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Gilbert J., Murray M. — Clifford Algebras and Dirac Operators in Harmonic Analysis |
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Poisson transform 293
Polynomial representations of 163
Polynomials of matrix argument 173—193
Polynomials of matrix argument, determinantally homogeneous 174 182 184
Polynomials of matrix argument, SL(r)-invariant 180
Poor, W. 317
Porteous, I.R. 85
Principal anti-automorphism 17
Principal automorphism 17
Principal fiber bundle 264
Procesi, C. 201
Pseudo-scalar ( ) 24
Quadratic form 6
Quadratic space 6
Quadratic space, degenerate 7
Quadratic space, non-degenerate 7
Quadratic space, normalized basis for 7
Quadratic space, radical of 7 22
Quaternion-valued regular function 89
Quaternionic structure, on a complex G-module 146
Quaternions ( ) 9
Quillen, D. 296
Radical, of a quadratic space 7 22
Radon — Hurwitz numbers 206
Real projective space 266
Real spinor space 206
Real structure, on a complex G-module 146
Reduced products 11
Reflection 33
Representation theory, for 284—296
Representation, finite dimensional 144
Representation, infinite dimensional 144
Representation, of a group 144
Representations of O(n) 162—163
Representations of SO(n) 162—163
Representations of SO(n), double-valued 162
Representations of SO(n), single-valued 162
Reproducing kernel property 91
reversion 18
Richards, D.St.P. 201
Riemannian curvature tensor 257
Riemannian metric, for spherical space 273
Riesz transforms 121
Rigid motion 35
Roe, J. 141 317—318
Rotation 35
Rotation, of 278
Rotation-invariant first-order systems 213—219
Rotation-invariant operators of Dirac type 215—219
Rotation-invariant operators, and Spin(n)-submodules 221
Schmid, W. 319
Schur's lemma 145
Schur, I. 145 163 179
Seeley, R. 319
Signature, of a representation 147 150—151
Similarity transformation 37
Singer, I. 244 311 318
Single layer potential; double layer potential 135—136
Slebarski, S. 318
Sommen, F. 141
Special Lipschitz domain, in 127
Spherical harmonics 165 225 228—230
Spherical harmonics, representations of SO(n) on 167—173
Spin group 46—49
Spin group, as a classical Lie group 77—84
Spin group, as a Lie group 65—84
Spin representations of Spin(n) 215
Spin structure, on a Riemannian manifold 268
| Spin(n), complex 163
Spin(n), maximal abelian subgroup of 148
Spin(n), quaternionic 163
Spin(n), real 163
Spin(n), representations of 163
Spin(n), Weyl group of 150
Spin(V,Q) 46
Spinor Laplacian 259 262 306
Spinor space, complex 60
Spinor space, real 60
Spoin(V,Q) 47
Standard basis, for 51
Standard Dirac operator 96
Standard Dirac operator, ellipticity of 254
Standard Dirac operator, essential self-adjointness of 254
Standard Dirac operator, on a Riemannian manifold 250 253—254
Standard Dirac operator, on hyperbolic space 273
Standard Dirac operator, on spherical space 274
Standard Dirac operator, realizations of 99—100
Stein — Weiss operators 222
Stein, E.M. 134 140—141 201 209 220 221 222 244 284 318
Stereographic projection 273—274
Structure map 146
Subharmonic function 91
Subharmonicity property, of a first-order system 233
Submodule, irreducible 144
Submodule, reducible 144
Supersymmetry 212
Supertrace 212 312—313 316
Symbol mapping, of 205
Takahashi, R. 85 318
Tan 125
Taylor scries expansions 164—166 185—166
Tent space theory 134
tom Dieck, T. 85 201
Ton-That, T. 201
Total derivative, on a Riemannian manifold 270
Trace-harmonic function 195
Transformer 42
Transformers 42—45 275
Translation 35
Translation, of 278
Turnbull, H. 201
Twisted Dirac operator 211
Twisted spinor Laplacian 260—261
Two-fold covering 46
Uhlenbeck, K. 317
Ultraspherical polynomials 168
Unitary representation 145
Unitary representation, complex type 147
Unitary representation, real or quaternionic type 146—147
Universal Clifford algebra 12
Universal Clifford algebra, constructions of 13—17
Vagi, S. 141
Vahlen, K. 318
Vandermonde 190
Verchota, G. 137 141
Vergne, M. 318
Wallach, N. 318
Weak-type (1,1) 112
Weight, of a representation of Spin(n) 149
Weighted Hardy space 288
Weiss, G. 140 141 201 209 220 221 222 244 245
Weyl group element 279
Weyl group of Spin(n) 150
Weyl, H. 94 141 143 163 175 201
Witten, E. 318
Zygmund, A. 135 239
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