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Hand L.N., Finch J.D. — Analytical Mechanics
Hand L.N., Finch J.D. — Analytical Mechanics

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Название: Analytical Mechanics

Авторы: Hand L.N., Finch J.D.


This introductory undergraduate text provides a detailed introduction to the key analytical techniques of classical mechanics, one of the cornerstones of physics. It deals with all the important subjects encountered in an undergraduate course and thoroughly prepares the reader for further study at graduate level. The authors set out the fundamentals of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics early in the book and go on to cover such topics as linear oscillators, planetary orbits, rigid-body motion, small vibrations, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and special relativity. A special feature is the inclusion of many "e-mail questions," which are intended to facilitate dialogue between the student and instructor. It includes many worked examples, and there are 250 homework exercises to help students gain confidence and proficiency in problem-solving. It is an ideal textbook for undergraduate courses in classical mechanics, and provides a sound foundation for graduate study.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Классическая физика/Теоретическая механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 574

Добавлена в каталог: 19.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Reflection, hyperbolic fixed point      446
Refractive index (prob)      69
Regular motion      425 447 451
Relative phase      110—113
Relativistic action      530—532
Relativistic action, circular motion      539—540
Relativistic action, energy      See energy relativistic
Relativistic action, Hamiltonian      533
Relativistic action, Lagrangian      550—551 (prob)
Relativistic action, Lagrangian mechanics      530—540
Relativistic action, Lagrangian, electromagnetic field      534—536
Relativistic action, Lagrangian, free particle      532
Relativistic action, mechanics      494 (see also special relativity)
Relativistic action, momentum      See momentum relativistic
Relativistic action, velocity      See velocity transformation rules relativistic
Relativity, general      See general relativity
Relativity, of simultaneity      See simultaneity
Relativity, special      See special relativity
Renormalization      486—490
Repulsive force, hyperbolic orbits      See hyperbolic orbits repulsive
Resonance      105—110
Resonance, nonlinear      See nonlinear resonance
Resonance, parametric      See parametric resonance
Resonant cavity, radiofrequency      See radiofrequency resonant cavity
Resonant frequency,      See frequency resonant
Resonant terms      400 (see also secular terms)
Rest frame, instantaneous      See instantaneous rest frame
Rest mass      513—517
Restricted three-body problem (prob)      See three-body problem restricted
Retrograde precession      See precession retrograde
Rheonomic constraint      See constraints rheonomic
Rigid body      254—255
Rigid body, as collection of mass points      11
Rigid body, kinetic energy      284—286
Rigid body, motion      283—325
Rigid body, torque free motion      See Euler's equations
Rotated reference frames      259—263
Rotating reference Frames      190—192 263—264 266
Rotating turntable (prob)      243
Rotation matrix      259—263 255 257—259
Rotation matrix of hurricanes      See hurricanes
Rotation matrix of pendulum      See pendulum nonlinear
Rotation matrix, infinitesimal      171 254—259
Rotation matrix, number      See winding number
Rotational angular momentum,      See angular momentum rotational
Rotational invariance      See invariance rotational
Rotational kinetic energy      See kinetic energy rotational
Rotations      261—263 302
Rotations, simultaneous      See simultaneous rotations
Rotations, three-dimensional      239 261
Rotator      289
Routhian      23 [35 197 331 377]
Row elimination      347 355 380
Row elimination, reduction      See Gauss — Jordan elimination
Rubber band      42—43
Rutherford      151
Rutherford, scattering      151—152 165—167 165
Saddle hyperbolic fixed point      446
Saddle point      53 87
Satellite (prob)      200
scalar      333—334
Scalar potential      525 534
Scalar product      254 334 523
Scaling function, universal      See universal scaling function
Scaling transformation      487
Scattering angle      152
Schrodinger equation      229 384 67
Scleronomic constraints      See constraints scleronomic
Second-order differential equation      See differential equation second-order
Secular terms      400 404—405
Self-similarity      487—488
Semi-axes      306
Semimajor axes      472
Semimajor axes, ellipse      145—146
Semiminor axis, ellipse      145—146
Separability      208 225—226
Separation constants      221
Separation constants of variables      221 228
Separatrix      128 185 232 435 442
Sgrad      236
SHO      See oscillator simple
SI units      507 540
Similarity transformation      487
Simultaneity      494 500 501—503
Simultaneous rotations      258
Sinelike      390
Skew gradient      236
SLAC      536
Sleeping top      316
Small oscillations, theory of      343—371 373—374
Small vibrations      See small oscillations
Small-angle approximation      349
Snell's Law (prob)      71
Solar system, stability      424 468—474
Solenoid lens for electrons (prob)      199
Southern cross      317
Space cone      297 298
Space cone, coordinate system      259—264 284 300
Space-time areas, diagrams      495—498 501—503
Space-time areas, event      521
Space-time areas, transformation of      501
Spacelike separation      522
Special relativity      493—540 [542 546—548 550 553]
Special relativity, two postulates      494
speed of light      494
Spherical pendulum      27 (prob)
Spherical pendulum, Hamiltonian      183—184
Spin      293 296—297 313
Spin of electron in magnetic field (prob)      277
Spring pendulum (prob)      27
Square pulse      100—101 104
Stability      392 413—114
Stability, matrix      443—446 449 458 485
Stability, matrix, dynamical      383 386
Stability, matrix, marginal      474
Stability, matrix, of many-dimensional Linear systems near equilibrium      359—360
Stability, matrix, solar system      See solar system stability
Stable equilibrium      See equilibrium stable
Stable equilibrium, fixed point      See fixed point stable
Stable equilibrium, manifold,      See manifold stable
Staeckel conditions      226
Standard map (prob)      476
Standing waves on a string      371
State vector      330 355 357
Stationary action, path for      53
Steady-state solution      See oscillator steady-state
Stellar aberration (prob)      553
Step function      96—97
Stoke's theorem      231
Strange attractar      425 453 461—463
Subharmonic oscillations      383 409—41L
Successive approximations method of      270—271
Summation convention for indices      253
Supercycle      484 486—487
Superposition      89 344 120
Superstable fixed point      See fixed point superstable
Surface of section      See Poincare' section
Sussman, G.L.      471—472
Swing      See pumping a swing (prob)
Symmetric matrices, diagonalization      336—339
Symmetric matrices, rotational kinetic energy      305
Symmetric matrices, top      289
Symmetric matrices, top, heavy      284 313—317 331
Symmetric matrices, top, Lagrangian      313
Symmetric matrices, torque free      293—300 374
Symmetry breaking      455—456
Symplectic      248—251 431—432
Tachyons (prob)      544
Tangent map      See stability matrix
Taylor series      482
Taylor series, expansion      24 47—48 83—84 128
Tensor      286 333—336
Tensor, first-rank      333—334
Tensor, inertia      See inertia tensor
Tensor, second-rank      286 319 333—336
Tensor, zero-rank      333—334
Tether ball (prob)      162
Three-body problem      226—235
Three-body problem, restricted (prob)      478
Three-dimensional rotations      See rotations three-dimensional
Tides      322 163
Time derivative, transformation of coordinate systems      266
Time derivative, vector      See vector time
Time dilation      499—500 543
Timelike separation      521—522
Tippe top (prob)      331
Top      See symmetric top asymmetric
topology      235
Tori, KAM      See KAM tori
Torus      235 429 See
Tower of Pisa problem      253 267—271
Trace      204 303 392 445
Transformation law, electric and magnetic forces      508—510
Transformation law, electric field for light pulse      510—511
Transformation law, energy of light wave      507—512
Transformation law, frequency of light wave      505—507
Transformation law, Galilean      See Galilean transformation laws
Transformation law, volume      511—512
Transformation of coordinates      173
Transformation, canonical      See canonical transformations
Transformation, contact      See contact transformation
Transformation, continuous      171
Transformation, discrete      171
Transformation, identity      171 215
Transformation, invariance      174
Transformation, Lorentz      See Lorentz transformation
Transformation, matrix      See matrix transformation
Transformation, orthogonal      See orthogonal transformation
Transformation, point      See point transformation
Transformation, principal axis      See principal axis transformation
Transformation, scaling      See scaling transformation
Transformation, similarity      See similarity transformation
Transformation, velocity      See velocity transformation rules
Transient solution      See oscillator transient
Translation angular momentum      See angular momentum translation
Translation invariance      See invariance translation
Translation kinetic energy      See kinetic energy translational
TRANSPOSE      249—250 262
Transverse momentum, relativistic      See momentum transverse nelotivistic
Tremaine, S.      471
Triatomic molecule, linear      360—363 377
Triple pendulum (prob)      373
True anomaly      148
Tune      445
Turning point      125
Turntable (prob)      279
Twin paradox      534—557
Two-body problem      134
Uncountable      465
Underdamped      See oscillator damped
Unitary matrix      263
Universal scaling function      488—490
Unprimed frame      260
Unstable equilibrium      See equilibrium stable
Unstable fixed point      See fixed point unstable
Unstable manifold      See manifold unstable
Unstable motion      See instability
Upside-down pendulum      397—398 415
Van der Pol equation (prob)      420
Variation $\delta y(x)$      47
Variation in the integral I      48
Variation principle      54—55
Variational calculus      44 51
Variational calculus, derivative      53
Variational calculus, principle      532—533
Variational calculus, shortest distance between two points      49—50
Varied curve      47
Vector      253—254 333—334
Vector field      235
Vector potential      525 534 538
Vector, time derivative      253
Vectorial mechanics      23
Velocity, generalized      See generalized velocity
Velocity, relativistic      504—505 542
Velocity, transformation of coordinate systems      264—265
Velocity, transformation rules      0
Venus      See solar system stability
Vibrational state, complex      See state vector
Vibrations, small      See small oscillations
Virtual displacement      4—5 14—15
Virtual work      4—5 9 14—15 27
Voltaire      75 340
Volume, transformation law      See transformation law volume
Voyager      163
Water molecule (prob)      375
Wave equation      371
Wave vector      526
Weber      493
Whittaker, E.T.      293 308—309
Width, full at half max      109
Wigner, E.P.      44
Winding number      237—239 425 427—432 434 461
Winding number, irrational      238—239 436—437
Winding number, rational      238—239
Wisdom, J.      469—472
WKB limit      230
Work, definition of      4—5
World line      496 531
Wren, Sir Christopher      132
WWI. Falkland Islands battle (prob)      See Falkland Islands battle (prob)
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