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Название: Process Engineering Equipment Handbook
Автор: Soares C.
The first practical guide for process engineers, covering nearly every type of process-related equipment, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook is the fastest way to master process environments. This hands-on reference helps you—
*Understand and specify all types of auxiliary process equipment and materials.
*Provide engineering and operating expertise on machinery that is of prime importance in process engineering, including compressors and pumps, gas and steam turbines, fans, blowers and motors—both as individual components and as part of a supplied total package.
*Explore various applications, such as mechanical drive and direct drive (power generation service) for gas turbines, major support systems including instrumentation, and key components such as bearings and seals, all with reference to practical applications.
*Troubleshoot and solve problems in unfamiliar machines and components
*Work effectively with control, environmental, mechanical, civil, and other technical specialists.
*Handle issues with filters, seals, fans, dryers, nozzles, gaskets, elements made of unusual materials, blowers, connectors, gas and steam turbines, conveyors, feeders, joints, mills, controls, and many other categories of process equipment.
*Gain valuable insight into the topics of vibration analysis and life-cycle assessment.
*Perform major and minor audits of existing plants and machinery trains.
The best source of on-the-job guidance for process engineers, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook provides the answers you seek, in quick-access alphabetical order.
Enclosures, gas turbine (GT) explosion hazard assessment forE-67E-70 End product handling, air pollution control andA-83A-97 EndrinV-15 Energy efficiency, in isotherm turbocompressorsC-190 to C-191 Energy recovery, synchronous clutches andP-107 to P-108P-114 Energy use, pulp and paper industryP-204 to P-205 Enertran (heat pumps)H-2 to H-6 Engine condition monitoring (ECM)see "Condition monitoring" Engine condition—monitoring systems (ECMS)see "Condition monitoring" Engines, gasoline poweredE-38 to E-40 Engines, gasoline powered, coolant inC-408 to C-412 Engines, gasoline powered, dieselE-38 Engines, gasoline powered, emissions fromE-39 Engines, gasoline powered, four strokeE-38E-40 Engines, gasoline powered, reciprocatingE-38 to E-39 Engines, gasoline powered, scavenging inE-39 Engines, gasoline powered, torque converters and inP-172 to P-174 Engines, gasoline powered, turbochargers forE-38 to E-39 Engines, gasoline powered, two strokeE-38E-40 Enthalpy, steam turbines andT-82T-84 Enthone Inc.P-4 Entrained air/gases, vs. pump performance.P-271 to P-272P-278 ENVAR biodegradable plasticsP-2 Environment CanadaA-13O-4P-8R-1 Environmental accountabilityA-40 to A-49 Environmental accountability, accidents/incidents andE-46 Environmental accountability, environmental economics andE-49 to E-56 Environmental accountability, feeding management (livestock) andE-44 Environmental accountability, ISO VILJA technology inE-46E-48 Environmental accountability, life cycle inventories (LCIs) inE-43 Environmental accountability, performance table forE-45 Environmental accountability, reports ofE-47 to E-48 Environmental accountability, risk management andE-44 Environmental air monitoringsee "Air pollution control""Emissions" Environmental controls, computational fluid dynamics to modelC-7 Environmental degradation of plasticP-1 Environmental economicsE-47 to E-56 Environmental economics, "Yardsticks" ofE-50 to E-54 Environmental economics, biological diversity andE-50 Environmental economics, cost-benefit analysis forE-51 to E-56 Environmental economics, ecolabeling inE-54 to E-55 Environmental economics, emission reduction andE-50 to E-52E-54 Environmental economics, environmental accountability andsee "Environmental accountability" Environmental economics, environmental management systems (EMS) inE-52 Environmental economics, forest preservation andE-52 Environmental economics, key ratios inE-51 Environmental economics, life cycle assessment (LCA) inE-55 to E-56 Environmental economics, packaging, resource efficientE-52 to E-54 Environmental economics, profitability, long termE-52 to E-55 Environmental economics, research and development inE-52 Environmental economics, taxes and charges for environmental protection andE-51 Environmental economics, waste reductionE-54 Environmental Management System (EMS) standard inF-13 to F-16 Environmental management systems (EMS)E-52 Environmental protectionSp-1 to Sp-2 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)E-40 to E-49P-8 Environmental protection, accidents/incidents andE-46 Environmental protection, agricultural and food productsA-49 Environmental protection, biological diversity andE-50 Environmental protection, biotopesF-13 Environmental protection, condensers andC-233 Environmental protection, deforestation effects andF-12 Environmental protection, ecolabeling inE-54E-55 Environmental protection, ecological parksE-1 Environmental protection, ecosystemsE-1 to E-3 Environmental protection, emission reduction andE-50 to E-52 Environmental protection, environmental accountabilityE-40 to E-49 Environmental protection, environmental economics inE-49 to E-56 Environmental protection, Environmental Management System (EMS) standard inF-13 to F-16 Environmental protection, environmental management systems inE-52 Environmental protection, forest preservation andE-52 Environmental protection, forest product industryF-12 to F-24 Environmental protection, key ratios inE-51 Environmental protection, life cycle assessment (LCA) inE-55 to E-56 Environmental protection, packaging, resource efficientE-52 to E-54 Environmental protection, plastics andP-1 to P-2 Environmental protection, reindeerF-16 Environmental protection, taxes and charges forE-51 Environmental protection, ultrasonic cleaners andT-5 to T-6 Environmental protection, waste management andW-1 to W-12 Environmental protection, waste reductionE-54 Environmental protection, “red tide” algae (Ptychodiscus brevis) andC-78 Environmental protection, “yardsticks” ofE-50 to E-54 EnzymesE-43 EpichlorodyndrinP-11 to P-31P-36P-40 Epoxy, as interior tank coatingT-4 EpsonP-5 Equivalent series resistance (ESR) polymersP-6 Erosion, in air filtration systemsA-75 to A-78 ErythrobatesE-44 ethaneV-16 EthanolC-418F-37V-15 EthanolamineV-15 EthoxyethanolsP-11 to P-31P-40 Ethyl acrylateP-11 to P-31P-36P-40 Ethyl chlorideV-15 Ethyl etherC-415 EthylbenzeneP-11 to P-31P-40 ethyleneC-418P-11P-40V-16 Ethylene dichlorideV-7V-15 Ethylene glycol (EG)C-409 to C-412P-11P-40 Ethylene oxideC-415P-11P-36P-40V-7V-15 EutrophicationP-64 to P-65 Evaporative coolerssee "Chillers""Dairy Evaporative cooling towersC-423 to C-426 Exhaust gas recoveryC-78 Exhaust gas temperature monitoringC-260 to C-261 Exhaust plume, computational fluid dynamics modeling ofC-3 Exhaust stackssee "Stacks" Exhausters, centrifugal gasE-56 to E-57 Existing refineryR-8 Expanded refineryR-8 Expanders, turboexpandersC-151 to C-152T-114 Expanders, turboexpanders, synchronous clutches andP-107 Expansion jointsD-18E-57 Expansion joints, ambient temperatures andE-64 to E-65 Expansion joints, axial/vs. axial movementE-63 Expansion joints, bias cutting ofE-65 Expansion joints, cold-to-coldE-58 to E-59 Expansion joints, composition ofE-59 to E-60 Expansion joints, cracking damage vs.E-60 to E-61 Expansion joints, differential thermal expansion inE-58 Expansion joints, distortion damage vs.E-61 Expansion joints, fabric vs. metallicE-60 Expansion joints, flexible elements ofE-60 Expansion joints, floating sleeves inE-65 to E-66 Expansion joints, heat/vs. heat damageE-61 to E-62 Expansion joints, hot-to-coldE-58 to E-59 Expansion joints, hot-to-hotE-58 to E-59 Expansion joints, insulation andE-66 Expansion joints, insulation pillows andE-65 to E-66 Expansion joints, mounting flanges andE-63 to E-64 Expansion joints, noise vs.E-66 to E-67 Expansion joints, outer cover ofE-60 Expansion joints, pantograph control mechanism andE-63 Expansion joints, proximity of building toE-64 to E-65 Expansion joints, PTFE inE-60 Expansion joints, radial growth of steel parts vs.E-64 to E-65 Expansion joints, support/vs. support frame damageE-60 Expansion joints, thermal barrier ofE-60 Expansion joints, water washing andE-64 Explosion hazard assessmentE-67 to E-87 Explosion hazard assessment forE-67E-70E-81 Explosion hazard assessment, 3-D velocity grid test inE-72 to E-73 Explosion hazard assessment, abrasive materialsA-8 Explosion hazard assessment, air movement studies inE-67E-71 Explosion hazard assessment, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) codes forE-87 Explosion hazard assessment, American Petroleum Institute (API) code forE-86 Explosion hazard assessment, as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) risks andE-80 Explosion hazard assessment, British Gas Code forE-86 to E-87
Explosion hazard assessment, case study in, gas turbine power plants (UK)E-81 to E-85 Explosion hazard assessment, combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants andE-67E-70E-74E-81 Explosion hazard assessment, combined heat and power (CHP) plants andE-67E-70E-81 Explosion hazard assessment, dilution ventilation vs.E-87 Explosion hazard assessment, electric heaterH-17 to H-18 Explosion hazard assessment, fault tree logic diagrams forE-79 to E-80 Explosion hazard assessment, flammable materials andE-67E-76E-84E-86 Explosion hazard assessment, fuel leaks and E-69 to E-70E-76E-82 Explosion hazard assessment, full air flow balance tests inE-71 Explosion hazard assessment, gas detection vs.E-70 Explosion hazard assessment, gas turbine (GT) enclosures andE-67E-70 Explosion hazard assessment, hazard analysis (HAZAN) inE-68E-379 Explosion hazard assessment, hazardous operations (HAZOP) review inE-75 to E-76 Explosion hazard assessment, Health and Safety at Work (HSWA) Act (UK) andE-87 Explosion hazard assessment, identification of hazards inE-71 to E-76 Explosion hazard assessment, ignition sources andE-67E-78 Explosion hazard assessment, incidence of explosion andE-84 to E-85 Explosion hazard assessment, Institute of Petroleum (IP) code forE-87 Explosion hazard assessment, liquefied natural gas (LNG)F-39 Explosion hazard assessment, lower explosion limit (LEL) inE-70E-76 Explosion hazard assessment, methane andE-76 to E-77 Explosion hazard assessment, naphthaF-42 to F-43E-76 Explosion hazard assessment, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes forE-86 Explosion hazard assessment, natural gas andE-76 Explosion hazard assessment, operating conditions vs.E-74 Explosion hazard assessment, process hazard review (PHR) inE-67E-74 Explosion hazard assessment, propane andE-76 Explosion hazard assessment, risk based approach toE-71E-75E-80 Explosion hazard assessment, smoke tests inE-73 Explosion hazard assessment, standards forE-86 to E-87 Explosion hazard assessment, static pressure checks inE-72 Explosion hazard assessment, tanks andT-28 to T-29 Explosion hazard assessment, Teeside Power Station (UK) example ofE-67 to E-87 Explosion hazard assessment, ventilation vs.E-70E-76E-87 External gear pumpsP-260 to P-264 Extraction governorsT-106 Extraction processesE-44 Extraction processes, agitators inA-38 Extraction processes, liquid-solidE-87 Extraction steam turbinesT-98 to T-100 Extrusion die, computational fluid dynamics modeling ofC-4 Extrusions, computational fluid dynamics to modelC-7 Fabric filters, in air pollution controlA-83A-85 Fabricated metal industries pollutants andP-20 to P-21 Fahrenheit temperature conversionM-12 FansC-136F-1 Fans in electric motors, for coolingE-17E-28 Fans in generators and turbogeneratorsG-6G-8G-11 Fans, acceleration ofF-3 Fans, air density vs.F-1F-3 Fans, air horsepower (ahp) ofF-5 Fans, applications forF-2 Fans, blades inF-1 to F-3 Fans, capacity (cfm) ofF-1 to F-3 Fans, centrifugal fan typesF-1 Fans, computational fluid dynamics to model shapes inC-5 Fans, cooling towers andF-4 Fans, cylinder velocity recovery capability ofF-4 Fans, dryingD-4 Fans, forward vs. backward curved blades inF-1 Fans, horsepower ofF-1F-5 Fans, laws of operation inF-1 to F-2 Fans, mass flow rate ofF-4 Fans, net flow area ofF-3 Fans, performance range, by blade typeF-2 to F-3 Fans, speed (rpm) ofF-1 Fans, static pressure (hs) ofF-1 to F-5 Fans, total pressure differential ofF-4 Fans, variable pitchF-3 Fans, velocity ofF-3 to F-4 Fans, velocity pressure ofF-4 Fans, water density vs.F-3 Far fields, in soundA-20 Fast fourier transform (FFT), sound intensity meters usingA-16 Fast response valvesC-405 to C-408 FastenersSp-8 to Sp-10 Fatal accident rate (FAR)E-80 FatigueM-40 Fatty acids, crystallization ofC-68 to C-72 Fault tolerance, in control systemsC-355 Fault tree logic diagrams, in explosion hazard assessmentE-79 to E-80 Federal government service industries, pollutants andP-31 Feeding management (livestock;, environmental accountability andE-44 Feedwater heating, in steam turbines, regenerativeT-85 to T-87 FermentationE-44 Ferric oxide C-25 Ferrous alloys, abrasives andA-2 FertilizersV-15 Fiber forming, computational fluid dynamics to modelC-7 Filled system thermometersM-8 FillersA-1 Filpac TCR systemA-100 to A-101 Filsorption systemA-96 to A-97A-100 Filter designs and materialssee also "Air filtration""AirC-109F-5 Filter designs and materials, airsee "Air filtration""Air Filter designs and materials, air purification usingA-102 Filter designs and materials, carbon-graphite mix products andC-13 Filter designs and materials, cartridges forF-6 to F-8 Filter designs and materials, closures forF-6 Filter designs and materials, computation fluid dynamics inC-1 to C-7 Filter designs and materials, construction ofF-10 Filter designs and materials, fuel gas conditioning systemsF-25F-28 Filter designs and materials, gas filtersF-6 to F-11 Filter designs and materials, in line gasF-10 to F-11 Filter designs and materials, multitubeF-9 to F-10F-28 Filter designs and materials, optional features inF-10 Filter designs and materials, separators andS-13 to S-16 Filter designs and materials, sizing and performance ofF-9 to F-10 Filter in/filter out amplitude vs. rpm, in vibrational analysisC-276 to C-278 Filtered signal, vibrational analysis (VA)C-263 Fin tube type electric heatersH-9 to H-12 Fire hazards, tanks andT-28 to T-29 Fire hazards, toxic chemicalsC-59 Fire ratings, soundproofing materialsA-36 First aid procedures for toxic chemicalsC-61 FittingsSp-22 to Sp-23 Flame arrestorsV-31 Flammable materials, in explosion hazard assessmentE-67E-76E-84 FlangesSp-22 to Sp-23 Flapper valvesD-3 Flare carbon, vs. air filtration systemsA-74 to A-75 Flare stackssee also "Stacks"F-12 Flashbox, condensersC-238 to C-239 Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS)C-353 to C-354 Flexible connectors, in soundproofing and noise controlA-24 to A-25 Flexible couplings, synchronous clutches andP-118 Float and tape tank gaugesT-18 Float valves, vaporizersV-25 to V-28 Floating coversF-12 Floating sleeve expansion jointsE-65 to E-66 Flow ControlC-333 to C-334 Flow control in fuel systemsF-29 to F-37 Flow control in hydrodynamic power transmissionP-128P-131P-133 Flow control in stacks, design parameters affectingS-30 to S-33 Flow control in turbocompressorsC-333 Flow control, pulsation dampeners inP-214 to P-218 Flow errorsM-15 Flow measurementsee also "Liquid level/liquid flow control"C-389M-24Sp-10 Flow measurement, adiabatic expansion factor inM-25 Flow measurement, Bourdon tube inP-224 Flow measurement, capacity of flow inM-24 to M-25 Flow measurement, coefficient of discharge inM-24 Flow measurement, combined flow coefficient inM-24 Flow measurement, compressible fluidM-28 to M-29 Flow measurement, Delaval applications andM-29 to M-30 Flow measurement, differential pressure inM-24 Flow measurement, flow rate calculations inM-27 to M-30 Flow measurement, incompressible fluidM-28 Flow measurement, manometer differential pressure inM-24 Flow measurement, net expansion factor inM-25