Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Rowe N.C. — Artifical intelligence through Prolog |
Предметный указатель |
Tail recursion see Recursion tail
Tautology 359
Television repair 177—180 181
Terminal of computer 20
Test case see Case
Testing of artificial-intelligence programs 364—373
Theorems of logic see Laws of logic
Time of computation see Efficiency
Time representation 11 287
Top-down execution see Backward chaining
Trace information 52 365 366 370 371 398
Traffic laws 60—65
Transitivity 52—54 56 58 357
Transitivity, implementation 59—60
TREE 198 390 391 392
true predicate 397
Truth 381 382
Truth maintenance see Backtracking dependency-based
Truth table 351 381
Turbo Prolog 139 269 393 395 396 397
Turtle geometry 96
TYPE see Data type or Predicate type
Uncertainty see Probability
Underscore symbol in Prolog 5 9 25
UNIT see Frame
| univ predicate 147 149 394 397
Universe 48 111 169
User 19—20 101—102 126—129 143—146 152 299—302 370—372
User model 299—302
var predicate 77—78 394 397
Variable 21
Variable, active 326 328—329 331
Variable, alternative bindings 22—23
Variable, binding of 21—23 34 49 75 102 112 113 115 139—140 313—314 316 317 321 330 354 356—357 360
Variable, counter 241
Variable, global 45 (see also Side effect)
Variable, indication in English 48
Variable, input 22 49 77 114 180 223 224 269 276 383
Variable, list of all possible bindings 236—238
Variable, local 44 45 50 85 311 313—314 316 350
Variable, output 22 49 63 114 180 223 224 269 276 383
Variable, parameter 44 45 85 311
Variable, postponed binding of 49 151
Variable, unbound 49 76 314
Venn diagram 168 169 173 174 176 383
Virtual fact see Fact virtual
Vision 2 65 211—214 309 311
Visited-state checking 198 230
Von Neumann computer model see Eckert — Mauchly computer model
write predicate 126 142 394 396
Zipf's law 160
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