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Held A. (ed.) — General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2 |

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Íàçâàíèå: General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2
Àâòîð: Held A. (ed.)
Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1980
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 558
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.01.2009
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Energy, ADM 482
Energy, Ashtekar — Hansen 486
Energy, at null infinity 483 487—488
Energy, at spatial infinity 485—486
Energy, Einstein 480 481 487
Energy, Komar 479 480 487 488
Energy, local positivity of 148
Energy, local positivity of, in relativity 479—480
Energy, positivity and supergravity 382—385
Energy, Tamborino — Winicour 484
Energy-momentum see “Energy” “Stress-energy
Energy-momentum, conserved 302
Energy-momentum, global 480—481
Energy-momentum, pseudotensor 175 471
Energy-momentum, pseudotensor and the Schwarzschild metric 471
Energy-momentum, pseudotensor, Landau — Lifshitz 476 529
Energy-momentum, pseudotensor, of Einstein 476
Energy-momentum, tensor of a Poincare gauge theory 337
Entropy of radiation and expanding universe 265
equation see “Dynamical” “Euler” “Evolution
Equation of motion, supergravity 371
Equation of “two-timed” Einstein theory 545
Equation, conformal Killing tensor 432
Equation, Friedmann 304
Equation, Mathisson — Papapetrou 303
Equation, Schroedinger 281
Equation, twistor 422 (footnote)
Equation, wave 45 6
Equivalence class of quantum states 242 252
Euler equations 110 135 529 542 549
Euler Lagrangian 301
Euler number 363
Evolution equations see “Canonical formalism” “Dynamical
Evolution equations, ECSK theory 61
Evolution equations, general field 37 540
Evolution equations, Poincare gauge theory 336
expansion 483 (footnote)
Expansion of the universe and thermodynamics 265
Extended supergravity 216 318—320 557—584
Extended supersymmetry 366
Extremal point see “Embedding”
Extrinsic curvature, energy due to 177
Extrinsic curvature, hypersurface of constant mean 152—155
Extrinsic curvature, mean 153
Fermi fields 326 559
Fermi functions 217
Fermi propagation 479
Fermi variables 217
Fermi — Bose rotations, local 560
Fibration, spontaneous 310 324—327
Field see “Canonical analysis” “Fermi “Gauge” “Maxwell” “Yang
Field as section of a bundle 295
Field of a gauge theory 296
Field, 3 + 1 decomposition of 26—32
Field, Higgs 296—299 301
Field, with no gauge freedom 41
Fierz transformation 367 371 372 373 565
Finsler space 531
Fischer — Marsden sufficiency conditions 127
Fock space 257
Foliation, conformally flat 90
Foliation, maximal 165
FORM 55—59
Form, (Cartan) left invariant 318 320
Form, 3 + 1 decomposition of 57
Form, connection 1-form 55
Form, covariant exterior derivative of 293
Form, curvature 2-form 56 293
Form, torsion 2-form 56 300
frames 55—59
Frames, 3 + 1 decomposition 56
Frenet formulas 465
Friedmann equation 304
future 101
Future, spatial point 102
Garbage collector 503
Gauge theory 229 473
Gauge theory of gravity on Poincare group manifold 318—327
Gauge theory of Poincare group 309—313 317 329—353
Gauge theory, construction of 296 331—333
Gauge theory, Einstein’s theory as 291
Gauge theory, fields of supergravity 564
Gauge theory, fields of supergravity, generators 572
Gauge theory, group manifold in 310 318—320
Gauge theory, vector compensating field 332
Gauge, asymptotic transformation 158
Gauge, choice of 42—44
Gauge, freedom 39 42
Gauge, intrinsic time 70 88
Gauge, invariance, Abelian 250—257
Gauge, invariance, Abelian, non-Abelian 207—209
Gauge, parallel transport 322
Gauge, spatial 88
Gauge, transformation 205 321
Gauge, transformation, in a principal fiber bundle 310
Gauge, transformation, of the second kind 290—306
Gauss — Bonnet theorem 184 363 386
Gauss — Codazzi — Mainardi equations 46 180 459
Gauss — Codazzi — Ricci equations 475—477
Gaussian neighborhood 155
GCTG (general coordinate transformation group) 313
Geodesic 393 395 422
Geodesic, flow 397
Geodesic, incomplete 462
Geroch integral 488
Ghost state 364 566
GL(4R) as gauge group 313—316
GL(4R), spinorial representations 314
Global hyperbolicity 102
Goos — Hanchen effect 20
Gordon decomposition 340
Graded algebra 217 (see also “Algebra”)
Graded algebra, de Sitter 569
Graded algebra, generalized Poincare 366 569
Graser 20
Grassman parameter 367 369 577
Grassman spinor 366
Grassmann manifold 299
Gravitational waves 534—554
Gravitinos 558
Gravitinos as gauge field 560
Gravitinos, torsion induced by 562—564
Green’s function 256
Green’s function, thermal 263
Green’s function, two point 262
Gribov’s theorem 44
Group see “GL(4R)” “Lorentz” “Poincare
Group of deformations of spacelike-hypersurfaces 74
Group, BMS (Bondi — Metzner — Sachs) 482
Group, conformal 571
Group, holonomy 456
Group, invertible symmetry 418
Group, metric 215
Group, stability 296
Gupta — Bleuler quantization 246 250
Hadrons 339
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, conformally decomposable 429
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, conformally decomposable, decomposable 429
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, conformally decomposable, reduced 395
Hamilton — Jacobi equation, conformally decomposable, separability of 393 436
Hamilton — Jacobi theory 243
Hamiltonian 395 (see also “Canonical analysis” “Lagrangian”)
Hamiltonian for ECSK theory in 3 + 1 form 60
Hamiltonian for Einstein’s theory 48 111 161 212—216
Hamiltonian for Einstein’s theory, coupled to source in first-order form 54
Hamiltonian for Einstein’s theory, coupled to Yang — Mills field 214
Hamiltonian for general field 35 211
Hamiltonian, closing relations for generators 75
Hamiltonian, equations for general relativity 240
Hamiltonian, form of supergravity 376—381
| Hamiltonian, formalism, reduced 161—165
Hamiltonian, structure of space-time 195—225
Hamiltonian, vector field 395
Hansch effect 21
Hauser and Malhiot class of metrics 431 432
Havas conditions 416
Hawking process see “Black hole” “Evaporation
Hermitian operators 245 248
Higg’s field 296—299 301
Hilbert space of free particle 252—254
Holonomy group 456
Hor 293
Horizon 83
Horizon, initial data with apparent 189
Hubble effect 265
Hypermomentum 315 339
Hypersurface of constant mean extrinsic curvature 152—155
Hypersurface, a la Kuchar 72
Hypersurface, kinematics 71—78
Hypersurface, maximal 152—155
Hypersurface, tilting of 73
Imaginary time 263 269
Immersion 472
Initial data on characteristic surface 104
Initial data, asymptotically flat 156 185
Initial data, conformal equivalence class 144 150
Initial data, electromagnetism as example 145 233
Initial data, momentarily static 137
Initial data, nongravitational 145
Initial data, set 100 136 174
Initial data, set, global uniqueness 106
Initial data, singular 188
Initial data, spherically symmetric 183
Initial data, time-symmetric 183
Initial data, vector potential for 143
Initial data, with apparent horizon 189
Initial value problem 38 137—165 234—236
Initial value problem, thin sandwich formulation 25 (footnote)
Instanton 287 299
Invariants see “Topological invariant” “Weitzenbock
Invariants, absolute 449
Invariants, arithmetic 449
Invariants, construction of in gauge theories 303—301
Invariants, extrinsic 449 450
Isolated point see “Embedding”
Jacobi identity 210 568
Jourdain, Monsieur 287
K(iffing) spinor 422 432
K(iffing) spinor and null geodesic 422
K(illing) tensor 399
K(illing) tensor, conformal 422 432
Kaluza — Klein geometry 288 291 316
Killing — Yano tensor 426
Kinetic matrix 34 51 52 54
Komar energy 479 480 487 488
Kuchar directional derivative 29
Kuchar hypersurface 152—155
L.I.E. (local isometric embedding) 443 (see also “Embedding”)
L.I.E. (local isometric embedding) and gravitation 458—463
Lagrance multiplier 36 38 40 53 61 379 382
Lagrance multiplier and choice of gauge 42
Lagrance multiplier, Maxwell field example 39
Lagrange bracket 242
Lagrangian see “Action” “Canonical “Hamiltonian”
Lagrangian and coordinate transformation 473
Lagrangian for a Poincare gauge theory 317 329
Lagrangian for a Poincare gauge theory, linearized 337
Lagrangian for a pure gauge field 297
Lagrangian of free scalar field 256
Lagrangian of general relativity 475
Lagrangian of general relativity without second-order terms 237
Lagrangian, averaged 543 550—554
Lagrangian, Einstein — Cartan 301
Lagrangian, Euler 301
Lagrangian, formalism 110—113
Landau and Lifshitz pseudotensor 471 529
Landau and Lifshitz superpotential 477
Lapse function 32 37 46 61 73 81 90 99 108 113 326
Laser, Einstein and the discovery of 17—21
Legendre transformation 53
Leray 3-form 111
Leray — Schauder degree theory 149
Lichtlawine (light avalanche) 21
Lie algebra 399 (see also “Algebra” “Poincare
Lie algebra of SU(2,2/1) 571
Lie derivative of a metric 236
Lie derivative of a p-form 57
Lie derivative of a spinor-valued form 59
Lie derivative of field variables 472—47 3
Lie derivative, intrinsic to a 3-surface 29
Lie group, structure constants 210 (see also “Group”)
Linearized Einstein equations 122
Linearized stability 65 121—136
Linearized stability of constraints 126—136
Linearized Supergravity 368—370
Liouville manifold 415
Liouville metrics 398
Loops of gravitational field 362—365
Loops, closed, in supergravity 385—389
Lorentz condition 344
Lorentz group as gauge group 309 313
Lump 317
Machine code 498
Magnetic pole 287 299
Majorana field 62 219 366 384 562 577
Manifold of group in gauge theory 310 318—320
Manifold, Grassmann 299
Manifold, intrinsically rigid 460
Manifold, Liouville 415
Manifold, locally plane 461
Manifold, symplectic 42 65 242 395
Manifold, totally geodesic 455
Mass see “Energy” “Energy-momentum” “Stress-energy”
Mass in an asymptotically flat space-time 174
Mass in the weak-field limit 178
Mass, Bondi 176 477 482 529
Mass, positive mass conjecture 173—193
Mass, positivity in supergravity 382—385
Mathisson — Papapetrou equation 303
Maximal analytic extension 462
Maximal foliation 165
Maximal hypersurface 152—155
Maximal mobility 461
Maximal slices 181 190
Maximal slices in asymptotically Minkowski space-time 154
Maximal slices, existence of for various space-times 155
Maximal surfaces and energy 177
Maxwell field see “Action” “Canonical
Maxwell field and Gupta — Bleuler quantization 246 250
Maxwell field and nonminimal coupling in supergravity 576
Maxwell field, canonical analysis of 33—41
Membrane 216
Metric of space admitting conformally flat foliation 90
Metric of space admitting K tensor with Segre characteristic [(11)(11)] 428
Metric, 3+1 decomposition of 28
Metric, axially symmetric 183
Metric, degenerate 477
Metric, group 215
Metric, Liouville 398
Metric, strictly decomposable 429 (footnote)
Metric, type D and Killing tensors 422—455
Metrics and cosmologies see “Space-time”
Metrics and cosmologies, 341 345 346
Metrics and cosmologies, Bondi 517—520 529 530 531
Metrics and cosmologies, C metric 424 425 427
Metrics and cosmologies, Collinson and French 457
Metrics and cosmologies, D 427 435 451 452
Metrics and cosmologies, de Sitter 272 455
Metrics and cosmologies, Debever 457
Metrics and cosmologies, Dietz 431 432 435
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