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Hand L.N., Finch J.D. — Analytical Mechanics
Hand L.N., Finch J.D. — Analytical Mechanics

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Íàçâàíèå: Analytical Mechanics

Àâòîðû: Hand L.N., Finch J.D.


This introductory undergraduate text provides a detailed introduction to the key analytical techniques of classical mechanics, one of the cornerstones of physics. It deals with all the important subjects encountered in an undergraduate course and thoroughly prepares the reader for further study at graduate level. The authors set out the fundamentals of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics early in the book and go on to cover such topics as linear oscillators, planetary orbits, rigid-body motion, small vibrations, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and special relativity. A special feature is the inclusion of many "e-mail questions," which are intended to facilitate dialogue between the student and instructor. It includes many worked examples, and there are 250 homework exercises to help students gain confidence and proficiency in problem-solving. It is an ideal textbook for undergraduate courses in classical mechanics, and provides a sound foundation for graduate study.

ßçûê: en

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EOM      See equations of motion
Epicycles      130—131
Equant      130—131
Equations of motion      17—19 23—24 51 54
Equator      339—340
Equatorial bulge, Earth's      339—342 332
Equilibrium      82—87 114
Equilibrium, dynamical      384
Equilibrium, neutral      85
Equilibrium, pendulum      82—83
Equilibrium, stable      82 125
Equilibrium, unstable      82 125
Equinoxes, nulation of (prob)      333
Equinoxes, precession of      317—323
Ether      493
Euler angles      284 300—302
Euler equation      46—49 65
Euler force      267
Euler — Lagrange equations      19 23—24 51 54
Euler — Lagrange equations, matrix form      352
Euler — Lagrange equations, normal coordinates      359
Euler's equations      283 292—293 297—299 329—330
Euler, Leonard      23 46 299
Exotic particle decay (prob)      See particle decay (prob)
Exponent, characteristic      See characteristic exponent
Extended action      76
Extremum      46 49
Falkland Islands battle (prob)      279
Feigenbaum constant      458—459 487 490
Feigenbaum, M.J.      457 485 486
Fermat      55
Fermat's principle      55 75 229 68
Fictitious force      25 253 267 [279—282 290]
Fig tree      4?5 486
Filamentation      186
Fixed point      481—482
Fixed point, elliptic      431 434—435 440—441 445
Fixed point, hyperbolic      435 440—442 446—448
Fixed point, neutral      428—483 485
Fixed point, stable      482 485
Fixed point, superstable      482—486
Fixed point, unstable      482—382 485
Fizeau, M.      493
Flip hyperbolic fixed point      446
Floquet matrix      390—392
Floquet theory      390—395 397 445
Fluid, incompressible      See incompressible fluid
Forbidden, classically      See classically forbidden
Force, causing constant acceleration      535—536
Forced oscillator      See oscillator driven
Foucault pendulum      253 272—275 324
Foucault pendulum (prob)      281
Four-acceleration      555 543
Four-momentum      527
Four-vector      522
Four-vector, energy-momentum      502 526—528
Four-velocity      527
Fourier analysis      86 403—404
Fourier decomposition      390
Fourier series      402
Fractal      425 453 463—468
Frame-dragging      324—325
frames      See reference frames
Free particle, relativistic Lagrangian      See relativstic Lagrangian free
Free solution      See oscillator transient
Frequency of light wave, transformation law      See transformation law frequency
Frequency of oscillator      88
Frequency, beat      348
Frequency, cyclotron      See cyclotron frequency
Frequency, mode      See mode frequency
Frequency, resonant      108
Friction      38 90
Full width at half max      109
Functional      44 46
Functional calculus      See variational calculus
Fundamental theorem of symmetric real matrices      336
Galilean Invariance Principle      54
Galilean transformation laws      504
Galileo, G.      87 105 131—132 494
Gauss      148
Gauss — Jordan elimination      337
Gaussian units      See cgs units
Gedanken experiment, cylindrical cavity      519—521
General relativity      44 154 494 530 420—422
Generalised coordinates      10 350
Generalised equations of motion      17—18
Generalised forces      14—15 18—19 82
Generalised forces, central force      24—25
Generalised forces, kinetic energy      16—17
Generalised momentum      See canonical momentum
Generalised velocities      14
Generating function      207 210—217 240—244
Geodesic curve      51 66—67
Gibbs, J.W.      253
Global chaos      442 451
Golden mean      437
Governor (prob)      32
Gradient vector      307
Grandfather's clock      See pendulum nonlinear
Gravitational constant      339—342
Gravitational field, particle in, Hamiltonian — Jacobi equation      220—222 224—228
Gravitational field, potential energy of      318
Gravity      134 141—142 159
Gravity Probe B      317
Green's function      96 102 399 120
Green's function, causal      102
Green's function, drive with arbitrary force      103—105
Green's function, simple harmonic oscillator      99—102 103 105
Gulzwiller, M.C.      237 442
Gyroscope      323 330
Hairy boll theorem      See Poiincare — Hopf theorem
Hale — Bopp      163
Haltey, Edmond      132—133 147—148
Hamilton      48
Hamilton — Jacobi equation      207 218—230 246—247
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, particle in a gravitational field      220—222 224—228
Hamilton's characteristic function      222 230
Hamilton's equations of motion      180—181 207 218 248—249
Hamilton's principal function      219
Hamilton's principle      46 51 53—55 75 178—186 220 72
Hamilton's Principle, cannonball example      See cannonball example
Hamiltonian      21—22 175 178 180 211 234 29—30 551
Hamiltonian bug crawling on a phonograph turntable      See bug crawling on a phonograph turntable
Hamiltonian chaos      See chaos in
Hamiltonian charged particle in electric and magnetic fields      192
Hamiltonian double pendulum, exact      See double pendulum exact
Hamiltonian dynamics      175—184 197—198
Hamiltonian dynamics, in accelerated systems      190—193
Hamiltonian invariance      See invariance Hamiitonian
Hamiltonian particle on a parabolic wire      See particle on a parabolic wire Hamiltonian
Hamiltonian relativistic      See relativistic Hamiltonian
Hamiltonian simple harmonic oscillator      88 182
Hamiltonian spherical pendulum      See spherical pendulum Hamiltonian
handedness      456
Harmonic analysis      402—404
Harmonic oscillations      383
Hausdorf dtmensiun      See dimension Hausdorff
Heavy symmetric top      See symmetric top heavy
Heliocentric      130—132 317
Henon — Heiles Hamiltonian (prob)      378 478
Hermaitian matrices      337
Herpolhode      308 311—3l2
Heteroclinic point      447
Heteroclinic tangle      448
Hill equation      383 389—395 409 411
Hill G.W.      389
Hinparchus of Rhodes      317
Homoclinic constants      See constraints holonomic
Homoclinic point      447
Homoclinic tangle      446—448
Homogenous differential equation      See differential equation
Hooke's law      154
Hooke, Robert      132
Hubble telescope      155
Hurricanes      253 271—272 281
Huygens, C.      87 125 480
Hyakutake      163
Hyperbola      144 150
Hyperbolic fixed points      See fixed paints hyperbolic 145 150—154 164
Hyperbolic fixed points, attractive force      150—151 153
Hyperbolic fixed points, repulsive force      150—154
Hyperplane, three-dimensional      429
Hysteresis      402 408—409
Ice ages      323
Ice cream cone rolling on a table      257—259
Identity matrix      262
Identity transformation      See transformations identity
Ignorable coordinates      22—23 133 226
Impact parameter (prob)      165
Impulse force      99
Impulse force, arbitrary force as superposition of      104—105
Impulse force, response of oscillator to      100—101
Inclination      472—473
Inclined plane, example      1—7
Incompressible fluid      188
Index of refraction (prob)      See refractive index (prob)
Inertia ellipsoid      See ellipsoid inertia
Inertia tensor      283 286—291 339 327—328
Inertia tensor, dumbbell      290—291
Inertial reference frame      20 252 323—324 494 502 535
Infinitesimal rotation      See rotation infinitesimal
Infinity, orders of      465
Inhomogenous differential equation      See differential equation
Initial conditions      7—8 89
Instability      392
Instability, dynamical      383 386
Instantaneous angular velocity      See angular velocity
Instantaneous axis of rotation      See rotation axis
Instantaneous rest frame      526—527 535—536
Integrable      425 447—448 451—452
Integrable systems      207 235—237
Intermittency      457
Invariable line      308—3O9
Invariable plane      308
Invariance      28—29 (prob)
Invariance theorems      See Lorentz invariant invariance
Invariance, Hamiltonian      211
Invariance, Lagrangian      171 173 209
Invariance, rotational      170—172
Invariance, transformation      See transformation invariance
Invariance, translational      135—136
Invariant tori      237—239 424 431—433 435
Invariants, adiabatic      See adiabatic invariants
Invariants, Lorentz      See Lorentz invariant
Inverse square force      134
Invertible mapping      55
Involution      235—236
Irrational winding number      See winding number irrational
Irregular motion      425 447 451
Iteration methods      384 405
Jacobian      203 249—251 432 443—444 452 454 241
Jacobian of Lorentz transformation      501
Jupiter      See solar system stability
Jupiter, perturbation effects      See asteroid perturbed
KAM barriers      451
Kam theorem      435—439
KAM tori      433—439 448 451 469
Kepler ellipses, precession of (prob)      420—422
Kepler orbit (prob)      413
Kepler problem      130—133 141—150 196 226 228
Kepler problem, perturbation of      384—388
Kepler's equation, eccentric anamoly      149
Kepler's laws      111—132 139—140 147
Kepler, I.      131—132
Kinematics      252
kinetic energy      127 328
Kinetic energy, asymmetric top      See asymmetric top kinetic
Kinetic energy, block on inclined plane      4
Kinetic energy, function of both coordinates and velocities      16—17
Kinetic energy, matrix, Taylor series near equilibrium      350
Kinetic energy, moving constraints, bead on rotating wire example      7—9
Kinetic energy, relativiatic change      515—516
Kinetic energy, rigid body      284—286
Kinetic energy, rotational      285—287
Kinetic energy, rotational, symmetric top      See symmetric top rotational
Kinetic energy, sliding ladder example      16
Kinetic energy, total      2S5
Kinetic energy, translational      285
Kinetic momentum      538—539
Kirkwood      469
Kirkwood gap      469—470
Kohlrausch      493
Kolmogorov      See KAM theorem
Kovalevskaya, S.V.      451
Kronecker delta      286 307
Lagrange multipliers      56—65 73
Lagrange multipliers, chain example      61
Lagrange multipliers, for problems with explicit holonomic constraints      57—58
Lagrange multipliers, linear pendulum example      58—59
Lagrange multipliers, nonintegrable nonholonomic constraints, penny example      62—64
Lagrange, Joseph Louis      1 23 86
Lagrangian      1 19 51 54—55 83-S6 209 128 30—34 199—200
Lagrangian, bus crawling on a phonograph turntable      See bug crawling on a phonograph turntable
Lagrangian, cannonball      See cannonball
Lagrangian, central force      See central force
Lagrangian, central force, spherical polar coordinates      138
Lagrangian, charged particle in electric and magnetic fields      192
Lagrangian, equation of motion      19
Lagrangian, Foucault pendulum      See Foucault pendulum
Lagrangian, heavy symmetric top      See symmetric top heavy Lagrangian
Lagrangian, in center of mass frame      1 17
Lagrangian, invariance      See invariance Lagrangian
Lagrangian, linear pendulum      See pendulum linear
Lagrangian, matrix form      351
Lagrangian, mechanics, relativists      See relativistic Lagrangian mechanics
Lagrangian, momentum space      See momentum space Lagrangian
Lagrangian, nonlinear pendulum      See pendulum nonlinear
Lagrangian, normal coordinates      359
Lagrangian, penny      See penny
Lagrangian, simple harmonic oscillator      88
Lao-Tze      437
Laplace      423 468
Laplace — Rungt — Lerra vector (prob)      196
Larmor frequency      193
Larmor's Theorem      192—193
Laskar, J.      471—474
Least action      See Hamilton's Principle
Legendre transformations      175—180 211 213 197
Leibnitz      45 75
Length contraction      See Lorentz contraction
Lenz vector      228
LHC      452
Libration, of pendulum      See pendulum nonlinear libration
Lie derivative      236
Light cone      522
Light pulse, electric field transformation law      See transformation law electric
Light wave energy, transformation law      See transformation law energy
Light, bending (prob)      68—69
Light, emitted by atom      514—517
Light, minimal optical path      55
Light, speed of      See speed of light
Lighthill, Sir James      474
Lindstedt — Poincare perturbation theory      384 398—401 419—420
Linear differential equation      See differential equation
Linear linearizing      383 385—386
linear oscillator      See oscillator simple
Linear pendulum      See pendulum linear
Linear system      343
Linearly accelerated reference frames      See reference frames linearly
Liouville's theorem      184—189 202—204 250 391 444 449 452
1 2 3 4
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