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Miklowitz J. — The theory of elastic waves and waveguides |
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Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, strain energy function 378
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, strains, sectional 378
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, total deflection, bending and shear components 377
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, general nature of 367
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, torsional wave, rod, fundamental nondispersivemode theory 219
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, torsional wave, rod, section warping theory 374
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, torsional wave, rod, thin plate and circular cylindrical shell 367 404
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions 575—576
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, analytical methods tried, Knopoff's survey of 575
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, quarter plane, with mixed edge conditions, all loadings 575
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, quarter plane, with nonmixed edge conditions, internal source, stress free edges 575
| Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, quarter plane, with nonmixed edge conditions, normal line load on one edge 575
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, self-similar solutions for, recent work with 575—576
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, two welded quarter planes, longitudinal impact (mixed edge conditions) 575
Wedge, two-dimensional, of arbitrary angle, nonmixed edge conditions, two welded quarter planes, normal line load on edge of one quarter plane (nonmixed edge conditions) 575
Wiener — Hopf method 488 490—492 499—504
Wiener — Hopf method, Clemmow's approach 490—492 499—501
Wiener — Hopf method, Clemmow's approach, factorization in 491 502—504
Wiener — Hopf method, Clemmow's approach, factorization in, approximate 504
Wiener — Hopf method, Clemmow's approach, regular, nonvanishing functions L, U in 490—492 498 500—501
Young's modulus (Modulus of elasticity) 38
Young's modulus (Modulus of elasticity), restriction on 42
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