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Carslaw H.S. — Conduction of Heat in Solids |
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Ackermaxm, G. 392
Adams, E. Q. 430
Adams, L. H. 63 104 185 254
Adler, F. 248 296 339
Albrecht, F. 262
Allan, D. W. 245
Allen, D. N. de G. 393 477 478
Amundson, N. R. 395
Anderson, J. S. 97
Andreae, C. 426
Angell, M. F. 191
Angstr m, A. J. 136
Anisotropic solid 3
Anisotropic solid, differential equation of conduction of heat in 41-44
Anisotropic solid, flow in thin plates of 43-46
Anisotropic solid, flux in 38
Anisotropic solid, flux vector in 38 43-49
Anisotropic solid, fundamental assumptions 38
Anisotropic solid, instantaneous point source in 257
Anisotropic solid, principal axes of conductivity in 42
Anisotropic solid, variation of thermal conductivity with direction in 46-49
Anzelius, A. 393
Appell, P. 52
Archer 192
Aris, R. 136
Austin, J. B. 104
Automatic temperature control 407-12
Avrami 168
Awbery, J. H. 12 193 203 246 334 446 451
Ayrton, W. E. 239
B cher 39
Babbitt, J. D. 28
Bachmann, H. 124
Baerwald, H. G. 155
Baker, H. D. 470
Barnes, E. W. 251
Barnes, J. L. 298
Barratt 140
Barrer, R. 23 28 91 246 314 403
Bartels, R. C. F. 32
Barus, C. 87
Bateman, H. 248 249 251 441
Beglinger, W. 228
Bell, R. P. 319
Bellman, R. 375
Bend in a wall, steady flow near 445 453
Benfield, A. E. 83 387
Berg, O. 150
Berger, F. 184 227
Berggren, W. P. 336
Besant, W. H. 427
Bessel functions, collection of useful results 488-90
Betti, E. 355
Bierwirth, R. A. 12
Binnie, A. 141
Birch, F. 3 83 85 86 253 424
Birkhoff, G. 38
Bishop, F. L. 231
Blackwell, J. H. 23 339 345
Blanch, G. 476
Blevin, W. R. 294
Blok, H. 269
Bogert, B. P. 334
Boltzmann, L. 89
Boltzmann’s transformation 89
Book, P. 419
Booth, H. 451
Bosanquet, N. H. 136
Bossolasco 429
Boundary conditions for surface diffusion 23
Boundary conditions, at the surface of separation of two media 23
Boundary conditions, mathematical interpretation of 27
Boundary conditions, numerical expression of 474-5
Boundary conditionsat the surface of a conductor 18-24 323
Bourne, D. E. 412
Boussinesq, J. 13 38
Bowman, F. 442
Bridgman, P. W. 49 140 190
Brinkley, S. R. 395
British thermal, unit 3
Bromwich, T. J. I’a. 235 297 298 319 325
Brousseau, R. 471
Brown, G. H. 12
Brown, H. K. 462
Brown, P. W. 141 168
Brown, R. G. 407
Brown, R. L. 112
Brunt, D. 75 77 82 412
Bryan, G. H. 359
Buchholz, H. 170 334
Bueche, W. 141
Buettner, K. 345
Bullard, Sir E. C. 80 83 86 254 342 424
Burgess, J. 482
Bush, V. 155
Byerly, W. E. 248 249
C.H. x 54 94 204 229 237 298 357
Calder, K, L. 412
Callendar, A. 153 411
Calorie 2
Cambell, G. A. 299 456
Cameron, R. H. 266
Caquot, A. 109
Carslaw, H. S. 29 88 281 297 298 303 319 327 330 332 335 337 355 359 380 383 385 400 404 480
Carson, J. R. 298
Carsten, H. R. F. 331
Carter, F. W. 441 442
Casimir, H. B. G. 41
Castoldi, L. 446
Chadwick, J. 86
Chambr , P. L. 294
Change of state, case of a melting range 289
Change of state, case of supercooled liquid 287
Change of state, change of volume on change of state 290
Change of state, conditions at the moving boundary between two phases 284
Change of state, exact solutions for one-variable problems 285-91
Change of state, expression as a moving source problem 293
Change of state, freezing of water 286
Change of state, numerical methods 476-7
Change of state, other boundary conditions 291- 3
Change of state, solidification of magma 288-9
Change of state, solutions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 294-6
Change of stategeneral discussion 282-3
Chao 265 270
Chao, N. C. 23
Charny, I. A. 451
Chivers, E. W. 179
Christoffel, E. G. 441
Church, A. H. 203
Churchill, R. V. 32 38 88 298 303 319 480
Circle, steady flow between concentric circles 189 436
Circle, steady flow between eccentric circles 436-9 449-51
Circle, steady two-dimensional flow in a circle with arbitrary surface temperature 434-6
Circular cylinder of perfect conductor, region bounded internally by 341-5
Circular cylinder, infinite (general case)continuous sources in 385
Circular cylinder, infinite (general case)Green’s functions for 376-8
Circular cylinder, infinite (general case)steady temperature 208-10 423
Circular cylinder, infinite (general case)steady temperature in moving cylinder 209
Circular cylinder, infinite (general case)variable temperature with various boundary conditions 210-13 376-8
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow) with other boundary conditions 203 328-31 369 403
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow) with prescribed surface temperature 198-201 327-8 330
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow) with radiation at 4
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow), beat production in 204 330
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow), steady periodic temperature 193
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow), steady temperature in 189-93
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow), the surface 201-3 329 331 369
Circular cylinder, infinite (radial flow)with arbitrary initial temperature and zero surface temperature 194-8 368
Circular cylinder, infinite, hollow with arbitrary initial temperature and various boundary conditions 370 380
Circular cylinder, infinite, hollow with zero initial temperature and various boundary conditions 207 332-4
Circular cylinder, infinite, hollow, steady temperature 189-93
| Circular cylinder, infinite, hollowwith arbitrary initial temperature and zero surface temperature 205-8
Circular cylinder, region bounded internally by with arbitrary initial temperature and various surface conditions, radial flow 370
Circular cylinder, region bounded internally by with constant initial temperature and zero surface temperature 334-6
Circular cylinder, region bounded internally by with other surface conditions 338-9 341-3
Circular cylinder, region bounded internally by with radiation at the surface 336
Circular cylinder, region bounded internally by, general case 375
Circular cylinders, finite and semi-infinite, determination of conductivity from 228
Circular cylinders, finite and semi-infinite, steady temperature 217-25 423
Circular cylinders, finite and semi-infinite, variable temperature, eases in which the solution can be expressed as a product 34 225-8 339
Circular cylinders, finite and semi-infinite, variable temperature, general case 228 380 403 418-19
Clarke, I. E. 121 335
Clarke, L. N. 112
Clemmow 484
Cockcroft, J. D. 170 442
Comenetz, G. 334
Composite solids with cylindrical surface of separation 346-7 399
Composite solids, boundary conditions at surface of separation 23 398
Composite solids, composite cylinder 190
Composite solids, composite cylinder, steady periodic temperature 193-4
Composite solids, composite cylinder, variable temperature 346
Composite solids, composite slab of several layers, steady temperature 92
Composite solids, composite sphere, steady temperature 232
Composite solids, composite sphere, variable temperature 361-2
Composite solids, composite wire, steady temperature 150
Composite solids, infinite composite solid of two media, with plane surface of separation 87-89 363-4
Composite solids, semi-infinite composite solid 319-326 365
Composite solids, slab of two layers, variable temperature 323-4 365
Composite solids, steady periodic temperature 309-12
Composite solids, variable temperature 326
Composite solidsreferences 319
Computation laboratory of Harvard University 336
Comrie, L. J. 482
Concer, D, B. 390
Conduction of heat, fundamental hypothesis in isotropic solid 7
Conduction of heat, in anisotropic solid 38
Conductivity coefficients in anisotropic solid 39
Conductivity coefficients in anisotropic solid, symmetry of 40-43
Conductivity, thermal, definition 2
Conductivity, thermal, dimensions 3
Conductivity, thermal, numerical values of 497
Conductivity, thermal, summary of experimental methods for determining 25
Conductivity, thermal, temperature variation of 2 150
Conductivity, thermal, variation with direction in anisotropic solid 46-49
Conductors in parallel, heat flow through 398-9
Cone, Green’s functions for 383-5
Cone, variable temperature 261-3 383-5 420
Conjugate functions, general theory 431-441 447-9
Conjugate functions, general theory, special transformations 433-47
Contact resistance (see also under Surface skin Radiation)
Contact resistance at a plane boundary 20 23 88 93 111 364 403 415
Continuous sources of heat, application to heat production along a line in a cylinder 385
Continuous sources of heat, application to heat production in an infinite medium 265
Continuous sources of heat, application to surface heating 263-5
Continuous sources of heat, line source 261-2
Continuous sources of heat, plane source 262
Continuous sources of heat, point source 261
Continuous sources of heat, spherical surface source 263
Continuous sources of heat, steady temperature due to sources and sinks in finite regions 421-3
Contour integrals, use for solving problems on conduction of heat 479
Convection of heat 1
Convection of heat, numerical values for 19-21
Cook, H. F. 80
Cooke, J. C. 464
Cooling fins, on a flat surface 141-2 168 180
Cooling fins, on a flat surface, round a cylinder 143 222
Cooper, J. L. B. 38
Copple, C. 405 155
Craggs, J. W. 213 419
Crandall, S. H. 41 474
Crank - Nicholson method 474
Crank, J. 12 28 91 283 474 476 477
Cranz, C. 149
Crystal classes, conductivity coefficients in 40-41
Curtis, F. W. 12
Cutting, grinding, and sliding temperatures 266-70
Cylindrical coordinate system, solids bounded by surfaces of the steady temperature 214-25 461-2
Cylindrical coordinate system, solids bounded by surfaces of the, steady temperature due to sources and sinks 423
Cylindrical coordinate system, solids bounded by surfaces of the, variable temperature 226-9 339 380 403 418-20
Czermak, P. 151
Dahl, O. G. C. 64 193
Danckwert, P. V. 28 33 283 291 407
Davey, N. 12
Davies, C. N. 28
Davies, D. R. 412
Davy, N. 442 446
Dawson, H. G. 484
De Morgan, A. 482
de Vries, D. A. 82 345 428
Delavault, H. 464
Dennis, S. C. R. 477
Despretfc, C. 135
Diesselhorst, H. 78 151
Differential equation of conduction of heat in isotropic solid 8
Differential equation of conduction of heat, elementary solutions of 50-52
Differential equation of conduction of heat, expressed in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 15-17
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in a deformable medium 13-15
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in a medium whose thermal properties depend on the temperature 10 89-91
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in a moving medium 13-15 387-92
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in a rod with radiation from its surface 134-5
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in a wire heated by electric current 149-51
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in anisotropic and orthotropic solids 42
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in inhomogeneous solid 10 412
Differential equation of conduction of heat, in isotropic solid in which heat is generated 10 12 404- 7
Differential equation of conduction of heat, numerical methods for solution of 469-78
Differential equations related to the equation of conduction of heat 27-29
Diffusion 28
Diffusion, differential equation of 28
Diffusivity, definition and dimensions 9
Diffusivity, numerical values 497
Dimensionless parameters, occurrence of 121
Dini series 196
Dini series, integrals required in connexion with 196-8
Dini, V. 195
Dirichlet’s conditions 56
Doetsch, G. 37 298 309
Doublets 270-2 371
Dougall, J. 240
Douglas, J. 474
Dufton, A. F. 112
Duhamel, J. I. C. 13 30 38
Duhamel’s theorem 30-32
Duhamel’s theorem, expression of, in terms of Laplace transforms 301
Duncan, R. 151
Dusinberre, G. 436 477
Earthage of 85-87
Earthage of, 322
Earthage of, heat flux from 83
Earthage of, solidification of 253
Earthage of, temperatures within 78-80 84 87 253-
Earth’s crust, oscillations in temperature in 81-83
Earth’s crust, temperature gradient at surface 83
Ebeling, H. 149
Eckart, C. 14
Ede, A. J. 123
Edwards, F. S. 12
Electric cable, heating ofburied 344
Electric cable, heating ofburied, oil-filled 399
Electric transmission lines, differential equation 29
Electric transmission lines, use of in connexion with periodic flow of heat 69
ellipse 15
Ellipse, steady temperature in regions bounded by confocal ellipses and hyperbolas 439-40 452
Ellipsoid 15
Ellipsoid, steady flow in an infinite medium containing an ellipsoid of different conductivity 427
Ellis, C. D. 86
Emde, F. 206 262 482 483
Emmerich. C. L. 191 223
Emmons, H. W. 477
Encke, J. F. 482
Erd lyi, A. 299 337 457
Erk, S. 13 19 122 139
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