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Miklowitz J. — The theory of elastic waves and waveguides
Miklowitz J. — The theory of elastic waves and waveguides

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Íàçâàíèå: The theory of elastic waves and waveguides

Àâòîð: Miklowitz J.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Êëàññè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà/Óïðóãèå ñðåäû/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1978

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 618

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.06.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Thermoelasticity, uncoupled dynamic, governing equations of      474 577
Thermoelasticity, uncoupled dynamic, governing equations of, infinite plate problem, application to      474—477
Time average of harmonic waves      130—131
Time harmonic body waves      69—70
Time harmonic waves in half space      119—156 174—175
Time harmonic waves in infinite medium      60—70 93—94
Time harmonic waves in two welded half spaces      156—177
Time harmonic waves in waveguides      178—230
Timoshenko beam theory      see Timoshenko bending theory
Timoshenko bending theory      8 377—382 394—409
Timoshenko bending theory, hyperbolicity of      397
Timoshenko bending theory, wave speeds in      395
Timoshenko — Uflyand — Mindlin plate theory      404 (See also Waveguides approximate
Torsional waves in a thin plate with circular cylindrical cavity, cavity wall rotary velocity, generated by      290
Torsional waves in a thin plate with circular cylindrical cavity, cavity wall shear stress, generated by      290
Torsional waves in a thin rod, initial angular twist, generated by      293
Torsional waves in a thin rod, nondispersive fundamental mode in      219
Torsional waves in a thin rod, section warping theory of      374
Torsional waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular cylindrical rod, displacement modes for      220
Torsional waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular cylindrical rod, frequency equation for      219—220
Torsional waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular cylindrical rod, frequency spectra for      219—220
Torsional waves in an infinite, semi-infinite circular cylindrical rod, phase velocity spectra for      220
Total reflection      139—144 164—165 169—170 173—174 177
Transient waves      See Infinite medium problems; Half space problems; Waveguide problems
Transmission coefficients      160
Transmission coefficients, at interface for displacements      161—162 163 169 172
Transmission coefficients, at interface for energy      161—162 165 169—170
Transmission coefficients, at interface for P waves      156—161 168—170 175
Transmission coefficients, at interface for potentials      160—161 164—165 168 172 175—176
Transmission coefficients, at interface for SH waves      170—174
Transmission coefficients, at interface for stress      161 169
Transmission coefficients, at interface for SV waves      156—160 161—162 169
Traveling sources      5 347 349—362 574—576
Uniqueness of solution for      47 50—52
Uniqueness of solution for discontinuous loadings      52
Uniqueness of solution for finite body      47 50—51
Uniqueness of solution for infinite anisotropic body      51
Uniqueness of solution for infinite body      51
Uniqueness of solution, conditions for in half-plane diffraction problems      489 491 498
Unloading waves      VI VIII
Van der Waerden's method for asymptotic expansion of integrals      270
Vector, components of      20
Vector, decomposition of      60—61
Vector, in tensor notation      20
Vector, Laplacian of      45
Vector, law of transformation of      25
Vector, operators      45—46
Vector, potential      59
Vector, scalar product for      20
Vector, vector product for      20
Viscoelastic media, linear, books, surveys on waves in      578
Viscoelastic media, linear, Maxwell material rod in, boundary-initial value problem for      295
Viscoelastic media, linear, Maxwell material rod in, boundary-initial value problem for, solution of      296
Viscoelastic media, linear, Rayleigh waves diffracted from circular cylindrical cavity in      536
Viscoelastic media, linear, Rayleigh waves diffracted from circular cylindrical cavity in, by correspondence principle      636
von Schmidt wave      See Head wave
Water waves      17
Watson's lemma      257
Watson's lemma, application to asymptotics of Laplace transform and inverse      257—261
Watson's lemma, application to asymptotics of Laplace transform and inverse, examples of long time approximations, static solution of      289 295 535 555
Watson's lemma, application to asymptotics of Laplace transform and inverse, examples of wavefront approximations      289 323—328 550—551 565—567
Watson's transformation in spherical obstacle diffraction problems      563—564
Wave diffraction      10 485—567
Wave dispersion      1 8 9 178—230
Wave group, analysis      8 186—188
Wave group, composition of      188
Wave group, simple      186—187
Wave group, velocity      8 186—187
Wave guide      1 6 16—17 178—230 approximate
Wave in piezoelectric-elastic solid      17
Wave number, along boundary      124
Wave number, in infinite plate rod      11 178—225
Wave number, in propagation direction      179 183
Wave number, in thickness direction      179 197
Wave number, of P wave      121
Wave number, of SH wave      154
Wave number, of SV wave      121
Wave pairs, reflection of      145—146
Wave pairs, refraction of      166—168
Wave reflection      120 123—134 152—162 168—175
Wave refraction      156—162 168—175
Wave trains, harmonic, finite number of      187
Wave trains, harmonic, finite number of, stationary phase condition for      187—188
Wave trains, harmonic, infinite      7 186
Wave trains, harmonic, infinite, spectral analysis of      188—192
Wave unloading      VI-VIII
Wave velocity along boundary      124
Wave, length of P wave      121
Wave, length of SH wave      154
Wave, length of SV wave      121
Wave, phase velocity      179
Wave, propagation studies, early history of      2—10
Wave, propagation studies, early history of, diffraction in      10
Wave, propagation studies, early history of, fundamental representations in      2—4
Wave, propagation studies, early history of, half space in      4—6
Wave, propagation studies, early history of, impact in      9
Wave, propagation studies, early history of, two welded half spaces in      6
Wave, propagation studies, early history of, waveguides in      6—9
Wave, propagation studies, modern work in      10—12
Wavefront approximations by Randles — Miklowitz method      443
Wavefront approximations by Randles — Miklowitz method for response of plate      443
Wavefront approximations by Watson's lemma — Laplace transform expansions      257—258
Wavefront approximations by Watson's lemma — Laplace transform expansions for response to cavity diffraction      565—567
Wavefront approximations by Watson's lemma — Laplace transform expansions for response to cavity sources      289
Wavefront approximations in Cagniard — deHoop method      319—323
Wavefront approximations in Cagniard — deHoop method for response of half space      319—323
Wavefront approximations in Cagniard — deHoop method for response of plate      438—443
Wavefront approximations, steepest descents, by method of      264—271
Wavefront approximations, steepest descents, by method of, for response of half space      323—328
Wavefronts approximations      71 78
Wavefronts cusp type, in anisotropic plates      443
Wavefronts in a half space, conical      361
Wavefronts in a half space, head      322 327 341—344 361
Wavefronts in a half space, hemispherical      361
Wavefronts in a half space, regular, equivoluminal, dilatational      318 320—321 326 340—348 361
Wavefronts in a half space, SP wave (P wave grazing reflection)      346—348
Wavefronts in a half space, two-sided equivolumnal      313—314 322—323 327—328 341—344 346—348 361
Wavefronts in cavity source problems      281 289
Wavefronts in diffraction      485—487 516 550—551 558—560 565—567
Wavefronts in homogeneous medium      76—77
Wavefronts in waveguides      438—443 (See also “in a half space” here)
Wavefronts velocities      74—75
Wavefronts, dynamical conditions at      74
Wavefronts, Huyghen's construction of      77
Wavefronts, kinematical conditions at      73
Wavefronts, magnitude variations of      77—78
Waveguide problems      See also Waveguides approximate
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod      382—409
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory      382—394
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, boundary-initial value problem      382
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, Laplace transform method      383—387
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, solution      383 386
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, solution, comparison with experiment, exact and approximate theories      393
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, solution, initial data jumps in      393—394
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, solution, long time-far field head of pulse response      388—389
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, solution, long time-far field head of pulse response, effect of station on magnitude of      574
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, longitudinal impact, Love — Rayleigh theory, solution, long time-far field head of pulse response, higher order terms in, based on Mindlin — McNiven rod      574
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory      394—409
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, boundary-initial value problem      394 396
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, Laplace transform method      394—409
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, solution      398 403—404
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, solution, admissible parts      404
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, solution, comparison with Bernoulli — Euler result      404 409
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, solution, long time approximation of      404—409
Waveguide problems, approximate theories for rod, shear force, Timoshenko theory, solution, verification      404
Waveguide problems, approximate theory for plate, Timoshenko — Uflyand — Mindlin      404
Waveguide problems, approximate theory for plate, Timoshenko — Uflyand — Mindlin, on elastic foundation, line shear load response      420—421
Waveguide problems, approximate theory for plate, Timoshenko — Uflyand — Mindlin, point shear load      404
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry      466—477
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, normal displacement on circular cavity wall with mixed edge conditions      471 473—474
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, normal displacement on circular cavity wall with mixed edge conditions, Laplace-extended Hankel transform method      471 473—474
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, normal displacement on circular cavity wall with mixed edge conditions, solution, long-time approximation      474
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, normal point load      574
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, normal point load, early time response to      574
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem      466—467
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, boundary-initial value problem      466—467
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, displacement-potential relations      467—471
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, Laplace — Hankel transform method      468—471
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, solution, displacements      468—469
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, solution, displacements, long time-far field      470—472
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, solution, displacements, long time-far field, derivation of      469—471
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, solution, displacements, maximum response      471
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, solution, displacements, predominant period—time of occurrence criterion in longtime solution      471
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, symmetric normal point loads; equivalent layer—half space problem, stress-potential relations      468
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by      474—477
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, Gaussian temperature distribution on plate face      474
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, Laplace — Hankel transform method      475
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, stresses, near-field response of midplane      475—477
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, stresses, near-field response of midplane, comparisons based on mode integral sums      475—477
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, stresses, near-field response of midplane, cutoff frequencies, influence of      475—477
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, stresses, near-field response of midplane, mode integrals, numerical evaluation of      475—477
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate and axial symmetry, time-dependent thermal field, excitation by, stresses, near-field response of midplane, non-zero heating time      475
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain      409—430
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, antisymmetric normal line loads      429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, antisymmetric normal line loads, solution of      429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, inversion of time transform first      425—429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, inversion of time transform first, frequency branches, real Rayleigh — Lamb in      425—428
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, inversion of time transform first, path integrals in      425—426
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, Laplace-exponential Fourier transform method      410—420
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, normal line load, decomposition of      429—430
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, normal line load, direct solution of      429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, normal line load, solution by addition of symmetric and antisymmetric parts      429—430
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first      419—420
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first, anomalous dispersion in      421
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first, cutoff frequencies, influence of      420
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first, long time-far field approximations to integrals of      423—424
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first, responses from wave number branch segment (real, imaginary, complex) integrals in      420—422
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first, standing waves in      421—422
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting spatial transform first, validity of, for near field, restriction to moderately sharp inputs      424
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first      426
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first, branch integrands in, proof of nonsingular nature of      426—428
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first, long time-far field approximations      428—429 481
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first, negative x-traveling waves in      428—429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first, static      426
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first, uniqueness of the solution      428
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, solution by inverting time transform, first, uniqueness of the solution, comparison of two forms of solution and inversion techniques      428—429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, symmetric normal line loads      409—429
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, symmetric normal line loads, boundary-initial value problem      409—410
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, symmetric normal line loads, generalized Rayleigh — Lamb frequency equation, wave number branches and their properties      411—416
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, symmetric normal line loads, inversion of spatial transform first      411—420
Waveguide problems, for infinite plate in plane strain, symmetric normal line loads, path integrals in      417—418
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions      430—443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, anti-symmetric excitation      435
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, long time-far field approximations      436—437
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact      431—434 436—443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, boundary-initial value problem      431—434
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, inversion techniques      411—420 425—429 (detail under “infinite plate” here)
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, Laplace-sine, cosine transform method      432—434
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, long time-far field approximations      436—437
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, solution, formal axial, thickness, strains      434
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, stress-strain relations      431
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations      438—443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, amplitude coefficients      441 443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, by Cagniard — deHoop method      438—443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, by Randles — Miklowitz method      443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, comparison with experiment      443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, for strain      441
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, rays, family of S, P      440
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, sources, rays and wavefront      440
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, longitudinal impact, wavefront approximations, wavefront positions      441—442
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, mixed pressure shock      431—432 434—435 436—443
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, mixed pressure shock, boundary-initial value problem      431—435
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, mixed pressure shock, Laplace-sine, cosine transform method      435
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, mixed pressure shock, Laplace-sine, cosine transform method, inversion techniques      411—420 425—429
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, solution, formal axial thickness strains      435
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with mixed edge conditions, wavefront approximations      438—443 (detail under “longitudinal impact” here)
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions      444—466
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, long-time solution, restriction to      444
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries      444—448
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries, boundedness condition on solution and corresponding integral equations      446—448
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries, double Laplace transform, use of      444
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries, double transformed displacements      445—446
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries, edge unknowns, time transformed      444
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries, quasi-formal solution      445—446
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, method preliminaries, Rayleigh — Lamb exponentially unbounded waves and corresponding generalized complex wave numbers in      446—447
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, nonseparability of      430—431 444
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock      431—432 444—448 449—457
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, boundary-initial value problem      431—432 445 449
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, edge unknowns, determination of      449—452
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, edge unknowns, determination of, boundedness condition for coefficients of, algebraic      452
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, edge unknowns, determination of, boundedness condition for small p      454—455
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, edge unknowns, determination of, time transformed      449—452
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, formal long-time solution      445—446 455
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem A: nonmixed pressure shock, long-time solution, displacement strains      455—457
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load      431—432 444—448 457—466
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, boundary-initial value problem      431—432 445 457
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, determination of time transformed      458—461
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, determination of time transformed, decomposition of problem into Flammant singular, selfequilibrated residual and nonmixed pressure shock problems      458—461
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, determination of time transformed, edge unknowns, Flammant problem singular      458—460
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, determination of time transformed, edge unknowns, regular      461
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, time transformed      461
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, time transformed, boundedness condition for coefficients of, algebraic      461
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, edge unknowns, time transformed, boundedness condition for small p      462
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, formal long-time solution      445—446
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, long-time solution, displacements, strains      463—465
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problem B: nonmixed line load, method of reduction for coefficients of edge unknowns      462—463
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problems of nonmixed displacements      465—466
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problems of nonmixed displacements, cantilevered plate, symmetric face normal line loads near base      465
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problems of nonmixed displacements, head of the pulse long time—far field solution for reflected disturbance      465
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problems of nonmixed displacements, velocity shock problem      465
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problems of nonmixed displacements, velocity shock problem, by finite-difference numerical method      465
Waveguide problems, for semi-infinite plate in plane strain with nonmixed edge conditions, problems of nonmixed displacements, velocity shock problem, longitudinal strain responses      465—466
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional      367—382 (See also Waveguide problems)
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod      367—374
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, elementary theory      367—369
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, elementary theory, displacement equation of motion      368
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, elementary theory, frequency spectrum      368—369
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, elementary theory, use of      368—369
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, Love — Rayleigh theory      369 371—374
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, Love — Rayleigh theory, boundary conditions      373—374
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, Love — Rayleigh theory, displacement equation of motion      373
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, Love — Rayleigh theory, frequency spectrum      369
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, compressional wave, rod, Love — Rayleigh theory, use of      369 373—374
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod      374—382
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory      374—377
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, boundary conditions      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, curvature theorem      375—376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, deflection equation of motion      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, element motion      375
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, frequency spectrum      377
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, moment-deflection relation      375
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, section normal stress-moment relation      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, section shear stress-shear force relation      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, transverse shear force-deflection relation      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Bernoulli — Euler (elementary) theory, use of      377
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory      377—382
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, advantages of      381—382
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, boundary conditions      380
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, deflection equations of motion      380
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, deflection slope      378
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, element motion      377—378
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, extensions to thin plate      382
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, frequency spectrum, comparison with exact, Bernoulli — Euler theory      381
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, moment, transverse shear force      379
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, moment-deflection relation      379
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, potential energy      379
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, section normal stress-moment relation      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, section shear stress-shear force relation      376
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, shear coefficient $k'$      379
Waveguides, approximate theories for, one-dimensional, flexural wave, rod, Timoshenko bending theory, shear force-deflection relation      379
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