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Hull J. — Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities
Hull J. — Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities

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Название: Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities

Автор: Hull J.


Widely-adopted for its comprehensive coverage, exceptionally clear explanations of difficult material, and avoidance of nonessential math, this text bridges the gap between the theory and practice of derivatives, and helps students develop a solid working knowledge of how derivatives can be analyzed. It deals with a wide range of derivative products and provides complete coverage of key analytical material.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Вероятность/Стохастические методы в финансах/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 492

Добавлена в каталог: 04.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Futures contract, definition      3
Futures contract, delivery arrangements      21
Futures contract, delivery month      21
Futures contract, difference from forward contract      4—5
Futures contract, difference from options contract      5
Futures contract, Eurodollar      98—99
Futures contract, gold and silver      66
Futures contract, hedging      33—37
Futures contract, initial margin      23
Futures contract, interest rate      80
Futures contract, maintenance margin      23
Futures contract, margin account      23
Futures contract, margin call      23
Futures contract, marking-to-market      23
Futures contract, operation of margins      22—26
Futures contract, optimal number of      62
Futures contract, option on      137 258—265
Futures contract, position limits      22
Futures contract, price      45
Futures contract, quotations      21 27
Futures contract, specification of      19—22
Futures contract, stock index      57
Futures contract, Treasury bill      94
Futures contract, Treasury bond and Treasury note      88—94
Futures contract, variation margin      23
Futures markets      18—31
Futures options      137 258—265
Futures options, American futures vs. American spot      265
Futures options, Black's model      259—264
Futures options, definition      137 258
Futures options, differential equation for      271—273
Futures options, European futures vs. European spot      264
Futures options, put-call parity      264
Futures options, Treasury bond      370
Futures options, Treasury note      379
Futures options, valuation of      378—382
Futures price and expected future spot price      70—71
Futures price of stock indices      59—60
Futures price on commodity      63—65
Futures price on currency      65—68
Futures price vs. forward price      56—57
Futures price, equality to forward price      78—79
Gamma      310
Gamma, calculation for American options      341
Gamma, calculation for European options      312—313
Gamma, relationship to delta and theta      314
Gamma-neutral portfolio      312
Gap management      105 409
General differential equation      291—293
Generalized Wiener process      193—196
Geometric average, option on      428
Geometric Brownian motion      198
Gold / Silver index      249
Gross basis      26
Heath, Jarrow, and Morton model      401—402
Hedge and forget schemes      300
Hedge, long      33
Hedge, optimal ratio      37
Hedge, short      33
Hedgers      12
Hedging strategies, duration-based      101—103
Hedging strategies, rolling forward      39—40
Hedging strategies, simulation of      302—303
Hedging strategies, using futures      33—37
Hedging strategies, using index futures      61 320—321
Hedging strategies, using index option      251—253
Hedging strategies, using synthetic options      318—319
History-dependent derivative security      282
Ho and Lee model      403—404
Hull and White model      404—408
icons      11
Implicit finite difference method      354
Implied repo rate      96
Implied volatility      229—230
In-the-money options      140
Index arbitrage      60
Index currency option notes (ICONs)      11
Index futures      57
Index options      137 249
Indication pricing schedule      117
Initial margin      23
Instantaneous expected drift rate      197
Instantaneous forward rate      83
Instantaneous variance rate      197
Institutional index      249
Interest-rate caps      9—10 373
Interest-rate collars      378
Interest-rate derivative securities      370—413
Interest-rate floors      378
Interest-rate futures      80
Interest-rate options      370—413
Interest-rate risk      278—279
Interest-rate swap      111
Interest-rate swap, exchange of payments      115
Interest-rate swap, pricing schedules      117
Interest-rate swap, relationship to bond prices      118—120
Interest-rate swap, relationship to forward contracts      120—122
Interest-rate swap, role of financial intermediary      114
Interest-rate swap, valuation of      118
Interest-rate swap, warehousing      118
International Monetary Market      21 98 259
International Swap Dealers Association      131
Intrinsic value      140
Inverted market      31
Investment asset      65
Ito process      196
Ito's lemma      208
Ito's lemma, derivation of      243—244
Ito's lemma, generalization of      290
Ito's lemma, illustration      209—210
Jamshidian approach      390—393
Jamshidian approach, valuing European option on coupon-bearing bonds      391—393
Jamshidian approach, valuing European option on discount bonds      390—391
Japan Index      249
Jump diffusion model      443 454
jumps      442
Kappa      315
Knockout option      419
LAMBDA      315
Lattice approach      See Binomial tree
LEAPS      249
Libor      98 112
Lifetime highs and lows      31
Limit down      22
Limit move      22
Limit order      19 144
Limit up      22
Liquidity preference theory      87
Locals      19
Lognormal distribution      210 437
London Interbank Offer Rate      98 112
London International Financial Futures Exchange      98
Long hedge      33
Long position      2 7
Long Term Credit Bank of Japan      11
Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS)      249
Lookback options      420 426
Maintenance margin      23
Major Market Index      58 249
Margin account      23
Margin call      23
margins      23 145
Market efficiency      191
Market maker      144
Market order      19
Market price of risk      276
Market segmentation theory      87
Marking to market      23
Markov process      191
Markov property      191 401 402
Matched pair of swaps      See Offsetting swap agreements Mean reversion
Merton's stochastic interest rate model      435—436
Monte Carlo simulation      199 329—334 425 461
Monte Carlo simulation, antithetic variable technique      333
Monte Carlo simulation, application of      334
Monte Carlo simulation, control variable technique      333
Monte Carlo simulation, nature of      330
Monte Carlo simulation, one underlying variable      330—331
Monte Carlo simulation, several underlying variables      331—332
Monte Carlo simulation, simulation run of      330
Mortgage commitments      372
Mortgage-backed securities      372
Naked option      146
Naked position      295
Negative probabilities in tree      351
Net basis      26
Netting      466
Neutral calendar spread      182
New York Commodity Exchange      23 31
New York Cotton Exchange      20
New York Futures Exchange      58
New York Mercantile Exchange      21 31 259
New York Stock Exchange      58 137
New York Stock Exchange Composite Index      58 249
Nikkei 225 Index      58 61 148 285
No-arbitrage interest rate models      398—401
Nonparallel shifts in interest rates      104
Nonsystematic risk      70 281
Normal backwardation      70
Normal distribution      192
Normal distribution function      226—228
Normal market      31
Notice of intention to deliver      0
Numerical procedures      329—62
Numerical procedures, Binomial trees      335—343
Numerical procedures, finite differential methods      352—362
Numerical procedures, for exotics      425—30
Numerical procedures, Monte Carlo simulation      329—334
Offsetting order      145
Offsetting swap agreements      129
Open interest      31
Optimal hedge ratio      37—39
Option class      140
Option Clearing Corporation      147
Option contract      5 136
Option contract, American options vs. European options      5
Option contract, call      5
Option contract, cross currency      284—287
Option contract, currency      137 255—258
Option contract, definition      5
Option contract, difference from futures and forward contracts      5
Option contract, dividend and stock split      140—141
Option contract, examples      6—7
Option contract, exercise date      5
Option contract, exercise price      5
Option contract, exercising of      147—148
Option contract, expiration date      5 138
Option contract, foreign currency      137
Option contract, futures      137 258—265
Option contract, index      137
Option contract, interest rate      370
Option contract, intrinsic value      140
Option contract, maturity      5
Option contract, on bonds      370
Option contract, on stock indices      137 249—254
Option contract, on stock paying known dividend yields      247—249
Option contract, on swaps      128 372
Option contract, payoff / terminal value      8—9
Option contract, positions      7
Option contract, put      5
Option contract, quotes      142
Option contract, specification      138—142
Option contract, synthetic      318
Option contract, trading      144—145
Option contract, underlying assets      136
Option series      140
Option valuation, Black — Scholes formula      224—226
Option valuation, cross currency      284—287
Option valuation, currency options      257—258
Option valuation, effect of dividends      232—235
Option valuation, futures options      259
Option valuation, stock index options      253—254
Option valuation, stock paying known dividend yields      247—249
Option valuation, two underlying assets      428
Option valuation, using a simple binomial model      217—18 343—345
Option valuation, using numerical procedures      329—369
Options exchange      137
Options on two correlated assets      428—429
Options trading      144
Options trading strategies      173—187
Order Book Official      144
Orders      144
Out-the-money options      140
Over-the-counter market      1
Over-the-counter options      138
Overnight repo      50
Pacific Stock Exchange      137
Packages      415
Par yield bond      119
Payoff      7—8 176 178 180 184 416
Perfect hedge      33
Philadelphia Board of Trade      137
Philadelphia Stock Exchange      137
Plain vanilla interest-rate swap      111
Portfolio insurance      251—253 318—321
Portfolio insurance, creating options synthetically      318—319
Portfolio insurance, using index futures      320—321
Portfolio insurance, using index options      251—253
Position limits      22 141
Prepayment privilege      372
Price sensitivity hedge ratio      102
Pricing biases      436—438
Pricing schedule      117
Program trading      60
Protective put      175
Pull to par      380
Pure jump model      442 454
Put option, definition      5
Put option, early exercise on nondividend paying stock      160
Put-call parity      163 167 264 438
Puttable bonds      371
Puttable swap      128
Quadratic approximation      362
Random samples      332
Range forward contracts      11 415
Rate of return      70 212—214
Rate of return, distribution of      212—214
Rate of return, expected      213—214
Rebalancing hedges      300
Regulators      455 464
Relationship between American call and put prices      164—166
Rendleman and Bartter model      385—388
Repo agreement      50
Repo rate      50
Repurchase agreement      50
reverse calendar spread      182
Rho      317
Risk adjusted exposure      464
Risk and return      70
Risk neutral valuation      221—223 277 281 335 470
Risk neutral valuation, application to forward contracts on a stock      223
Risk neutral valuation, explanation of      221—222
Risk neutral valuation, extension to non-traded securities      277 281
Risk-free interest rate      153
Risk-neutral world      222
Riskless hedge      469
Riskless portfolio      218
Rolling back, interest rate tree      396
Rolling back, tree for stock prices      337
Rolling the hedge forward      39—40
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