Авторизация |
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Dershowitz N. — Calendrical Calculations |
Предметный указатель |
Rosh ha-Shanah (Jewish holiday) xxi 90—93 98—102 108
Rosh Hodesh (Jewish holiday) 104
Roth, Arthur J. xxv
Roth, Cecil 111 447
round 24
Round (Mayan calendar) 144—145 149
ROUND function xvi 18
Routh, Martin 168
Ruggles, Clive L.N. 80
Russia 5 47 70
S.E. (= Saka Era) 288
Sa'adia Gaon see "Fayyumi Sa’adia
Sabbath (Jewish) 211
Sachau, C. Edward 110 123 134
sacred-wednesdays 311 311 354 435
sacred-wednesdays-in-range 311 311 312 354 435
Sagarin, Jeff xxv
Sahillioglu, Halil 83
Saka Era (Hindu calendar) 288
Sakai, Ko xxv
Salama, Ahmed 331
Salvin, Osbert 150
Samkranti (Hindu calendar) 304
Samoa 47
sample dates 441
Sampson, Russell D. 214
Samuel, Alan E. 71
Samvatsara see "Jovian cycle"
Sansculottides (French Revolutionary calendar) 240
Sarasvatl (Hindu deity) 306
Sarasvatl Puja (Hindu holiday) 306
Satterwaite, Linton 150
Saturday 27 27 103 108 110 358 362
Saturn 5 124 282
Saturnalia (Roman festival) 70
Saudi Arabia 328 see "Medina"
Saunders, Robert A. xxv
Savasorda see "Bargeloni Abraham
Savoie, Denis 214
Saw, Swee-Hock 273
Scaliger, Joseph Justus xxii xxvii 0 16 62 63 90 162 448 449
Scaliger, Julius Caesar 16
Schram, Robert G. 9 42 123 135 312
Schuh, Dieter 322
Search 20—22 40 364
Search, bisection 20—22 287 304 328
Search, linear 20
Season 191
sec 354 395
second (Lisp function) 361
Second Empire (France) 239
seconds 354 365
SECS 354 396
Seidelmann, P. Kenneth, back cover 41 60 71 214 215 273
Sengupta, Prabodh C. 312
Seoul (Korea) 269
September 48 48 58 242 358 368
Septuagesima Sunday (Christian holiday) 119 121
Serbia 70
seventh (Lisp function) 361
Sewell, Robert 134 135 277 306 312
Sexagesima Sunday (Christian holiday) 119 121
Sext (Christian prayer time) 213
sh-ela 105 105 354 383
Shakespeare, William 20 27 32 65 163 325 329
Shallit, Jeffery O. 61
Shanks, Thomas G. 214
Shanxi (China) 246
Sharma, Shriramana xxv
Shaukat, S. Khalid xxv 326—328 331
Shavuot (Jewish holiday) 70 102
Shemini Azeret (Jewish holiday) 102
Sherpa calendar 315
shevat 91 91 107 110 358 379
shift-days 109 109 354 385
Shiraz (Persia) 228
Shiva 309 309 354 434
Shiva (Hindu deity) 306
short-kislev? 98 98 107 354 380
Shrove Monday (Christian holiday) 119 121
Shrove Sunday (Christian holiday) 119 121
Shrove Tuesday (Christian holiday) 119 121
Shushan Purim (Jewish holiday) 103
Sh’ela (Jewish event) 105
sidereal-from-moment 185 185 205 354 397
sidereal-solar-longitude 192 192 299 300 302 354 401
sidereal-start 192 300 300 358 430
sidereal-zodiac 300 300—302 355 430
sigma 355 364
sigma (summation macro) 364
Sign function xvi 18
Signum 18
Simhat Torah (Jewish holiday) 102
Simon, Jean-Louis 214
sin-degrees 355 395
sine-offset 208 209 209 355 408
Singer, Isaac Bashevis 325
Singer, Isidore 111 447
Sinnott, Roger W. 214
Sirius (star) 6
Sivakumar, G. xxv
sivan 90 90 358 378
Sivis year (Ottoman Empire) 83
sixth (Lisp function) 361
Skeel, Robert D. 42
Skiena, Steven S. xxv
Slonimski, Hayyim S. 111
Sobel, Dava 215
Sodhya (Hindu calendar) 285
Sohn, Sangmo 269
Solar cycle 105
Solar terms, Chinese calendar 239 248—251
Solar terms, Japanese pronunciation 248
Solar terms, Korean calendar 270
solar-anomaly 199 201 201 203 205 355 403
solar-longitude 189 189—193 201 209 213 219 234 241 248 250 251 299 355 399
solar-longitude-after 190 190 191 250 325 330 355 400
Solomon ben Isaac (= Rashi) 185
Solstice 6 21 163 171 187 190 191 441
Solstice, sample dates 441
Solstice, winter 247 251 304
Sornes, Rasmus 360
Sosigenes 46
Soviet Union 47
Sowramana Ugadi see "New Year Hindu
Spain 47
Spectrum (of a real number) 36
Spica (star) 276
Spier, Arthur 111
Spinden, Herbert J. 137 138 150 151
Spring 191 191 219 220 234 325 330 358 400
Spuler, Bertold 87
Stallman, Richard M. xxvi 42
standard-day 355 364 365
standard-from-local 177 177 184 185 209 210 355 398
standard-from-sundial 212 212 213 296 308 355 410
standard-from-universal 177 177 191 250—252 355 398
standard-month 355 364 364
standard-year 355 364 365
Stanhope, Philip D. (= Fourth Earl of Chesterfield) xxiv 171
start 355 365
Stavroulakis, Nicholas 336
Steel, Duncan 42
Steele, Guy L.Jr. xxvi 42 439
Stein, Michael R. xxv
Stendhal see "Beyle Marie-Henri"
Stephenson, F. Richard 215 273
Stern, Sacha 89 111
Stillingfleet, Benjamin 240
Stolz, Otto xxv
| Suddha see "Month bright
Sui (Chinese calendar) 252
Sukkot (Jewish holiday) 70 102
Sullivan, Arthur 45
SUM 355 363
sum (summation macro) 363 364
Summation operator ( ) xvi 20 40
summer 191 191 358 400
Sun 4 5 95 174 179 185—187
Sun Yat-sen 263
sunday 27 27 59 80 103 104 108—110 115—117 325 358 361
Sunrise 4 12 124 126—129 134 138 182 207—213 217 276 278 292—295 298 305 309
Sunrise, Hindu 292—295
Sunrise, sample dates 441
Sunset 4 12 73 83 84 87 89 182 207—213 229 233 237 441
sunset-in-haifa 234 234 355 415
Surya-Siddhaenta (present) 275 276 282 284 285 293 295 298 299 306 312
Sweden 44 47 79 119
Switzerland 47
t (Lisp constant) 361
ta-anit-esther 103 103 355 382
Taiwan 16
Talmud, Babylonian 9 163 207
Talmud, Jerusalem 101
Tamerlane (Mongol conqueror) 14
tammuz 90 90 98 358 378
Tang (Chinese dynasty) 246
tangent-degrees 355 395
Tantzen, Robert G. 61
Taqizdeh, Seyyid H. 218 219 227
Tarvainen, Tapani 47
Tasmania xxi
Ta’anit Esther (Jewish fast) 103
tehran 219 219 358 411
Tehran (Iran) 192 219 233 236
tenth (Lisp function) 361
Terce (Christian prayer time) 213
Teresi, Dick 46
tevet 91 91 98 107 110 358 379
Thanksgiving Day, Korean holiday 271
Thanksgiving Day, U.S. holiday xxi 27
Thebes (Egypt) 72
third (Lisp function) 361
Thompson, J. Eric, S. 136—138 151
Thompson, Sue E. 42
thursday 27 27 81 104 108 110 358 362
Tibetan calendar 6 10 12 315—322
Tibetan calendar, animal totems 314 316
Tibetan calendar, epoch 15 316
Tibetan calendar, expunged day 316
Tibetan calendar, holidays 319—322
Tibetan calendar, karanas 319 320
Tibetan calendar, leap day 316
Tibetan calendar, leap month 316
Tibetan calendar, Lisp code 435—437
Tibetan calendar, months 315
Tibetan calendar, naksatras 319 320
Tibetan calendar, sample dates 441
Tibetan calendar, weekdays 316
Tibetan calendar, yogas 319
tibetan-date 355 435
tibetan-day 355 435
tibetan-epoch 316 316—318 358 435
tibetan-from-fixed 318 318 321 355 436
tibetan-leap-day 355 435
tibetan-leap-month 355 435
tibetan-leap-month? 321 321 355 437
tibetan-month 355 435
tibetan-moon-equation 317 317 318 355 436
tibetan-new-year 321 321 355 437
tibetan-sun-equation 317 317 318 355 435
tibetan-year 355 435
Tika (Balinese calendar) 157 158
Tikal (Guatemala) 144
Time 174—179
Time, apparent 184
Time, durations 23—24
Time, dynamical 174 177—179
Time, ephemeris 174
Time, intervals 22—23
Time, leap seconds 175
Time, local mean 175 177 184
Time, sidereal 174 185
Time, sidereal, actual 187
Time, sidereal, mean 187
Time, solar 174—175 177
Time, solar, apparent 182
Time, solar, mean 182
Time, standard 175 177
Time, terrestrial see "Time Dynamical"
time-from-clock 23 23 355 365
time-from-moment 18 18 23 211 355 365
time-of-day 355 365
Timpek (Balinese holiday) 155 160
Timpek Kandang (Balinese holiday) 160
Timpek Krulut (Balinese holiday) 160
Timpek Kuningan (Balinese holiday) 160
Timpek Landep (Balinese holiday) 160
Timpek Ringgit (Balinese holiday) 160
Timpek Uduh (Balinese holiday) 160
Tishah be-Av (Jewish fast) 92 101 103
tishah-be-av 103 103 355 382
tishri 91 91 95 97 99 101 331 358 379
Tishri (Hebrew month) 90—92 95 96 98—103
Tithi (Hindu calendar) 129 278 290 292 306 312
Titus Vespasianus 92
Toe-Wang-Yong-Sa (Korean calendar) 271
Tokyo (Japan) 268
Tonalpohualli (Aztec calendar) 145 148—149
Tondering, Claus xxv
topocentric-lunar-altitude 207 207 328 355 408
Trajan (= Marcus Ulpius Traianus) 101
Tran Diic Ngoc xxv
Tran Tien Binh 273
Transfiguration (Orthodox holiday) 71
Trepidation 293
Trinity Sunday (Christian holiday) 121
Troesch, Albert 42
TRUE 66 208 359 362
Tseng, Karen xxiii
Tsuchihashi, Paul Y. 273
Tsurphu calendar 315
Tsybulsky, Vladimir V. 87
Tu-B’Shevat (Jewish holiday) 103 110
tuesday 27 27 59 108 110 359 361
tumpek 160 160 355 394
Tun, Li-Ch’en 273
Turkey 47
Turning of the Wheel of Dharma (Buddhist holiday) 322
twilight 212
Tykocinski, Jehiel M. 212
Type declarations 337—359 362
Tzolkin (Mayan calendar) 30—31 142—145 148
Tzom Gedaliah (Jewish fast) 103
Tzom Tammuz (Jewish fast) 103
Tzom Tevet (Jewish fast) 103 104
Uayeb (Mayan calendar) 139 140
Uchida, Masao 273
ujjain 292 292 295 296 308 359 429
Ujjain (India) 292 295 300
Ulisano, Benita xxv
Ulugh Beg 14 85
Underhill, Muriel M. 313
United States of America 27 47 59 121 175 328 see "Hawaii" "New "Urbana"
Universal 174—175 177
Universal House of Justice 233
universal-from-dynamical 179 179 195 356 399
universal-from-local 175 175 177 184 209 300 356 398
universal-from-standard 177 177 213 219 234 241 248 250 251 326 330 356 398
UNIX xxii
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