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Dershowitz N. — Calendrical Calculations |
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Montezuma II (= Moctezuma Xocoyotzin) 30
Month 4 6 193—207
Month, anomalistic 195
Month, Armenian 26
Month, Baha'i 230
Month, bright fortnight 129 277
Month, Chinese 251—258 262
Month, Coptic 73
Month, dark fortnight 129 277
Month, Ethiopic 75
Month, expunged 277 281 287 303 306
Month, French Revolutionary 240
Month, Gregorian 45
Month, Hebrew 90
Month, Islamic 84
Month, Korean 270
Month, leap 7 35 91 123 129—133 195 253—255 262 263 272 287 289 303 304 306 316
Month, lunar 7 123 124 128 129 133 247 248 252—255 276—279 281 303 315
Month, Persian 218
Month, sidereal 195 276 278 283
Month, solar 126 128 129 133 195 247 253 276 277 281 292
Month, synodic 193 195 247 276 281
Month, Tibetan 315
Month, Vietnamese 272
Moon 5 6 95 174 179 187 195 283
Moon, blue 195
Moon, first quarter 202
Moon, full 6 113—115 119 195 202 305 325
Moon, last quarter 202
Moon, new 6 86 91 92 95 96 114 123 128 129 137 171 193 195—202 247 251 253 263 277 292 305 329
Moon, new, sample dates 441
Moon, Paschal 115
Moon, phase 278
Moon, visibility 326—328
moon-node 199 201 201 203 205 353 403
Moore, George F. 449
Moreno-Riano, Gerson 46
Morley, Sylvanus G. 150
morning 209 209 358 409
Moshe ben Maimon see "Maimonides Moses"
Mount Carmel (Israel) 228
Moyer, Gordon 61 121
MT 353 395
Mumm, Christine xxv
Nabonassar (Chaldean king) 25
Nabonassar era 25
Nadia (India) 303
Naga PanchamI (Hindu holiday) 305
Nahala (Jewish event) 105—108
Nakayama, Shigeru 273
Naksatras see "Lunar stations"
Naksatras, Hindu 312
Naksatras, Tibetan 319 320
Nanjing (China) 247
Napoleon see "Bonaparte Napoleon"
Napoleon III see "Bonaparte Louis
Naser El-deen, Nabeel xxv
National Spiritual Assembly 233
Native American calendar 6 239
Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Orthodox holiday) 71
Naval Observatory xxii
Naw Ruz, Baha’i 233 236 237
Naw Ruz, Persian 123 226 237
naw-ruz 226 226 353 413
Needham, Joseph 247 273
Negative years 12—14
Nemontemi (Aztec calendar) 146
Nengo (Japanese calendar) 268
Nepal 314
Nepali calendar 277
Neugebauer, Otto 24 42 111 331
Neumann, Peter G. xxvi
NEW 202 202 326 358 405
New moon see "Moon new"
New Year, Baha’i 234 236 237
New Year, Chinese xxii 248 263—264 266 271 332
New Year, Gregorian xx xxi 47 271
New Year, Hebrew see "Rosh ha-Shanah"
New Year, Hindu lunisolar 133 285 305—306
New Year, Hindu solar 126 304 305
New Year, Islamic 86 87 263
New Year, Jewish see "Rosh ha-Shanah"
New Year, Korean 271
New Year, Mayan 136
New Year, Persian see "Naw Ruz"
New Year, Tibetan see "Losar"
New York City xxi
New Zealand xxi
new-moon-at-or-after 198 198 251 302 353 403
new-moon-before 198 198 252 302 353 403
new-year 39
Newton, Isaac 293
NeXT 353 364
Nian (Chinese calendar) 248
Nicaea, Council of 113—114
Nievergelt, Jurg 42 61
nighttime-temporal-hour 212 212 213 353 410
nil (Lisp constant) 361 362
ninth (Lisp function) 361
nisan 90 90 99 102 110 331 358 378
Nisan (Hebrew month) 90 331
Nishizawa, Yuso 273
Nizamiah Observatory 86
None (Christian prayer time) 213
Nones 65—67
nones-of-month 66 66 68 353 374
Noon 14 182 213 218 237
Noon, true (= apparent) 184
North pole 186 283
Norway 360
Nothmann, Gerhard A. xxv
november 48 48 59 358 368
nth (Lisp function) 361
nth-kday 58 58 59 79 80 353 371
nth-new-moon 195 195 197 198 201 202 353 401
Numa (= Numa Pompilius) 63
Nunavut (Canada) 211
Nutation 187 189
Nyatri Tsenpo 316
Nychthemeron see "Day"
Nyepi (Balinese holiday) 153
Obermann, Julian 111 331
Obliquity 182 184 186
observational-hebrew-from-fixed 330 330 353 439
observational-hebrew-new-year 330 330 331 353 439
observational-islamic-from-fixed 329 329 353 438
October 48 48 66 95 358 368
October Revolution 47
old-hindu-lunar-date 353 386
old-hindu-lunar-day 353 387
old-hindu-lunar-from-fixed 133 133 353 387
old-hindu-lunar-leap 353 387
old-hindu-lunar-leap-year? 131 131 353 387
old-hindu-lunar-month 353 387
old-hindu-lunar-year 353 387
old-hindu-solar-from-fixed 127 127 353 386
Olson, Donald W. 214
Omar Khayyam 217
Omer 102 102 354 382
Omer (Jewish period) 102
Ore, Oystein 42 150
orthodox-easter 115 115 354 385 see
Ottoman Empire 83
O’Beirne, Thomas H. 119 121
O’Malley, Michael 214
p.m. (= post meridiem) xv
Pakistan 328
Palaioemerologitai 70
Palm Sunday (Christian holiday) 119
| Panchang (Hindu calendar) 299 312
Pans 241 241 358 416
Parallax 205
Paris (France) 174 175 238 239 241 441 446 479
Paris Commune 239
Parise, Frank xxi xxvi 9 42 273
Parker, Richard A. 42
Pascal (computer language) 18
Pascal, Blaise xxvi
Passion Sunday (Christian holiday) 119
passover 102 102 354 382
Passover (Jewish holiday) xxi xxii 70 89 100—103 113 326 331
Pasternak, Ofer xxv
Patashnik, Oren 41
Pawukon (Balinese calendar) 153—161
Pedersen, Olaf 60
Pengembang (Balinese holiday) 160
pentecost 121 121 354 386
Pentecost (Christian holiday) 119
Pepperdine, Andy xxv
Perigee 195 317
Perihelion 263 277
Persia see "Iran"
Persian calendar 6 7 9—11 33 217—227
Persian calendar, arithmetic 221—225
Persian calendar, arithmetic leap year rule 221—223
Persian calendar, astronomical 182 187 192 193 219—221
Persian calendar, days 13 26 218
Persian calendar, epagomenae 26
Persian calendar, epoch 15 217
Persian calendar, holidays 226
Persian calendar, Lisp code 411—413
Persian calendar, months 218
Persian calendar, New Year 226
Persian calendar, sample dates 441
Persian calendar, structure 217—222
Persian calendar, week 218
Persian Gulf 236
persian-date 354 411
persian-epoch 217 217 220 223 226 358 411
persian-from-fixed 220 220 354 411
persian-new-year-on-or-before 219 219 220 354 411
Peters, Francis E. 447
Peters, Tom xxv
Peterson, Arthur E. 214
phasis-on-or-after 327 327 330 354 437
phasis-on-or-before 327 327 329—331 354 437
Philippines 47
Phugpa calendar see "Tibetan calendar"
Phukluk calendar see "Tibetan calendar"
PI 358
Pigeon-hole principle 253
Pillai, Dewan Bahadur L.D. Swamikannu 277 287 312
Pingree, David 134 312
Pirkei Avoth 192
Pisces (constellation) 186 276
Pleiades (star cluster) 6
Plutarch 69
Polaris (star) 186
POLY 354 364
poly (polynomial evaluation macro) 364
Pongal see "Ayyappa Jyothi Darshanam"
Poole, Robert 61
Portugal 47
POSITION 172—174
positions-in-range 160 160 354 394
possible-hebrew-days 109 109 110 354 384
Poznartski, Samuel A. 111
Precession 185—186 293
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Orthodox holiday) 71
Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple (Orthodox holiday) 71
Pridie (= day before) 66
Prime (Christian prayer time) 213
Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolmaeus) 25 92 282
Ptolemy III Euergetes 76
Puckett, Barry 42
Purewal, Pal Singh xxv
purim 103 103 354 382
Purim (Jewish holiday) 103
Purple Mountain Observatory (Nanjing) 247 273
Qibla 174
Qing dynasty 207 247
qing-ming 266 266 354 422
Qingming (Chinese solar term/holiday) 266
Qiqiao (Chinese holiday) 264
Qixi (Chinese holiday) 264
Quadragesima see "Lent"
Quartodecimans 113
Quiche 140
Quinn, Terry J. 214
Quintus Curtius Rufus 217
Quotient 354 363
r.d. (= Rata Die) 10
Rabbenu Tam see "Jacob ben Meir"
radians-from-degrees 354 395"
Rajasthan (India) 277
rama 309 309 354 434
Rama Navami see "Birthday of Rama"
Ramadan (Islamic fast) 87 328
Ramasubramanian, K. xxv
Rambam see "Maimonides Moses"
Ramses III 72
Rashi see "Solomon ben Isaac"
Rata Die 10
RD 11 11 354 362
rd (Lisp function) 363
Read, Kay 145 150
Recursion 40
Reese, Ronald L. 42
Regulagedda, Akshay xxv
Reingold, Deborah H. xxv
Reingold, Edward M. iii xxvi 41 42 61 214 227 312
Reingold, Eve M. xxv
Reingold, Leah S. 471
Reingold, Rachel N. xxv
Reingold, Ruth N. xxv
Remainder function see "Modulus function"
Repose of the Virgin Mary (Orthodox holiday) 71
Resnikoff, Louis A. 111
rest (Lisp function) 361
Revatl (star) 276 279
Rhodes, Ida xxvi
Richards, Edward G., back cover 42 71
Richards, Nigel xxv
Rickey, V. Frederick 61
Rieb, Jean-Pierre 479
Right ascension 174 186
right-ascension 186 186 205 354 401
Roegel, Denis B. xxv
Rogation Sunday (Christian holiday) 119
Rolf, John C. xxvii
Rolle, Theodore M. xxv
Roman calendar, days of the month 65—69
Roman calendar, ides 65—66
Roman calendar, kalends 65—66
Roman calendar, Lisp code 374—375
Roman calendar, nones 65—66
Roman calendar, pridie 66
Roman calendar, sample dates 441
Roman calendar, years 69—70
Roman Republic 5
roman-count 354 374
roman-date 354 374
roman-event 354 374
roman-from-fixed 66 68 68 354 374
roman-leap 354 374
roman-month 354 374
roman-year 354 374
Rome (Italy) 46 74
Romme, Gilbert 242
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