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Fox R.O. — Computational Models for Turbulent Reacting Flows |
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Arithmetic-to-geometric-diffusivity ratio 91
Batch reactor 3 4 9 10 188
Batchelor scale 57—60 73 74 85 103 111 112 121 128 198 199 272
Beta PDF 65 110 175 176 206 210 214 215 217 218 232 236 239 265 276 283 286 325
Beta PDF, bi-variate 176
Beta PDF, conditional scalar dissipation rate 276 283 286 325
Beta PDF, Fokker — Planck equation 276 283 286
Beta PDF, multi-variate 176 283
Beta PDF, uni-variate 175 176 286 325
Binary mixing 64 65 161 175 179 182 189 267 284 286 379
boundary conditions 57 114 126 146 157—160 202 204 206 212 228 236 255 260 264 346—348
Boundary conditions, composition PDF 267 344
Boundary conditions, conditional moments 286
Boundary conditions, Fokker — Planck equation 280
Boundary conditions, inflow 346 347
Boundary conditions, non-zero-flux wall 348
Boundary conditions, outflow 158 346
Boundary conditions, periodic 101 112 199
Boundary conditions, symmetry 346 347
Boundary conditions, use in Monte-Carlo simulations 344—346
Boundary conditions, velocity PDF 260
Boundary conditions, zero-flux wall 158 346
CD model 264 268 269 273—275 297
CD model, constraints and desirable properties 273 274
CFL condition 341 343 346 353
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 298
Chemical reactions 2—4 7 9 11 16 18 20 24 58 64 91 95 104 110 113 120 125 250 264 266 269 384
Chemical reactions, conserved scalars 147
Chemical reactions, element conservation 144 145
Chemical reactions, elementary 141 142 144—146 152 177
Chemical reactions, fast 4 7 14 15 95 127 134 152—154 207 221 310 346
Chemical reactions, finite-rate 7 153—156
Chemical reactions, isothermal 151
Chemical reactions, liquid-phase, sensitivity to micromixing 207
Chemical reactions, non-elementary 141 143 146—150 152
Chemical reactions, non-isothermal 150
Chemical reactions, one-step 154 155
Chemical reactions, simple 149 180—193
Chemical reactions, slow 4 7 152 153
Chemical source term 5 9 11 13 16—18 21—23 26 58 62 68 69 91 110 113 125 140—144 149 150 152 156 157 177 179 180 193 194 203 209 211 216—219 221 232 234 235 239 241—244 249—251 266 270 272 282 285 293 308—321 329 330 337 383
Chemical source term for covariance dissipation range 95
Chemical source term for joint scalar dissipation rate 95 327
Chemical source term for scalar covariance 91 95 156 326
Chemical source term in LSR model 326
Chemical source term in PDF transport equation 249 261
Chemical source term, characteristic length scale 125
Chemical source term, conditional 68 207 209 211 234
Chemical source term, correlation with velocity 84 124 125
Chemical source term, decoupling from transport 178 309 345
Chemical source term, definition 18 141—143
Chemical source term, definition, Arrhenius form 144
Chemical source term, definition, chemical species 142
Chemical source term, definition, composition vector 143
Chemical source term, definition, element matrix 144
Chemical source term, definition, equilibrium constant 144
Chemical source term, definition, Jacobian matrix 151 313
Chemical source term, definition, rate constants 142 144
Chemical source term, definition, reaction coefficient matrix 143 146
Chemical source term, definition, reaction rate functions 143
Chemical source term, definition, reaction rate vector 143
Chemical source term, definition, specific enthalpies 143
Chemical source term, definition, stoichiometric coefficients 142
Chemical source term, definition, time scales 152
Chemical source term, effect on joint scalar dissipation rate 271
Chemical source term, equilibrium-chemistry limit 177
Chemical source term, filtered 110 238
Chemical source term, fluctuating 90
Chemical source term, Jacobian 92 95 141 143 327
Chemical source term, lookup table 178—180 240 310—321 330 346
Chemical source term, moment closures 84 90 91 125 150 151 153—156
Chemical source term, moment closures, first-order 153—155
Chemical source term, moment closures, higher-order 155—156
Chemical source term, reaction-progress variables 181 182
Chemical source term, Reynolds-averaged 18 21 22 67 81 114 141 150—151 155 157 207 209—211 219 221 222 233 243 244
Chemical source term, SGS closures 109 110 180 237 238
Chemical source term, stiff kinetics 180 308 346
Chemical source term, volume-averaged 6 22
Chemical time scales 2 7 11 110 141 142 151—154 157 177 180 308 310 312 315
Chemical time scales in definition of Da 152
Chemical time scales, definition 151 152
Chemical time scales, local 314
Competitive-consecutive reactions 147 151 155 181 184—188 193 210 273
Competitive-consecutive reactions in a semi-batch reactor 188
Competitive-consecutive reactions, infinite-rate 185
Competitive-consecutive reactions, limiting cases 185 187 210
Competitive-consecutive reactions, mixing line 186—188
Competitive-consecutive reactions, mixture fraction 185
Competitive-consecutive reactions, reaction-progress variables 185
Competitive-consecutive reactions, sensitivity to micromixing 188 193
Composition PDF 9 10 18 19 21 22 25 62 64—66 68 109 141 142 151 153 156 157 194 219 221 232 241—244 249—251 262 270 273 275 276 281 285 287 293 300 330 331 334 335 337 372—374
Composition PDF codes 329—339 361
Composition PDF codes, advantages and disadvantages 339 353—354
Composition PDF codes, Eulerian 329—339 343
Composition PDF codes, Eulerian, numerical diffusion 352
Composition PDF codes, Lagrangian 329 330 340—354
Composition PDF codes, Lagrangian, numerical diffusion 352
Composition PDF codes, LES 329
Composition PDF codes, Monte-Carlo simulation 344—346
Composition PDF codes, notional-particle representation 340—344
Composition PDF codes, particle-field estimation 340 348—352
Composition PDF in DQMOM 373 374 379 383 384
Composition PDF, allowable region 264 266—267 284
Composition PDF, binary mixing 65
Composition PDF, conditional 68 141 157 208 233 235 237
Composition PDF, definition 62
Composition PDF, derivation of transport equation 249—251
Composition PDF, effect of molecular diffusion 65
Composition PDF, empirical PDF 307
Composition PDF, Gaussian limit 264 265
Composition PDF, histogram 18 21 22
Composition PDF, Lagrangian 294 298
Composition PDF, LES 109 237
Composition PDF, linearity 264 266—268
Composition PDF, local mixing 264 268—271
Composition PDF, models for conditional diffusion 262 263 273—287
Composition PDF, moment closures 153
Composition PDF, presumed 25 142 156 219 221 222 227 233 237
Composition PDF, Re, Sc, and Da dependence 264 272—273
Composition PDF, relationship to CRE approach 66 194 195 251
Composition PDF, relationship to mixture-fraction PDF 68
Composition PDF, relationship to Reynolds-averaged chemical source term 67
Composition PDF, relationship to velocity, composition PDF 63 244
Composition PDF, scalar length-scale distribution 66 264 265 271—272
Composition PDF, scalar-conditioned velocity fluctuations 251
Composition PDF, two-point 70
Computational fluid dynamics 2 4 8 11 13—15 17—19 21 25—27 29 32 44 67 88 113 114 120—122 140 154 161 175 176 179 180 197 200 223 232 240 259 260 330 383
Conditional acceleration 26 248 254—261 294 295 321
Conditional acceleration, decoupling from scalar field 255
Conditional acceleration, definition 254
Conditional acceleration, extension to velocity, composition PDF 258
Conditional acceleration, models 255—258
Conditional acceleration, models, GLM 257—258
Conditional acceleration, models, SLM 257
Conditional diffusion 26 248 254 259 261—287 296 308
Conditional diffusion, constraints and properties 262—273
Conditional diffusion, definition 261
Conditional diffusion, models 261—265 273—287
Conditional diffusion, models, CD 273—274
Conditional diffusion, models, EMST 269
Conditional diffusion, models, FP 275—286
Conditional diffusion, models, GIEM 267
Conditional diffusion, models, IEM 274—275
Conditional diffusion, models, VCIEM 275 297
Conditional fluxes 248—249
Conditional fluxes, acceleration 248
Conditional fluxes, reaction/diffusion 248
Conditional gradient-correlation matrix 279
Conditional gradient-correlation matrix, relationship to FP model 278
Conditional moment closures 69 207—216 218 236 239 277 279 285
Conditional moment closures, conditional scalar dissipation rate 69 211—214
| Conditional moment closures, conditional scalar dissipation rate, presumed forms 214
Conditional moment closures, conditional scalar dissipation rate, relationship to mixture-fraction PDF 211
Conditional moment closures, formulation 207—209
Conditional moment closures, formulation, conditional fluctuations 208
Conditional moment closures, formulation, conditional means 208
Conditional moment closures, formulation, higher-order conditional moments 208
Conditional moment closures, formulation, unconditional means 208
Conditional moment closures, homogeneous flow 211—212
Conditional moment closures, inhomogeneous flow 214—216
Conditional moment closures, inhomogeneous flow, gradient-diffusion model 215
Conditional moment closures, inhomogeneous flow, limitations 215
Conditional moment closures, presumed conditional moments 209—211
Conditional moment closures, treatment of chemical source term 209
Conditional pdf 31 67—69 107—109 196 204 216 217 233—237 250 288
Conditional PDF, conditional expected values 31
Conditional PDF, definition 31
Conditional PDF, Lagrangian 300
Conditional scalar dissipation rate 23 24 212 213 234 236 279 325
Conditional scalar, boundary conditions in composition space 280
Conditional scalar, closed form for mixture-fraction vector 283
Conditional scalar, definition 69
Conditional scalar, effect of chemistry 286
Conditional scalar, joint 211
Conditional scalar, relationship to beta PDF 214 276 285
Conditional scalar, relationship to CMC 211
Conditional scalar, relationship to FP model 275
Conditional statistics 67—69 287
Conditional statistics, definition 67
Conditional statistics, use in PDF methods 69
Correlation functions 32 62
Correlation functions, spatial 32—34 36 69—71
Correlation functions, spatial, longitudinal 33
Correlation functions, spatial, scalar 70 71
Correlation functions, spatial, scalar cross-correlation 70
Correlation functions, spatial, scalar-velocity 70
Correlation functions, spatial, transverse 33
Correlation functions, spatial, velocity 33 36
Correlation functions, temporal 34—35
Correlation functions, temporal, Lagrangian 34 288 292 293 297
Correlation functions, temporal, velocity 35
CRE approach 2—17 25 194 195 251
CRE approach, micromixing models 12—14
CRE approach, micromixing time 14—15
CRE approach, PFR and CSTR models 5—7
CRE approach, relationship to composition PDF description 66 195
CRE approach, relationship to FM approach 16 23 24
CRE approach, RTD theory 8—10
CRE approach, zone models 10—11
CSTR model 3—10 13 14 66 127 128 194 195 198
Damkoehler number 103 152
Damkoehler number, definition 152
Damkoehler number, effect on molecular mixing 264 272—273
Differential diffusion 56 78 80 91 96—99 122 135 149 215 244 264 272 274 275 278 280 284 365
Differential diffusion, decaying scalars 98—99 138—139
Differential diffusion, dissipation-range correlation function 138
Differential diffusion, homogeneous turbulence 97
Differential diffusion, mean scalar gradients 98 137—138
Differential diffusion, multi-variate LSR model 325—326
Differential diffusion, multi-variate SR model 135—139 325
Differential diffusion, Re dependence 96 98 99 139
Differential diffusion, scalar correlation function 96
Differential diffusion, scalar-gradient correlation function 96
Differential diffusion, spectral model 135
Dissipation range 40 53 54 131 136 367
Dissipation range, scalar 75 79 88 89 94 113 131 137—139 326 365 369 370
Dissipation range, velocity 39 43 54 88 104
DNS 18 100—104 110 239 245
DNS, computational cost 18 101 102
DNS, homogeneous turbulence 28 29 63 64 101—102
DNS, reacting flow 102—104 178
DNS, relationship to LEM 110 113
DNS, relationship to LES 104 106 110
DNS, relationship to RANS 121
DNS, use for model validation 20 23 24 74 75 97—99 102 104 127 131 132 135 139 201 207 242 249 258 263 265 267 270 276 289 292 293 322 364 368 370 371
DQMOM 373—386
DQMOM, bi-variate case 379—382
DQMOM, bi-variate case, linear system for source terms 380
DQMOM, bi-variate case, presumed PDF 379
DQMOM, bi-variate case, relationship to moments 380
DQMOM, bi-variate case, transport equation 380
DQMOM, multi-variate case 382—384
DQMOM, multi-variate case, linear system for source terms 382
DQMOM, multi-variate case, transport equation 382
DQMOM, relationship to multi-environment PDF models 383
DQMOM, relationship to QMOM 373
DQMOM, uni-variate case 374—379
DQMOM, uni-variate case, linear system for source terms 374
DQMOM, uni-variate case, presumed PDF 374
DQMOM, uni-variate case, relationship to moments 375
DQMOM, uni-variate case, transport equation 374
DQMOM-IEM 384—386
DQMOM-IEM, realizability 384
DQMOM-IEM, relationship to DQMOM 384
DQMOM-IEM, relationship to multi-environment PDF models 386
DQMOM-IEM, Vandermonde matrix 385
Ellipsoid of accuracy 316—318
Ellipsoid of accuracy, definition 316
Ellipsoid of accuracy, use in IS AT 317 318
Empirical PDF 300—302 307 331 332 337
Empirical PDF, definition 301
Empirical PDF, dependence on grid and particle numbers 301
Empirical PDF, Glivenko — Cantelli theorem 302
Empirical PDF, PDF estimation 307
Empirical PDF, relationship to notional particles 330 337
Empirical PDF, relationship to particle-field estimation 340
EMST model 269—271
EMST model, flame-sheet example 270
Energy spectrum, coherency 365
Energy spectrum, energy dissipation 38 41 197
Energy spectrum, LES 105
Energy spectrum, scalar 56 57 59 62 66 69 71—75 77—79 87 88 94 97 113 127 264 265 270 363 364 368
Energy spectrum, scalar dissipation 72 75 369
Energy spectrum, scalar, compensated 76
Energy spectrum, scalar, definition 71
Energy spectrum, scalar, energy-containing range 73
Energy spectrum, scalar, inertial-convective sub-range 73
Energy spectrum, scalar, inertial-diffusive sub-range 73
Energy spectrum, scalar, model 72—78
Energy spectrum, scalar, Re and Sc dependence 75
Energy spectrum, scalar, viscous-convective sub-range 75
Energy spectrum, scalar, viscous-diffusive sub-range 74
Energy spectrum, scalar-covariance 72 94 363—365
Energy spectrum, scalar-flux 72 78 128 130 363 366
Energy spectrum, transfer 78 363 364 367 368
Energy spectrum, turbulent 36—42 51 53 54 73 75 76 78 79 85 104 127 132 364 368
Energy spectrum, turbulent, compensated 76
Energy spectrum, turbulent, definition 37
Energy spectrum, turbulent, dissipation range 39
Energy spectrum, turbulent, energy-containing range 39
Energy spectrum, turbulent, inertial range 39
Energy spectrum, turbulent, model 39—41 54 73—75
Energy spectrum, turbulent, Re dependence 40
Energy spectrum, turbulent, universal equilibrium range 40
Energy-containing range 73 129 365
Energy-containing range, scalar 73
Energy-containing range, velocity 39 40 57 85
Ensemble average 20 108 200 245 260 289 293 298 302 309 323 328 348
Ensemble average, cloud-in-cell 349
Ensemble average, relationship to empirical PDF 332
Ensemble average, statistical error 332
Equilibrium-chemistry limit 156 157 177—180 182 205 207 211
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, chemical time scales 177
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, LES 180
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, lookup table 178
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, reacting scalars 177—178 180
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, reacting scalars, covariances 179
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, reacting scalars, means 179
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, relationship to mixture-fraction PDF 179—180
Equilibrium-chemistry limit, turbulent flow 178—180
Estimation errors 26 299 302 304 305 309 328 342 352
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