 158
Empirical equation, method of 310
Energy of diffracted beam 300
Energy of lattice 428
Energy, transfer of, in solution 527
Equatorial line 180 194 203 207
Equipoints, variate 554
Equivalent points 224 262 267
Erucic acid, structure of 560
Etch figures 241
Etching reagents, action of 391
Ewald charts 134
Extinction, correction for 350
Extinction, effect of 306
Extinction, primary 16
Extinction, secondary 16
F curve from Fourier analysis 319
F curve from Hartree atom 314
F curve from Thomas atom 311 312 314
F curve, for alkali halides 424 425
Face-centered cube 23
Face-centered cube, powder pattern of 126 140
Face-centered cubic metals, expansion and strength of 412
Face-centered lattices 237
Family of planes 29
Ferrous carbonate 107
Fiber effect in gels 480
Fiber in rubber 480
Fiber in wood 120
Fiber, cotton 120
Fictitious distances 125
Fictitious planes 140
Figures, etch 241
Filament, cathode 578 593
Filling specimen tubes 113
Filters 87
Flour, as a diluent 117
Fluorite 102 141
Focusing of cathode beam 589
Focusing, of camera, Scemann-Bohlin 121 122 169
Form, plane 31
Fourier analysis 315 356 476
Fourier series 315 493
Gas-discharge tube 576
Gas-discharge tube, accessories for 585
Gels 479
Generalized coordinates 24 40 53
Geometrical compounds 546
Glasses 479
Glasses, diffraction effects from 486
Glasses, lead 118
Glasses, Lindemann 87
Glide-mirror 213 241 245 247
Glycol, heat of vaporization 528
Gnomonic projection 60 65 68
Gnomonic rotation net 74 75 76
Gnomonic ruler 69
Gold, lattice parameter of 14 159
Goniometer, optical 175
Goniometer, Weissenburg 203
Graphical methods, Bemal 186 192 196
Graphical methods, Bjurstroem 128
Graphical methods, Bragg 103
Graphical methods, Davey 128
Graphical methods, Ewald 134
Graphical methods, Owen and Freston 134
Graphical methods, Wilhelm 128
graphite 135
Grating space, cadmium oxide 13
Grating space, calcite 13
Grating space, copper 14
Grating space, gold 14 159
Grating space, sodium chloride 13
Grating space, tungsten 14 159
Gratings, linear 5
Group point 214
Group space 211 236
Group, dihedral 214 221
Group, octahedral 215
Group, quadratic 215
Group, tetrahedral 215
Growth of crystals from melt 369
Growth of crystals from solid 377
Growth of crystals from solution 374
Growth of crystals from vapor 363
Habit, crystal 258
Hadding — Siegbahn tube 589 592
Halides, alkali 99 138 265
Halogens, ionic domains of 416
Haworth voltage regulator 587
Heat of solid solution 537
Helium, scattering of x-rays 496
Hermann — Mauguin symbols 239 672
Heteropolar compounds 545
Hexagonal axes 33 230
Hexagonal close-packed structure 134
Hexagonal division 234
Hexagonal lattice indices. 258
Hexagonal system 21 22 230 254 258 596 650 680
Holder, crystal 88 89
Homogeneous radiation 144
Homopolar compounds 543
Horizontal glide-mirror 241 245
Horizontal mirror 213 217 223
Hull ring 508
Hull — Debye — Scherrer method 111
Hume — Rothery rule 547
Hydration of sugar molecules 527
Hydrogen, mechanism of diffusion of 531
Hydrogen, scattering of x-rays by 496
Hypo, crystallization of 372
Ideally imperfect crystals 302 350 373
Ideally perfect crystals 16 17
Images due to diffraction 315
Imperfection of crystals 96 363
Impurities 138 166 390
Indices rotation method 182 186
Indices zone 32
Indices, assignment by graphical methods 128 134 168 169 192 194 596
Indices, Bravais — Miller 33 272
Indices, Miller 6 30 179 184 200 272
Indices, orthohexagonal 34
Indices, refractive 9 440 442 443 445
Inert gases, scattering by 489
Inorganic radicals, nature of 544
Inorganic salts, structure of 546
Integrated reflection, calculation of 295
Integrated reflection, definition of 301
Integrated reflection, true and apparent 309 323
Intensity of diffracted beam 14 81 92 270 287
Intensity of rotation photograph 206 207
Intensity, absolute 151
Intensity, normal rate of decline 84 92 96 107
Intensity, order of 151
Intensity, ratio 96
Intensity, relative 151 207 209
Intensity, variation 206 207
Interaxial angle 273
Intercepts, Weiss 30
Interference, constructive 3 150
Interionic spacings 419 451
Interplanar spacings, calculation of, for cubic crystals 38
| Interplanar spacings, calculation of, for tetragonal and orthorhombic crystals 45
Interplanar spacings, fictitious 125 140
Interplanar spacings, general equation 47
Interplanar spacings, table of, for cadmium oxide 161
Interplanar spacings, table of, for cubic crystals 46
Interplanar spacings, table of, for sodium chloride 160
Interplanar spacings, table of, for tungsten 162
Interpretation of Laue pattern 78
Interpretation of powder pattern 122 126
Interpretation of rotation pattern 182 187 192 1 99
Interpretation, graphical methods of 103 120 134 137 186 192 194
Interpretation, of Bragg pattern 91
Interrelations between lattices 34
Inverse-cube law 455
inversion 213 245
Inversion, rotary 222
Invertor 213 223
Iodides, effect on flour 117
Ionic birefringence of oxygen 451
Ionic compounds 415 545
Ionic compounds, lattice potentials of 468
Ionic crystal 147
Ionic domain 396
Ionic number 140 144
Ionic refraction 445 446
Ionization chamber 87
Ionization current 87
Iron, strain-free 110
Iron, use as source of x-rays 136
Isotropic substances 439 440
K rays of copper 177
K rays of molybdenum 80 107
Labile shower 375
Lattice energy 423 453
Lattice parameters 13 156 166 410 524 533
Lattice points 236
Lattice space 27 237
Lattice, cubic 22 23 254
Lattice, interrelation between 34
Lattice, reciprocal 135 187 189 200
Laue diffraction pattern 56 57 68 71 78 265 272 505
Laue method 54 57 251 505
Law, Bragg's 2
Layer lines 180 193 198 203
Lead glans 118
Length of paraffin chains 472
Limiting sphere 192
Lindemann glass 87
Line, equatorial 180 194 203 207
Line, grating 5
Line, layer 180 193 199
Line, row 106 198
Line, zero 123 180
Lineages, crystal 387
Lines of constant intensity in rotation method 209
Lines, number required in powder pattern 136
Liquids, diffraction from 471
Lithium ferrite, diffraction pattern of 555
Lithium halides 102
Machines, symmetry 211
Magnesium carbonate 107
Magnesium oxide 425
Mass of unit of atomic weight 11
Mauguin — Hermann symbols 239 672
Maximum diffraction, coefficient of 97
Measurements, current and voltage 593
Measurements, precision, of parameters 156 168
Measurements, radii, of atomic domains 398
Measurements, radii, of ionic domains 41
Measurements, true-intensity 298
Mechanism of crystal growth 36
Mechanism of diffusion 531 539
Metal foil, powder pattern of 119
Metal x-ray tubes 593
Method, atomic structure 405
Method, atomic volumes 405
Method, Bernal 190
Method, Bragg 86
Method, empirical equation 310
Method, equation of state 405
Method, graphical 68 76 91 103 128 134 186 192 196
Method, Hull — Debye — Scherrer 111
Method, ionizing potentials 406
Method, Laue 54
Method, powder 111
Method, rotating-crystal 171
Method, trial and error 312
Method, viscosity of gases 404
Micellae, size of 479 480
Miller indices 6 30 125 132 140 179 184 200 272
Milliammeters 594
Minimum excitation potentials 580
Mirror 212 229
Mirror, diagonal 226 229
Mirror, diagonal vertical 217
Mirror, glide 213
Mirror, horizontal 213 223 229
Mirror, vertical 224
Mischkristalle 536
Mix-crystals 536
Mixed ionic compounds 553
Molal heat of vaporization 528
Molecular birefringence 451
Molecular compounds 415 543
Molecular crystal 147
Molecular distribution 475
Molecular refractivity 442
Molecular symmetry 240 260 266 564 615
Molecules, chemical 147
Molybdenum K rays 86 167
Monochromatic method of finding orientation 502
Monochromatic x-rays 86 87
Monoclinic crystal, case of, in rotation method 198
Monoclinic lattice 21 27 51 242
Monoclinic system 21 233 241 616
Mosaic structure 92 363
Nickel, crystallization of 363
Non-isotropic media, index of refraction 443
Non-polar compounds 434 543
Non-rectifying x-ray tubes 580
Normal decline of intensity 84 92 96 107
Normal paraffin, length of chain 472
Normal state of strain 373
Number serial, of space-group 240
Number, of lines required in powder pattern 136
Number, symmetry, (p) 240
Observed intensities 206
Octahedral group 215
Operations of symmetry 223
Optical constants of calcite and aragonite 439
Optical goniometer 175
Optical methods of finding ionic radii 428
Optical methods of finding orientation 501
Optical properties of crystals 439
Optimum thickness of sample 116
Orchard analogy 123
Order of diffraction 4
Order of intensities 151
Orientation, methods of, monochromatic 502
Orientation, methods of, optical 501
Orientation, methods of, preferred 506
Orientation, methods of, white x-ray 505
Orientation, of melted materials 371
Orthogonal crystals 195
Orthohexagonal axes 34
Orthorhombic lattice 45 47 51
Orthorhombic lattice, reciprocal 189
Orthorhombic system 21 128 133 224 243 565 606 618
Oscillating table 502
Oscillation photograph 174 175 199 201
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