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Название: Process Engineering Equipment Handbook
Автор: Soares C.
The first practical guide for process engineers, covering nearly every type of process-related equipment, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook is the fastest way to master process environments. This hands-on reference helps you—
*Understand and specify all types of auxiliary process equipment and materials.
*Provide engineering and operating expertise on machinery that is of prime importance in process engineering, including compressors and pumps, gas and steam turbines, fans, blowers and motors—both as individual components and as part of a supplied total package.
*Explore various applications, such as mechanical drive and direct drive (power generation service) for gas turbines, major support systems including instrumentation, and key components such as bearings and seals, all with reference to practical applications.
*Troubleshoot and solve problems in unfamiliar machines and components
*Work effectively with control, environmental, mechanical, civil, and other technical specialists.
*Handle issues with filters, seals, fans, dryers, nozzles, gaskets, elements made of unusual materials, blowers, connectors, gas and steam turbines, conveyors, feeders, joints, mills, controls, and many other categories of process equipment.
*Gain valuable insight into the topics of vibration analysis and life-cycle assessment.
*Perform major and minor audits of existing plants and machinery trains.
The best source of on-the-job guidance for process engineers, Process Engineering Equipment Handbook provides the answers you seek, in quick-access alphabetical order.
Machine guardsSp-11 Machinery industries pollutionP-21 MachiningC-1M-35 Macromonomer solution, freeze dry production ofD-18 Magnesium oxide (MgO)C-25 Magnesium, as fuel impurityL-9 Magnetic bearingsB-5 to B-11 Magnetic bearings, actuators inB-5 to B-9 Magnetic bearings, advantages and benefits ofB-10 to B-11 Magnetic bearings, analog control systems forB-9 Magnetic bearings, axis of control forB-6 Magnetic bearings, centrifugal compressorsC-185 to C-186C-189 Magnetic bearings, control algorithms forB-5B-10 Magnetic bearings, control system forB-5 to B-6B-8 Magnetic bearings, noncontacting technology inB-5 Magnetic bearings, open loop control system inB-10 Magnetic bearings, plant controller forB-8 Magnetic bearings, position sensors inB-6 Magnetic bearings, power amplifier inB-6B-8 Magnetic bearings, power supply forB-8 Magnetic bearings, radial typeB-6 to B-7 Magnetic bearings, rotor dynamic analysis inB-10 Magnetic bearings, sensors inB-5 to B-9 Magnetic bearings, stator and rotor inB-6 to B-7 Magnetic bearings, system components and operation inB-6 to B-11 Magnetic bearings, thrust typeB-6B-8 Magnetic bearings, transfer function inB-10 Magnetic bearings, user interface inB-9 Magnetic drives, actuatorsA-42A-45 Magnetic float principle, in level sensingC-388 Magnetic particle inspectionM-36 Magnification factor (D/F/k), vibrational analysis (VA) and dampingC-316 Magnitude, in vibrational analysis (VA)C-263 Maintenance, gearsP-82 Maintenance, lubricating oils and greaseL-28 to L-29 Maintenance, service life for turbine components vs. material selectionM-41 to M-42 Makeup water, in condensersC-240 Maleic anyhydrideP-11 to P-31P-40V-15 MalsynchronizationC-344 Man-machine interface (MMI), in control systemsC-356 ManganeseP-11 to P-31P-40 Manifold flow (fuel), control ofC-403 to C-408 ManliftsSp-12 Manometer differential pressure, in flow measurementM-24 ManometersC-329M-17M-22 manufacturersSp-2 Manufacturing industries, pollutants andP-27 Mar M247M-41 MargarineC-76 Maritime use of air filtration systemsA-61 Mass flow rate, fansF-4 Mass law performance, soundA-33 Mass transfer, agitators forA-38 Mass transfer, computation fluid dynamics inC-1 to C-7 Mass transfer—accelerator, TBA and freeze dryingD-8 Material characteristicssee also "Materials selection" Material characteristics, alloys inM-39 Material characteristics, aqueous corrosion inM-40 Material characteristics, compounds inM-39 Material characteristics, corrosion inM-40 Material characteristics, creep deformation inM-39M-40 Material characteristics, crystalline nature ofM-39 Material characteristics, deformation inM-39 Material characteristics, diffusion rate ofM-39 Material characteristics, dislocations inM-39 Material characteristics, elastic deformation inM-39 Material characteristics, fatigue inM-40 Material characteristics, fractures inM-39 to M-40 Material characteristics, grain boundaries inM-39 Material characteristics, grain growth inM-39 Material characteristics, grains inM-39 Material characteristics, hot corrosion inM-40 Material characteristics, kinetic barriers inM-39 Material characteristics, metastable conditions inM-39 Material characteristics, microstructure ofM-40 Material characteristics, orientation of crystals inM-39 Material characteristics, oxidation inM-40 Material characteristics, phases inM-39 Material characteristics, plastic deformation inM-39 Material characteristics, recrystallization inM-39 Material characteristics, selection ofsee "Materials selection" Material characteristics, solid solutions inM-39 Material fundamentals, metallurgyM-38 to M-40 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)C-43C-58 Material selection (gas turbines)M-40 to M-42 Material selection (gas turbines), bladesM-41 Material selection (gas turbines), combustion cansM-40 to M-41 Material selection (gas turbines), compressor rotorM-40 Material selection (gas turbines), pumps andP-241 Material selection (gas turbines), service life for turbine components vs.M-41 to M-42 Material selection (gas turbines), steam turbineM-42 Material selection (gas turbines), turbine discsM-40 Material selection (gas turbines), turbine vanesM-41 Materials processing, computation fluid dynamics modeling ofC-1 to C-7 Maximum daily amount, in petroleum industryR-8 McLeod gaugeM-22 MDS NordionI-2 Mean time between failure (MTBF)C-418 Measurementsee also "Condition monitoring""Control"Flow"Pressure"TemperatureM-1Sp-12 Measurement, computation fluid dynamics inC-1 to C-7 Measurement, flow measurementsee "Flow measurement" Measurement, life cycle assessment (LCA) andL-12 to L-15 Measurement, pressure measurementsee "Pressure measurement" Measurement, tank gauges inT-13 to T-40 Measurement, temperaturesee "Temperature measurement" Mechanical governorsT-101 to T-102 Mechanical power transmissionP-121 to P-124 Mechanical rating, worm gearsP-94 Mechanical strength, in carbon-graphite mix productsC-9 Mechanical thermal switches (MTS)P-202 to P-204 Mechanical-hydraulic governorsT-102 to T-104 Medical waste incinerators, ASME certification program forSp-30 MentholC-68 MercaptansR-8 to R-9 Merco centrifugeC-36 to C-37 MercuryP-11 to P-31P-37P-40 Mercury micromanometerM-22 Metal diaphragm sensorsC-383 Metal industries, pollutants andP-19 to P-20 Metallurgical refurbishmentsee also "Metallurgy"M-31 Metallurgical repairsee also "Metallurgy"M-31 MetallurgyL-9M-31Sp-2 Metallurgy, activated diffusion healing (ADH) inM-32 Metallurgy, air plasma coatings inM-35 Metallurgy, anticorrosion coatingsC-442 Metallurgy, autoclaving inM-34 Metallurgy, brazingM-32 Metallurgy, casting inM-43 Metallurgy, cleaning and stripping inM-32M-34 Metallurgy, coatings inM-34 to M-35 Metallurgy, computer aided tomography (CAT) scan inM-37 Metallurgy, dabber TIG welding inM-38 Metallurgy, drilling inM-35 Metallurgy, eddy current testing inM-36 Metallurgy, electrical discharge machining (EDM) inM-35 Metallurgy, fluoride ion cleaning inM-34 Metallurgy, forging inM-43 Metallurgy, grinding inM-35 Metallurgy, high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) coatings inM-35 Metallurgy, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) inM-41 Metallurgy, laser cleaning inM-34 Metallurgy, laser drilling inM-35 Metallurgy, laser inspection inM-37 Metallurgy, laser machining inM-35 Metallurgy, laser welding inM-37 Metallurgy, lathes inM-35 Metallurgy, liquid penetrant inspection (LPI) inM-36 to M-37 Metallurgy, machining inM-35 Metallurgy, magnetic particle inspection inM-36 Metallurgy, manufacture inM-42 to M-43