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Held A. (ed.) — General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2
Held A. (ed.) — General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2

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Íàçâàíèå: General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years After the Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2

Àâòîð: Held A. (ed.)

ßçûê: en

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Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1980

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 558

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.01.2009

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Metrics and cosmologies, Einstein      455 457
Metrics and cosmologies, Friedman      458 460
Metrics and cosmologies, Godel      455
Metrics and cosmologies, Harrison      528 531
Metrics and cosmologies, Hauser and Malhiot      431 432
Metrics and cosmologies, II      451 452
Metrics and cosmologies, III      451 452 457
Metrics and cosmologies, Kantowski and Sachs      455
Metrics and cosmologies, Kasner      455 457
Metrics and cosmologies, Ken and Debney      457
Metrics and cosmologies, Ken-NUT      436
Metrics and cosmologies, Kerr      426 436 455 462
Metrics and cosmologies, Matravers      436
Metrics and cosmologies, Melvin      455 531
Metrics and cosmologies, N      423 427 435 452 457 553
Metrics and cosmologies, Petrov’s conformally separable      456
Metrics and cosmologies, Riessner — Nordstrom      455 462
Metrics and cosmologies, Robertson — Walker      271 304 456
Metrics and cosmologies, Robinson — Trautman      554
Metrics and cosmologies, Sato — Tomimatsu      531
Metrics and cosmologies, Schwarzschild      267 454 460 462
Metrics and cosmologies, Takeno and Kitamura      455
Metrics and cosmologies, Taub-NUT      451 454 531
Metrics and cosmologies, Taub’s plane symmetric      455
Metrics and cosmologies, Wier      432—434
Minimal surface      190
Minimal variety      461
Minisuperspace      83
Momentum      see “Constraints” “Energy-momentum” “Stress-energy”
Momentum of an asymptotically flat space-time      81
Momentum, conjugate      33
Moncrief splitting      65 132
Naked singularity      270 (see also “Cosmic censor hypothesis”)
Newman — Penrose formalism      394 422 531 532
Noether currents      311 315 360 367 370 373 375
Noether’s theorem      228 235 331 472—475
Noether’s theorem and Poincare transformation      334
Normal spaces      465
Null infinity      482—485
Null infinity, energy at      483 487—488
Number operator      257
Optical parameters      483 (footnote)
Ordering of noncommuting factors      244
Ordering, normal      258
Orthonormal tetrads, general relativity expressed in      350—353
Palatini formalism      310
PAST      101
Past, spatial point      102
Path, causal      101
Path, closed timelike      44
Path, timelike      101
Pauli term      375
Pauli — Villars regularizetion      282
Phase space      34
Phase space and global choice of gauge      44
Phase space and gravitational degrees of freedom      64
Phase space and symplectic structure      42 65 242
Phase space, Poisson brackets for      43
Phase space, reduced      41 242
Planck thermal spectrum      19 267
Poincare group      see “Gauge theory”
Poincare group as gauge group      309—313 317 329—355
Poincare group, Lie algebra of      334 336 568
Poincare group, local transformations      335
Point splitting      282
Poisson bracket      34 69 201 207 239 247
Poisson bracket for reduced phase space      43
Poisson bracket for two gauge generators      209
Polynomials, factoring of with computer      506
Pontryagin invariant      299
Positive mass conjecture      173—193
Positive mass conjecture in supergravity      382—385
Principal bundle      289 292 321
Principal bundle, connection on      292
Principal bundle, horizontal subspace      292
Principal bundle, parallel transport on      290
Principal bundle, vertical subspace      292
Principal of equivalence      227
Principal of equivalence, algorithm for      533
Projection operators      27 409 546
QCD (Quantum chromodynamics)      316
Quantum field theory reviewed      255—261
Quasilinear hyperbolic system      117
Quasinormal separable coordinates      398
Quasiobservables      246—251
Radiation, entropy of      265
Radiation, Rayleigh — Jeans distribution for      19
Radiation, stimulated emission of      18—20
Radiation, thermal (Planck) spectrum      19 267
Radiation, Wien’s distribution      19
RAM (ridicuously able manipulator)      534
Rayleigh — Jeans distribution      19
Regge trajectories      316
Regularizetion      264 278 362 385 “Divergence” “Renormalization”)
Regularizetion, adiabatic      282
Regularizetion, Pauli — Villars      282
Regularizetion, survey of methods      281—283
Renormalization      258 262 310 “Divergence”)
Renormalization of stress-energy tensor      273—383
Ricci tensor [Ricc(g)]      99
Riemann tensor [Riem(g)]      99 (see also “Curvature”)
Riemann tensor [Riem(g)] in anholonomic coordinates      351
Riemann — Cartan space-time      see “$U_{4}$ space-time”
Riemannian manifold as submanifold of Euclidian space      441 (see also “Manifold”)
Riessner — Nordstrom stress-energy tensor      278 (see also “Metrics and cosmologies”)
Rigidly rotating disk      1—14
Rindler observer      269
Robertson — Walker stress-energy tensor      271 (see also “Metrics and cosmologies”)
Rotation gauge potential      334
Scalar field, quantum field theory of      255—261
Scale of electric charge      146 147
Scale, equation      147 150
Schouten — Nijenhuis brackets      399
Schroedinger equation      281
Schwarzschild stress-energy tensor      267 (see also “Metrics and cosmologies”)
Sciama — Kibble theory      305 (see also “ECSK” “Einstein
Second fundamental form      445 446 447 459
Section of a bundle      289
Segre-characteristics      420 422 427 428 431 433
Self-intersection      422 (footnote)
Separability of second-order equations      414—417
Separability of wave equation      416
Separability, conditions, first-order      402
Separability, degenerate structures      407
Separability, regular structures      497
Separability, structure, class of      398
Separability, structure, class of, in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds      395—417
Separability, structure, class of, in space-time      417—437
Separability, structure, class of, locally orthogonal      400
Separability, trivially      409
Separability, with respect to the pair (a, X)      409
Separable canonical coordinates      396
Separable chart      397
Separable coordinates      397
Separable coordinates, normal      406
Separable spaces, Petrov’s conformal      456
Separable, conformally      456
Shear      487 (footnote)
Shift vector      32 46 61 73 81 90 99 108 113 327
Singularity, naked      270
Singularity, string      289
Sobolev spaces      133
soldering      291 299 301 311 572
Source, derivative coupled      51
Source, Einstein equation with      107
Source, Einstein equation with, Yang — Mills      214
Source, nonderivative coupled      52 203
Source, tensor field      49—54
Space, normal      465
Space-times      see “Metrics and cosmologies”
Space-times, spatially homogeneous      87 554
Space-times, spinning      577
Space-times, with intrinsically conformally flat foliation      90
Spatially homogeneous space-times      87 554
SPI      486
Spin      216 558
Spin and statistics      558
Spin, current      311
Spin, droplet with intrinsic      349
Spin, tensor      337
Spin-3/2 field      377—379
Spin-5/2 field      368
Spin-spin interaction      310 372
Spinning dust      303
Spinning particle as example of supersymmetry      365
Spinning space-time      577
Spinor, Grassmarin      330
Spinor, Killing      422 432
Spinor, representation of GL(4R)      314
Spinor, Weyl      424
Spontaneous fibration      310 324—327
Spontaneous symmetry breaking      297
Stability, Cauchy      115
Stability, group      296
Stability, linearization      65 121—136
Stackel’s theorem      399
Static space-times, vacuum of      260
Stimulated emission of radiation      18—20
Stress-energy tensor and embedding class      458
Stress-energy tensor for de Sitter space      272 279
Stress-energy tensor for Einstein universe      272
Stress-energy tensor for Robertson — Walker space      271
Stress-energy tensor for two-dimensional model      261—265
Stress-energy tensor of a Riessner — Nordstrom black hole      278
Stress-energy tensor of free scalar field      256
Stress-energy tensor of Schwarzschild metric      267
Stress-energy tensor, canonical      541 550
Stress-energy tensor, renormalization of      273—283
Stress-energy tensor, renormalized for conformally trivial case      271
Strictly decomposable metric      429 (footnote)
String      216
String, singularity      289
Strong gravity component      see “Confinement potential”
Structure constants      209—211 (see also “Lie algebra”)
Structure functions      322 (see also “Lie algebra”)
Structure group      289
Super-Hamiltonian      35 77
Super-Hamiltonian of the tilt variety      76
Super-Hamiltonian, gravitational part      78
Super-Poincare algebra      569
Supergeometric objects (torsion, fields, etc.)      577—584
Supergravity      216 318—320 557—584
Supergravity and nonminimal coupling to the Maxwell field      576
Supergravity and positive energy      382—385
Supergravity, action      62 370—371
Supergravity, action, with cosmological term      373
Supergravity, closed loops in      385—389
Supergravity, conformal      265 269 283 284 571—
Supergravity, coupled to matter      374
Supergravity, equations of motion      371
Supergravity, extended      216 318—320 557—584
Supergravity, Hamiltonian form      376—381
Supergravity, linearized      368—370
Supergravity, torsion and      371 562
Superluminal velocity      9 385
Supermomentum      35 76 486
Superpotential, Einstein      477 478
Superpotential, Komar      476 477
Superpotential, Landau and Lifshitz      477
Superspace      84 577—584
Supersymmetry      365—374
Supersymmetry, extended      366
Supersymmetry, global      365—370 558—560
Supersymmetry, local      326 560—562
Supersymmetry, realizations on a global scale      366—369
Supertranslations      159 478
Symmetry and canonical analysis      83 207
Symmetry, 3 + 1 decomposition of space-time      57
Symmetry, global      229 331
Symmetry, group of relativity      227
Symmetry, local      229 326 331
Symmetry, spontaneous breaking of      297
Symplectic manifold      42 65 242 395
Symplectic manifold on constraint hypersurface      242
Tachyon      9 385
Tamburino — Winicour energy      484
Taub, conserved quantities      131
Teleparallelism      341 346
Telephone      7
Tensor as source field      49—54
Tensor, 3 + 1 decomposition      27
Tensor, Bel — Robinson      388
Tensor, Brill — Hartle averaging of      551
Tensor, calculus of conformal supergravity      574
Tensor, conformal Killing      422 432
Tensor, curvature      335
Tensor, curvature in anholonomic coordinates      351
Tensor, decomposition of symmetric tensor      139
Tensor, Killing      399
Tensor, Killing — Yano      426
Tensor, manipulation on computer      514
Tensor, projection      546
Tensor, Ricci      99
Tensor, Riemann      99
Tensor, spin      337
Tensor, torsion      335
Tensor, Trautman      310
Tensor, Weyl (conformal), null tetrad scalars of      483
Thin sandwich formulation of initial value problem      25 (footnote)
Three-fermion term      220
Tilting of hypersurface      73
Timelike path      104
Timelike path, closed      44
Topological invariant      299 (see also “Atiyah — Singer index theorem” “Chern “Pontryagin
Torsion and supergravity      371 562
Torsion, 1-form      56
Torsion, dynamic      63
Torsion, induced by gravitinos      562—564
Torsion, tensor      335
Torsion, tensor, modified      340
Torsion, vector      446 447 459
Torus      190
Torus, Gauss equation for the 2-torus      191
Trace anomaly      see “Conformal anomaly”
Transition function      295
Transitivity, surfaces of      418
Translation gauge potential      334
Translational gauge limit of a Poincare gauge theory      341—343
Translational gauge limit of a Poincare gauge theory and Schwarzschild metric      345—347
Translational gauge limit of a Poincare gauge theory in the weak-field approximation      343— 345
Trautman tensor      310
Tree gravity      361
TT (transverse-traceless) free spin-3/2 field      377
TT parts of the linear spin-2 field      66
TT tensors      179
Twistor equation      422 (footnote)
Two-dimensional model (quantization)      261—270
Two-timing, method of      534—554
t’Hooft — Polyakov solution      298
Ultralocal solution      203 204
Ultraviolet divergence      258 279
Unitary violations      364
Vacuum state      257
Vacuum state and static space-times      260
Variables, first class      241 242
Variational Principle      see “Action”
Vector, compensating field in gauge theory      332
Vector, Hamiltonian, field      395
Vector, left (right) invariant field      395
Vector, torsion      446 447 459
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