Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Dershowitz N. — Calendrical Calculations |
Предметный указатель |
Du, Shiran 273
Durga AshtamT (Hindu holiday) 306
Durrani, Muhibullah 331
Dusk 207—213
Dusk, astronomical 212
Dusk, Islamic 212
Dusk, Jewish 212
Dutka, Jacques 60
dynamical-from-universal 179 179 346 399
E.E. (= Ethiopic Era) 76
Earth 4 173 174 177 179 185—187 193 195 282 283 294 317
Earth, equator 186
Earth, orbit 182 186
Easter 117 117 121 346 385
Easter (Christian holiday) xxii 7 10 47 59 70 77 112—121 325—326
Easter (Christian holiday), astronomical 117—119 325—326
Easter (Christian holiday), Gregorian 116—117
Easter (Christian holiday), Lisp code 385—386
Easter (Christian holiday), Orthodox 10 33 114—116
Easter (Christian holiday), sample dates 441
eastern-orthodox-christmas 71 71 346 385
Eccentricity 197
Ecclesiastical calendar 113—121
Ecclesiastical calendar, days 13
Ecclesiastical calendar, Lisp code 385—386
Ecliptic 174 186 276 278
Eco, Umberto 22
Edmundson, Munro S. 150
Egypt 5 24 328 see "Cairo" "Medinet" "Habu" "Thebes"
Egyptian calendar 6 7 10 11 24—25 140
Egyptian calendar, epagomenae 24
Egyptian calendar, epoch 15 25
Egyptian calendar, Lisp code 366—367
Egyptian calendar, sample dates 441
egyptian-date 346 366
egyptian-epoch 25 25 26 357 366
egyptian-from-fixed 25 25 26 346 366
eighth (Lisp function) 361
Eiseman, Fred B.Jr. 161
Eiseman, Margaret 161
Ekholm, Gordon F. 150
Election Day (U.S. event) 59
election-day 59 59 346 371
Elevation 346 396
Elevation of the Life-giving Cross (Orthodox holiday) 71
Eliyahu ben Shelomo Zalman (= Vilna Gaon) 212
Elkins, James 41
Elongation 199 326
elul 91 91 98 110 357 379
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 333
END 346 365
Epacts 114
Epagomenae, Armenian calendar 26
Epagomenae, Coptic calendar 73 165
Epagomenae, Egyptian calendar 24
Epagomenae, Persian calendar 26
Ephemeris 299
ephemeris-correction 177 177 179—181 346 398
Epicycle 282 283 285 286 298 312
Epiphany 59 59 346 372
Epiphany (Christian holiday) 59 71 77
epoch (Lisp constant) 363
epochs 12 14
Epochs, Armenian 15 25
Epochs, Baha’i 15 231
Epochs, Chinese 15 258
Epochs, Coptic 15 74
Epochs, Egyptian 15 25
Epochs, Ethiopic xxii 15 76
Epochs, French Revolutionary 15 239 242
Epochs, Gregorian 15 48
Epochs, Hebrew 15 92 95
Epochs, Hindu 15 123 124 284 288 289
Epochs, Islamic 15 84
Epochs, ISO 15 79
Epochs, Julian 15 64
Epochs, julian day number 15
Epochs, Mayan 15 138
Epochs, modified julian day number 15
Epochs, Persian 15 217
Epochs, Tibetan 15 316
Epochs, Zoroastrian 15
equal (Lisp relation) 362
Equation of center 283
Equation of motion 286
Equation of Time 182—185 294
equation-of-time 183 183 184 346 397
Equator, celestial 186
Equator, Earth 185
Equinox 6 21 163 171 186 187 190 191 300
Equinox, autumnal 105 239 241
Equinox, dynamical 187
Equinox, sample dates 441
Equinox, vernal 46 105 113 114 119 185 192 217—219 229 233 234 236 241 304 325 329
Era, Alexander 16
Era, Seleucid 16 89
Esslemont, John E. 229
estimate-prior-solar-longitude 193 193 220 234 241 251 346 401
Ethiopic calendar 6 7 9—11 75—76 217
Ethiopic calendar, days 13 75
Ethiopic calendar, epoch xxii 15 76
Ethiopic calendar, holidays 77
Ethiopic calendar, implementation 76
Ethiopic calendar, Lisp code 376
Ethiopic calendar, months 75
Ethiopic calendar, sample dates 441
Ethiopic calendar, structure 75—76
ethiopic-date 347 376
ethiopic-epoch 76 76 357 376
ethiopic-from-fixed 76 76 347 376
Euclid 31
Europe 175
Eusebius 46 113
Eve 92
evening 210 210 357 409
evenp (Lisp function) 361
Everett, Steven M. 42
Excel® xxi 79
Falaki, Abu-Ma’shar al- (= Albumazar) 216
FALSE 66 208 357 362
Fast of the Apostles (Orthodox fast) 121
Fast of the Repose of the Virgin Mary (Orthodox fast) 71
Fausett, Donald W. xxv
Fayyumi, Sa'adia ben Joseph al- (= Sa'adia Gaon) 89 93
Feast of Naw-Ruz (Baha’i New Year) 233 236 237
Feast of Orthodoxy (Orthodox holiday) 121
Feast of Ridvan (Baha’i holiday) 236 237
feast-of-ridvan 237 237 347 415
february 48 48 68 124 258 357 367
Feinstein, Moses 108
Feldman, William M. 111
Fienberg, Richard T. 214
fifth (Lisp function) 361
Filipowski, Herschell 111
final 347 364
Finland 115
first (Lisp function) 361
first-kday 58 58 59 347 371
first-quarter 202 202 326 357 405
Fixed day numbers 9
fixed-from-arithmetic-french 243 243 244 347 416
fixed-from-arithmetic-persian 223 223—226 347 412
fixed-from-armenian 25 25 347 366
fixed-from-astro-hindu-lunar 302 302 347 431
fixed-from-astro-hindu-solar 301 301 347 431
fixed-from-bahai 231 231—233 347 413
fixed-from-chinese 260 260 266 267 347 420
fixed-from-coptic 74 74—77 347 375
fixed-from-egyptian 25 25 347 366
fixed-from-ethiopic 76 76 347 376
| fixed-from-french 242 242 347 416
fixed-from-future-bahai 234 234 236 237 347 414
fixed-from-gregorian 49 49—53 55 57—59 64 117 179 191 211 231 232 236 242 258 264 266 270 316 347 368 see
fixed-from-hebrcw 99 99—104 106 107 110 331 347 381
fixed-from-hindu-fullmoon 297 297 347 429
fixed-from-hindu-lunar 291 291 297 298 307 347 427
fixed-from-hindu-solar 289 289 347 426
fixed-from-islamic 85 85—87 347 377
fixed-from-iso 80 80 347 377
fixed-from-jd 17 18 18 25 138 155 347 363
fixed-from-julian 64 64 65 68 71 74 76 84 95 115 124 146 217 347 372
fixed-from-mayan-long-count 139 139 347 388
fixed-from-mjd 17 17 347 363
fixed-from-moment 18 18 208 213 296 308 347—365
fixed-from-observational-hebrew 331 331 347 439
fixed-from-observational-islamic 328 328 347 438
fixed-from-old-hindu-lunar 134 134 348 387
fixed-from-old-hindu-solar 127 127 348 386
fixed-from-persian 220 220 221 226 348 411
fixed-from-roman 66 68 68 69 348 375
fixed-from-tibetan 317 317—319 321 348 436
Fleet, John F. 134
Flesner, Molly xxv
Fliegel, Henry F. 60
floor (Lisp function) 363
Floor function () xvi 17
Flower Festival (Japanese holiday) 266
Forsythe, George E. 337
Fotheringham, John K. xxvii 60 71 121
fourth (Lisp function) 361
Fractional part function 18
France 174 see
Francou, Gerard 214
Frazer, James G. 139
Freeman-Grenville, Greville S.P. 87
French Revolutionary calendar xxii 6 7 10 11 182 207 239—244
French Revolutionary calendar, days 4
French Revolutionary calendar, decades 240
French Revolutionary calendar, epoch 15 242
French Revolutionary calendar, Lisp code 416—417
French Revolutionary calendar, modified 242—244
French Revolutionary calendar, modified, implementation 243—244
French Revolutionary calendar, modified, leap year rule 242—243
French Revolutionary calendar, months 240
French Revolutionary calendar, original 187 192 193 239—242
French Revolutionary calendar, original, implementation 241—242
French Revolutionary calendar, original, structure 239—241
French Revolutionary calendar, sample dates 441
French Revolutionary calendar, sansculottides 240
french-date 348 416
french-epoch 242 242 243 357 416
french-from-fixed 242 242 348 416
french-new-year-on-or-before 241 241 242 348 416
friday 27 27 60 104 109 110 357 362
Friday the Thirteenth 60
Friedlander, Michael 111
Frisch, Christian 119
Fritsche, Hermann P. H. 263 273
full 202 202 326 357 405
future-bahai-from-fixed 235 235 348 415
future-bahai-new-year-on-or-before 234 234—236 348 415
Galloway, Thomas 41
Galungan (Balinese holiday) 160
Galungan Days (Balinese period) 161
GaneSa ChaturthI (Hindu holiday) 306
Gangooly, Phanindralal 312
Ganz, Solomon 111 331
Gardner, Martin, back cover 185
Gauss, Carl F. xxi xxvi 95 102 111 113 121
Gautama Buddha 264 306 321
gcd function see "Greatest common divisor function"
Geertz, Clifford 153 159
Gelasius xxvii
Generic cyclical calendars 163—168
Generic cyclical calendars, double cycle 166—167
Generic cyclical calendars, single cycle 163—166
George, Alan 337
Germany 47 119
Gezer (Israel) 239
Gilbert, Martin 447
Gilbert, William S. 45
Gillispie, Charles C. 134 312
Ginzel, Friedrich K. 9 41 60 77
GNU Emacs xix xxvi 2 42
Go-Chosun (Korea) 270
Godman, Frederick D. 150
Goerke, Winfried xxv
Goharian, Nazli xxv
Golb, Norman 111
Goldberg, Mayer xxv
Golden number 114
Good Friday (Christian holiday) 59 119
Goodman — Martinez — Thompson correlation (Mayan calendar) 137 138
Goodman, John T. 137 138 150
Graetz, Heinrich H. 447
Grafton, Anthony T. xxvii 16 41
Graham, Ronald L. 41
Great Britain 47 see "London"
Great Night of Shiva (Hindu holiday) 306 309
Greatest common divisor function xvi 19
Greaves, John 14 85
Greece 70
Greenwich 172 172
Greenwich (England) xv 172 174 177 299
Gregorian calendar xx 1 6 7 10 11 16 45—61 70 94—95 104 233 234 275
Gregorian calendar, adoption of 47
Gregorian calendar, days 13 45 218
Gregorian calendar, Easter 116—117
Gregorian calendar, epoch 15 48
Gregorian calendar, history 46—47
Gregorian calendar, holidays 57—59
Gregorian calendar, implementation 48—52
Gregorian calendar, leap-year rule 45
Gregorian calendar, Lisp code 367—372
Gregorian calendar, months 45
Gregorian calendar, New Year xx xxi 47
Gregorian calendar, sample dates 441
Gregorian calendar, structure 45
Gregorian calendar, year 47—48
Gregorian reform 45 47 114
gregorian-date 348 367
gregorian-date-difference 52 52 178 179 348 369
gregorian-epoch 48 48—50 55 56 357 367
gregorian-from-fixed 51 51 53 60 67 348 369 see
gregorian-leap-year? 49 49 51 67 231 348 368
gregorian-new-year 50 50 51 70 77 81 86 106 108 179 271 304 306 308 309 325 330 348 369
gregorian-year-end 50 50 52 81 321 348 369
gregorian-year-from-fixed 50 50—52 55 80 101—104 178 179 226 232 237 250 264 266 268 330 331 348 369 see
gregorian-year-range 50 50 70 76 86 106 108 160 308 309 311 321 348 369
Gregory XIII, Pope (= Ugo Boncompagni) 45 47
Gregory, Ruth W. 60
Guatemala 137 140 142 see
Guinot, Bernard 214
Guy, Richard K. 110 121
Guyot, Laurent 238
Gyatso, Tenzin (= Dalai Lama) 315
Haab (Mayan calendar) 139—142 144—145 147
Hademer, Nathan ben Meir 479
Hai ben Sherira (= Hai Gaon) 89
haifa 234 234 357 415
Haifa (Israel) 234 236
Halaqim (Hebrew calendar) 92 207
Hale, Wayne xx
Halevy, Schulamith C. xxv
Halkin, Abraham S. xxvii
Halmos, Paul 17
Hamer, Mick 244
Hania (Crete) 336
Hannah, Robert xxvii
Hanoi (Vietnam) 271
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