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Guggenheimer H.W. — Differential Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
map 4
manifold 196
structure 197
curve 5
Abelian multiplication 86
Action, effective 129
Aczel, J. 154
Admissible frame 356
Ado, I. 113 120
Aeppli, A. 256
Affine arc length 149 170
Affine curvature line 310
Affine curvature, elliptic 292
Affine curvature, Gauss 310
Affine curvature, hyperbolic 294
Affine curvature, mean 310
Affine curvature, plane 150 172
Affine evolute 153
Affine fundamental form 297 298
Affine geodesic 309 311
Affine normal 151 292 293 299
Affine parameter 336 359
Affine principal direction 310
Affine sphere 301 306
Affine tangent normal 309
Affinity, central 95
Affinity, normal 95
Affinity, riemannian 345
Aleksandrov, A.D. 253 259
Alexandroff, P. 283n.
Algebra 103
Algebra, derived 114
Algebra, Grassmann 188
Algebra, Lie 106
Algebra, Lie, abstract 112
Algebra, reductive 129
Algebra, semisimple 114
Algebra, simple 116
Algebra, tensor 184
angle 9 262
Angle defect 283
Angle, dual 165
Angle, Euler 99
Antipode 98
Apolarity 298
Apostol, T.M. 37n.
Appolonius 47
Arc length 15 156
arc length, affine 149 170
Arc length, affine surface 309
Arc length, element of 202
Archimedes, spiral of 13
Arcwise connectedness 322
Aronhold, S. 71
Astroid 17 45 61
Asymptotic direction 213 295
Asymptotic lines 226
Atlas 197
Atlas, maximal 203
Auslander, L. 205
Automorphism, inner 111
Autoparallel curves 329
Beltrami, E. 247
Berger, M. 354
Bernoulli, John 76 85
Bertrand curve 160
Bertrand, J. 158
Berwald, L. 174 354
Bianchi identity 325 359
Bianchi, L. 154 160 238 248 259 281 343 349 354
Biangle, geodesic 286
Bilinear function 181
Blaschke, W. 72 155 162 174 255 308
Bliss, G.A. 85 266 270
Bobillier, M. 72
Bochner, S. 351 352 353 355
Boltyanskii, V.G. 85
Bolzano property 27
Bonnesen, T. 85
Bonnet, O. 247
Bouligand, G. 14
Bounded matrix 22
Bounded variation 17
Bourbaki, N. 110 124 205
Brachistochrone 73 76
Buck, R.C. 5n. 105n.
Canonical coordinates 119
Caratheodory, C. 34
Cardioid 13
Carleman, T. 154 155
Cartan map 108
Cartan matrix 10
Cartan, E. 10 113 139 147 148 154 188 205 238 246 247 260 340 349 354 361
Cartesian coordinates, geodesic 269 332
Catenary 25 46 61
Catenoid 205
Cauchy inequality 9
Cauchy sequence 285
Cayley, A. 47
Cayley’s surface 306
Center 114 120 123
Center surface 215
Centers, line of 215
Central affinity 95
Central plane 221
Central point 258
Central projection 255
Central section 221
Central surface 259
Cesaro, E. 72
Chart 197
Chern, S.S. 253 260 329 341
Chevalley, C. 124
Christoffel symbol 317
Christoffel, E.B. 253
Circle, geodesic 271
Circle, hyperbolic 277
Circle, involute of 25
Circle, La Hire’s 69
Circular helix 157
Clairaut differential equation 44
Clairaut, A. 267
Clifford parallel 282
Clifford, W.K. 101
Closed curve 3
Closed surface 197
Coddington, E.A. 118
Codifferential 329
Cohn-Vossen, S. 289
Commutator 106
Compact manifold 197
Complete space 285
Complete surface 285
complex numbers 93
Conchoid of Nicomedes 13
Concircular line elements 52
Cone, tangent 169
Conformal map 224 247
Conformal transformation 224
Conformal Weyl tensor 337
Congruence of revolution 259
| Congruence, isotropic 259
Congruence, line, principal direction of 257
Congruent curves 21
conic 64 151 152
Conic, evolute of 70
Conic, hyperosculating 151
Conjugate diameter 97
Conjugate families 216
Conjugate point 265
Connected set 147
Connectedness, arcwise 322
Connection, Cartan — Finsler 362
Connection, higher-order 357
Connection, infinitesimal 357
Connection, invariant 360
Connection, Kawaguchi 361
Connection, linear 357
Connection, tensor 363
Connection, transformed 360
Conoid 215
Constantinescu, C. 353 354
Contact of curves 28
Contact transformation 142
continuous curve 2
Continuous matrix 22
Contour line 310 311
Contraction 182
Convex hull 250
Convex surface 249
Convexity 5
Convexity, parabolical 154
Coordinate system 200
Coordinate tensor 182
Coordinates, canonical 119
Coordinates, contravariant 315
Coordinates, covariant 315
Coordinates, Fermi 335
Coordinates, geodesic cartesian 269 332
Coordinates, geodesic polar 264
Coordinates, isothermal 246
Coordinates, normal 330
Coordinates, Pluecker 163
Coset 118
Cosine theorem, hyperbolic 279 28
Cosine theorem, spherical 271
Covariant coordinates 315
Covariant derivative 233 318
Covariant differential 318 358
Coxeter, H.S.M. 34 58
Cross product see “Vector product”
Cross ratio 146
Crudeli, U. 270
Curvature see “Affine curvature” “Reimann
Curvature element 50 52
Curvature line 210
Curvature line, affine 310
Curvature of space curve 157
Curvature of space curve, jth 160
Curvature radius 20
Curvature radius, principal 253
Curvature, enforced 339
Curvature, euclidian plane 20 143
Curvature, euclidian plane, left-hand 27
Curvature, euclidian plane, mean 34
Curvature, Gauss 212 342
Curvature, integral 284 285
Curvature, mean 212 341
Curvature, normal 207
Curvature, point 336
Curvature, principal 210 214 338
Curvature, spherical 162
Curve representation 55
Curves of striction 166
Curves, 4
Curves, 5
Curves, autoparallel 329
Curves, Bertrand 160
Curves, closed 3
Curves, congruent 21
Curves, contact of 28
Curves, continuous 2
Curves, cycloidal 71
Curves, dextrorse 170
Curves, equidistant 278
Curves, euclidean 28
Curves, Jordan 4
Curves, knotted 255
Curves, not differentiate 7
Curves, Peano 1 3 7
Curves, podal 13
Curves, rectifiable 16
Curves, simple (Jordan) 4
Curves, sinistrorse 170
Curves, spherical 161
Cusp 5 41
Cusp locus 47
Cycloid 5 25 34 61 66 68
Cycloidal curve 71
Cylinder 197
Darboux direction 293
Darboux frame 210 293
Darboux umbilic 292
Darboux, G. 16 161 228 229 259
Deficit, isoperimetric 85
Deformation, pure 95
Dented gears 62 71
Derivative, covariant 233 318
Derivative, invariant 233
Derivative, left-hand 17
Derivative, Lie 126 127
Derivative, matrix 8
Derivative, right-hand 17
Derivative, Schwarzian 146
Derived algebra 114
Determinant 65 188
Developable 167
Development 263 326
Dextrorse curve 170
Diameter 153
Diameter, Conjugate 97
Differentiability condition, natural 144
Differential equation, Clairaut 44
Differential equation, Lie 116
Differential form 179
Differential invariant 139
Differential parameter 329
Differential vector 199
Differential, covariant 318 358
Differential, exterior 189
Differentiation, dot 8
Differentiation, prime 8 15
Dilatation 58
Dini, U. 169 237
Direct product 91
Direction, Darboux 293 (see also “Principal direction”)
Distance 285
Distribution parameter 169
Dot differentiation 8
dragging 126
Dry friction 56
Dual angle 165
Dual numbers 163
Dual sphere 164
Dual vector 164
Dupin, C. 216 223 259
Dupin’s indicatrix 215
e frame 315 356
Edge of regression 167
Effective action 129
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