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Название: Process Engineering Equipment Handbook
Автор: Soares C.
The first practical guide for process engineers, covering nearly every type of process-related equipment, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook is the fastest way to master process environments. This hands-on reference helps you—
*Understand and specify all types of auxiliary process equipment and materials.
*Provide engineering and operating expertise on machinery that is of prime importance in process engineering, including compressors and pumps, gas and steam turbines, fans, blowers and motors—both as individual components and as part of a supplied total package.
*Explore various applications, such as mechanical drive and direct drive (power generation service) for gas turbines, major support systems including instrumentation, and key components such as bearings and seals, all with reference to practical applications.
*Troubleshoot and solve problems in unfamiliar machines and components
*Work effectively with control, environmental, mechanical, civil, and other technical specialists.
*Handle issues with filters, seals, fans, dryers, nozzles, gaskets, elements made of unusual materials, blowers, connectors, gas and steam turbines, conveyors, feeders, joints, mills, controls, and many other categories of process equipment.
*Gain valuable insight into the topics of vibration analysis and life-cycle assessment.
*Perform major and minor audits of existing plants and machinery trains.
The best source of on-the-job guidance for process engineers, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook provides the answers you seek, in quick-access alphabetical order.
Periodic motion, vibrational analysis (VA)C-11C-302C-305C-310 Personal and household service industries, pollutants andP-31 PesticidesA-49P-7 Petrochemical Company of Singapore (PCS)C-38 to C-41 Petrochemical complex/plantC-38 to C-41 Petrochemical complex/plant, hydrodynamic power transmission andP-138 to P-147 Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore (PCS)C-403 to C-408 Petroleum and natural gas industries, acid treatment inR-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, additives andR-5 to R-6 Petroleum and natural gas industries, alkylation inR-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, atmospheric distillationR-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries, blending processes inR-2R-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, catalytic cracking inP-2 to P-3 Petroleum and natural gas industries, chemical treating inR-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, coking processes inR-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, combining processes inR-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, conversion process inR-2 to R-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, cracking processes inP-2 to P-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, crude oil composition andR-1 to R-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries, deposits and compliance assessment forR-5 to R-6 Petroleum and natural gas industries, gas treating inR-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, glossary of terms forP-6 to P-10 Petroleum and natural gas industries, hydrocracking inR-3 Petroleum and natural gas industries, hydrotreating inR-4 to R-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, physical treatments inR-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, pollutants andP-13 to P-14 Petroleum and natural gas industries, polymerization inR-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, rearranging processes inR-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, separation process inR-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries, solvent extraction inR-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, sweetening processes inR-5 Petroleum and natural gas industries, tanks andT-16 Petroleum and natural gas industries, treatment process inR-2R-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries, vacuum distillation inR-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries, visbreaking inR-3 Petrotech Inc. (retrofit controls)C-354 to C-408 PharmaceuticalsSp-2 Pharmaceuticals, freeze drying process inD-4 to D-18 Phase angle, in vibrational analysis (VA)C-265C-305C-315 Phase, in vibrational analysis (VA)C-270C-272 Phases, of materialsM-39 PhathalateP-10 to P-31P-33P-40 PhenolP-11 to P-31P-40 PhenylphenolP-12 to P-31P-40 Philips ElectronicsP-5 Philips Pening gaugesM-22 PhosgeneV-15 PhosphatesC-78 Phosphoric acidP-12 to P-31P-40 PhosphorusP-12 to P-31P-40P-64 Photodegradation of plasticsP-2 Photosynthetic actionR-9 Phtalic anhydrideP-12 to P-31P-40 Physical vapor deposition (PVD)M-34 Pinch valvesCE-18 to CE-392 Pipe diameter, in flow measurementM-24 Pipelines and pipeline pumping stations, centrifugal compressors used inC-182 to C-186 Pipelines and pipeline pumping stations, hydrodynamic power transmission used inP-147 to P-152 Pipelines and pipeline pumping stations, pollutants andP-28 PipingSp-16 Piping, centrifugal pumpP-257 Piping, in reciprocating (labyrinthine) compressorsC-103 Piping, lubrication lineL-29 Piping, pressure measurement inM-15 to M-16 Piping, rotary pumpP-273 to P-274 Pirani gaugesM-22 Piston rods, in reciprocating (labyrinthine) compressorsC-91 to C-94 Piston type pressure switchesC-385 to C-386 Pistons, in actuatorsA-42 Pistons, in reciprocating (labyrinthine) compressorsC-86 to C-88C-93C-112C-121C-126 Pistons, labyrinth designC-112 to C-115C-121 PitchL-25R-9 Pitot static tubesC-329M-15 Pitting, gearP-74 to P-75 PlanktonC-78 Plant controller, magnetic bearingsB-8 Plasma transfer arc weldingM-38 Plastic cleaningM-34 Plastic deformationM-39 PlasticsP-1 to P-7Sp-2 Plastics, biodegradation ofP-2 to P-3 Plastics, biodistegrableP-2 Plastics, conductive polymers inP-4 to P-7 Plastics, electricP-3 to P-7 Plastics, ENVAR biodegradableP-2 Plastics, environmental degradation ofP-1 Plastics, equivalent series resistance (ESR) polymersP-6 Plastics, low density polyethylene (LDPE)P-2 Plastics, monomersP-4 to P-5 Plastics, oxidative degradation ofP-2 Plastics, photodegradation ofP-2 Plastics, pollutants andP-16 to P-17 Plastics, polyacetyleneP-5 to P-7 Plastics, polyanilineP-5 to P-7 Plastics, polyethyleneP-2 Plastics, polypyrroleP-4 Plastics, polythiopheneP-3 to P-7 Plastics, smart membranes using conductive polymersP-7 Plastics, thermosetSp-18 Platinum resistance thermometerM-4 Plug valvesCE-18 to CE-392 PlumbingP-30Sp-17 Plume abatement cooling towersC-424 to C-426 Poisoning of catalyst, in air pollution controlA-96 Polar solutes/solventsC-72 Pollutionsee also "Air pollution control""Environmental"WaterP-7 Pollution, accidents/incidents andE-46 Pollution, acid rain andA-9 to A-13P-60 Pollution, agricultural chemicals andA-49P-12 Pollution, air emissionsP-57 to P-60 Pollution, beverage industries andP-15P-29 Pollution, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) inP-69 Pollution, business service industries andP-31 Pollution, Canadian studies inP-8 to P-72 Pollution, carbon dioxide C-13 to C-21 Pollution, carbon monoxide andP-62 to P-64 Pollution, cement kilns andC-22C-28 Pollution, chemical and chemical products industries andP-25 to P-26 Pollution, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) inC-413 Pollution, communication industries andP-29 Pollution, condensers andC-233 Pollution, construction industries andP-27 to P-28 Pollution, continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) inC-34 Pollution, drug industries andP-29 Pollution, ecological parksE-1 Pollution, ecosystemsE-1 to E-3 Pollution, electrical and electronics products industries andP-22 to P-23 Pollution, environmental accountabilityE-40 to E-49 Pollution, eutrophication inP-64 to P-65 Pollution, fabricated metal industries andP-20 to P-21 Pollution, federal government service industries andP-31 Pollution, food industries andP-14 to P-15P-29 Pollution, furniture and fixture industries andP-18 Pollution, IEA Greenhouse Gas Implementing AgreementC-14 Pollution, industrial effluent inP-71 to P-72 Pollution, leather and allied products industriesP-17 Pollution, logging industry andP-13 Pollution, machinery industries andP-21 Pollution, manufacturing industries (other)P-27 Pollution, metal industries andP-19 to P-20 Pollution, metals, hardware, plumbing, heating, building materials industriesP-30 Pollution, mining industry andP-13 Pollution, motor vehicle industries andP-29 to P-30 Pollution, National Pollution Release Inventory (NPRI) for (Canada)P-8 to P-72 Pollution, nonmetallic mineral products industries andP-23 Pollution, ozoneO-4 to O-26 Pollution, personal and household service industries andP-31 Pollution, petroleum and natural gas industries andP-13 to P-14 Pollution, phosphates andC-78 Pollution, phosphorus inP-64 to P-65