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Fox R.O. — Computational Models for Turbulent Reacting Flows |
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Estimation errors in mean-field estimation 300—307
Estimation errors in particle-field estimation 298
Estimation errors in PDF estimation 308
Estimation errors, deterministic 300—302 305—307 341
Estimation errors, deterministic, bias 298 300 301 306 328 352 359
Estimation errors, deterministic, discretization 300 301 305 306 328 329 359
Estimation errors, statistical 295 298 300—302 306 328 329 332 337—339 341 342 352 353 359
Eulerian composition PDF codes 329—339 343 352 353 360
Eulerian composition PDF codes, advantages and disadvantages 339
Eulerian composition PDF codes, local time stepping 338
Eulerian composition PDF codes, numerical diffusion 336—337
Eulerian composition PDF codes, particle transport processes 332—335
Eulerian composition PDF codes, relationship to empirical PDF 332
Eulerian composition PDF codes, time averaging 338
Eulerian correspondence 293
Flame-sheet example 268—270
Flamelet model 142 201—207 264 271 272 285
Flamelet model, conditional scalar dissipation rate 204
Flamelet model, definition 201—204
Flamelet model, differential diffusion 135
Flamelet model, flamelet library 206
Flamelet model, inhomogeneous flow 206—207
Flamelet model, limitations 206 207
Flamelet model, mixture-fraction, dissipation rate PDF 205—206
Flamelet model, relationship to FP model 277
Flamelet model, stationary 204—205
Flamelet model, transport equation, stationary 204
Flamelet model, transport equation, unstationary 204
Fluid particles 5 9 13 27 63 113 121 188 194 195 197—201 215 216 269 270 273 285 289—290 323 331 335
Fluid particles, relationship to Eulerian PDF 290
Fluid particles, relationship to Lagrangian PDF 289
Fluid particles, relationship to notional particles 289
FM approach 2 3 15—24 197
FM approach, chemical source term 18—23
FM approach, composition PDF 22
FM approach, fundamental transport equation, pressure field 17
FM approach, fundamental transport equation, reacting scalars 16
FM approach, fundamental transport equation, velocity 16
FM approach, fundamental transport equations 16—17
FM approach, molecular mixing 23—24
FM approach, relationship to CRE approach 16 24
FM approach, turbulence models 17—18
Fokker — Planck equation 251 288
Fokker — Planck equation, boundary conditions 280
Fokker — Planck equation, FP model 275 276
Fokker — Planck equation, Lagrangian PDF 288 294
Fokker — Planck equation, stationary solution 285
Fokker — Planck equation, velocity PDF 256
Fokker — Planck equation, velocity, composition PDF 291
FP model 264 266 267 270 271 273 275—287 325—327 377
FP model for mixture-fraction vector 282—283 286
FP model, conditional gradient-correlation matrix 279
FP model, conditional joint scalar dissipation rate 266 277 279
FP model, conditional scalar dissipation rate 276
FP model, constraints and desirable properties 280—281
FP model, differential diffusion 280 326
FP model, Lagrangian 297 325 345
FP model, limiting cases 271 279 284—285
FP model, multiple scalars 276
FP model, relationship to CMC 285 286
FP model, relationship to GIEM 268
FP model, relationship to IEM 277
FP model, relationship to mapping closure 281—282
FP model, scalar covariance 277
FP model, shape matrix 266 272 281 327
FP model, single scalar 276
FP model, stochastic differential equation 278
Fractional time stepping 309 310 332 340 345 346
Full PDF methods 241 see
Gaussian PDF 23 24 30 63—65 108 175 176 214 219—221 227 251 256 261 262 264—267 275—277 281 295 378
Gaussian PDF, conditional expected values 32
Gaussian PDF, correlation function 32
Gaussian PDF, covariance matrix 30
Gaussian PDF, eigenvector transformation 220
Gaussian PDF, functional form 30
Gaussian PDF, mean vector 30
Gaussian PDF, properties of 31
GIEM model 267 273
GLM 257—258 292
GLM, definition 257
GLM, extension to velocity, composition PDF 258—259
GLM, Lagrangian 295 296
GLM, relationship to Reynolds-stress models 258
GLM, relationship to scalar-flux model 258
Higher-order PDF models 321—327
Higher-order PDF models, differential diffusion 325—326
Higher-order PDF models, LSR model 322—327
Higher-order PDF models, reacting scalars 326—327
Higher-order PDF models, turbulence frequency 321—322
Hybrid PDF codes see "Velocity composition
IEM model 13 14 23 24 194—197 264 267 269 270 274—276 281 296 340 373 377 378 383 384 386
IEM model for conditional diffusion 273 274
IEM model for CSTR 13 14 194—195
IEM model for PFR 13
IEM model, constraints and desirable properties 275
IEM model, flame-sheet example 269
IEM model, Lagrangian 296 297 308 345 348 350
IEM model, relationship to FP model 277
IEM model, relationship to VCIEM model 275
Inertial range 38—42 51 53—55 58 59 73—75 79 104 106 129 198
Inertial-convective sub-range 73 79 87 126—129 365 368
Inertial-diffusive sub-range 73 74
Integral scale 20 60 76 102 121 131 259 266 271
Integral scale, scalar 20 57 70 72 77 95 127 134 197
Integral scale, velocity 33—35 37 38 40 54 57 59—61 99 113 120 121 127 197 305 308
Intensity of segregation 65 66 72
ISAT 312—321
ISAT, binary-tree tabulation 318—319
ISAT, ellipsoid of accuracy 316—318
ISAT, flow diagram 318
ISAT, further improvements 319—321
ISAT, further improvements, dimension reduction 320
ISAT, further improvements, parallelization 321
ISAT, linear interpolation 314—316
ISAT, reaction mapping 313—314
Joint scalar dissipation rate 80 91—96 251 262 265—267 270 280 281 285
Joint scalar dissipation rate in SR model 135
Joint scalar dissipation rate, conditional 211 212 270 276
Joint scalar dissipation rate, Da dependence 152
Joint scalar dissipation rate, definition 90
Joint scalar dissipation rate, effect of chemical reactions 91 95 271 286
Joint scalar dissipation rate, fluctuating 93 271
Joint scalar dissipation rate, non-equilibrium models 135—137
Joint scalar dissipation rate, Re dependence 95
Joint scalar dissipation rate, relationship to FP model 275 277
Joint scalar dissipation rate, relationship to mixing models 262
Joint scalar dissipation rate, role in differential diffusion 91 97
Joint scalar dissipation rate, spectral model 95
Joint scalar dissipation rate, transport equation 93
Joint scalar dissipation rate, transport equation, derivation 92—93
Joint scalar dissipation rate, transport equation, model 136 327
Kernel function 301 348 349
Kernel function, constant 301 302 349
Kernel function, grid cell 301 307 341 349
Kernel function, use in empirical PDF 301
Kolmogorov scale 15 34 35 43 50 57 59 60 73 74 76 89 101 102 105 125 129 153 197—199 201 202 327 365
Lagrangian composition PDF codes 329 339—354
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, advantages and disadvantages 353—354
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, boundary conditions 346—348
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, coupling to FV codes 340
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, flow diagram 343 344
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, local time stepping 353
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, Monte-Carlo simulation 344—346
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, notional-particle representation 340—344
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, particle weights 342—343
Lagrangian composition PDF codes, particle-held estimation 348—352
Lagrangian correspondence 293
Lagrangian micromixing models 4 10 12—14 66 193—201 221 226 239 240 242 271
Lagrangian micromixing models, age-based 13 195—196
Lagrangian micromixing models, IEM 13—14
| Lagrangian micromixing models, IEM, for CSTR 14 194—195
Lagrangian micromixing models, IEM, for PFR 13
Lagrangian micromixing models, inhomogeneous flows 200—201
Lagrangian micromixing models, mechanistic 198—200
Lagrangian micromixing models, micromixing rate 197—198
Lagrangian micromixing models, relationship to composition PDF 25 195 251
Lagrangian PDF methods 63 100 135 241 256 287—298 329 340 368
Lagrangian PDF methods, Eulerian correspondence 293
Lagrangian PDF methods, fluid particles 289—290
Lagrangian PDF methods, Lagrangian correspondence 293
Lagrangian PDF methods, mixing models 296—298
Lagrangian PDF methods, notional particles 287—289
Lagrangian PDF methods, notional particles, spatial distribution 290
Lagrangian PDF methods, relationship to Eulerian PDF methods 290—292
Lagrangian PDF methods, stochastic differential equations 292—294
Lagrangian PDF methods, velocity PDF closures 294—296
Laminar diffusion flamelets 201—207
Length scales, scalar 69—71
Length scales, scalar, Batchelor 57 see
Length scales, scalar, dependence on initial conditions 57
Length scales, scalar, integral 70 72 see scalar"
Length scales, scalar, phenomenological model 58—62
Length scales, scalar, Sc dependence 57 71
Length scales, scalar, Taylor microscale 70 see scalar"
Length scales, scalar-to-velocity length-scale ratio 61 77
Length scales, turbulence 33—34 36
Length scales, turbulence, integral 34 35 see velocity"
Length scales, turbulence, integral, longitudinal 33
Length scales, turbulence, integral, transverse 33
Length scales, turbulence, Kolmogorov 34 35 see
Length scales, turbulence, Re dependence 34
Length scales, turbulence, Taylor microscales 33 35 see velocity"
Length scales, turbulent mixing 57—58
LES 104—110
LES, CMC 214
LES, composition PDF 109
LES, equilibrium-chemistry limit 180
LES, filtered, chemical source term 110
LES, filtered, density function 108
LES, filtered, Navier — Stokes equation 104—106
LES, filtered, scalar held 108
LES, filtered, strain rate 106
LES, filtered, velocity held 105
LES, filtering function 104 105
LES, filtering function, effect on energy spectrum 105
LES, filtering function, kernel 349
LES, filtering function, positive 108
LES, filtering function, sharp-spectral 104
LES, gradient-diffusion model 109
LES, mixture fraction 179
LES, mixture-fraction PDF 109
LES, modified filtered pressure 106
LES, multi-environment PDF models 110
LES, reacting flow 109—110 113
LES, relationship to DNS 104
LES, relationship to RANS 104 114
LES, residual, kinetic energy 107
LES, residual, mixture-fraction variance 110 238
LES, residual, mixture-fraction-variance dissipation rate 238
LES, residual, Reynolds stresses 107
LES, residual, scalar field 109
LES, residual, scalar flux 108 109 238
LES, residual, scalar variance 109
LES, residual, stress tensor 105 106
LES, residual, velocity field 106
LES, scalar transport 108—109
LES, SGS turbulent diffusivity 109 238
LES, Smagorinsky model 106
LES, velocity PDF 106—108
LES, velocity, composition PDF 109
LES-PDF methods 106—110 260—261
LES-PDF methods, composition PDF 109
LES-PDF methods, composition PDF codes 329 340 341 354
LES-PDF methods, computational cost 261
LES-PDF methods, DQMOM 384
LES-PDF methods, relationship to composition PDF models 110
LES-PDF methods, relationship to FDF approach 108
LES-PDF methods, relationship to multi-environment PDF models 237—239
LES-PDF methods, velocity PDF 106—108
LES-PDF methods, velocity, composition PDF 109
Linear-eddy model 110—114 199 239 287
Linear-eddy model, homogeneous flows 111—112
Linear-eddy model, inhomogeneous flows 113—114
Linear-eddy model, Lagrangian LEM 113
Linear-eddy model, relationship to DNS 111 113
Linear-eddy model, relationship to PDF methods 113
Linear-eddy model, relationship to RANS 112
Linear-eddy model, triplet map 111
Location-conditioned statistics 308 329 358 359
Location-conditioned statistics in LFP model 297
Location-conditioned statistics in LGLM 295—296
Location-conditioned statistics in LIEM model 297
Location-conditioned statistics in LVCIEM model 297
Location-conditioned statistics in mixing models 296—297
Location-conditioned statistics in particle-pressure-field equation 295
Location-conditioned statistics in velocity PDF closures 294—296
Location-conditioned statistics, estimation errors 302—307
Location-conditioned statistics, estimation methods 299—302
Location-conditioned statistics, use in Lagrangian PDF methods 288—292
Lookup tables 240 310—321 330 346
Lookup tables, binary-tree tabulation 318—319
Lookup tables, flamelet library 206
Lookup tables, ILDM 312
Lookup tables, ISAT 312—321
Lookup tables, pre-computed 310—312
Lookup tables, use in equilibrium-chemistry limit 178—180
LSR model 322—327
LSR model, conditional joint scalar dissipation rate 325
LSR model, conditional scalar covariances 325
LSR model, conditional scalar dissipation rate 322
LSR model, conditional scalar variances 323
LSR model, coupling to turbulence frequency model 323
LSR model, differential diffusion 325—326
LSR model, joint-scalar-dissipation chemical source term 327
LSR model, reacting scalars 326—327
LSR model, relationship to FP model 282 327
LSR model, relationship to SR model 135
LSR model, spectral transfer rates 323 324
Mean pressure field 48 295 296 355
Mean pressure field, coupling with PDF transport equation 259—260
Mean pressure field, relationship to particle pressure field 295
Mean velocity field 11 17 27 28 30 37 40 41 47—49 51 53 55 83 85 87 101 106 116 120—123 126 132 195 250 251 254 259 294 296 298 300 329 331—337 340 341 345—347 352 356 361
Mean velocity field, transport equation 47 252—253 259 295 296
Mean-field estimation, errors 300—307
Mean-field estimation, relationship to empirical PDF 300
Mechanical-to-scalar time-scale ratio 77 78 127 130 368
Mechanical-to-scalar time-scale ratio, definition 76
Mechanical-to-scalar time-scale ratio, Re and Sc dependence 77
Mechanical-to-scalar time-scale ratio, relationship to Obukhov — Corrsin constant 73
Mechanical-to-scalar time-scale ratio, time dependence 128 131
Mesomixing 57 197 198
Micromixing models 4 10 12—14 16 23 25 66 239 240 242 271
Micromixing models, age-based 195—196
Micromixing models, coalescence-redispersion 12
Micromixing models, DQMOM 383
Micromixing models, DQMOM-IEM 386
Micromixing models, IEM 13 14 194—195
Micromixing models, inhomogeneous flows 200—201
Micromixing models, Lagrangian 193—201 251
Micromixing models, maximum-mixedness 12
Micromixing models, mechanistic 198—200
Micromixing models, micromixing rate 197—198
Micromixing models, minimum-mixedness 12
Micromixing models, multi-environment 12
Micromixing time 4 13—15 25 153 308 338
Micromixing time in definition of Da 152
Micromixing time in IEM model 13 194
Micromixing time, dependence on initial conditions 15
Micromixing time, relationship to scalar dissipation rate 14—15
Mixture-fraction PDF 68 142 156 161 166 172 174—177 179 180 184 193 197 200 205 210 212—216 233 234 285
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