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Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids |
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Fritsch, O. 192
Froehlich, K. 316 486 559 562
Fuchs, K. 116 367ff. 375ff. 427
Fundamental absorption band 411
F’ centers 567
Gamma brass 30ff.
Gamma brass, zone boundaries 433
Gans, R. 28 173
Germer, L.H. 196 655
Giauque, W.F. 74ff.
Gibbs — Helmholtz equation 483 487
Gibbs, J.W. 127 483
Glaser, G. 566 567
Glasses 476
Goens, E. 111 120
Goldschmidt radii 92ff.
Goldschmidt, V.M. 83 92ff.
Gombas, P. 385
Gordon, N.T. 676
Gordon, W. 215
Gorin, K.E. 348ff. 356 369ff. 663
Gorsky, W. 507ff. 515
Goudsmit, S. 203
graphite 61 455
Graphite, allotropy 484
Grew, K.E. 43ff.
Griffith, A.A. 98
Group theory 275 297
Grueneisen’s function 533 540
Grueneisen’s law 138ff.
Grueneisen’s theory of metals 379
Gruncisen, E. 13 111 120 133 379ff. 533 640
Gudden, B. 63 64 70 456 568 571
Guillery, P. 64
Gurney, R.W. 489 674ff.
Gwinner, E. 440
gyromagnetic ratio 426
Gyulai, Z. 566 668 657
Haegg, G. 35
Haegg’s rules 35
Hagen — Rubens relation 649
Hagen, F. 640
Hall constant, metals 181ff. 318
Hall constant, photoconductors 563
Hall constant, positive 182 183 194 318
Hall constant, semi-conductors 68ff. 192 563
Hall constant, zinc oxide 467
Hall, E.H. 68 181ff. 191ff.
Halogen ions, electron affinity 46 80ff. 414ff.
Hamiltonian operator 197 199 202 212ff. 227 245
Hamiltonian operator, complete 470
Hamiltonian operator, crystals 345ff.
Hamiltonian operator, hydrogen molecule 258
Hamiltonian operator, hydrogen molecule ion 254
Hamiltonian operator, ionic crystals 387
Hamiltonian operator, magnetic field 576
Hamiltonian operator, mean value 229 236
Hamilton’s equations 213
Hansen, M. 30
Hargreaves, J. 251
Harrison, G.B. 574 674
Hartree fields 251 333
Hartree functions 234
Hartree, D.R. 227. 235ff. 245 246 247 250 251ff. 254 333 385 386 424ff. 443 677ff.
Hartree, W. 247 253 386
Hartree’s equations 235 677
Hartree’s equations, connection with Fock’s 335
Hartree’s equations, solids 329ff. 335 347
Hartree’s equations, solutions 246ff.
Heat of formation see “Cohesion”
Heat of sublimation 3
Heisenberg, W. 318 612ff.
Heitler — London scheme 251 254ff. 263
Heitler — London scheme, accuracy 312
Heitler — London scheme, connection with band scheme 337
Heitler — London scheme, connection with Hund — Mulliken scheme 252 263 301
Heitler — London scheme, excited states 408
Heitler — London scheme, ferromagnetism 612
Heitler — London scheme, ionic crystals 441ff.
Heitler — London scheme, metals 348 420ff.
Heitler, W. 210 301ff. 408ff. 154ff. 612ff.
Helium atom 231ff.
Helium interaction 264 269
Helmholz, L. 46 49 483
Hendricks S.B. 8
Hermitian matrix 129 199
Herring, C. 275 332ff. 366 371 372 400
Herzberg, G. 578
Herzfeld, K.F. 125 405 488 492 645
Heusler alloys 44
High pressure 374 382ff.
Hilbert, D. 238
Hill, A.G. 332ff. 371 372 400 669ff.
Hilsch, R. 71 410 459 564 566 568 571ff. 574 657 664
Hirschfelder, J.O. 470 489
Hofstadter, R. 673
Holes, in bands 155ff. 317 480
Holes, ionic crystals 446
Holes, semi-conductors 457
Honda 18 21 22
Hopf, L. 111
Houston, W.V. 140 318ff. 436 438 516 518 535
Huggins, M.L. 93
Hughes, A.L. 146 401
Hume-Rothery rules, atomic size 28
Hume-Rothery rules, electron-atom ratio 30ff. 434
Hume-Rothery rules, solubility limits 28
Hume-Rothery, W. 5 9 11 28ff. 31 32ff. 432ff.
Hund — Mulliken scheme 251 254ff. 263
Hund — Mulliken scheme, connection with Heitler — London scheme 252 263 301
Hund, R 251ff. 453
Huntington, H.B. 366 497
Hydrogen interaction 268
hydrogen molecule 258
Hydrogen-molecule ion 254
Hylleraas, E. 92 233ff. 254 258 261 385 390ff.
Image-force barrier 162
Impurity levels 325 456ff.
Inelastic collisions of electrons 523
Infrared spectra, ionic crystals 665
Infrared spectra, ionic crystals, width 666ff.
Inglis, D.R. 60
Inner shells 272
Inner shells, diamagnetism 601
Interstitial alloys 25ff.
Interstitial alloys, Haegg’s rules 35
Interstitial atoms, conductivity 547ff.
Interstitial atoms, diffusion 495
Invar 625
Ion-core field 330 383
Ionic conductivity 64ff.
Ionic conductivity, mean free path 554
Ionic conductivity, mechanism 550ff.
Ionic conductivity, theory 547ff.
Ionic crystals 1 46ff.
Ionic crystals, absorption spectra 408ff.
Ionic crystals, allotropy 89ff.
Ionic crystals, characteristic temperature 114
Ionic crystals, cohesion 46ff. 78 80ff. 88ff. 385ff.
Ionic crystals, conductivity 55 548ff.
Ionic crystals, effective mass 441 445
Ionic crystals, elastic constants 95 391
Ionic crystals, equilibrium arrangement 451
Ionic crystals, exchange 388
Ionic crystals, excited states 409
Ionic crystals, Hamiltonian 387
Ionic crystals, holes 446
Ionic crystals, infrared spectra 665
Ionic crystals, magnetic properties 59ff.
Ionic crystals, mean free path in 558
| Ionic crystals, photoconductivity 446
Ionic crystals, radii 82 91ff.
Ionic crystals, specific heats 57ff. 99ff.
Ionic crystals, structures 49ff.
Ionic crystals, total wave function 442
Ionic crystals, transport numbers 56 65
Ionic crystals, work function 400ff.
Ionization levels 413
Iron, allotropy 9 487
Iron, band scheme 428ff.
Iron, expansion coefficient 625
Iron, magnetization 20ff. 610
Iron, specific heat 15 158
Ives, H.E. 652 653ff.
Jacobs, R.B. 49 91
Jaeger, F.M. 39
James, H.M. 258ff. 262 447
Jefferson, M.E. 8
Jensen, H. 384ff.
Johansson, C.H. 41
Johnson, R.P. 167 428 572 573 672
Johnson, V.A. 447
Jones, F.W. 35
Jones, H. 161 185 296 307 314 425 432ff. 436 438 500ff. 531ff. 535 595ff. 655
Jonker, C.C. 644
Joos, G. 106 141 660 .661
Jordahl, O.M. 603
Jost, W. 551 553 555ff. 575
Jump frequency 495 548
k space see “Wave-number space”
Kane, Brother Gabriel 492ff.
Kapitza, P. 185
Karwat, C. 74ff.
Kaya, S. 20ff. 22 45
Keesom, H.P. 485
Keesom, W.H. 15ff. 57 114 117 136 152 157 158 485
Keil, A. 494 495
Kemble, E.C. 195 199 203
Kennard, E.H. 100
Ketelaar, J.A.A. 503ff.
Kimball, G.E. 210 453ff.
kinetic energy 229
Kirkwood, J.G. 268 269 486
Klein, O. 215 221
Kleinschrod, F.G. 664
Koch, E. 556ff.
Koch, W. 664ff.
Kok, J.A. 152 158
Koopmans, T. 313ff. 396 408 644
Koopmans’ theorem 313ff. 408
Kopp 38ff.
Kopp — Neumann law 38
Korff, S.A. 643
Kramers, H.A. 278ff. 320 644
Kretschmann, E. 534
Kronecker delta function 128
Kronig — Penney model 282 921
Kronig, R. de L. 272 281ff. 321ff. 629 638 652 656
Krueger, F. 406
Krutter, H.M. 385 423 424 427ff. 440 442
Kubaschevrski, O. 38
Kurrelmeyer, B. 158
Kussmann, A. 45
Lagrangian parameter 202
Lambda point 485
Lambda point, ammonium chloride 511
Lambda point, crystals 511ff.
Lambda point, specific heat 512
Landau, L. 583ff. 595
Lande factor 581
Landshoff, R. 385ff. 391
Lange, F. 483
Langevin, P. 582
Langmuir, I. 495
Lapp, E. 16
latent image 675
Lattice defects, density 556
Lattice defects, relative energy 551
Lattice defects, silver halides 556
Lattice defects, types 551
Lattice vibrations, assembly of oscillators 100ff.
Lattice vibrations, Born — von Karman boundary conditions 133 275ff.
Lattice vibrations, change during ordering 505
Lattice vibrations, coupling 667 672
Lattice vibrations, damping 451
Lattice vibrations, diatomic lattice 121
Lattice vibrations, free energy 481
Lattice vibrations, frequency distribution 103ff. 121 135
Lattice vibrations, general theory 476
Lattice vibrations, Hamiltonian 131
Lattice vibrations, kinetic and potential energy 131
Lattice vibrations, normal modes 105ff. 119 127
Lattice vibrations, optical properties 665ff.
Lattice vibrations, scattering by 518ff.
Lattice vibrations, velocity 120 123
Lattice vibrations, wave functions 477ff. 521
Laue, M. v. 288 293 296 518ff.
Laue’s, conditions 288
Laue’s, conductivity 518
Lawson. A. 58 511ff.
Lechner, G. 111
Lehfeldt, W. 55 460 552 554ff. 506 574ff.
Lennard-Jones, J.E. 81 84 269 489
Lenz, W. 384ff.
Level density, alkali metals 366 437
Level density, alkaline earth metals 424
Level density, alloys 433
Level density, anomalous 439
Level density, bands 307ff.
Level density, beryllium 371 437
Level density, complex metals 425
Level density, from X rays 436ff.
Level density, transition metals 427 440
Leverenz, H.W. 672
Levy, R.B. 89
Linde, J.O. 39 40 41
Line breadth 223ff. 646ff.
Line breadth, natural width 224
Line breadth, vibrational broadening 226 670
liquid helium 269 485
Liquid helium, lambda point 485
Liquid helium, specific heat 485
Liquid state 475ff. 488ff.
Liquid state, helium 485
Liquid state, supercooled 475
Liquidus curve 27
Lithium hydride 390ff.
Lithium hydride, bands 444
Lithium molecule 262
Littleton, M.J. 553
Local field correction 603ff. 637ff. 658
London, F. 84ff. 265ff. 268 301ff. 392ff. 408ff. 454ff. 486ff. 545ff. 612ff. 660
Long-distance order 507
Lord, R.C. 114ff. 116
Lorentz force 170 213 317
Lorentz theory of collisions 170
Lorentz, H.A. 139ff. 168 170ff. 190 214 516ff. 549 604ff. 608ff. 629 633 637 658ff.
Lowery, H. 651 655
Lozier, W.W. 448
Lukens, C. 641
Luminescence 452 573 672
Lyddane, R.R. 125
Mabbott, G.W. 28 32
Madelnng, E. 76 78 97 271
Madelung constant 78
Madelung energy 363
Madelung energy, alloys 378
Madelung energy, ionic crystals 388
Magnesium-antimony system 33
Magnetic anisotropy 22
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