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Rowe N.C. — Artifical intelligence through Prolog
Rowe N.C. — Artifical intelligence through Prolog

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Íàçâàíèå: Artifical intelligence through Prolog

Àâòîð: Rowe N.C.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñåðèÿ: Ñäåëàíî â õîëëå

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1988

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 20.11.2008

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Logical equivalences      381—384
Logical formula      5
Match      see Variable binding
Material implication      see Implication
Mathematical induction      385
Mathematics      see Arithmetic
max predicate      83 173 175 240
Meaning      see Semantics
Means-ends analysis      263—281 387
member predicate      81—82 88 137 138 139 149 228 229—230 238 309 359
MEMO      288—290
Menu      143 145—146
Meta-rule      100 109—110 117 149—151 199 247
Micro-Prolog      256 399—401
Military applications      7 372—373
min predicate      175
modus ponens      102
Monotonic logic      207
Monotonicity      206—207 356
Multidirectional reasoning      see Multiway reasoning
Multiway reasoning      21—22 49 76—78 83 85—87 151 240
naming      8—9 21 135 364
Natural language      1 13—14 26—27 47—48 61 89—90 115—117 249 291 298—299
Natural-language front end      42
Near miss      365 367—369
Negation      25—26 349
nl predicate      126 142 394 396
Node      see State
Nondeterminism      66
Nonterminal      115
Normal form      see Conjunctive normal form and Disjunctive normal form
not predicate      25—26 27 43 46 352 354 355 381—384 394 395
not predicate, backtracking with      32—34 51 239
not predicate, forward chaining handling      103 105 140—141 143
not predicate, inability to bind variables      26 34 50 314 316
not predicate, probabilities with      177
not predicate, rule-cycle hybrid handling      105—106 107 135 137
Null clause      354 355 356
NUMBER      8 9 14 74—78 164 369 389
number predicate      394 397
Object      113 285 292
Object-Oriented Programming      113 292 349
Odds      see Probability
Office worker problem      264—268
oldagenda predicate      233 234
Operating System      299—302
Operator      47 193—194 207 228 263 264 265 268—270 271
Optimization      see Search hill-climbing
OR      5 24 43 113 165 350 381—383 395
Or-combination      165 171—172 173 175 176 178 180 183
Output      (see also Variable output
Output coding      128—129
Parallelism      65 100 117 151 214 249 281—282
Parallelism, "and"      112 113 151
Parallelism, "or"      112 113
Parallelism, partition      112 113
Parallelism, variable-matching      112 113
Parentheses in Prolog      5 24 25 78 392 396
Parsing      116—117 298—299
Partial ordering      390
Partitioning      100 109 111 113 117 134 146 249 285 286 364
part_of predicate      10 13 14 20 44 46 48 53 54 286 291
Pascal      see Programming languages
Performance      see Efficiency
Period in Prolog      7 20 25 45 46 165 395 396
PERT chart      281—282
Photograph interpretation      309—311 316—318 322—324 330—331 334
PL/1      see Programming languages
Planning      2 193 264
POINTER      8 12 35 111 389 390 391
positive predicate      75 77
Possibility list      see List possibility
Postcondition      194 264 265—268 269—270 273—274 276—280 282
Precondition      194 264 265—268 269—270 273—274 276—280 282
Predicate      5—15 (see also names of specific predicates)
Predicate calculus      see Predicate logic
Predicate expression      5 25 395
Predicate logic      349—360 383—384
Predicate logic, first-order      4 21 353
Predicate logic, second-order      296 350
Predicate, built-in      8 9 25 27 134 394—398
Predicate, function      6 14—15 80 223 224
Predicate, hierarchy of      45 47 62—63 139 233 242—243 245 276 390
Predicate, intermediate      130 134 152 263
Predicate, name of      5 8 12 21 35 286 350
Predicate, probability      6 15 165
Predicate, property      6 9—10 13 14 55 286
Predicate, relational-database      6 14
Predicate, relationship      6 10—12 14 52 55 286
Predicate, reverse      286
Predicate, type      6—8 11 12 13
prefer predicate      149—151 247 248
Prefix form      76—77 396
Premise      see Rule right
Prepositional logic      381—383
probability      164—185 209—211 312—313 314 316 324—325 369
Probability, a priori      174
Probability, and-to-or relationship      169 175
Probability, backward reasoning connection      166
Probability, conditional      166 318
Probability, consistency      185
Probability, distribution      324
Probability, evidence      165
Probability, for negation of conditions      177
Probability, heuristic nature      167
Probability, in natural language      183
Probability, in query rearrangement      311—313 315
Probability, in relaxation      324—325
Probability, maximum-entropy      184—185
Probability, obtaining from experts      182—183 184—185
Probability, obtaining from statistics      180—182
Probability, predicate expressions with      see Predicate probability
Probability, rule      165 167 170—171 211
Probability, success      311—313 315 316—318 319
Procedural attachment      292
Procedural interpretation      81—82 84—85 240 349 351—352 387
Procedural net      281—282
Procedure      see Rule
Procedure-oriented programming      292
Production      see Rule
Production system      see Rule-based system
Programming languages (other and conventional)      2 6 8 9 22 28 29 35 37 43 46 49 59 66 75 135 144 151 238 389—392
Programming style      see Prolog programming
Prolog: database      20 23 27 191 350 394—395
Prolog: dialects      4 399—401
Prolog: interpreter      19—37 27 35—36 44 46 66 77 100 105 319 355 395
Prolog: language      4—15 19 25
Prolog: programming style in      46 65—66 84 395
Prolog: programs      47 65—66
Prolog: summary of the dialect used in this book      393—398
Proof: by contradiction      354 355 357
Proof: by resolution      355
Proposition      381—384
Prototype      see Frame
Pruning      199
Pseudo-Prolog      352—353 354
Psychology      see Human reasoning
Quantification, existential      45 56 139 238 350 354 384—385
Quantification, universal      45 48 56 139 141 354 383—384
Query      19—37 43—44 46 395
Query mode      19
Question to a computer user      111 127 128—129 143—146 152
questioncode predicate      128 129 144
Questionnaire      143 146 372
QUEUE      233 390 391
Randomness in control structures      115
read predicate      126 394 396
real-time performance      65 112 249 372—373
Reasoning      see Inference
recommended predicate      268—269 272
Recursion      46 47 52—53 55 57 59—60 66 80—87 136 225 230 231—232 238—239 241 264 269—270 276—280 385—388 390 392
Recursion, basis steps      80 385—387 392
Recursion, checklist for      387—388
Recursion, decomposition in      385—387
Recursion, double      269
Recursion, independence of variables in each call      53
Recursion, induction steps      80 385—388 392
Recursion, superiority to iteration      385
recursion, tail      78 80 386—387 392
Recursion, variables in      387—388
Reductionism      2 372
Redundancy      55 58 88—89 240 354
Relational database      14
Relaxation      321—342 369
Relaxation, double      326 336—342
Relaxation, mathematical analysis      324 325
Relaxation, multiple-variable expressions in      322—330
Relaxation, pure      325—326 332—333
Relaxation, single-variable expressions in      322 326 327 330
Repair      see Automobile repair Flashlight or
repeat predicate      240 397
Resolution      349—360 382
Resolution with variables      356—357 360
Resolution, breadth-first strategy      357—358
Resolution, conflict      see Control structure
Resolution, facts in      see Fact in
Resolution, implementation      359—360
Resolution, search strategies      357—358
Resolution, set-of-support strategy      358
Resolution, unit-preference strategy      358
Resolvent      355 357
retract predicate      101 394 395
Robotics      2
Route planning      193 194 195 200 201 202 204 205 206 208 224—226 249 365
Rule      43—66 395
Rule collapsing      357 358
Rule, alternative forms for chaining      135 136 146—148
Rule, collapsing      152
Rule, defining with      43—46 74 88
Rule, definition symbol (:-)      25 43 45 395
Rule, duplicate      155 229
Rule, if-needed      see Procedural attachment
Rule, inheritance      see Inheritance
Rule, interpretation      43—45
Rule, leftside      43 45 164 395
Rule, locality      292
Rule, multiline      46
Rule, multiple things on the left side      48
Rule, order of      46 64 100 106 108 116
Rule, purposes      43 60 74
Rule, returning values from      44
Rule, right side      43 45 164 395
Rule, schema      365 370
Rule, specificity      108
Rule, sufficiency of conditions      46
Rule, transitivity      see Transitivity
Rule, variables in      see Variable
Rule, without a right side      48
Rule-based system      99—185 191 208—211 224 240 248 282 366 367—368 370
Rule-cycle hybrid control structure      100 105—107 135—137 142
Rule-cycle hybrid control structure, handling of not      see not predicate rule-cycle
Rule-cycle hybrid control structure, implementation      135—137 142 148
Scheduling      307—309 315—316 364
Script      288 370
Search      155 191—282 357—358 369
Search, A*      197 203 204 211 244—247
Search, and-or tree      192
Search, backward      205
Search, beam      252
Search, best-first      197 201 203 204 205 211 233 241—245 247 248
Search, bidirectional      205 206
Search, branch-and-bound      197 203 211
Search, breadth-first      197 198 201 204 232—236 237 238 241 247 248 357—358
Search, cycle in      198
Search, decomposition      205 206 263
Search, depth-first      197—198 199 201 204 205 225 227 229—232 238 247—248 280 358 371
Search, graph representation      194—196 200 202 206 276
Search, heuristic      191 (see Search)
Search, hill-climbing      197 201 211
Search, implementation      223—249
Search, lattice      see Search graph
Search, level in      198 233
Search, locality of      280
Search, means-ends      see Means-ends analysis
Search, monotonic      see Monotonicity
Search, optimal-path      194 203
Search, path      195 203
Search, postcondition      see Postcondition
Search, precondition      see Precondition
Search, sequential      35
Search, solution to      224 225 232 243 244
Search, space      207
Search, strategy      197 199
Search, tree      see Search graph
Search, uncertainty of the real world in      281
Semantic network      12—13 14 46—47 58 295
Semantics      5 299
Semicolon in Prolog      22—23 24 25 31 64—65 395
Set      12 78 390
Side effect      75 101 126 228 238 274 312 394—395 396 397 398
Simulation      2 113 292
singlemember predicate      239 268 270
Skolem function      354
Slot      286—287 288—290 292 293 297 300
Slot, definitional      287 289
Slot, expectation from      297
Slot, filled versus unfilled      286—287
Slot, inheritance      see Inheritance slot
Slot, qualifying      287—288 293 296 297
Smalltalk      285 292
Smoothing      212
Software engineering      1 364
sort predicate      88
Space character in Prolog      75 76 395 396
Space for storage      11 199 207 302 372—373 389—392
Specification of a program      2 66 385
Speech recognition      249
Speed of Prolog programs and queries      see Efficiency
square predicate      76—77
STACK      35 198 390 391
State      192
State, change of      see Branch
State, goal      194 196 197 203 205 207 211 214 223 263 264 269
State, intermediate      206
State, partial description of      268 269
State, start      194 197 205 224 264 269
State, successor      197 223 224
State, transition from      see Branch
State, visiting of      197 198 201 230
Statement      see Proposition
Statistics      181—182 193 292 369
Stock market      168
Storage space      see Space for storage
String      see Character string
Structure      5
Structured-object description      see Frame
Subconclusion      369—371
Subdatabase      153
Subdiagnosis      132
Subframe      290
subquery      28—29
SUBROUTINE      see Rule
subset predicate      87 270 359
Subtype      see Predicate type
Success      20 28 44 366
Successor      197 207 248
successor predicate      154 223 224 228 230 248 249 264
Summarization of trace information      370—371
Superboss      30—32 45
Syntax      see Grammar
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