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Miklowitz J. — The theory of elastic waves and waveguides |
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Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, line source by circular cylindrical cavity, spiraling diffracted wavefront 519
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, line source by rigid circular cylinder 521—551
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, line source by rigid circular cylinder, wavefront approximations in 551
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall 521—536
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall, Bessel functions, modified, in 523—525
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall, boundary-initial value problem 522
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall, displacement-potential relations 522
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall, frequency equation analysis of wave number branches 525 527—529 411—416)
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall, high, low frequency analysis of branches 527—529
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, normal line load on cavity wall, Laplace-exponential Fourier transform method 523—536 (See also 411—420)
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, solution, displacements 525
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, solution, displacements, diffracted, radiated harmonic waves in 525—526
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, solution, displacements, long time - far field solution; Rayleigh waves, static solution 529—536
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, solution, displacements, wave systems of 526
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by circular cylindrical obstacle, stress-potential relations 522
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle 558 560—567
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, finite crack, rigid strip, incident dilatational wave, harmonic 574
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, finite crack, rigid strip, incident dilatational wave, transient (crack case) 574
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall 560—568
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, Bessel functions in, modified 562—565
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, boundary-initial value problem 562
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, diffracted P. Rayleigh wavefront, by Laplace transform asymptotics 565—566
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, diffracted P. Rayleigh wavefront, reflecting diffracted P, Rayleigh wavefronts in 565
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, diffracted P. Rayleigh wavefront, Watson's transformation in 563—564
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, diffracted P. Rayleigh wavefront, wavefront responses, P, Rayleigh, numerical 566
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, frequency equation, analysis of wave number branches 562—565
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, high frequency approximations for P branches 565
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, Laplace transform-spherical harmonics method 562—566
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, Legendre polynomials in 562—565
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, relation to circular cylindrical cavity case 562
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, normal point load on cavity wall, solution cavity wall displacement 565—566
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, plane-compressional pulse by spherical cavity 567
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, plane-compressional pulse by spherical cavity, point source, exterior time harmonic, spherical cavity 560
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, plane-compressional pulse by spherical cavity, point source, exterior time harmonic, spherical cavity, high frequency approximations 560
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, plane-compressional pulse by spherical cavity, solution, cavity wall displacements 567
Diffraction problems, elastic pulse by spherical obstacle, plane-compressional pulse by spherical cavity, wavefront responses, P. Rayleigh, numerical 567
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity 536—555
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, bilateral Laplace-exponential Fourier transform method 537—542 (See also 523—536 411—420)
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, bilateral Laplace-exponential Fourier transform method, convolution theorem, use of 541—542
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, boundary-initial value problem 536—537
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, displacement-potential relations 522
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, frequency equation, analysis of wave number branches 525 527—529 539 411—416)
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, Laplace transform — Fourier series method 545—550
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, Laplace transform — Fourier series method, circumferential stress response 549
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, Laplace transform — Fourier series method, velocity responses 549
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, solution, displacements 540
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, solution, displacements, diffracted, reflected harmonic waves in 540—541
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, solution, displacements, long time - far field solution: Rayleigh waves, static circumferential stress 551—555 569—571
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, solution, displacements, rigid body velocities of cavity wall 555
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, solution, displacements, velocities, numerical mode, mode sum, wave and wave sum, responses of 542—545
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, solution, displacements, wave system of 541
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, stress-potential relations 522
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, two methods of solution, comparison of 549—550 544 546
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, two methods of solution, comparison of, advantages and disadvantages of each 550
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, two methods of solution, comparison of, velocity responses 549
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, two methods of solution, comparison of, wavefront approximations for 550—551
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, two methods of solution, comparison of, wavefront approximations for, reflected stresses by geometric optics method 550
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical cavity, two methods of solution, comparison of, wavefront approximations for, reflected stresses by method of steepest descents 550
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion 556—560
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, boundary-initial value problem 556
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, decay of refracted wavefronts, reflection 560
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, fiber-reinforced composite materials, application to 556
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, focusing, wave 557—559
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, focusing, wave, caustics in 557 559
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, interface singularity in 560
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, rays of 557 559
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, refracted dilatational waves, rays of 556—557
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, refracted dilatational waves, rays of, for reflection inside inclusion 556—557
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, refracted dilatational waves, rays of, inclusion, inside 556—557
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, refracted dilatational waves, rays of, inclusion, outside 556—557
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, refracted dilatational waves, rays of, separation at interface, wavefront analysis, experiments on 558
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, transmission of singular refracted wavefronts to outer solid 560
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, wavefront approximations, by geometrical acoustics 558
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, wavefront approximations, by integral representations 558
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, wavefront approximations, by Watson-type lemma 559
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, wavefront approximations, singular for stress at caustic 558—559
Diffraction problems, plane-compressional pulse by circular cylindrical inclusion, wavefront changes along refracted ray in vicinity of caustic 559—560
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane 487—517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field 485—487
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, diffracted wave 485—486
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, illuminated zone 487
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, incident wave 485—486
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, rays 485—486
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, reflected wave 486
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, regions for 485
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, shadow zone 486
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, acoustic, light or SH wave field, wavefronts 485—487
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by rigid half plane 517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane 496—517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, boundary-initial value problems 497—498
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, Cagniard — deHoop method in 498—499 504—516
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, dual integral equations and solution of 499—501
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, factorization, Wiener-Hopf 500—504
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, Laplace-exponential Fourier transform method 498—516
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, solution, displacements, complete 515—517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, solutions, scattered displacement wave, diffracted 506 507 510 512 513
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, solutions, scattered displacement wave, diffracted, geometrical 515
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, symmetric, antisymmetric components of problem 497
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, total displacement field 497
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, uniqueness of solution, conditions for 498
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, dilatational pulse by traction free half plane, velocity responses 517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, equivoluminal pulse by traction free half plane 517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, equivoluminal pulse by traction free half plane, velocity responses 517
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse for rigid half plane 496
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse for rigid half plane, boundary-initial value problem 496
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse for rigid half plane, boundary-initial value problem, solution 486 496
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane 488—495
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, boundary-initial value problem 488—489
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, Cagniard — deHoop method in 490 492—494
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, dual integral equations and solution of 490—492
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, Laplace-exponential Fourier transform method 489—494
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, solution, scattered displacement wave 486 494—495
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, stress singularity of 495
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, total displacement field 488
Diffraction problems, plane-elastic pulse by half-plane, SH pulse, traction free half plane, uniqueness of solution, conditions for 489 491
Diffraction, pulse, by circular cylindrical obstacle 517—560
Diffraction, pulse, by half-plane 485—517
Diffraction, pulse, by spherical obstacle 558 560—567
Dilatational wave of cylindrical cavity diffraction problem 542—545
Dilatational wave of cylindrical obstacle diffraction problem 556—560
Dilatational wave of half plane diffraction problem 506 507
Dilatational wave of half space buried line dilatation source problem 331—332
Dilatational wave of half space buried line dilatation source problem, surface 331—332
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal line load problem 312—316 318—320
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal line load problem, grazing incidence 314
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal line load problem, interior 312—314
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal line load problem, plane of symmetry 318—319
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal line load problem, surface 313—316
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal line load problem, wavefronts of 318—320
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal point traveling load, interior, supersonic load 355 357—360
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal point traveling load, interior, supersonic load, conical 358 360
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal point traveling load, interior, supersonic load, hemispherical 357 359—360
Dilatational wave of half space surface normal point traveling load, interior, supersonic load, wavefronts of 361
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem 339—348
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, buried load case 344—348
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, buried load case, in surface response 344—348
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, grazing reflection (SP event) of 344—348
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, surface load case 339—344
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, surface load case, in interior response 340—344
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, surface load case, in surface response 339
Dilatational wave of half space vertical point load problem, wavefronts of 340—344 345—348
Dilatational wave of spherical cavity diffraction problem 565—567
Dilatational wave of spherical obstacle diffraction problem 558
Dilatational waves in half space 119—152 312—321 326 331—332 339—348 357—361
Dilatational waves in half space, infinite medium 66—67 78—94 96—107 281—282 286—290 515—517 528—529 534—536 542—546 550—560 566—567
Dilatational waves in half space, two welded half spaces 156—170 175—177
Dilatational waves in half space, waveguides 178—186 188—209 220—225 388—394 403—404 408 419—424 436—438 440—443 456—457 464—465 470—472 475—477
Dipole source problem of half space 573
Dispersion relations 183—184
Dispersion, wave, anomalous 187
| Dispersion, wave, data for 188
Dispersion, wave, harmonic 178
Dispersion, wave, normal 187
Dispersive waves 17 186—188
Displacement, components of 32
Displacement, continuity condition on 32
Displacement, dilatational waves 2
Displacement, equations of motion 2 45—46
Displacement, equations of motion, integration of 57—117
Displacement, equations of motion, Lame solution of 59
Displacement, equivoluminal waves 2
Displacement, field 3
Displacement, gradients 32
Displacement, gradients, linearization condition on 32
Displacement, in P wave 120
Displacement, in SH wave 152
Displacement, in SV wave 120
Displacement, integral representation for 4
Displacement, relative, near a point 33
Displacement, rigid body 32
Displacement, rigid body, motion 34
Displacement, rigid body, rotation 32
Displacement, rigid body, rotation, infinitesimal, components of 34
Displacement, rigid body, rotation, nature of 34—35
Displacement, rigid body, translation 32 35
Displacement, vector 45 59
Divergence theorem 43
Double forces 91—92
Double forces, generalized 93
Eikonal equation 96
Elastic string, transverse displacements of 97
Elastodynamics, linear theory of 19—56
Electric signal processing devices, elastodynamic modeling of 576
Electric signal processing devices, elastodynamic modeling of, Rayleigh, Love wave scattering by edge of a thin surface layer on half space 576
Electric signal processing devices, surface waves guided by thin films for 576
Electric signal processing devices, surface waves guided by thin films for, guided surface waves on half space 576
Electromagnetic waves 17
Elementary bending theory See Bernoulli — Euler bending theory
Energy density, kinetic 48—49
Energy density, strain 49
Energy density, total 128
Energy density, velocity of 192
Energy density, velocity of, equality with group velocity 192—193
Energy density, waves of 129—130
Energy flux 130 142—144
Energy, identity of 49
Energy, identity of, generalized 51
Energy, kinetic 48
Energy, partition under P-wave, reflection 128—131
Energy, partition under P-wave, refraction 161—162 165 169—170
Energy, partition under SF-wave, reflection 133—134 142—144
Energy, partition under SF-wave, refraction 161—162 165 169
Energy, partition under SH-wave, refraction 172
Energy, principle of conservation of 48—50
Energy, reflection coefficients 131 133—134
Energy, strain 49
Energy, transmission coefficients 161—162 165 169—170
Energy, waves of, time averaged 130
Equations of motion, displacement 45—46
Equations of motion, stress 44
Equivoluminal wave of cylindrical cavity diffraction problem 542—545
Equivoluminal wave of cylindrical obstacle diffraction problem 558
Equivoluminal wave of half plane diffraction problem, head 510 512
Equivoluminal wave of half plane diffraction problem, regular 510 512
Equivoluminal wave of half plane diffraction problem, two-sided 510 512
Equivoluminal wave of half space buried line dilatational source 331—332
Equivoluminal wave of half space buried line dilatational source, surface 331—332
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem 312—316 318—319 321—323 326—328
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem, head 312—316
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem, interior 312—316
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem, plane of symmetry 318—319
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem, surface 313—316
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem, two-sided 313—316
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal line load problem, wavefronts of 321—323 326—328
Equivoluminal wave of half space surface normal point traveling load, wavefronts of 361 (See also Head wave in)
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem 339—348
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem, for buried load case 344—348
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem, for buried load case, surface 344—348
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem, for surface load case 339—344
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem, for surface load case, interior 340—344
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem, for surface load case, surface 339
Equivoluminal wave of half space vertical point load problem, wavefronts of 340—344 345—348
Equivoluminal wave of spherical obstacle diffraction problem 558
Equivoluminal waves in half space 119—156 312—319 321—323 326—328 331—332 339—348 361
Equivoluminal waves in half space, infinite medium 66—67 78—94 96—107 290 494—495 515—517 528—529 534—536 542—546 551—555 558—559
Equivoluminal waves in half space, two-welded half spaces 156—177
Equivoluminal waves in half space, waveguides 179—186 188—214 217—225 404 406—407 419—424 440—443 464 470—472 475—477
Expanding ring, disc surface load problems of half space 361—362
Exponential Fourier transform, complex argument 245
Exponential Fourier transform, complex argument, integrability requirements on inverse of 245
Exponential Fourier transform, complex argument, inversion integral of 245
Exponential Fourier transform, complex argument, operator integral of 245
Exponential Fourier transform, complex argument, properties of 245
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument 242—245
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, applications of 300—302 329—331 349—359 410—420 489—516 523—542
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, conditions on 243
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, conditions on inverse 231—233 244
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, inversion integral of 242 243
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, of derivatives 244
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, operator integral of 242 243
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, pairs 242 243
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, product and convolution theorem 245
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, relation with sine and cosine transforms 246
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, shift rule 244—245
Exponential Fourier transform, real argument, tables of 248
Extended saddle point technique, use of 437
Extensions of text material, reading on 573—576
Fiber-reinforced solid, waves in 556—560
Finite distributed surface source problems of half space 573—574
Finite distributed surface source problems of half space, impulsive twisting moment 573
Finite distributed surface source problems of half space, load over rectangular are 574
Finite distributed surface source problems of half space, torsional loading over circular area 573—574
Finite distributed surface source problems of half space, uniform pressure over circular area 573
Finite distributed surface source problems of half space, uniform pressure over infinite strip 573
Flammant problem 458—459
Flammant problem, stress distribution in 460
Flexural waves in a thin plate on elastic foundation, approximate theory for 404
Flexural waves in a thin plate on elastic foundation, line shear force, generated by 420—421
Flexural waves in a thin plate, approximate theory for 404
Flexural waves in a thin plate, point shear force, generated by 404
Flexural waves in a thin rod (beam), approximate theories for 374—377
Flexural waves in a thin rod (beam), shear force, generated by 404—409
Flexural waves in an infinite plate on elastic foundation, frequency equation for 227—228
Flexural waves in an infinite plate on elastic foundation, frequency spectra for 229
Flexural waves in an infinite plate on elastic foundation, normal line load, generated by 420—422
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular, cylindrical rod, displacement modes for 224
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular, cylindrical rod, end load, generated by 435
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular, cylindrical rod, frequency equation for 224
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular, cylindrical rod, frequency spectra for 224—225
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular, cylindrical rod, motion generated by 224
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular, cylindrical rod, potential modes for 223
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in 179—180 210
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, branches of 197—201
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, edge moment, generated by 435
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, frequency equation for 184 197
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, frequency spectra for 185 198 202
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, P, SV waves in 179—180
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, phase velocity spectra for 185
Flexural waves in an infinite, semi-infinite plate, cylindrical dilatational, equivoluminal wave surfaces in, thickness modes in 185
Focusing, wave 557—559
Focusing, wave, caustic in 557—559
Focusing, wave, converging rays in 557 559
Forces, body 21 45
Forces, inertia 43
Forces, surface 21—22
Fourier integral 256
Fourier integral, asymptotic expansion of 261
Fourier integral, asymptotic expansion of, by parts integration 261—262
Fourier integral, asymptotic expansion of, by Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 261
Fourier integral, in Lamb's problem, use of 5
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