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Rowe N.C. — Artifical intelligence through Prolog |
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"car" in Lisp 79
"cdr" in Lisp 79
"nil" in Lisp 79 390
abolish predicate 155 394 395
Abstraction 263 280 285
action see Operator
Ada see Programming languages
Agenda 113 197 199 233 241—242 243 248 249
agenda predicate 233 234 235 247
Algorithm 99
Analogy 305—306 370
AND 5 23—24 28 43 113 165 307—342 350 352—357 359 381—383 395
And, rearrangement for improved efficiency 311—318
And-combination 166 167 170—171 174 175 176 178 180
AND-OR tree see And-or-not lattice
And-or-not lattice 100 113—115 180 249
append predicate 84—87 90 270
Appliance diagnosis 110—111 126—134 146 173 350 367—368 371
Argument 5 8 9 14 395
Argument, order in predicates 11 15
Arithmetic 46 74—78 165
Arithmetic assignment 75—76 83 394 396
Arithmetic comparison 74—75 394 396
Array 8 78 212 213 389 390 391 392
Artificial intelligence: definition 1
Artificial intelligence: difficulty of learning 2 36—37 65—66
Artificial intelligence: problems unsuitable for 365 372—373
ask predicate 126 129 130
askifpredicate 127—128 130 143 178 371
ask_which predicate 144
asserta predicate 101 102 126 138 139 235 394 395
assertion 9
assertz predicate 101 138 139 145 233 235 394 395
Associativity 381
Atomic formula see Predicate expression
Attenuator 180
Augmented transition network 117
Automatic programming 367—368
Automobile diagnosis 165—167 174 183 192 264 370
Automobile repair 192 193 196 200 201 202 205 207 226—229 235—236 243—244 249 271 366
a_kind__of predicate 11 45 53 55 57—58 286 287 288 289 290 301
Backtracking 27—34 136 138 141—142 144 151 230 231—232 233 238—241 314 315 321 326 371 394
Backtracking, decision lattice avoidance of 112 271
Backtracking, dependency-based 319—321
Backtracking, for generation of options 82 87
Backtracking, implementation 35—36
Backtracking, in a rule 49—52
Backtracking, in an and 27—34 47 50—52
Backtracking, in an or 34
Backtracking, in depth-first search 197
Backtracking, in means-ends analysis 268 280
Backtracking, nonchronological see Backtracking dependency-based
Backtracking, not predicate see not predicate backtracking
Backtracking, tabular representation 31 32 33 51 320
Backtracking, wrong answers with 84 239
Backward chaining control structure 100—102 109 116 125—134 198 205 209 211 352 354 355—356 357 358
bagof predicate 172 233 236—238 240 331 398
Bar symbol (1 ) 79 396
Bayes's rule 182—183 184
better_add predicate 77
Binary tree see Tree
Binding see Variable binding
Boolean algebra see Propositional logic
Brackets in Prolog 25 78 392 396
Branch 192 193—194 197 223
Branch, discreteness 192
Branch, efficient representation 192
Branch, pruning 199
Branching factor 207—208 357—358
Caching 88 100 101 112 126 130 135 191 249
CALL see Query
call predicate 141 151 240—241 394 397
CAR see Automobile diagnosis and Automobile repair
Cartesian product 408
CASE 365—366
Case of the first letter of a word 5 21
Cause 166 182 351—352
Certainty see Probability
Chaining see Backward chaining control structure and Forward chaining control structure
character string 8 126 179 389 395 397
class see Frame or Type
Classification 110—112
Clause form 350—354
clause predicate 146 149 350 394 397
Closed-world assumption 25 110
Code optimization see Compilation
color_object predicate 44 45 46 49 55
Combinatorial explosion 207
Combinatorial methods 29 207—208 324—325
Comma in Prolog 5 24 25 78—79 395 396
comment 61 396
Common sense 1 4
Commutativity 60 381
Compilation 19 110 151 248—249 357
Compiled control structure see Control structure compiled
Completeness of a frame description 286
Compound term 5
Computation time see Efficiency
Concatenation 84 129
Concept see Frame
Conclusion see Rule left
Concurrency see Parallelism
conflict resolution 193
Confusion matrix 365 366
Conjunction see And
Conjunctive normal form 179 354 382
Connective, logical see And Or and
Conservative assumption 169 176
Constant 5 44
Constraint 307 309 326
Constraint propagation see Relaxation
consult predicate 27 134 249 394
context see State
Context-limiting see Partitioning
Contra positive 352
Control structure 99—163 371
Control structure, compiled 100 110—115 151
Control structure, ordering of actions in 100 106 108—109 112—113
con_andcombine predicate 174
con_orcombine predicate 173
Cooperativeness 365 371—372
Corpus 365
Cost function 197 202 204 224 244 249 280 369
Cost of execution 312 313 314 315 316 317 318
cost predicate 224 225 244
Cryptarithmetic 326—329 334—336 339—342
Cut predicate (!) 46 81 233 238—241 394 397
CYCLE see Infinite loop
DATA see Fact
Data structures 389—392
Data type 6—8 389
Database 14 (see also Prolog database)
Database order 23 36 46 47 106 108—109 265
Database query language 19
Database schema 14
Debugging of artificial-intelligence programs 364—373 398
Decision lattice 100 110—112 115 151—155 248
Decision lattice, implementation 152—155
Decision tree see Decision lattice
Declarative interpretation 81 84 87 349 350—353 387
Declarative programming 65—66
default 56 61 64 108 299 301
Definition by examples 46
Degrees of certainty see Probability
Dejargonizing program 89—90
delete predicate 83—84 137 138 139 229 239 270 359
Demon see Parallelism or
DeMorgan's laws 140 351 353 383
Dependency 314—315 316 318 319—321
Diagnosis 109 110 125—126 131 165
| diagnosis predicate 125—126 131 154 180
difference predicate 268 276 277 278 279
Difference table 263—264 265 267 268 272—273
Difference table, implementation of 268 272
Difference table, order in 265 266 272
Directed acyclic graph see Lattice
Discrimination net see Decision lattice
Disjunction see Or
Disjunctive normal form 179 382
Distributivity 381—382
Do-until construct 240
doall predicate 142 240 397
Domain of an artificial-intelligence program 99 109 183 199—200 358
done predicate 136 139 145 151 240—241 314
Double-blind test 365
Eckert — Mauchly computer model 114
Edge in a graph 12—13 194—196
Edge in a picture 212 309
Editor 27
Efficiency of Prolog programs and queries 36 88—89 99 106 111—112 113 114—115 140 145 148—149 198 200 207—211 239—241 244 307—342 350 357 358 372—373 389—392
English see Natural language
entropy see Probability maximum-entropy
Epistemology 4
Equals ( = ) predicate 75 76 394 396
eval predicate 224 225 241
Evaluation function 197 199 200—202 203 204 208 214 224 241—242 243 244 280 369
exception 108
Expert 13 183 193 364—365
Expert system 2 99 102 109 112 125 130—134 193 240 370 371
Expert-system, shell 125—163 370
Explanation facilities 37 52 128 281 370—371
Extended heuristic 247 248
Extension 12 291—292 297
Fact 4—37 45 46 48 80 102 105 313 395
Fact in resolution 355 357 358
Fact, disjunctive 349
Fact, negative 103 349
Fact, order see Database order
Fact, virtual 100 101—102 126 248
fail predicate 136 235 397
Failure 20 22 28 31 44 59 81 235 311 366 371
Fallacy 68—69 189 304 363 408
Falsity 20 349 351—352 381 382
Fanout 207
findall predicate 172 236 398
Finite-state machine 110
first predicate 80
Flashlight repair 271—281 371 373
flexibility 13 22 29 77 78 100 110 112 166 356 390
Focus-of-attention 102—103 138 193 326
For construct 241
forall predicate 141 238 240 397
FORM 288—290
FORTRAN see Programming languages
Forward chaining control structure 93 100 102—105 116 191 194 196 198 200 201 202 205 206 209—211 357 358
Forward chaining control structure, efficiency versus backward chaining 208—211
Forward chaining control structure, handling of not see not predicate forward
Forward chaining control structure, implementation 137—149
Forward chaining control structure, indexing of right sides 148—149
Forward chaining control structure, input and output 143—146
Frame 285—302 370
Frame component 288
Frame implementation 292—293
Frame lattice 293—295 300—301
Frame problem 228
Function 14—15 76 77 387 function Evaluation and
Fuzzy set theory 173
game playing 257—262
Gate see Logic gate
Generate-and-test approach 34 113
Goal see State goal
Goal query 100 101 114
goalreached predicate 223 225 228 231 235
Gold Standard 364—365 367—368 369 370
Gradient 213
Grammar 5 115—117
Graph 12 110 194 198 391—392
halt predicate 397
Heuristic 109 197 199 208 214 224 247—248 280 315 326 328 358
Hierarchical reasoning 263 264
Hierarchy see Lattice
Horn clause 352 355
Human reasoning 1 2 4 8 9 10 36—37 43 110 115 164 168 212 214 264 268 280 298 371 372
Hybrid control structures 105—107 116
Hybrid control structures, rule-cycle see Rule-cycle hybrid control structure
Hybrid control structures, time-sharing 107
If-then construct see Rule
Image 212—214
Implication 43 350 381
Independence assumption 167—172 174 176 183 185 311 312 319
indep_andcombine predicate 170—171
indep_orcombine predicate 171—172
INDEX 35—36 102 148—149 249
Individual 12
Inference 1 4 19—37 43 354 356
Inference Engine see Control structure
infinite loop 58—60 115 198 241
Infix form 74 75 396
Information content 184
inheritance 54—58 292 296 297 300—302 370
Inheritance, downward 56 58
Inheritance, implementation 59
inheritance, multiple 299—302
Inheritance, part-kind 291
Inheritance, slot 290 296 300
Inheritance, upward 56
Inheritance, value 287—288 290 295—296 300
Input see Variable input
Input coding 127—128
Input/Output see read predicate write and
Instance see Extension
Instantiation see Binding
integer_in_range predicate 77—78
Intelligence 1 264
Intension 12 291—292
in_range predicate 75 77
is predicate 46 75—78 394 396
is_a predicate see a_kind_of predicate
Iteration 136 137 141—143 234 240—241 243 329 377
Join 36
Knowledge 4
Knowledge acquisition 13
Knowledge representation see Fact and Rule
Label 309—311
Lack-of-knowledge inference see Closed-world assumption
Language see Natural language or Programming languages
last predicate 80
Lattice 62 110 150 152 198 249 390 391 392
Laws of logic 381—384
Learning 367—368
length predicate 82 88 150
Level see Search level
Liberal assumption 169 176
lib_andcombine predicate 175
lib__orcombine predicate 175
Link see Edge in a graph
Linked list see List
Lisp 78 79 360 390 392
LIST 25 78—90 144 170—176 227—229 237 359 389—390 391 392 396
List, embedded 392
List, empty 79 82 396
List, possibility 321 326—329 331 369
List, processing of 80—89 170 171 173 174 175 238—240
List, variables in 78—79
listing predicate 145 394
Literal 5 382
Loading a Prolog 27 134
Logic see Predicate logic
Logic gate 114—115 180 383
Logic programming 349
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