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Carslaw H.S. — Conduction of Heat in Solids |
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Lettau, H. 82
Leutert, W. 471
Levy, S. 319 346 403
Liebmann, G. 478
Lightfoot, N. I. H. 283 293
Linear heat transfer 18
Lipow 334
Little, J. B. 168
Livens, G. H. 427
Lochs, G.t 309
Lodge, O. J. 39
Loewen, E. G. 265
London, A. L. 283
Love, A. E. H. 442
Lovering, T. S. 54 257 326
Lowan, A. N. 12 23 144 175 206 215 229 244 319 329
Luke, Y. L. 269
Lurie, J. 104 122 202
M ller, E. 231
M.D. x 10 12 28 91 283 406 466 474 476
M.I.T. staff 109
Macdonald, H. 384
MacDonald, J. K. L. 291 293
Macey, H. H. 112 200 203 310
MacRobert 248
Maddock, J. 12
Magmatic intrusions, cooling of 54-66 289 326
Magnet coils, heating of 170 191 223-4
Magnus, W. 457
Malkin, I 169
Mann, W. R. 21
March, H. W. 23
Marcus, P. 70
Marshak, R. E. 28 375
Martin, E. R. 189
Martin, L. H. 192 193
Masters, J. I. 260 292
Mathews, G. B. 195 206 225
Mathieu, I. E. 15 433
Matrices, use of in connexion with solids of several layers 109-12 194 326
Matricon 319
Maxwell, J. C. 9 273 353 427 428
McAdams, W. H. 19 122 141 154 430
McEwen, G. F. 29
McKay, A. 124
McKerrow, N. W. 331
McLeod, A. R. 235
McMullen, B. W. 452
Meikle, G. S. 430
Meissner, W. 151
MeJunkin, P. 231
Mellin transforms 458-9
Mellin transforms, applications 461-2
Melsom, S. W. 451
Melting or freezing, problems involving see under Change of state.
Mendoza, E. 66
Mersman, W. A. 38 364
Miles, J. W. 141
Miller, J. C. P. 29
Miller, W. L. 484
Milne - Thomson, L. 482
Milne, W. E. 467
Minnigerode, B. 355
Misener, A. D. 83
Mitchell, A. R. 478
MoLachlan, N. W. 15 193 201 299 340 488
Mollison, W. L. 103
Monro, W. D. 395
Moore, A. D. 470
Moore, C. N. 178 195 479
Moulton, H. F. 442
Moving fluid, temperature in 148 267 389 391-8 412
Moving solid, temperature in 148 209 266-70 388-91
Moving sources of heat 266-70
Muller, A. 266
Munford 484
Muskat 29 206 208
Nagai 155
Nancarrow, H. A. 219
Natural convection 21
Nelson, H. 130
Nessi, A. 473
Nettleton, H. R. 148 150
Neumann, F. 145 161 282 283
Neutrons, slowing down of 28
Newman, A. B. 35 114 123 125 202 203
Newstead, G. 344
Newton’s law 19
Nichols, P. L. 12
Nicholson, J. W. 334
Nicholson, P. 12 474 476
Nisolle, L. 473
Nistler, F. 124
Niven, C. 15 190
Non-homogeneous solids 10 412-15 7
Non-homogeneous solids, linear variation of conductivity 414
Non-homogeneous solids, power laws 412-15
Nordon, J. 52
Numerical methods 466
Numerical methods, application to linear flow of heat 469-78
Nussbaum, F. 473
Nusselt, W. 393
Oberhettinger, F. 457
Olson, F. C. W. 35 100 200
Onsager, L. 41
Onsager’s principle 41
Oosterkamp, W. J. 264 401
Orthotropic solid 41
Orthotropic solid, equation of conduction of heat in 42
Orthotropic solid, problems on 33-35 169 170
Outer conductivity see Surface conductance
Outwater, J. O. 269
Owen, S. P. 148 210 387 391
O’Brien, G. G. 471
O’Day, M. D. 154
P schl, G. 124
Page, W. 442
Pal, B. 251
Partridge, E. P. 123 392
Paschkis, V. 470
Paterson, S. 52 78 240 294 296 350
Patten, H. E. 82
Patton, O. C. 473
Peddie, W. 23 240
Peek, R. L. 23 90
Pekeris, C. L. 296
Penner, S. S. 346
Perfect conductor, as an approximation to a good conductor 341-5 349-50
Perfect conductor, boundary condition at contact with 22
Perfect conductor, for several conductors in contact with 398
Periodic sources 263
Periodic surface conditions, general methods 64-70 105-12 136-8 146-7 193 4 399-402
Perry, F. R. 12
Perry, J. 86 239
Perry, R. L. 322 336
Philip, J. R. 90 466
Plank, R. 283
Plass, H. 248 296 339
Pockels. F. C. A. 355
Podolsky, B. 263
Poincar , H. 274
Poisson’s integral 435
Poisson’s summation formula 275
Poole, H. H. 190
Porous medium, flow of fluid through 29
Porous medium, heat transfer to 393
Porter, A. 405 411
Porter, W. 189
Powell, R. W. 191
Poynting, J. H. 135 136
| Prescott, N. H. 156
Presson, A. G. 12
Preston 135 136 139
Price, P. H. 471 475 476 477
Probe, thermal conductivity 346
Pulsed point, line and surface sources 401-2
Radiation 1
Radiation, black body 21 154
Radiation, transfer of heat between a number of slabs by 16
Radiative transfer, effect on differential equation 9
Radioactivity, generation of heat in the Earth’s crust by 80 83-87 253-4
Radiogenic gases, diffusion of 132
Ramakrishna, B. S. 346
Ramsey, A. S. 427
Rawhouser, C. 12
Rayleigh, Lord 255 428
Rayner, I. E. 38
Rectangle, general case 174 361-2
Rectangle, steady temperature in 166-71
Rectangle, steady temperature in a thin rectangular plate 169
Rectangle, steady temperature in an infinite rectangular solid 162-6
Rectangle, variable temperature, for constant initial temperature and various surface conditions 171-4
Rectangular comer with arbitrary initial temperature 361
Rectangular comer with constant initial temperature and various surface conditions 171-2
Rectangular parallelepiped, determination of thermal conductivity from 185
Rectangular parallelepiped, heat production in 363
Rectangular parallelepiped, steady temperature 177-80
Rectangular parallelepiped, variable temperature for constant initial temperature and various surface conditions 33 183-5 416-18
Rectangular parallelepiped, variable temperature, general case 186 362
Relaxation methods for steady flow of heat 477
Relaxation methods for steady flow of heat for variable flow 478
Resistivity, thermal, definition 2
Rhodes, T. J. 407
Riband, G. 52
Rice, I. K. 12
Richardson, L. F. 467
Richmond, H. W 442 452
Riemann, G. F. B. 28 282 355
Ritchie, R. H. 263 341
Roberts, O. F. T. 267
Robertson, J. 273
Rod with radiation from its surface with periodic temperature at its end 137-8
Rod with radiation from its surface with periodic temperatures at the ends 146-7
Rod with radiation from its surface, differential equation 133-5
Rod with radiation from its surface, finite rod of varying cross-section 141-3
Rod with radiation from its surface, finite rod, steady temperature 139-40
Rod with radiation from its surface, moving rod 148 391
Rod with radiation from its surface, rod forming a closed curve 160 (see also under Wire)
Rod with radiation from its surface, semiinfinite rod 135-6
Rod with radiation from its surface, variable temperature with various conditions at the ends 135 144-6
Roentgen, W. C. 46
Roettinger, I. 462
Romie, F. E. 292 296
Rosenhead, L. 29
Rosenthal, D. 266 268
Ruddle, R. W. 283
Rudenberg, R. 430
Russell, A. 132
Rutherford, Lord 86
Rutter, J. W. 389
Saddington, K. 97
Sakai, S. 319
Sakakura, A. Y. 341
Sarjant, R. J., II 283
Saunders, O. A. 19 123
Sbrana, F. 429
Schaaf, S. A. 88 346 364
Schack, A. 123 202 238 392
Schairer, J. F. 3
Schau, F. 141
Schaufe’berger, W. 77 157
Schleiermacher, A. 192
Schmeidler, W. 392
Schmidt, E. 141 336 473 475
Schmidt’s method 473
Schofield, F. H. 191 446 451 452
Schubert, G. U. 344
Schultz 35 100 200
Schultz, A. H. 393
Schulze, F. A. 77
Schumann, O. E. W. 23 393
Schwarz - Christoffel theorem 441
Schwarz, C. 289
Schwarz, H. A. 441
Schwarzsohild, K. 281 355
Seban, R. A. 283
Sector of a circle variable temperature in 212-13
Sector of a circle, steady temperature in 433-4
Sedimentation 28
Semi-infinite solid (general case) with arbitrary initial temperature and the surface at-zero 276 370
Semi-infinite solid (general case) with prescribed temperature over its surface 166 370
Semi-infinite solid (general case) with radiation at the surface 371
Semi-infinite solid (general case) with surface diffusion 374-6
Semi-infinite solid (general case), heated over portion of its surface 214-17 263-5 461
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow) with harmonic surface temperature 64-67 317-19
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow) with heat generated within it 78-80 307-8
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow) with periodic surface temperature 68-70 401
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow) with prescribed surface temperature 62-64 305 357
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow) with radiation at the surface 70-74 305-9
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow) with the surface in contact with well-stirrod fluid or perfect conductor 306-7
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow), application to determination of thermal conductivity 77
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow), semi-infinite composite solid 319-23 326
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow), with prescribed flux at the surface 75-77
Semi-infinite solid (linear flow)with prescribed initial and zero surface temperature 58-62 273 357
Senarmont, H., de 46
Severn, R. T.f 477 478
Shaw, I. C. 265 269
Sheppard, W. F. 482
Sherman, S. 346
Shklover, A. 109
Siichter, L. B. 244 296
Simplification of general problems on conduction of heat, by a change of variable 33 134 230 390
Simplification of general problems on conduction of heat, by Duhamel’s theorem 30-32
Simplification of general problems on conduction of heat, expression as a product of solutions 33-35
Simplification of general problems on conduction of heat, expression as a sum of solutions 29 32
Simpson, I. C. 191
Slab (general case) with arbitrary initial temperature and various surface conditions 371-4
Slab (general case) with arbitrary initial temperature and various surface conditions with a source moving on the surface 268
Slab (linear flow) with arbitrary initial temperature and radiation at the surface 114-20 124 126 360
Slab (linear flow) with constant initial temperature and radiation at the surface 121-7 310 315
Slab (linear flow) with heat produced within it 130-2 311 314
Slab (linear flow) with its surfaces at constant temperature or insulated 99-101 276 308-10 311-14 361
Slab (linear flow) with its surfaces at prescribed temperatures 102-5 276
Slab (linear flow) with other boundary conditions 112-13 125 128-30 310 316 403
Slab (linear flow) with periodic surface conditions 105-12 399-401
Slab (linear flow) with radiation at the surface into a medium at prescribed temperature 127
Slab (linear flow) with zero surface temperature and arbitrary initial temperature 93-99 274-6 359
Slab (linear flow), composite slabs, steady temperature 92
Slab (linear flow), composite slabs, variable temperature 323-6 365
Slab (linear flow), periodic temperature 109-12
Slab (linear flow), steady temperature 92
Slack, M. R. 471 475 476 477
Slater, J. C. 69
Sliding contact, temperature at a 269
Smith, E. G. 112
Smith, L. P. 335
Smith, R. 76
Smith, V. G. 389
Smoluchowski, M. v 153 193
Sneddon, I. N. 28 457 462 464
Soil, thermal properties of 82
Somers, A. 148 387
Sommerfeld, A. 255 281 353 355 363
Sontz 399
Sources and sinks 255 (see also under Instantaneous and Continuous)
Sources and sinks, steady temperature due to 421-3
Southwell, R. V. 477
Specific heat 9
Specific heat, a function of temperature or position 11 89-91 412-15
Sphere (general case) with arbitrary initial temperature and the surface at zero 248-50 381
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