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Ribenboim P. — My numbers, my friends: popular lectures on number theory |
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Rank of appearance 12 13 15
Rao 280
Rational points 39 241
Real analysis 66
Records, fraction of zeros of Riemann function on critical line 75
Records, largest composite Fermat number 72
Records, largest factored Fermat number 72
Records, largest Fermat prime 72
Records, largest gap between consecutive prime numbers 76
Records, largest known composite Mersenne 73
Records, largest known prime for which P+1 is also prime 65
Records, largest known prime whose digits are also primes 77
Records, largest Mersenne prime 72
Records, largest pair of twin primes 76
Records, largest prime 73
Records, largest prime repunit 77
Records, largest value of exactly computed 74
Records, largest value of Riemann hypothesis verified 75
Records, longest sequence of primes in arithmetic progression 68
Records, smallest Fermat number not yet determined composite 72
Recurrence relation 56 219 305
Ree, R. 353
Representations of m as sums of two squares 60
Repunits 35 77 346 348
Rhin, G. 309
Ribenboim, P. 19 32 36 38 39 42 63 76 84 88 193 237 239 242 261 263 314 347 348 355 358 359
Ribet, K.A. 242
Richelot, F. 275
Richter 186
Riemann hypothesis 17 18 71 75 84 159 160 164 166
Riemann zeta function 75 159 219 231 280 308
Riemann zeta function, expression for 281
Riemann zeta function, expression for 281
Riemann zeta function, expression for 282
Riesel, H. 195 280
Robbins, N. 31—33
Roberts, L. 89
Roots of unity 6 151 152 155
Rosser, J.B. 73 221
Roth, K.F. 198 201 287 299 314
Rotkiewicz, A. 20 31 32 34 39 191 192 195 225 257
Ruffini, P. 272 275
Ruler and compass constructions 115 275 285 287
Rumely, R.S. 70
Russell's paradox 355
Rutherford, W. 186
Sagier, D.B. 298
Saito, M. 166
Salo, D. 69
Schanuel's conjecture see Conjectures Schanuel's
Schanuel, S.H. 323
Schatunowsky, J. 351
Schenkman, O. 317
Schinzel, A. 4 18 20—23 92 124 192 223 225 236 245 263
Schmidt, W.M. 311 329 331
Schneider, T. 287 311 314 320 321 323 331
Schoenfeld, L. 73
Schoof, R.J. 165
Selberg, S. 178 183 188
Selfridge, J. 21 87
Selmer, E. 5
Sentance, W.A. 233
Serre, J.P. 168
Shafarevich, I. 155
Shanks, D. 168 186 283
Shanks, W. 186
Sharp, A. 184
Shibata, K. 298
Shimura, G. 242
Shiu, P. 231
Shorey, T.N. 24 29 205
Siegel's lemma 318 319
Siegel, C.L. 108 157 159—162 194 198 201 261 287 314 318 319 331
Sierpinski, W. 15 92 192 236
Sieve of Eratosthenes 81
Silverman, J.H. 226 260
Sitaramachandara Rao, R. 280
Skewes, S. 73
Smart, J.R. 280
Sophie Germain primes see Prime numbers Sophie
Special linear group 120
Sporadic groups 354
Sprindzuk, V.G. 329
Spunar 221
Square-classes 30—33 36 40 42
Square-free numbers 16 17 23 24 26 33 42 67 95 97 99 118 139 148 152 164 165 191 193 224 226 291 346 350 351
Squaring the circle 285 287 318
Stainville, M.J. 285 301
Stark, H.M. 68 108 160 349 350 358
Steinberg, S. 353
Steiner, R. 32
| Steinig, J. 142
Stephens, P.J. 16 17
Stewart, C.L. 4 19 24—26 30 41
Stormer, C. 183 188 190 204
Sumerians 353
Suzuki, M. 353
Sylow subgroups 144 169
Sylvester, J.J. 216 303
Symmetric group 276
Synthesis 64
Szekeres, G. 108 230 231
Takahashi, D. 187
Tamarkine, J. 218 220
Taniyama, Y. 242
Taylor, R. 242
te Riele, H.J.J. 73 74 290
Theory of genera 107 116 138—144 167
Theta series 52 58 61
Thue's equations 20
Thue, A. 189 196 198 201 204 287 295 312 314
Thyssen, A. 67 93
Tijdeman, R. 34 178 201 204 205 245 259
Toepfer, T. 307
Top, J. 38
Topologies, number of distinct 351
Transcendence degree 324 327
Transcendence measure 331
Transcendence of 317
Transcendence of 322
Transcendence of 287
Transcendence of 288
Transcendence of 286—288 318
Transcendence of 323
Transcendence of 288 321
Transcendence of 288
Transcendence of e 287 288 317
Transcendence of log r 317
Transcendence of trigonometric functions 318
Twin primes see Prime numbers twin
Tzanakis, N. 19
Uncountability 276 299 310 312 316 330
Unitarily perfect number 353
Van Ceulen, L. 184
Van de Lune, J. 74
Van der Poorten, A.J. 29 280 290
Van der Waerden, B.L. 275
Van Rooman, A. 184
Vanden Eynden, C. 233
Vandiver, H.S. 195 217 221 225
Veblen, O. 317
Venus 82
Viete, F. 183 185 277
Viola, C. 309
von Neumann, J. 187
Von Vega, G. 186
Vorob’ev, N.N. 2
Voutier, P.M. 19
Wada, H. 69 161 166
Wagstaff, S.S. 70 87
Waldschmidt, M. 25 30 33 271 284 331
Walker, D.T. 233
Wallis, J. 277 278 291
Walsh, P.G. 42 232 233 261 263
Ward, M. 14 15
Warren, L.J. 192 257
Weierstrass, K. 286 317 324 327
Weil, A. 115 213
Weinberger, P.J. 108 161 166 357
Wells, D. 358
Wieferich congruence 247—249
Wieferich, A. 189 192 220 221 237 257
Wiens, D. 69
Wiles, A. 192 220 237 242 257 308
Williams, H.C. 27 76 161 163 164
Willis, J. 184
Wilson primes 218
Wilson's theorem 218
Winter, D.T. 74
Wolfskehl, P. 351
Woltman, G. 71
Wrench, J.W. 186
Wright, E.M. 24 59 65 66 282
Wyler, O. 30
Yamamoto, Y. 166
Yao, Q. 75
Young, J. 71
Zagier, D.B. 108 160 243 298
Zeta function 74 75 87 159 219 231 242 280 282 308
Zeta function of a field 159
Zhang, M. 280
Zsigmondy, K. 1 17 19 23 195 225 248 354
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