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Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids |
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Correlation of electrons, hydrogen molecule 259
Correlation of electrons, metals 420
Correlation of electrons, narrow bands 339
Correlation of electrons, solids 339
Coulomb energy 346 357
Coulomb energy, alkali metals 363
Courant, R. 238
Cristescu, S. 14
Cross section, alloys 543ff.
Cross section, angular dependence 528ff.
Cross section, electronic collisions 169 320 526 541ff. 545
Cross section, ionic crystals 554
Cross section, low temperature 531
Cuprous oxide 2
Cuprous oxide, conductivity 65
Cuprous oxide, levels 467ff.
Cuprous oxide, rectification 575
Cuprous oxide, vacancies 467ff.
Cuprous oxide, work function 401
Curie law 581 606
Curie temperature 23 25
Curie temperature, alloys 45 624
Curie temperature, dielectric 607
Curie temperature, theory 610 616
Curie — Weiss, law 24
Curie — Weiss, theory 610
Curie, P. 23ff. 36ff. 58 606ff. 610ff.
Current operator 221ff. 417
d shells 2 16 420ff.
d shells, ferromagnetism 614
d-electron band 153ff.
d-electron band, copper 423
d-electron band, filling 156
d-electron band, holes 155ff.
d-electron band, noble metals 423ff.
d-electron band, Pauling’s theory 429
d-electron band, splitting 429
d-electron band, transition mortals 426ff.
d-electron band, widths 158
Damping, lattice vibrations 666ff.
Damping, radiation 633 637
Danadhl, W. 137ff.
Darkening, silver halides 672
Darkening, sine sulfide 672
Davis, L. 185ff.
Davisson, C. 196
Day, H. 495
de Boer, J.H. 162 540
de Broglie, M. 561
De Haas, W.J. 13 540 597
Debye function 109 152
Debye, P. 14 57 86 99ff. 103 104ff. 117 480ff. 533ff.
Debye’s theory of specific heats 104ff.
Debye’s theory of specific heats, deviations 117 120 134
Debye’s theory of specific heats, modification 112ff. 124
Degeneracy 210
Degeneracy, accidental 290
Degeneracy, diamond 453
Degeneracy, excited states 411ff.
Degeneracy, Fock’s equations 302
Degeneracy, lattice vibrations 479
Degeneracy, magnetic field 583ff. 617
Degeneracy, orbital 579
Degeneracy, spin 579
Degeneracy, spin waves 617
Dehlinger, U. 623ff.
Deita, V. 393
Demagnetization factor 608
Density matrix 244
Density of levels 143 163ff.
Determinantal wave functions 237
Determinantal wave functions, molecules 263
Determinantal wave functions, solids 302
Diamagnetism, alloys 595
Diamagnetism, bismuth 698
Diamagnetism, closed shells 682
Diamagnetism, free electrons 583ff. 594
Diamagnetism, narrow bands 590
diamond 2 61
Diamond, allotropy 484
Diamond, bands 4
Dielectric breakdown 319 562
dielectric constant 629 635
Diffusion 494ff. 548ff.
Diffusion, alloys 490
Diffusion, interstitial 495ff.
Diffusion, ionic conduction 548ff. 657
Diffusion, jump frequency 495 548
Dillinger, J. 21
Dipole layer 896
Dipole moment, atomic 218
Dipole moment, surface 396
Dipole-dipole interaction see “van der Waals interaction”
Dipole-quadrupole interaction 86ff.
Dirac, P.A.M. 139ff. 144ff. 196 203ff. 215 245 340 384ff. 517ff. 586 630
dispersion 220 633ff.
Displacement distance 565
Displacement operator 591
Doering, W. 20
Domain theory 20ff.
Drift terms 169 525
Drude, P. 139ff. 629 633 688
DuBridge, L.A. 146 401
Duenwald, H. 71
Dulong and Petit’s law 14 38 103 138 487
Dunn, C.G. 251
Dushman, S. 162 165ff. 195 402 496
Effective electron mass 141 153 316
Effective electron mass, alkali metals 354
Effective electron mass, biomath 596ff. 599
Effective electron mass, ionic solids 441 445
Effective electron mass, negative 316
Effective electron mass, optical 653
Effective electron mass, theory 350
Effective electron mass, transition metals 158ff. 586
Eigenfunction 197
Eigenfunction, antisymmetric 209
Einstein function 103
Einstein, A. 99ff. 103-117 209 220 480ff.
Einstein’s theory of specific heat 99
Eisenschitz, R. 268
Elam, C.F. 98
Elastic constants 94ff.
Elastic constants, alkali metals 116 373
Elastic constants, Cauchy — Poisson relations 94 376
Elastic constants, change with ordering 503
Elastic constants, component parts 375ff.
Elastic constants, ionic crystals 95 391
Elastic constants, isotropic media 106 377ff.
Elastic constants, theory 373ff.
Elastic waves 129
Electric polarization 607
Electromagnetic theory 203 210ff.
Electron affinities 46
Electron affinities, halogens 49 80ff.
Electron affinities, negative ions 80ff. 414ff. 448ff.
Electron coupling 535
Electron magnetic moment 203
Electron mobility 183
Electron spin 203ff. 232
Electron spin, Dirac theory 203
Electron spin, magnetic moment 207
Electron spin, Pauli theory 204ff.
Electron-atom ratio rule 30ff.
Electron-electron collisions 535 540
Electronic conductivity 62
Electronic conductivity, ionic crystals 554
Electronic distribution 231
Electronic distribution, alkali halides 443
Electronic distribution, zinc oxide 447
| Electronic specific heat, alkali metals 42
Electronic specific heat, aluminum 152
Electronic specific heat, classical 144
Electronic specific heat, copper 152
Electronic specific heat, free electrons 422
Electronic specific heat, free energy 487
Electronic specific heat, iron 158
Electronic specific heat, nickel 15
Electronic specific heat, palladium 158
Electronic specific heat, platinum 158
Electronic specific heat, silver 152ff.
Electronic specific heat, zinc 152ff.
Electrostatic energy 77
Electrothermal effects 178ff. 191
Emission probability 218ff.
Endo, H. 42ff.
Entropy, ferromagnetism 608
Entropy, lattice vibrations 481
Entropy, mixing 458 499
Entropy, ordering 504ff. 509
Entropy, solid 476
Entropy, superconductors 546
Entropy, vacancies 458 461
Epstein, P.S. 403
Eucken, A. 13 74ff. 111 137ff.
Evans, C.H. 675
Evans, J. 563
Ewald, P.P. 77
Ewell, R.H. 489
Ewing, D.H. 443ff.
Exchange correlation 240
Exchange correlation, narrow bands 334
Exchange energy 240
Exchange energy, alkali atoms 350
Exchange energy, alkali metals 359 422
Exchange energy, beryllium 371
Exchange energy, copper 367
Exchange energy, Fermi — Thomas theory 386
Exchange energy, ferromagnetism 612ff. 618 638
Exchange energy, free electrons 339ff.
Exchange energy, ionic crystals 388
Exchange energy, metals 398
Exchange energy, narrow bands 334ff.
Exchange function 340 398
Exchange integral 240
Exchange integral, alloys 624
Exchange integral, ferromagnetism 612ff. 618 623
Excitation function 661
Excitation spin waves 620
Excitation waves 413 414ff. 617ff.
Excitation waves, alkali halides 418
Excitation waves, conductivity 413 416
Excitation waves, decomposition 563
Excitation waves, insulators 451
Excitation waves, metals 408
Excitation waves, molecular solids 468
Excitation waves, narrow bands 416
Excitation waves, normalization 416
Excitation waves, optical properties 647ff.
Excited states of solids 407ff.
Excited states of solids, atomic arrangement 451
Excited states of solids, band scheme 407 408ff.
Excited states of solids, ionic solids 409.
Excited states of solids, metals 409ff.
Excited states of solids, semi-conductors 414
Exciton see “Excitation waves”
Expansion coefficients 380
Expansion ferromagnetism 625
Extinction coefficient 632ff.
Eyring, H. 210 470 474 489
F centers 459 565
F centers, absorption 459
F centers, free energy 458
F centers, levels 463
F centers, optical properties 565 662
F factor 643ff.
f factor, F centers 662
f factor, ionic crystals 658ff.
f factor, rare gases 645
f factor, sum rules 649
Fajans, K. 660 661 674
Farineau, J. 437ff.
Farkas, L. 470 .
Ferguson, J.N. 413
Fermi energy 355
Fermi energy, alkali metals 355
Fermi energy, copper 369
Fermi — Dirac distribution 145
Fermi — Thomas theory 368 376 384ff.
Fermi, E. 139 141ff. 144ff. 209 370 375 379ff. 384 517ff. 586ff.
ferromagnetism 156
Ferromagnetism, alloys 45 434 623
Ferromagnetism, anisotropy 22 627
Ferromagnetism, critique of theory 622
Ferromagnetism, domain theory 20ff.
Ferromagnetism, entity 615
Ferromagnetism, free electrons 602
Ferromagnetism, gadolinium 25
Ferromagnetism, Heisenberg theory 612
Ferromagnetism, Heusler alloys 45
Ferromagnetism, ionic crystals 60 623
Ferromagnetism, partition functions 615
Ferromagnetism, specific beat 611
Ferromagnetism, spin-wave theory 617
Ferromagnetism, Weiss theory 668
Filling of levels, alkaline earth metals 424
Filling of levels, alloys 434ff. 501
Filling of levels, magnetic field 587
Filling of levels, semi-conductors 456ff.
Filling of levels, transition metals 429 535
Fleischmann, R. 401
Fluctuations 478
Fock scheme 227
Fock, V. 227 242 243ff. 246ff. 251ff. 254 365 386 386 677 679
Fock’s equations 242ff. 252 677
Fock’s equations, connection with Hartree’s 335 397
Fock’s equations, molecular hydrogen 260
Fock’s equations, solids 302 313 335 347
Fock’s equations, solutions 246ff.
Foeex, G. 19 611
Foersterling, K. 113ff. 641
Fook operator 245
Forbidden region 273ff.
Forrer, R. 46
Fowler, R.H. 323 467 482 609 512 513ff. 686
Franck, J. 460 468 669
Frank, A. 603
Frank, N. H 140 179 186
Frans, W. 177 178 662
Fredericksz, V. 641 666
Free electrons, correlation 242
Free electrons, diamagnetism 583 594
Free electrons, ferromagnetism 602
Free electrons, magnetic field 584
Free electrons, metals 139
Free electrons, optical properties 638ff.
Free electrons, wave functions 241 272
Free energy, carbon 484
Free energy, electronic 487
Free energy, F centers 458.
Free energy, lattice vibrations 480
Free energy, rare-gas solids 492
Free energy, semi-conductors 466
Free energy, solid 479
Free energy, vacancies 458
Free rotation 611
Free rotation, Fowler’s theory 513
Free rotation, Pauling’s theory 511
Frenkel, J. 395 413 414 418 460 511ff. 647
Friedman, H. 440
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