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Muller H.K., Nau B. — Fluid Sealing Technology: Principles and Applications |
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Seal types, compression gaskets 458—461
Seal types, compression packing see "Compression packing"
Seal types, diaphragm 15
Seal types, ferroelectric fluid 16
Seal types, ferrofluid see "Magnetic fluid"
Seal types, gas seal (including vapor seals) fluid mechanics of 67—72
Seal types, gaskets see "Gasketed joints"
Seal types, hermetic seals see "Hermetic seals"
Seal types, joints see "Gasketed joints"
Seal types, Kalsi seal 104
Seal types, labyrinths see "Clearance seals"
Seal types, magnetic seals see "Magnetic liquid seals"
Seal types, mechanical seal see "Mechanical seal"
Seal types, piston seals for fluid power see "Hydraulic seals" "Piston
Seal types, pneumatic see "Pneumatic seals"
Seal types, radial face seal see "Mechanical seal"
Seal types, reciprocating hydraulic seals see "Hydraulic seals"
Seal types, rod seals for fluid power see "Hydraulic seals"
Seal types, rotary lip seal see "Lip seal"
Seal types, screw-seal see "Clearance seals"
Seal types, slingers & collecting labyrinths see "Clearance seals"
Seal types, stuffing box see "Compression packing"
Seal types, throttling seals see "Clearance seals bushings"
Seal types, window gaskets 461—463
Sealants for structural joints (buildings) 451 453—457
Sealants for threads 456—457
Sealants, anaerobic 456—457
Sealants, materials 451 453—454
Sealants, terminology 451
Sealing see also "Leakage"
Sealing gap 1—10
| Sealing gap, dimensions 1—6 55 67
Sealing gap, dynamically controlled 2 5—6 76
Sealing gap, preset 2
Sealing interface see "Sealing gap"
Sealing, automatic see "Seal types" "O-rings"
Sealing, concepts 1—3
Sealing, mechanism of elastomer seals 39—44
Sealing, modes 1—3
Sealing, modes, active 1 12
Sealing, modes, buffered 13—15
Sealing, modes, hermetic 15
Sealing, modes, passive 12
Sealing, modes, static 1
Secondary seal 4 8—9
Shore hardness see "Elastomers IRHD"
Soft packing see "Compression packing"
Solubility see "Elastomers solubility"
Solubility parameter see "Elastomers solubility
Stud-couplings see "Couplings"
Stuffing box see "Compression packing"
Terminology 1—16
Thermal instability see "Mechanical seals"
Thread sealants see "Sealants"
Throtiling seals see "Clearance seals"
Torque transmission 10
Tracking see "Vibration"
Tungsten carbide WC see "Ceramics cermets"
Valve packing see "Compression packing"
Vibration 5 7—8 73 75 see
Visco-seal see "Clearance seals screw
Wear coefficient 297
Weibull statistics of ceramics 295
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