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Carslaw H.S. — Conduction of Heat in Solids |
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Error function 61 482-4
Error function of complex argument 484
Error function of complex argument, numerical values 486-7
Error function, numerical values 485
Error function, repeated integrals 484
Evans, G. W. 471
Evans, II, G. W. 291 293
Evans, J. C. 235
Evans, W. 234
Experimental methods for determination of thermal conductivity, general account 25
Extrapolation of cooling curves 185 228
Eyres, N. R. 11 283 470
F. S. x 53 56 94 95 96 163 164 180 181 275 435
Faddeeva, V. N. 484
Feller, W. 412
Finite differences, application to linear flow of heat 469- 78
Finite differences, application to two-dimensional problems 468-9 477
Finite differences, application to variable thermal properties 476
Finite differences, convergence and stability of solutions 471
Finite differences, expression of boundary conditions in terms of 474-5
Finite differences, general theory 466-9
Finite Fourier transforms 462-4
Fischer, J. 149 157 192 262 334
Fishenden 19 123
Flux of heat, definition and properties 4-6
Flux vector 6
Flux vector, in anisotropic solid 38 43 46-49
Forbes, J. D. 136
Forced convection 19
Ford, W. B. 195
Foster, R. 299 456
Fourier - Bessel series 196
Fourier - Bessel series, integrals required in 196-8
Fourier series 94
Fourier series, double and multiple 180-3
Fourier sine and cosine transforms 57 457-8
Fourier sine and cosine transforms, application to steady flow of heat 165
Fourier sine and cosine transforms, application to variable flow of heat 469
Fourier transforms, complex 57 456
Fourier transforms, complex, application to linear flow in an infinite solid 58 459
Fourier transforms, complex, application to steady flow of heat 166 461
Fourier, J. B. J. 85 160 165
Fourier’s integral theorem 56-57
Fourier’s ring 160-1
Fowler 471
Fox, E. N. 12 20 78 133 323
Fox, L. 477
Frank, F. C. 294
Franz, R. 135 149
Frazier, R. H. 77 97
Friction, generation of heat by 88 266-70
Fujita, H. 91
Fulks, W. 38
Furth, R. 28
G. and M. x 214 217 225 267 278 353 368 377 421 458 488
Gardner, K. A. 141
Gardner, M. F. 298
Gaskell, R. E. 23
Geckler, R. D. 334
Geothermal flux 83
Geothermal gradient 83
Geothermal gradient, effect of glacial epochs on 85
Geothermal gradient, effect of rock conductivity on 84
Geothermal gradient, effect of uplift on 388
Geothermal gradient, topographic correction to 424-5
Gevrey 412
Gibson, R. E. 28
Giebe, E. 78
Gilmour, A. 478
Glage, G. 145
Goheen, H. E. 12
Goldenberg, H. 329 336 348
Goldschmidt, H. 123 392
Goldstein, S. 13 29 124 311 327 330 335 340 394 413
Goodlet, B. L. 12
Goodwin, E. 199
Gordon, A. R. 484
Gould, E. E. 155
Goursat, E. 14 38 52 54
Gr ber, H. 13 19 122 203
Gr neisen, E. 78
Granular media, theoretical expressions for conductivity of 428
Gray, A. 195 206 225
Gray, I. C. 50
Green, G. 273
Green, L. 125
Green, S. E. 231
Green’s functions for Laplace’s equation 422
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for linear flow in composite regions 363-5
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for linear flow in the semi-infinite solid 357-9
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for linear flow in the slab 359-61
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for radial flow in circular cylinders, hollow circular cylinders, and the region bounded internally by a circular cylinder 368-70
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for radial flow in spheres, spherical shells, and the region bounded internally by a sphere 365-8
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for regions bounded by cylinders with various surface conditions 376-8 380
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for regions bounded by spheres 380-2
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the cone 383-5
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the infinite composite solid 375
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the rectangular corner 361-2
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the rectangular parallelepiped 362- 3
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the semi- infinite solid with surface diffusion 374
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the semi-infinite solid 370-1
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the slab 371-4
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat for the wedge 378-80
Green’s functions for the equation of conduction of heat, general theory 353-7
Green’s Theorem 14
Gregory, H. S. 192 193
Griffith, I. V. 319
Griffiths, E. 25 26 41 136
Griffiths, R. 407
Grigull, V. 13 19 122
Grosh, R. J. 266
Grunberg, G. 399
Gurney, H. P. 104 122 202
Gutenberg, B. 83 86
Hagstr m, K. L. 137
Hail, E. H. 228
Hankel transforms 458
Hankel transforms, applications 1 464
Hansemann, G. 78 90
Hantueh, M. S. 29
Hardebol, J. 345
Hardy, G. H. 178
Harper, D. R. 141 168
Hartman, P. 38
Hartree, D. R. 11 12 283 311 405 411 466 469 470 477 483
Hausen, H. 393
Hawkins, G. A. 266
Heat exchangers 391-8
Heat generation, a cylinder 204
Heat generation, a semi- infinite region 78-80
Heat generation, a sphere 242-6
Heat generation, an infinite region 265 348-9
Heat generation, at a constant rate in a slab 130
Heat generation, at a rate increasing exponentially with temperature 405
Heat generation, at a rate proportional to temperature 404-5
Heat generation, at an exponentially decreasing rate 132 204 245
Heat generation, by a chemical reaction 406
Heat generation, general account 11-12
Heat generation, in a buried electric cable 344
Heat generation, in a heat exchanger 395
Heat generation, in a wire carrying electric current 149-60
Heat generation, in magnet coils 170 223
Heat generation, numerical methods for 476
Heat regenerators 391-8
Heat transfer, linear 18
Heat transfer, linear, non-linear 21 474
Heaviside, O. 86 297 298 322 340
Heindlhofer, K. 289
Heine, B. E. 229
Heisler, M. P. 123 202 238 470
| Henkel, D. J. 28
Henry, P. S. H. 28
Higgins, T. J. 170
Hildebrand, F. B. 471
Hill, A. V. 28 283 288
Hillman, A. 206
Hincke, W. B. 156
Hoare, F. E. 241
Hobson, E. W. 78 195 248 255 273 281 359
Holm, R. 248
Holmes, A. 86
Hopkins, M. R. 91
Hopper, O. D. 412
Horenstein, W. 483
Horton, G. K. 319
Howland, R. C. J. 452
Howling, D. H. 66
Hoyler, C. N. 12
Huber, A. 285 412
Hulbert, E. O. 28
Hull, O. E. 411
Hulme, K. F. 389
Humbert, P. 299 301
Hume - Rothery, W. 49
Hutchings, E. E. 344
Hyman, M. A. 471
Images for a point source in a rectangle 374
Images for a point source in a semi- infinite solid 276-7
Images for a point source in a slab 372-4
Images for a point source in a wedge 277-9 378-80
Images for linear flow in a semi-infinite solid 273
Images in a slab 274-6
Images, method of 273
Images, Sommerfeld’s extension of the method 279-81
Ince, E. L. 325 326
Infinite rectangular solid, steady temperature in 162-6
Infinite rectangular solid, steady temperature in, variable temperature in 171-5
Infinite solid with arbitrary initial temperature (general ease) 56 256
Infinite solid with arbitrary initial temperature (linear flow) 53-56
Infinite solid with initial temperature constant over a slab 54-55
Infinite solid, cylinder 55 260
Infinite solid, generation of heat in 265 348
Infinite solid, sphere 55 267
Ingersoll, A. C. 248 296 339 466
Ingersoll, L. R. 25 97 248 296 339 466
Ingeuhausen, J. 135
Ingham, J. 11 283
Initial conditions 17-18
Initial conditions, mathematical interpretation of 27
Instantaneous sources of heat 255
Instantaneous sources of heat, cylindrical and spherical surface sources 259
Instantaneous sources of heat, in a thin sheet 258; see under Green’s functions
Instantaneous sources of heat, in anisotropic material 257
Instantaneous sources of heat, line source 258
Instantaneous sources of heat, plane source 50 259
Instantaneous sources of heat, point source 256
Instantaneous sources of heat, point source in a thin rod 257
Instantaneous sources of heat, ring and disk sources 260
Integral transformations 455
Integral transformations, comparison with classical methods 456
Integral transformations, inversion formulae for 456-60
Integral transformations, successive 464
Integrals of error function 51 483-5
Isaacson, E. 291 293
Isothermal surfaces 6
Isothermal surfaces, steady two-dimensional flow between 447-54
Jackson, R. 11 283
Jacob, N. E. 29
Jacobs, J. A. 83 86 253 254
Jacobs, R. B. 23
Jacobson, A. W. 462
Jaeger, J. C. 12 21 23 24 29 77 79 80 121 129 161 200 203 213 264 266 269 289 297 298 303 319 327 329 330 332 334 335 336 337 342 344 346 356 380 400 401 402 403 404 412 419 476 480
Jaeger, W. 161
Jahnke, E. 206 262 482 483
Jakob 13 19 123 139 141 142 170 192 405
Jam, S. C. 155 156 159
Jeans, J. H. 447
Jeffreys, Sir H. 12 13 80 86 87 235 254 297 298 424 482
Johnson, N. H. 77
Jost, W. 28
Kal hne, A. 206
Kalshoven, J. 345
Kamp de F riet, J. 38
Kannuluik, W. G. 140 153 192 193
Kaplan, S. 471
Karpov, K. A. 484
Karush, W. 166 217
Kaye, G. W. C. 26 41
Kaye, J. 483
Keen, B. A. 82
Keirstead, R. 471
Kelvin, Lord 9 81 85 86 255 322 497
Kepitiski, S. 412
Kermack, W. O. 337
Keynes, R. D. 28
King, C. 86 87
King, G. W. 466
King, R. O. 150
King, R. W. 139
Kingston, R. S. 112
Kirchhoff, G. 11 78 90
Kirsch, Dr 64
Kitchener, J. A. 246
Kneiss, H. 462
Knight, R. C. 452
Knighting, E. 412
Knudsen 154
Kober, H. 433
Koepp, O. A 97
Kohlrausch, F. 151
Koschmieder, L. 462
Kotik, J. 38
Kreith, F. 292 296
Krishnan, Sir K. S. 155 156 159
Kronig, R. 393
Laager, R. E. 23
Laby, O. H. 140
Lachmann, K. 285
Lam , G. 38 273 427
Lamb, C. G. 190
Lamb, Sir H. 13 14 29 65
Laminated materials 415
Landau, H. G. 292
Langmuir, I. 154 191 430
Langton, N. H. 446
Laplace transformation determination of Green’s functions by 85
Laplace transformation for finding linear asymptotes 314 402-4
Laplace transformation, application to more general differential equations 387-99 404-7 412-14
Laplace transformation, application to periodic surface conditions 399-402
Laplace transformation, application to the differential equation of conduction of heat 301 4
Laplace transformation, application to two- and three- dimensional problems 416-20
Laplace transformation, by a sphere 347-52
Laplace transformation, comparison with other integral transform methods 455-6
Laplace transformation, fundamental theorems 298-301
Laplace transformation, historical remarks 297
Laplace transformation, in composite solids 319-26
Laplace transformation, in the slab 308-17
Laplace transformation, inversion theorem for 302
Laplace transformation, problems on linear flow, in the semi-infinite region 304-8 317-19
Laplace transformation, problems on radial flow in regions bounded by a cylinder 327-47
Laplace transformation, solutions for large values of the time 339-41
Laplace transformation, table of Laplace transforms 494-6
Laplace transformation, use for finding solutions suitable for small values of the time 309-11 321 330-1 336
Laplace transformation, verification of solutions obtained by 479-81
Lapwood, E. R. 13
Larsen, E. S. 283
Lauwerier, H. A. 76
Laws, F. A. 231
Laws, S. C. 150
Lees, N. H. 140 220 424 425 446
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