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Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids |
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Magnetic moment, electronic 203 207 426
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point 617
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, additivity 59
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, alloys 42ff. 44ff.
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, atomic 605
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, dependence on strain 18
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, diamagnetic 577
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, ionic crystals 59ff.
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, metals 159ff.
Magnetic susceptibility, above Curie point, theory 159ff. 576ff.
magnetization 16
Magnetization, curves 20ff.
Magnetization, quenching 44ff.
Magnetization, saturation 28ff.
Magnetization, temperature dependence 19
Magnetization, theory 576ff.
Maier, C.G. 13
Makinson, R.E.B. 670
Maltbie, M.McC. 88
Manning, M.F. 251 275 424 430ff. 535
Many-body problem 227ff.
Margenau, H. 86 262 268 269 393ff. 660
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics 139
Maxwell, J.C. 139 143 211ff. 517ff. 629ff.
Maxwell’s equations 211 629ff.
May, A. 91
Mayer, J.E. 46 49 82ff. 85ff. 88 89ff. 93 265 268ff. 383 393 493 658ff.
Mayer, M.G. 82 492
McDougall, J. 251
McKay, H.A.C. 495
Mean energy of electrons 144
Mean free path 139
Mean free path, alloys 541
Mean free path, electrons in ionic crystals 558
Mean free path, high temperatures 527
Mean free path, ionic crystals 554ff.
Mean free path, low temperatures 531
Mean free path, metals 172 184 190 518ff.
Mean free path, photoconductivity 565ff. 568
Mean free path, semi-conductors 190
Mean free path, theory 516ff. 518ff. 526
Mean value 198
Mean value, Hamiltonian 229
Mehl, R.F. 27 494ff.
Meier, W. 655 656 662
Meissner, W. 178
Melting 475ff. 488ff.
Melting, conductivity change 491
Melting, latent heat 490
Melting, Mott theory 490
Melting, rare-gas solids 492
Metallic hydrogen 367
Metals, allotropy 5
Metals, alloys 25ff.
Metals, atomic radii 9
Metals, band theory 272ff. 420ff.
Metals, cohesion 3 348ff.
Metals, conductivity 9 516ff. 532
Metals, elastic constants 399ff.
Metals, electronic structure 420ff.
Metals, excited states 407ff.
Metals, Fermi — Thomas theory 368
Metals, free-electron theory 139ff.
Metals, high pressures 374 382
Metals, iron group 427
Metals, magnetism 16ff.
Metals, mean free path 184 190 516 526
Metals, optical properties 638ff. 649
Metals, resistivity 9
Metals, simple 2
Metals, simplified theory 379ff.
Metals, specific, heats 13ff.
Metals, structures 4ff.
Metals, superconductivity 12 545
Metals, total wave function 308ff.
Metals, transition 2
Metals, work function 395ff.
Metals, X-ray emission 436ff.
Metastable states 452
Meyer, W. 65
Mie, G. 379
Miller indices 20
Miller, P. 495
Millman, J. 251 422
Minor, R.S. 655 656 662
Misener, A.D. 485
Mitchell, K. 669ff.
Mitscherlich 484
Mobility, electronic 68 183 565
Molecular binding 254ff.
Molecular crystals 1 72ff.
Molecular crystals, cohesion 391ff.
Molecular crystals, levels 468ff.
Molecular notation 254ff.
Molecular wave functions 253
Morse, P.M. 272
Moscr, H. 25 36ff.
Mott, N.F. 151ff. 153 161 296 307 378 401 425 426ff. 432 436 488 489 490ff. 531ff. 536 544ff. 553 559 566 575 655 674ff.
Mulliken, R.S. 251ff.
Multiplet 579
Multiplicity 210 242
Muto, T. 544 671
Myers, R.D. 669
Nagel, K 72
Nathaneon, J.B. 654
Nehlep, G. 553 556 575
Neon interaction 265 393
Nernst, W. 483 484
Neumann, J. 38ff.
Nickel, band scheme 428ff.
Nickel, electronic specific heat 15 157
Nickel, expansion coefficient 625
Nickel, magnetization curve 20ff.
Nickel, optical properties 656
Nix, F.C. 495 503 571
Noble metals, monovalent 367 423ff.
Noble metals, optical properties 655
Nordheim, L.W. 166 520 530ff. 541ff.
Normal modes of vibration 105ff. 121 127 275ff. 476
Normal modes of vibration, distribution 135
Normal modes of vibration, energy 131ff.
Normal modes of vibration, Hamiltonian 131
Normal modes of vibration, Lagrangian 131
Normal modes of vibration, optical properties 665
Nottingham, W.A. 167
Nuclear-motion, equations 470ff.
Nucleation 515
One-electron scheme 227ff. 233 272ff. 280
Onsager, L. 604ff.
Operators 195ff.
Operators, Hermitian 199
Oppenheimer, J.R. 470
Optical properties, alkali halides 408ff. 446 657ff.
Optical properties, alkali metals 423 652ff.
Optical properties, alkaline earth salts 466
Optical properties, Bloch functions 649
Optical properties, excitation waves 647ff.
Optical properties, F centers 459
Optical properties, free electrons 638ff.
Optical properties, ionic crystals 657ff.
Optical properties, metals 633ff. 649 651ff.
Optical properties, monovalent noble metals 424 649
Optical properties, quantum formulation 642ff.
Optical properties, semi-conductors 459 661ff.
Order parameters 36 505ff.
Order-disorder 35ff. 41 486 502
Order-disorder, amalgams 503
Order-disorder, beta braes 35ff. 506
Order-disorder, change in elastic constants 503
Order-disorder, conductivity 35ff. 604
| Order-disorder, dependence on vibrational frequencies 508
Order-disorder, entropy change 504ff.
Order-disorder, magnetism 608
Order-disorder, specific heat 37
Order-disorder, theories 508ff.
Oscillator strength 645ff. (see also “f factor”)
Oxygen atoms 250
O’Bryan, H.M. 410 437 440 657
Paramagnetic salts 608
Paramagnetism, above Curie temperature 610 617
Paramagnetism, alkali metals 599ff.
Paramagnetism, contribution from exchange and correlation 600
Paramagnetism, free ion 530ff.
Paramagnetism, valence electron 599
Partition function 101
Partition function, ferromagnetism 616
Partition function, lattice vibrations 482
Partition function, magnetic field 580 586
Partition function, spin waves 618
Pauli principle 141 208ff. 231
Pauli, W. 139 159 204ff. 208ff. 599
Pauling L. 81 429 434ff. 441 455ff. 511 512ff.
Peierle, R. 272 414 485 523 533 534 588 589 590ff. 671
Peltier effect 179
Pelzer, H. 470 473
Penetration distance 642
Penney, W.G. 272 281ff. 321ff. 603
Periodic boundary conditions see “Born — von Karman boundary conditions”
Periodic wave functions 272 280ff.
Perlick, A. 74
Permeability 17
permutations 208ff.
Perturbation methods, Bardeen’s 529
Perturbation methods, Herring and Hill’s 332
Perturbation methods, Schroedinger 284 289
Perturbation methods, semiclassical 560ff.
Perturbation methods, time-dependent 216 521ff.
Peterson, E.L. 530ff.
PetrasfeSn, Mary 251 386
Phase changes 470ff. 473ff.
Phase diagrams 26ff.
Phase diagrams, brass 30 602
Phase diagrams, copper-aluminum 31 502
Phase diagrams, copper-gold 33
Phase diagrams, copper-silver 33
Phase diagrams, iron-cobalt 34
Phase diagrams, magnesium-antimony 33
Phase space 143
Photoconductivity 5580.
Photoconductivity, alkali halides 413 446ff. 459 563
Photoconductivity, darkening 574
Photoconductivity, decrease at low temperatures 566
Photoconductivity, displacement distance 565
Photoconductivity, mean free path 669 572
Photoconductivity, quantum yield 565ff.
Photoconductivity, silver halides 474
photoelectric effect 153ff. 670
Photographic theory 674ff.
Photolysis 678
Piccard, A. 58
Pickard, G.I. 158
Plasticity 98
Pohl, R.W. 71 410 459ff. 563ff. 566ff. 568 571ff. 574 657 664
Polanyi, M. 98
Polarizability 629 634 689
Polarizability, atomic 267 649ff.
Polarizability, complex 631ff. 642
Polarization current 570ff. 630ff.
Polarization energy 463
Polarization energy, lattice defects 551
Pollard, W.G. 323
Polymorphism see “Allotropy”
Potassium chloride, anomalous specific heat 57
Potential in metal 140
Primary current 566
Primitive translations 16 125
Principal lattice vectors 286 298
Prokofjew, W. 349
quantum mechanics 195ff.
Quantum statistics 209
Quantum yield, photoconductivity 464 565
Quenching 27
Quimby, S.L. 95 116 378
Quinlan, F. 676
Rabi, I. 196
Radiation field, Fourier resolution 212ff.
Radiation field, Hamiltonian 212f.
Radiation field, Interaction with matter 213
Radiation theory, absorption probability 218ff.
Radiation theory, damping 224
Radiation theory, Dirac theory 215
Radiation theory, dispersion 220
Radiation theory, emission probability 218ff.
Radiation theory, line breadth 223ff.
Radiation theory, natural width 223
Radiation theory, Schrodinger — Gordon — Klein theory 215
Radiation theory, selection rules 225 326 418 423
Radii, atomic 9
Radii, ionic 51 82 91ff.
Raman scattering 221
Randall, J.T. 673
Rare-gas solids, free energy 492
Rare-gas solids, melting 492
Reaction rates 470 494 497
Reciprocal lattice 294 327
Rectification 575
Reduced mass 232
Reduced-zone scheme 122 287 292 328
Reflection coefficient, electrons 165ff.
Reflection coefficient, light 633 640
Refractive index 632ff.
Refractive index, alkali halides 657
Refractivity 660
Reimann, A.L. 162 572 573
Relativistic electronic theory 203
Repulsive-potential, ionic crystals 79ff. 96
Residual resistance 544
resistivity see “Conductivity”
Resistivity, alloys 39ff. 43ff.
Resistivity, high temperature 12
Resistivity, low temperature 12
Resistivity, measurement 64
Resistivity, metals 9ff.
Resistivity, residual 541
Resonance 217
Rice, O.K. 381
Richardson — Dushman equation 165
Richardson, O.W. 165ff. 402
Rojansky, V. 195 203 281
Rollin, B.V. 485
Rose, F.C. 95
Rossini, F.D. 3 46 72
Roth 484
Rubens, H. 640
Ruhemann, M. 57
Rumer, G. 210
Rupp, E. 196
Russell — Saunders coupling 578
Russell, H.N. 578ff. 627 643
Saddle point 474
Sadron, C. 44
Sagrubskij, A. 495
Sampson, H.B. 563
Saunders, F.A. 578ff. 627 643
Saur, E. 440
Scalar potential 211
Scharnow, B. 45
Schiff, L.I. 670
Schlapp, R. 603
Schleede, A. 672
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