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Guggenheimer H.W. — Differential Geometry
Guggenheimer H.W. — Differential Geometry

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Название: Differential Geometry

Автор: Guggenheimer H.W.


This text contains an elementary introduction to continuous groups and differential invariants; an extensive treatment of groups of motions in euclidean, affine, and riemannian geometry; more. Includes exercises and 62 figures.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 378

Добавлена в каталог: 16.12.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Matrix, Cartan      10
Matrix, continuous      22
Matrix, derivative of      8
Matrix, frame      20 25
Matrix, hermitian      109
Matrix, integral of      10
Matrix, skew-Hermitian      109
Matrix, skew-symmetric      10
Matrix, unitary      109
Maurer — Cartan equations      194
Maximal atlas      203
McCrea, W.H.      260
Mean affine curvature      310
Mean curvature      212 341
Meissner, E.      55
Menger, K.      14
Meusnier, M.C.      216
Midcurve      153
Milnor, J.      197n. 205 255
Minimal surface      219
Minkowski, H.      250 253
Moebius pseudo group      102 147
Moebius strip      205
Moebius, A.F.      101
Mohrmann, H.      155
Montgomery, D.      345 355
Mostow, G.D.      289
Motion      272
Motion, euclidean      21 127 141
Movement, inverse      70
Moving frame      18
Mueller, H.R.      72
Mukopadhaya      30
Multiplication table      92
Multiplication, abelian      86
Natural conditions      179
Natural differentiability condition      144
Natural equation      24
Nevanlinna, F.      245n.
Nevanlinna, R.      245n.
Nijenhuis tensor      361
Nijenhuis, A.      323 354
Nodal Locus      47
Nomizu, K.      348 354 355 364
Normal affinity      95
Normal coordinates      330
Normal curvature      207
Normal indicatrix      161
Normal to surface      207
Normal, affine      151 292 293
Normal, affine, covariant      299
Normal, affine, tangent      309
Normal, length of      12
Normal, polar      12
Normal, tangent      207
Notation, kernel-index      177
Numbers, complex      93
Numbers, dual      163
Object, geometric      2 202
Orientable surface      249
Orientable variety      199
Orthogonal subspace      180
Orthogonality      9
Osculating parabola      151
Ostrowski, A.M.      49 52 72
parabola      13 34 61
Parabola, osculating      151
Parabolic point      213 291
Parabolical convexity      154
Paraboloid, elliptic      301
Paraboloid, hyperbolic      168 302
Parallel set      80
Parallel surface      216
Parallel, Clifford      282
Parallelism, distant      359
Parallelism, Levi-Civita      318
Parameter, affine      336 359
Parameter, differential      329
Parameter, distribution      169
Peano curve      1 3 7
Peano, G.      14
Pfaffian      179
Planar umbilic      213
Plane affine curvature      150 172
Plane vector product      10
Plane, central      221
Plane, focal      259
Pluecker coordinates      163
Podal Curve      13
Poincare Formula      190
Point at infinity      90 225
Point curvature      336
Point, sextactic      152
Poisson bracket      135
Polar coordinates, geodesic      264
Polar normal      12
Polygon, geodesic      283
Pontrjagin, L.      124
Posidonius      282
Prime differentiation      8 15
Principal curvature      210 214 338
Principal curvature radius      253
Principal direction      210
Principal direction of line congruence      257
Principal direction, affine      310
Principal frame      339
Principal surface      257
Principal vector      210
Product, direct      91
Product, Lie      105
Product, scalar      9 262 314—315
Product, vector      10 163
Projection map      201 262
Projection, central      255
Projection, stereographic      225
Projective geometry      146
Projective line      90
Projective space      98
Prolongation      136 140
Property, geodesic      263
Property, geometric      2
Pure deformation      95
Quadric, Lie      312
Quarternion      94 100
Quarternion, unit      101
R      87
Rank      146
Reaumur, R.A.F. de      47
Rectifiable curve      16
Reducible group      347
Reductive algebra      129
Reeb, G.      260
Regression, edge of      167
Reidemeister, K.      313
Representation      87
Representative      2
Revolution, congruence of      259
Revolution, surface of      204 227
Ricci coefficient      317
Ricci identity      324 358
Ricci tensor      325
Ricci — Curbastro, G.      324 341
Riemann curvature      333
Riemann curvature tensor      322
Riemann curvature tensor, recurrent      328
Riemann curvature, scalar      325
Riemann space, irreducible      347
Riemann space, locally euclidean      347
Riemann space, totally reducible      349
Riemann — Stieltjes sum      36
Riemann, B.F.      16
Riemannian affinity      345
Riemannian homothety      345
Riemannian manifold      314
Riemannian volume      350
Right-hand derivative      17
Rigidity, infinitesimal      246
Rinow, W.      285 286 289
Robinson, G. de B.      346w.
Rodemich, E.      32
Rodrigues, O.      210
Rotation      10 98 128
Rotation, hyperbolic      277
Rothe, H.      102
Roulette      65
Ruling      165
Ruling, umbilical      259
Rund, H.      364
Saban, G.      162 174 216
Samelson, H.      345 355
Sannia, G.      313
Scalar product      9 262 314—315
Scherk, P.      227
Schlafli, L.      335
Schmidt, E.      30 34
Schouten, J.A.      177 354
Schreier, O.      113
Schur differential equation      122
Schur, A.      30
Schur, F.      120 333
Schwarz, H.A.      255
Schwarzian derivative      146
Section      201 262
Section, central      221
Semisimple algebra      114
Sequence, Cauchy      285
Sex tactic point      152
Similitude      58
Similitude, indirect      60
Simple algebra      116
Simple curve      4
Sine theorem, hyperbolic      279
Sine theorem, spherical      267
Sinistrorse curve      170
Skew-Hermitian matrix      109
Skew-symmetric matrix      10
Snell’s law      79
Solid vector product      163
Space curve, tangent surface of      204
Space, complete      285
Space, Einstein      328
Space, flat      359
Space, projective      98
Space, Riemann      347 349
Space, tangent      199
Space, vector      175
Space, Weyl      362
Sphere      198
Sphere, affine      301
Sphere, affine improper      306
Sphere, dual      164
Spherical cosine theorem      271
Spherical curvature      162
Spherical curves      161
Spherical image      212
Spherical sine theorem      267
Spiral of Archimedes      13
Spiral of MacLaurin      13 25 34
Spiral, hyperbolic      13 61
Spiral, logarithmic      7 17 59
Stability group      349
Star-shaped surface      249
Steiner, J.      81 216 227
Stephanos, C.      102
Stereographic projection      225
Stokes formula      192
straight lines      59 143 152
Striction, curve of      166
Strictly convex surface      253
Structure constants      106
Structure, $C^{r}$      197
Study, E.      162 164 174
Sturm, J.C.F.      266
Subalgebra      129
Subnormal, polar      12
Subset, invariant      113
Subspace, local      196
Subspace, orthogonal      180
Subspace, totally geodesic      340
Subtangent, polar      12
Summation convention, Einstein      177
Support function      54 55 249
Surface of revolution      204 227
Surface, canal      216 251
Surface, Cayley’s      306
Surface, center      215
Surface, central      259
Surface, closed      197
Surface, complete      285
Surface, convex      249
Surface, isothermal      247
Surface, local      196
Surface, minimal      219
Surface, molding (moulure)      237
Surface, normal to      207
Surface, orientable      249
Surface, parallel      216
Surface, principal      257
Surface, ruled, generator of      165
Surface, star-shaped      249
Surface, strictly convex      253
Surface, tangent, of space curve      204
Surface, translation      305
Surface, Weingarten      237
Surfaces, family of      222
Surfaces, isometric      212
Sydler, J.P.      32
Symbol, Kronecker      104 186
Symmetric tensor      185
Symmetry      26
Tac locus      47
Tachibana, S.      350 363
Tangent cone      169
Tangent image      19
Tangent normal      207
Tangent normal, affine      309
Tangent space      199
Tangent surface of space curve      204
Tangent tensor space      201
Tangent, length of      12
Tangent, polar      12
Tchebychef net      236
Teixeira, G.      13
Tensor connection      363
Tensor field      201
Tensor space, tangent      201
Tensor, coordinate      182
Tensor, Einstein      328
Tensor, Nijenhuis      361
Tensor, Ricci      325
Tensor, Riemann curvature      322 328
Tensor, symmetric      185
Tensor, torsion      358
Tensor, type of      182
Tensor, Weyl      334 337
Theorema egregium      212 234
Thomas, T.Y.      336
Torsion of space curve      157
Torsion, relative      207
Torus      281 287
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