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Ribenboim P. — My numbers, my friends: popular lectures on number theory |
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, continued fraction expansion of 279
, digits of 63 185 187 188
, expressions for 184—187 278 279 283
16 17 73 74 81
13 Lectures on Fermat’s Last Theorem 238
17-gon 115
Aaltonen, M. 195
Abel, N.H. 215 272 275
Absolutely convergent 59 75
Adleman, L.M. 70 237 257
Agoh, T. 283
Algebraic independence 61 288 318 328
Algebraic integers 7 69 95 96 110 148 149 274 276 312 314 319 359
Alladi, K. 299 308
Almqvist 60
Alternating groups 276 353 354
Ambiguous classes 138 144 145 167
Andre-Jeannin, R. 40 60 307
Ankeny, N.C. 166
Apery, R. 60 280 287 307 308
Aphrodite 82
Apollo 82
Approximation by rational numbers 296—302
Archimedes 183 291
Arctangent 185
Arima, R. 291
Arithmetic progressions 94
Arithmetic-geometric mean 115 188
Ars Conjectandi 114
Artin's conjecture see Conjectures Artin's
Artin's constant 84
Artin, E. 16 19 225
Asymptotic density 25 27 242
Ayoub, R.G. 108
Bachmann, P. 180
Bailey, D.H. 187
Baillie, R. 70
Baker, A. 19 25 29 34 68 108 160 178 201 245 287 308 321 323 324 327 331 345 349 350 358
Balasubramanian, R. 347
Bang, A.S. 1 17 19 195 225 248
Bateman, P.T. 230 231
Becker, P.G. 307
Beeger, N.G.W.H. 215
Ben Gerson, L. 177 178
Berndt, B.C. 279 280
Bernoulli numbers 197 219 222 280 281
Bernoulli, J. 113
Bertrand, J. 75 79
Beukers, F. 241 243 307 309
Binary linear recurrence 15 17
Binet's formulas 6 8
Binet, J.P.M. 5 55
Birkhoff, G.D. 19 23 195 225
Bit operations 86
Bombelli, R. 287
Bombieri, E. 84
Bond, R. 34
Book of Prime Number Records, The 64
Borel, E. 330
Borevich, Z.I. 155
Borwein, J.M. 187
Bouniakowsky, A. 92 236 237
Bourbaki group 214
Bouyer, M. 186
Boyd, D.W. 165
Brauer, A.A. 15
Bray, H. 192 257
Brazil 29 113
Brent, R.P. 71 75 290
Briggs, W.E. 161 357
Brillhart, J. 21 28
Brouncker, W. 184 278
Brown, J.L. 53
Brun's constant 76
Brun, V. 75 348
Buell, D.A. 157 166
Bugeaud, Y. 34
Bukhadze, E.A. 309
Bundschuh, P. 271 315 330
Burrowes, R. 72
Caldwell, C. 64
Cantor, G. 275 286 302 309
Cardano, G. 272
Carlitz, L. 60
Carmichael function 14
Carmichael, R.D. 1 10 13 17—19 24 27 191 225
Cassels, J.W.S. 178 190 191 197 331
Castellanos, D. 278
Catalan's Conjecture 32 34 35 251
Catalan, E. 34 177 178 191
Catalan’s conjecture see Conjectures Catalan's
Characteristic polynomial 3 14
Chebyshev's theorem 55
Chebyshev, P.L. 73 75 79 80 88
Chein, E.Z. 31 189 190
Chevalley, C. 353
Chord and tangent method 39
Chowla, S. 108 161 163 166 357
Chudnovsky, D.V. 309
Chudnovsky, G.V. 309
Clark, D. 215
Clarkson, R. 71
Class group 163 166—169
Class number 69 92 102—111 113 138 151 152 156 157 159 161—165 167—169 195 196 203 204 220 348 350 351 359
Class number and the relationship between strict class number 152
Class number formula 154—158
Class number, calculation of 104—106
Class number, strict 151 152 157
Clausen, T. 186
Coates, J. 345
Cohen, H. 162 166
Cohn, J.H.E. 30 31 36 38 39 41 235
Complex plane 75
Computers 32 34 35 72 82 86 176 187 216 226 240
Comtet, L. 280
Conductor of an order 149
Conjectures, ABC 42 43 227 259—266
Conjectures, Artin's 17
Conjectures, Catalan's 35 178 260
Conjectures, Goldbach's 77
Conjectures, Landau's 261
Conjectures, Mahler's 330
Conjectures, Masser's see Conjectures ABC
Conjectures, Mordell's 43
Conjectures, Schanuel's 324—328
Conrey, J.B. 74
Consecutive composite numbers 75 76
Consecutive prime values 69
Construction of regular polygons 115
Continued fraction expansions 30 298 302
Continued fraction expansions of 292—295
Continued fraction expansions of e 292—295
Continued fractions 288—295
Convenient numbers 142 143 357 358
Cox, D.A. 168
Craig, M. 165
Crandall, R.E. 71 215 217
Crelle's Journal 178 216 276
Crelle, A.L. 177
Criterion of Pocklington 83
Critical line 75
Cubic diophantine equations 34
Cyclotomic polynomials see Polynomials cyclotomic
Dahse, Z. 186
Darmon, H. 240 242
Davenport, H. 198 347
De Bessy, F. 177 183 189
de La Vallee Poussin, C. 73 80
De Lagny, F. 186
De Leon, M.J. 254
| De Vitry, F. 177
Dedekind function 17
Dedekind, R. 146 150
Degenerate binary recurrence 30
Degenerate sequences 7
Deleglise, M. 73
Deshouillers, J.-M. 347
Deterministic algorithms 70
Deterministic tests 87
Deuring, M. 108 159 160
di Pisa, L. 183
Dickson, L.E. 177 189 225 353
Dilcher, K. 215 217
Diophantine approximation 179 199 286—288 313
Diophantus of Alexandria 190
Dirichlet, G.L. 84 92 135 146 153 219 236 281 285 295 296
Discriminants 3 25 40 43 96 102 106 108 117—119 121—132 134—139 141—149 152—155 157—167 169 263 284
Discriminants of an order 149
Discriminants, calibers of 163 164
Discriminants, fundamental 118 119 125—127 129 131 132 138 141—144 146 148 149 152 153 157—159 162—164 167
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 102 115 116 145—147 195 345
Distinct prime factors 17 21 24 25 67 107 167 202 227
Double-squares 31 32 36
Dress, F. 347
Dubner, H. 27 28 76
Durand, A. 330
Durst, L.K. 18
Dvornicich, R. 309
Dyadic representation 55
Dyson, F.J. 314
D’Alembert 273
Edwards, H.M. 115
Effective minoration 161
Effectively computable 20 21 26 27 30 31 33 35 40 41 161 206 233 246 251 260 315
Eisenstein, F.G. 192 216 223 246 274
Eisenstein,F.G. 115
Elements 65
Elkies, W.D. 41 239 240 260
Elliptic curve 39 243
Elliptic functions 58 109 161
Engel, F. 303
Eratosthenes 81
Erdoes, P. 24 204 229—232 234 235 254 311
Error terms 74 75
Euclid 64 348
Euler, L. 10 13 23 54 64 65 68 72 113—115 140—142 146 177 179—181 184—186 189 191—193 218 222 223 239 276 277 281 282 285 287 289 292 293 301 320 348 349 351 356 357
Exponential-diophantine equation 201 202
Extended Richaud — Degert type 164 165
Fadiman, C. 213
Faltings, G. 42 238
Fel’dman, N.I. 331
Ferentinou-Nicolacopoulou, J. 191 193
Fermat numbers 66 72 87 192 193 250 252—254 258 262 276
Fermat numbers, square-free 193
Fermat primes 29 224 276
Fermat's last theorem 43 67 193 221 226 236 238 240 241 247 258—261 287 309 348 352 359
Fermat's Last Theorem for Amateurs 250
Fermat, P. 114 132 134 146 177 182 183 189 191 192 222 223 247 290
Fermat’s Little Theorem 14 71 72 84 88 215 217 223 247
fibonacci 1 183 223
Fibonacci numbers 2 4 13—15 31—34 42 348 360
Fibonacci numbers, cubes 34
Fibonacci numbers, square-classes of 32
Fibonacci numbers, squares 31
Fibonacci Quarterly 8
Fibonacci sequence 56
Finite abelian group 138 144 166
Finite fields 6
Finkelstein, R. 33
Fischer, B. 353
Flath, D.E. 143
Forms reduction 125
Forms, automorphs of 123 132—135
Forms, binary quadratic 102 113 115—119 136 144 358
Forms, conjugates of 118
Forms, indefinite 117 127 129 146
Forms, linear 20 26 30 34 35 109 161 179 202 203 246 322 324 346
Forms, negative definite 118
Forms, positive definite 118 123 124 129 158
Forms, primary representations of 155
Forms, primitive 117 118 120 121 132 136—138 141 143 147 152—155 163
Forms, primitive values of 117
Forms, principal 117 137
Forms, reduced 123—132 134 138 142 163 164
Forms, special reduced 123
Forms, values of 117
Fourier, J. 285 301
Fouvry, E. 237 257
Franklin, P. 178
Frei, G. 142 358
Fridy, J.A. 53
Friedlander, J.B. 84 163
Friedmann, A. 218 220
Frobenius, F.G. 221 349
Fundamental theorem of algebra 115 274
Fundamental units of a ring 101 152 155 157 162 163 182 183 191 349
Furtwaengler, P. 221
Gallot, Y. 72
Galois group 276 284
Galois, E. 272 275 290
Gamma function 282
Gandhi's formula 67
Gandhi, J.M. 66
Gauss sum 195
Gauss' reciprocity law 111 154
Gauss, C.F. 72 73 80 101 106 108 114 176 186 187 194 272—274 344 346 357
Gel’fond, A.O. 160 287 320 321 323—325 331
Generalized Euler function 14
Genus, principal 140—143 145—147 162 169
Gerono, G.C. 34 190
GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) 72
Glaisher, J.W.L. 278 282
Goldbach's conjecture see Conjectures Goldbach's
Goldbach, C. 65 281
Goldberg, K. 217
Golden number 163
Golden ratio see Golden number
Goldfeld, D.M. 108 157 159 160
Goldman, M. 32
Golomb, S.W. 229 230
Good, I.J. 307
Gramain, F. 327
Granville, A. 221 237 238 240 248 257 259 265
Grave, D. 187 188
Gray, J.J. 114
Greatest prime factor 24 25 199
Gregory, J. 184 277
Gross, B. 108 160 239
Grosswald, E. 161 231 280 357
Growth of coefficients of Taylor series 7
Grube, F. 357
Guilloud, J. 186
Guinness Book of Records, The 63 188
Gut, M. 194
Guy, R.K. 359
Gyoery, K. 19
Hadamard, J. 73 80
Halberstam, H. 318
Hall 262
Hampel, R. 191 195 196
Hardy, G.H. 24 59 65 66 281 282
Hasse, H. 15
Hata, M. 309
Heath, T.L. 189
Heath-Brown, D.R. 84 232 237 238 257 351
Hebracus, L. 177
Hecke, E. 108 158
Heegner, K. 68 108 159 160 349 358
Heilbronn, H. 107 108 159 161
Hendy, M.D. 349
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