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Myers J.L., Well A.D. — Research design and statistical analysis
Myers J.L., Well A.D. — Research design and statistical analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Research design and statistical analysis

Àâòîðû: Myers J.L., Well A.D.


Adopting an intuitive, informal style, this text emphasizes the statistical concepts and assumptions needed to describe and make inferences about real data. The volume's 21 chapters address topics including univariate distributions; the chi-square and F distributions; contrasts among means; trend analysis; repeated- measures designs; hierarchical designs; Latin squares and related designs; correlation and bivariate regression; and multiple regression. Includes major content and organizational revisions from the previous edition. Suitable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students learning about data analysis, as well as for researchers.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: second edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 760

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.06.2005

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Cross-validation      577—580 see also Regression
Crossed factors      389—390
Cumming, G.      146 731
Cumulative probability function      101
Dallal, G.E.      592 741
Dalton, S.      428 731
Davenport, J.M.      369 731
Davis, J.      436 443 740
Dawes, R.M.      483 731
DeCarlo, L.T.      32 732
Degrees of freedom (df)      142
Delaney, H.D.      220 428 723 736 741
Deleted prediction      544 see
Deleted residual      545 see
Density function      100
Denton, J.Q.      217 729
DeShon, R.P.      548 731
DFBETAS      546—547 see
DFFITS      546 see
Diaconis, P.      494 732
DiCecco, J.V.      376 444 737
Dickinson, R.G.      370 732
Digram balanced design      474—476 see Latin
Dill, C.A.      428 736
Direct effects      see Regression
Distributions, binomial      75—78
Distributions, binomial, mean and variance derived      652
Distributions, bivariate normal distribution      489—591
Distributions, chi square      173—175
Distributions, chi square, additive property of      174
Distributions, chi square, defined      174
Distributions, chi square, tests of independence and goodness-of-fit      173
Distributions, chi square, tests of, and confidence intervals for variance      174—178
Distributions, F distribution, defined      179
Distributions, F distribution, properties of      179—181
Distributions, Gaussian      721
Distributions, mixed-normal distribution      111
Distributions, normal distribution, defined      103
Distributions, normal distribution, graphic check for normality      32—33 287 541
Distributions, normal distribution, standardized normal deviate      103
Distributions, normal distribution, standardized normal distribution      103
Distributions, normal distribution, tests for      185 287
Distributions, probability      62—67
Distributions, relations among      185—186
Distributions, univariate      10
Dixon, W.J.      12 30 734
Donaldson, T.S.      217 731
Donovan, S.S.      436 740
Dot density plot      112 194
Dot plot      see Dot density plot
Draper, N.R.      532 542 598 726 731
Dummy coding      see Coding of categorical variables
Dummy variables      see Coding of categorical variables
Duncan, D.B.      255 731
Dunlap, W.P.      121 735
Dunn — Bonferroni method      see Contrasts among means
Dunn — Sidak method      see Contrasts among means
Dunn, O.J.      245 249 501 731 732
Dunnett's T3 test      see Contrasts among means
Dunnett's test for comparing treatment groups with a control      see Contrasts among means
Dunnett, C.W.      252 255 732
Durbin — Watson statistic      533 541—542 see
D’Agostino, R.B.      185 731
D’Agostino, R.B., Jr.      185 731
Ecological correlations      see Correlation
Edgell, S.E.      492—493 732
Edwards, A.L.      324 734
Effect coding      see Coding of categorical variables
effect size      7
Effect size in mixed ANOVA      394—396
Effect size in multifactor ANOVA      315—318
Effect size in one-factor ANOVA      208—212
Effect size in one-factor ANOVA for unequal-n designs      211—212
Effect size in repeated-measures ANOVA      348—349
Effect size, Cohen's f and $f^2$      210—211 316—318 588—591
Effect size, Cohen's guidelines for size of effect, ANOVA      209
Effect size, Cohen's guidelines for size of effect, ANOVA, comparing pairs of means      146
Effect size, Cohen's guidelines for size of effect, ANOVA, correlation      46 491
Effect size, Cohen's guidelines for size of effect, ANOVA, multiple regression      589
Effect size, comparing two means, ($E_S$, Cohen's d)      145—146 156 210 722
Effect size, confidence intervals for      see the Supplementary Materials folder of the CD
Effect size, contrasted with p values      146—147
Effect size, eta squared, $\eta^2$      200 316
Effect size, omega squared, $\omega^2$      208—209 316
Effect size, partial omega squared      316
Effect size, raw      145
Effect size, shrunken squared multiple R      200—201
Effect size, squared multiple R      200—201
Effect size, standardized $E_s$      145—146
Efficiency      6 347—348 384 464—465
Efron, B.      179 494 496 732
Elashoff, J.D.      30 432 732
Elashoff, R.M.      30 732
Elementary event      see Event
Emerson, J.D.      223 732
Epsilon-adjusted F test      357—361
Epstein, S.      263 732
Erdfelder, E.      149 732
Error mean square      195
Error term in ANOVA      204
Error variance      5—6 197—198
Estimators of population parameters, choice of      110—111
Estimators of population parameters, consistent estimators      78 109
Estimators of population parameters, efficient estimators      110
Estimators of population parameters, properties of      108—110
Estimators of population parameters, unbiased estimators      109
Eta squared, $\eta^2$      200
Events      see also Probability
Events, conditional      69—70
Events, elementary      68
Events, event classes      68
Events, exhaustive      70—71
Events, independent      70
Events, joint      68
Events, mutually exclusive      70—71
Events, unions of      9
Expected mean squares (EMS)      see Analysis of variance
Expected mean squares (EMS), rules for obtaining      368 392—394
Expected value      79 102 649—652
Experiment      3
Externally Studentized residual      544—545 see
F distribution      see Distributions
Falk, R.F.      46 732
Familywise error rate (FWE)      see Contrasts among means
Faul, F.      149 732
Feldt, L.S.      217 335 355 358 414 428 732 734 735
Fenz, W.      263 732
Fienberg, S.E.      173 730 732
Finch, S.      146 731
Finn, J.      501 586—587 737
Fisher 2 transform      492 725—726
Fisher — Hayter test      see Contrasts among means
Fisher's LSD test      see Contrasts among means
Fisher, D.M.      111 734
Fisher, R.A.      252 732
Five-point summary      13
Fixed-effects variable      192
Fixed-effects variable as opposed to random-effects variables      202 371—372
Fliess, J.L.      173 732
Flory, J.D.      4 738
Forster, K.I.      370 732
Forsythe, A.B.      161 185 222 224 226 257 287 723 730
Forward selection      591—592 see also Regression
Fouladi, R.T.      146 585—586 740
Fox, J.      531
Friedman's chi square test      372
Friedman, M.      372 732
Full model      416
Furby, L.      403 731
FWE (familywise error)      see Contrasts among means
G1, a measure of skewness      29—30
G2, a measure of kurtosis      31
Games — Howell test      see Contrasts among means
Games, P.A.      222—223 251 252 733
Gary, H.E., Jr.      358 733
Gasko, M. 25,      29 32 739
Gatsonis, C.      589 733
Gatti, G.G.      723 733
Gaussian distribution      731 see
Geisser, S.      358—359 733
General linear model      614—637 see
Glass, G.V.      722 733
Gold, R.Z.      507 736
Goldstein, H.      551
Gong, G.      179
Goodman, L.A.      508—510 733
Gottman, M.      522 738
Govern, D.M.      224 729
GPOWER.      149—150 215 318—319 396—397 491 725
Graf, R.G.      587 729
Greco-Latin square designs      476-477 see Latin
Greenhouse — Geisser adjustment      358 361
Greenhouse, S.W.      358—359 733
Greitemeyer, T.      436 729
Gremmen, F.      473 738
Grissom, R.J.      156 225 733
Groups-within-treatments design      436—449 see Hierarchical
Gump, B.B.      4 738
Guthrie, E.H.      250 733
H-spread (interhinge distance)      16—19
Han, C.      333 736
Hansen, R.S.      163 737
Harlow, L.L.      212 733 740
Harmonic mean      340
Harris, R.J.      360 733
Harter, H.L.      250 733
Hartley, H.O.      222 323 442 726 730 733 738
Harwell, M.R.      723 733
Havlicek, L.L.      493 733
Hays, W.L.      208 316 510 531 733
Hayter, A.J.      252 733
Hebert, J.R.      726 736
Hedges, L.V.      146 210 722 733
Herzberg, P.A.      578—579 733
Hierarchical linear modeling      see Multilevel modeling
Higgins, J.J.      86 122 374 730
Hill, M.      12 30 734
Hinges      14—15
Histograms      12—13
Hoaglin, D.C.      30 33 56 545 585 732 734 739
Hochberg's sequential method      see Contrasts among means
Hochberg, Y.      247 734
Hocking, R.R.      592 734
Hogg, R.V.      30 32 111 548 734
Holland, P.W.      173 730
Holm, S.      247 734
Hommel, G.      247 734
Homogeneity of regression slopes, testing      427—428 630—631
Homogeneity of variance      158—161
Homogeneity of variance assumption for ANOVA      220—223
Homogeneity of variance assumption for testing contrasts      239—241
Homoscedasticity      483 522 539—540 see Regression Homogeneity
Hora, S.C.      373—374 734 735
Hornick, C.W.      629 737
Horst, P.      324 734
Hotelling's $T^2$ test      360
Hotelling, H.      360 734
Howard, G.S.      403 736
Howell, J.F.      251 733
Hsu, T.C.      217 734
Huck, S.W.      403 734
Hudson, J.D.      369 734
Huitema, B.E.      422—423 424 430 734
Hunka, S.      424 734
Hunter, J.E.      486 735
Husain, G.      409 740
Huynh — Feldt adjustment      358
Huynh, H.      355 358 542 548 735
Hypothesis testing, alternative hypothesis      80—81
Hypothesis testing, introduction to, with binomial distribution      80—88
Hypothesis testing, null hypothesis      80—81
Hypothesis testing, one- and two-tailed tests      83
Hypothesis testing, p-value for      82
Hypothesis testing, power      see Power
Hypothesis testing, rejection region      81
Hypothesis testing, relation to confidence intervals      122—123
Hypothesis testing, significance level      82
Hypothesis testing, test statistic      82
Hypothesis testing, Type 1 and Type 2 errors      82
Hypothesis testing, using the chi-square distribution for independence and goodness-of-fit      173
Hypothesis testing, using the chi-square distribution for variance      176—178
Hypothesis testing, using the F distribution for the ratio of two variances      182—184
Hypothesis testing, using the F distribution in ANOVA      see Analysis of variance
Hypothesis testing, using the F distribution in regression      see Regression
Hypothesis testing, using the F distribution relation between the hypothesis test and confidence interval      190
Hypothesis testing, using the normal distribution for a single mean      114—117
Hypothesis testing, using the normal distribution for comparing means of independent samples      125—128
Hypothesis testing, using the normal distribution for correlated samples      117—119
Hypothesis testing, using the normal distribution for correlation      see Correlation
Hypothesis testing, using the t distribution for a single mean      143—145
Hypothesis testing, using the t distribution for comparing means of independent samples      155—156
Hypothesis testing, using the t distribution for contrasts      161—165 236—237
Hypothesis testing, using the t distribution for correlated samples      143—145
Hypothesis testing, using the t distribution in regression      see Regression
Iman, R.L.      219 372—374 731 734 735
in mixed-design ANOVA      396—397
Incomplete block designs      see Latin-square designs
Independence      see also Probability
Independence, assumption of      65 86—88 96—97 123—124 216—217 541-542
Independence, test for      173 216—217
Independent groups      see also Confidence intervals and Hypothesis tests
Independent groups or correlated groups      165—167
Independent slopes, testing for equality      427—428 548—549;
Independent-groups design      165 see
Indirect effects      see Regression
Inferential statistics      2
Influence plot      see Correlation
Influential data points      55—56 542—548
Inner fence      16
Interaction contrasts      see Contrasts among means
interactions      284 289—291 298—302 304 308 325—329
Interactions in multiple regression      601—606
Internally Studentized residual      544 see also Regression
Interquartile range      14
Isodensity curves      489—490
Items-within-treatments design      436 449—452 see Hierarchical
James, G.S.      224 735
Jennings, E.      403 735
Johnson — Neyman technique      424
Johnson, P.O.      424 734 735
Joreskog, K.G.      593 735
Judge, G.C.      531
Kameda, T.      436 443 740
Kempthome, O.      465 741
Kepner, J.L.      374 735
Keselman, H.J.      221—222 225—226 252 357 360—363 587 729 730 733 736 739
Keselman, J.C.      225 736
Keuls, M.      255 735
Kim, J.J.      156 733
Kirk,R.E.      203 318 396 422 725 735
Koele, P.      363 735
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test for normality      287
Koomen, W.      455 740
Kraemer, H.C.      121
Kramer, C.Y.      250 735
Kreft, I.      551
Kruskal — Wallis H test      219—220
Kruskal, W.H.      219—220 508—510 732 733 735
Krutchkoff, R.C.      369 734
Kuh, E.      546 585 597 729
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