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Held A. (ed.) — General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2
Held A. (ed.) — General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2

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Íàçâàíèå: General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2

Àâòîð: Held A. (ed.)

ßçûê: en

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Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 558

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.01.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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#      109
$T_{4}$ space-time      341 345 346
$U_{4}$ space-time      335 341 347
$U_{4}$ space-time, field equations of      338
Acausal propagation anomaly      385
action      see “Lagrangian” “Hamiltonian”
Action for a triplet of free Maxwell fields      360
Action for Brans — Dicke Theory      575
Action for Brans — Dicke Theory, supersymmetric extension      575
Action for Dirac theory      559
Action for ECSK theory in 3 + 1 form      60
Action for Einstein theory      45 470 549 563
Action for Einstein theory, coupled to Bosonic matter      379
Action for Einstein theory, coupled to Bosonic matter, tensor field      49
Action for Einstein theory, coupled to Bosonic matter, Yang — Mills field      63
Action for Einstein theory, linearized      361
Action for five-dimensional theory      542
Action for general field      32 235
Action for general field in 3 + 1 form      33
Action for GL(4R) gauge theory      315
Action for gravitation as Yang — Mills theory      63
Action for Klein — Gordon field      559
Action for Maxwell field      32 235
Action for Maxwell field in 3 + 1 form      33
Action for reduced phase space      43
Action for scalar, pseudoscalar, and Majorana fields      367
Action for spin-1 and spin-1/2 fields (free)      367
Action for supergravity      62 371 564
Action for supergravity in forms      570
Action for supergravity, conformal      572
Action for supergravity, coupled to a spin-(3/2,1) multiplet      375
Action for supergravity, coupled to matter      374 376
Action for supergravity, linearized      368
Action for supergravity, with cosmological constant      373
Action for Yang — Mills field      63
Action in terms of a conformal TT decomposition      69
Action, Rarita — Schwinger (spin-3/2 field)      369 562
Adiabatic regularization      282
Adjoint of an operator      127
ADM (Arnowitt, Deser, Misner) energy      482
ADM variables      46 (see also “Canonical analysis”)
Affine (nonmetric) geometry      579
Affine collineations      461
AGCT (anholonomized general coordinate transformation)      312
Algebra      see “Graded algebra” “Lie “Poincare
Algebra of symmetries of supergravity      565—568
Algebra, gauge, closure of      566 574
Algorithm      495
Algorithm for deciding the equivalence problem      533
Algorithm for performing multiple covariant differentiation      532
Almost-canonical structure      43 163
Almost-canonical transformation      68 70
Angular momentum, conserved by Noether’s theorem      334
Annihilation operator      257
Ashtekar — Hansen energy      486
Asymptotically flat initial data      156 185
Asymptotically flat slices      165
Asymptotically flat space-time      81 174 481 “Momentum”)
Atiyah — Singer index theorem      284
Babbage’s analytic machine      491
Bandors      314
Bare constant      276
Bel — Robinson tensor      388
Belifante — Rosenfeld procedure      322
Berger — Eben canonical splitting      141
Bergmann — Dirac canonical analysis      32—44
Bianchi identity      293 373
Bianchi types      87—89 (including footnote) 436
Bit      498
Black hole, evaporation of      267—270
Black hole, particle flux of      268
Black hole, temperature of      268
Blackbody radiation, Planck’s formula for      19
Blow up      see “Garbage collector”
BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) group      482
Bogolubov transformation      260 262 266 267
Bondi mass      176 477 482 529
Bose variables      217
Brill — Hartle, averaging of tensors      551
Brouwer’s theorem      289
Bubble time canonical formalism      69
Bundle      see “Principal bundle”
Bundle of affine frames      306
Bundle of linear frames      295
Bundle of orthonormal frames      291
Bundle of projective frames      306
Bundle, associated      294
Bundle, cotangent      396
Bundle, infinitesimal connection on      291—296
Bundle, section of      289
Bundle, Stiefel      299
Bundle, tangent      445
Bundle, vector      294
BYTE      498
Canonical analysis and degrees of freedom      38
Canonical analysis for source-fields in first-order form      53—54
Canonical analysis of ECSK (Einstein — Cartan — Sciama — Kibble) theory      59—61
Canonical analysis of Yang — Mills type field      207
Canonical analysis, Bergmann — Dirac procedure      32—44
Canonical analysis, boundary terms in      79
Canonical analysis, evolution equations for general field      37
Canonical analysis, gauge freedom in      39
Canonical analysis, Maxwell field as example      33—41
Canonical analysis, symmetries in      83 207
Canonical quantization      92 227—254
Canonical quantization, free particle as example      246
Canonical stress-energy tensor      541 550
Cartan — Maurer equation      318 322
Carter’s separable space-times      417—422
Casimir effect      259—261 265
Cauchy data      see “Cauchy problem” “Initial
Cauchy data for general relativity      234
Cauchy data of a free Maxwell field      145 232
Cauchy data, constraints in general relativity      238
Cauchy data, propagation of      240
Cauchy problem      100—114 444 “Initial “Initial
Cauchy stability      115
Cauchy surface      102 256
Cauchy surface, existence of, global      241
Causal path      101
Centrifugal force      5
Characteristic surface, data on      104
Charge, central      366
Charge, electric      147 147
Chern number      281
Chern — Weil construction      298
Chiral charge      572
Chiral gauge field      573
Chiral generator      378 571
Chiral rotations (generator)      571
Chiral superfields      578
Chirality-duality, constraints      573
Chirality-duality, invariance      379 576
Christensen — DeWitt series      280
Class number      449
Commutator      see “Lie algebra”
Commutator of canonical variables      244
Commutator of two Lie algebra valued forms      293
Commutator, covariant      256 564
Compact slices      164
Compatible charts      397
Computer and the 3 + 1 formulation      108
Computer languages, ALAM      492 511 529 531
Computer languages, ALBERT      492 531
Computer languages, ALGOL      499
Computer languages, ASSEMBLY      499
Computer languages, CAMAL      493 500 501 527 531 542 551—555
Computer languages, CLAM      492 513 515 527
Computer languages, FORMAC      507 510 531
Computer languages, FORMAC, packages      525—527
Computer languages, FORTRAN      499 509—510 514
Computer languages, GRAD      492
Computer languages, GRAD ASSISTANT      507 511 531
Computer languages, ILAM      513
Computer languages, LAM      507 511—515
Computer languages, LISP      503 507—510 515
Computer languages, MACSYMA      506 527 531 532 551
Computer languages, REDUCE      506 514 515—517 527
Computer languages, SCRATCHPAD      501 527
Computer languages, SHEEP      493 495 514—515 516 527 531 533
Computer, central processor      496
Computer, peripheral equipment      497
Computer, storage      498
Computing and Bondi metric      517—520
Computing and factoring of polynomials      506
Computing and Harrison metrics      528 531
Computing on line      502
Computing, algebraic      502—507
Confinement potential      305
Confinement potential in the weak-field approximation of a Poincare gauge theory      347—350
Conformal anomaly      265 269 283 284
Conformal equivalence class of initial data      144 150
Conformal flat electrovac solutions      458
Conformal group      5 71
Conformal Killing tensor      422 432
Conformal rigidity      413
Conformal separability      456
Conformal supergravity      265 269 283 284 571—576
Conjugate momentum      33
Conjugate momentum of the metric      47
Connection on bundle of linear frames      300
Connection on tangent bundle      445
Connection, 1-form      55
Connection, holonomic, in a $T_{4}$      346
Conservation laws      see “Energy” “Momentum” “Noether’s “Conserved
Conservation laws in the two-timing formalism      541
Conservation laws, strong      475
Conservation laws, weak      474
Conserved quantities      see “Conservation laws” “Energy-momentum” “Noether’s
Conserved quantities of Taub      131
Conserved quantities, current      331
Conserved quantities, current, axial      379
Conserved quantities, energy-momentum      302
Conserved quantities, generalized laws      302
Constant of the motion      471 747 “Conserved “Noether’s
Constraints      108 137 176
Constraints for ECSK theory      61
Constraints of Einstein’s theory      48 238
Constraints of the gravitational super-Hamiltonian      67
Constraints, chirality-duality      573
Constraints, first class      36 239 241
Constraints, Hamiltonian      100 112 147 159 241
Constraints, hypersurface of a free particle      247
Constraints, kinetic, in supergravity      573
Constraints, linearized stability of      126—136
Constraints, momentum      100 112 142 159
Constraints, primary      34 35
Constraints, second class      37 241
Constraints, secondary      36 40
Coordinate, canonically separable      396
Coordinate, first class      401
Coordinate, harmonic (deDonder)      104 461
Coordinate, normal separable      406
Coordinate, quasinormal separable      398
Coordinate, second class      401
Coordinate, separable      397
Coriolis force      5
Cosmic censor hypothesis      189
Cosmology      see “Metrics and cosmologies” “Space-times”
Counterterms      362 363 385 387 “Renormalization”)
Creation of particles by curvature      261
Creation operator      257
Curvature      see “Riemann tensor”
Curvature in superspace      578
Curvature, 2-form      56
Curvature, mean      449
Curvature, particle production by      261
Cutoff      259 282
Cyclic field component      40
De Rham — Lichnerowicz Laplacian      123
de Sitter space, stress-energy tensor      271 (see also “Metrics and cosmologies”)
Debever isotropic forms formalism      421
Deformation of surface      197—201
Deformation, compensating      199
Deformation, normal      200 203
Degrees of freedom and canonical analysis      32—44
Degrees of freedom in Einstein’s theory      49
Degrees of freedom, phase-space of gravitational      64
Degrees of freedom, space of      41
Degrees of freedom, topological      461—462
Derivative      see “Lie derivative”
Derivative, coupled source      51
Derivative, covariant exterior      293
Derivative, directional, of Kuchar      29
Derivative, G(roup) covariant      318
Derivative, space-covariant      29
Derivative, supercovariant      564
Derivative, using computers      505 529
Dirac bracket      41
Disk, rigidly rotating      1—14
Divergence      see “Loops”
Divergence of the gravitational field      362—365
Divergence, ultraviolet      258 279
Domain of dependence      230 (see also “Cauchy surface”)
Dominance of energy hypothesis      146
Dominance of energy hypothesis, deDonder condition      344
Duality      365 375 378
Dynamical equations      108 112
ECSK (Einstein — Cartan — Sciama — Kibble) theory      78 (see also “Einstein — Cartan theory”)
ECSK (Einstein — Cartan — Sciama — Kibble) theory, canonical analysis of      59—51
Ehrenfest paradox      2
Ehrenfest principle      246—251
Einstein and the laser      17—21
Einstein energy      480 481 487
Einstein pseudotensor      476
Einstein superpotential      477 478
Einstein — Cartan theory      302 310 317
Einstein — Cartan theory, energy-momentum tensor of      304
Einstein — Cartan theory, Lagrangian      301
Einstein’s theory and local isometric embedding      458—463
Einstein’s theory as gauge theory      291
Einstein’s theory, 3 + 1 decomposition      45 47
Einstein’s theory, Cauchy data constraints      238
Einstein’s theory, coupled to Yang — Mills field      214
Einstein’s theory, degrees of freedom      49
Einstein’s theory, linearized      122
Einstein’s theory, linearized, and truncated      124
Einstein’s theory, phase space formulation of      227—254
Einstein’s theory, reduced      66 116
Einstein’s theory, the square root of      216—221 381—382
Einstein’s theory, waveless approximation      91
Electric charge, scale of      146 147
Electrovac solutions, conformally flat      458
Embedding      442
Embedding and stress-energy tensor      458
Embedding of Riemannian manifold      441—468
Embedding, class of      449 450—456 458
Embedding, energetically rigid      460
Embedding, explicit      447
Embedding, extremal point      459
Embedding, globally isometric      493—494
Embedding, implicit      447
Embedding, intrinsically rigid      460
Embedding, isolated point      459
Embedding, isometric      442—474
Embedding, minimal      449
Embedding, type number      465
Energy of an asymptotically flat space-time      81
Energy of intrinsic and extrinsic curvature      177
Energy of the vacuum      258
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