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Bethe H.A., Salpeter E.E. — Quantum Mechanics of One-and-Two-Electron Atoms |
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states in an electric field 286
coupling 197
coupling, interaction energy 198
Absorption cross-section 296
Absorption spectra 258
Alkali atoms 85
Alkali spectra 292
Allen, S.J. 307
Aller, L.H. 154 317
Angular distribution of Bremsstrahlung electrons 329
Angular distribution of photons 331
Angular distribution without retardation 308
Angular frequency 248
Angular momentum matrix elements 56 348
Angular momentum operator 56 348
Anomalous magnetic moment of the electron 93 218 351 352 356
Araki, G. 187 355
Arnowitt, R. 112
Aron, W., and A.Zuchelli 352
Ashkin, H.A.Bethe and E.Segre 323 336
Ashkin, J., and H.A.Bethe 313
Asymptotic hydrogen wave-function 22
Asymptotic wave function 46 156
Atanasoff, J.V. 246
Atomic beam resonance method 224
Atomic form factor 325
Atomic units (a.u.) 2
Auger effect 125 295
Bacher, R., and S.Goudsmit 223
Back, E., and A.Lande 223
Bakker, C.J. 281
Balmer series 10
Balmer series, radial integrals and transition probabilities 262
Balmer's formula 8
Baranger, M., H.A.Bethe and R.Feynman 97 106
Barker, W., and F.Glover 101 183 196
Barrier penetration factor 238
Bartlett, and R.E.Watson 75
Bartlett, J.Gibbons and C.Dunn 151
Bartlett, J.H. 161
Bear den, J., and J.Thomsen 106
Bechert, and J.Meixner 195
Bechert, K. 68
Benedetti, S.de, and H.C.Corben 114
Berestetski, V., and L.Landau 117 183
Berger, J.M. 359
Beringer, R., and M.Heald 113 226
Bernstein, D., and W.K.Panofski 343
Bersohn, R. 106
Bethe — Heitler formula 336
Bethe — Heitler, Coulomb corrections 342 359
Bethe — Salpeter wave equation 196
Bethe, H.A. 80 92 97 146 155 296 338
Bethe, H.A., and L.Maximon 342
Bethe, H.A., and W.Heitler 336
Bethe, H.A., E.E.Salpeter 195
Bethe, H.A., G.Breit 32 296
Bethe, H.A., H.Davies and L.Maximon 342
Bethe, H.A., J.Ashkin 313
Bethe, H.A., J.Ashkin and E.Segre 323 336
Bethe, H.A., L.M.Brown and J.R.Stehn 103 308 319
Bethe, H.A., M.Baranger and R.Feynman 97 106
Bird, J.F. 192
Bird, J.F., T.Kinoshita, D.Bowers and P.Kabir 164
Blaton, J. 281
Blatt, J., and V.Weisskopf 284
Bloch, F., and A.Nordsieck 94
Bloch, F., and C.Jeffries 226
Bohr energy relation 248
Bohr magneton 56 206
Bohr radius 3
Bohr, A. 114
Born approximation 35 45 47 299 324
Born approximation, deviations 315 341
Born approximation, first order 301
Born approximation, relativistic 312
Born approximation, zero order 301
Born, M., W.Heisenberg and P.Jordan 260
Borsellino, A. 343
Bound-free transitions 295
Bowers, D., T.Kinoshita, J.F.Bird and P.Kabir 164 192
BRACKETT-series 10
Braden, R.T. 354
Bradley, L., and H.Kuhn 169
Breen, F., Chandrasekhar 318
Breit equation 171
Breit equation, reduced, in momentum space 178
Breit equation, reduced, in position space 181
Breit equation, without external field 192
Breit — Margenau corrections 222
Breit, G. 111 159 170 183 187 198 213 223 296
Breit, G., and E.Teller 285
Breit, G., and F.Doermann 158 204
Breit, G., and H.A.Bethe 32
Breit, G., and J.Rabi 216
Breit, G., and R.Meyerott 112
Breit, G., G.Brown 195
Bremsstrahlung, average energy loss due to 330 340
Bremsstrahlung, cross-section without retardation 327
Bremsstrahlung, electrons, angular distribution 329
Bremsstrahlung, Elwert's expression 332
Bremsstrahlung, in the field of an electron 342
Bremsstrahlung, polarization 328
Bremsstrahlung, Sommerfeld differential cross-section 331
Brenner, S., and G.E.Brown 89 200
Brenner, S., G.E.Brown, R.E.Peierls and J.Woodward 313
Brett operator 173
Brickwedde, F.G., H.C.Urey and G.M.Murphy 26
Brillouin, L. 234
Brinkman, H.C. 278
Brown, G.E. 198
Brown, G.E., and D.F.Mayers 358
Brown, G.E., and G.Breit 195
Brown, G.E., and G.Ravenhall 177
Brown, G.E., S.Brenner 89 200
Brown, G.E., S.Brenner, R.Peierls and J.Woodward 313
Brown, K.L. 342
Brown, L.M., H.A.Bethe and J.R.Stehn 103 308 319
Brown, S., R.Weinstein and M.Deutsch 118
Buckingham, R., H.Hulme, J.McDougal and R.Fowler 315
Burhop, E.H., and H.S.Massey 69 295
Cascade transitions 268
Central field approximations 85
Central potential 32
Chalk, L., J.St.Foster 276
Chandrasekhar, S. 156 252 316
Chandrasekhar, S.and F.Breen 318
Chandrasekhar, S.and G.Herzberg 151 356
Chandrasekhar, S.G.Herzberg and A.Elbert 150
Charge distribution 145
Charplyvy, Z.V. 183
Cherry, J., L.Wilets 165
Chew, G.F.and F.E.Low 44
Christy, R., and J.Keller 88
Clendenin, W., P.Luke and R.E.Meyerott 158 161 204
Clogston, A., L.Goldberger 159
Cohen, E.R. 12 217
Cohen, E.R., J.W.M.DuMond 3 26
Cohen, S. 89 198 200
Collisions, effect on the, 2S-state 286
Commutation relations 47 52
Complete set of functions 42
Compton effect 314
Compton wavelength 65 313
Confluent hypergeometric function 12
Continuous spectrum 21 29 40
Coolidge, A., and M.James 160
Corben, H.C., S.de Benedetti 114
Coulomb corrections 342 359
Coulomb functions, irregular 24
| Coulomb integral 132
Coulomb integral, direct 133
Coulomb interaction, instantaneous 171
Coulomb scattering in large angles 322 330
Coulson, C.A., R.McWeeny 38
Coupling constant 90
Covariant calculation 49 91 95
Covariant two-body formalism 196
Cross section, differential 33
Crossed fields 287
Cyclotron frequency of charged particles 226
Dalgarno, A., and J.Lewis 357
Dalgarno, A., and N.Lynn 357 358
Dalitz, R.H. 76
Dancoff, S.M. 175
Darwin, C.G. 63 71
Darwin, K. 212
Davies, H., H.A.Bethe and L.Maximon 342
Davis, L. 69
Dayhoff, E., S.Triebwasser and W.Lamb 105 106
Decay probability 251
Delta function 180
Deutsch, M., R.Weinstein and S.Brown 118
Dhar, S., J.Mclntyre 352
Diamagnetic corrections 227 353
Diamagnetism 218
Diamagnetism of helium 227 357
Dielectric constant of helium 246 357
Dipole approximation 269
Dipole moment, electric 280
Dipole moment, magnetic 280
Dipole moments for hydrogen 264
Dipole radiation, magnetic 223 270 282
Dipole transitions, magnetic, from 285
Dirac equation, continuous spectrum 71
Dirac equation, in momentum space 78
Dirac equation, modified 50
Dirac equation, quadratic 50 55
Dirac functions, in the Coulomb field 69
Dirac functions, irregular 70
Dirac moment 207
Dirac operators 47
Dirac wave equation 47
Dirac wavefunctions, small and large components 54
Dirac, P.A.M. 47 63 76 279
Discrete spectrum 27 36
Doermann, F., G.Breit 158 204
Doggett, J., and L.Spencer 75
Doppler broadening 292
Double excitations 255
Double scattering experiments 75
Doubly excited He-states 125
Driscoll, R.L., H.A.Thomas and J.A.Hippie 226
DuMond, J.W.M., and E.R.Cohen 3 26 106
DuMond, J.W.M., R.L.Shacklett 3 51
Dunn, C., J.Bartlett and J.Gibbons 151
Dyson, F.J. 92 106 177
Eckart, C. 158
Eckart, C., D.S.Hughes 167
Effective charge 148
Einstein relation between probabilities of inverse processes 296
Elbert, D., S.Chandrasekhar and G.Herzberg 150
Electric and magnetic fields crossed 287
Electron radius, classical 71 313
Electron, spectroscopic mass 26
Elliptic coordinates 146
Elton, L.R. 71
Elwert's expression for Bremsstrahlung 332
Elwert's semi-empirical factor 341
Elwert, G. 332 341
Emission spectra 255
Energy loss due to Bremsstrahlung 330 340
Energy shell, in momentum space 43 44
Eriksson, H.A. 151 153 183 192
Essen, L. 357
Even operators 83
Exchange frequency 132
Exchange integral 132 135
exchange interaction 199
Excitation conditions 290
Excitation energy, average 99
Expansion in Legendre polynomials 161 355
Expansion in powers of, 1/Z 128 153
expectation value 162 164
Expectation values of 17
Feenberg, E., G.Pake 51
Fermi, E. 86 110 293
Ferrell, R.A. 117
Feshbach, H. 75
Feshbach, H., McKinley 76
Feynman diagrams 90 91
Feynman, R.P. 90 92 99 200
Feynman, R.P., H.A.Bethe and M.Baranger 97 106
Fierz, M., W.Pauli 94
Fine structure constant 84 104 352
Fine structure formula 83 351
Fine structure intensities of 274
Fine structure splitting 84
Fine structure splitting, numerical results 189 355
Fine structure splitting, of helium 183
Fischer, J. 29 310
Fock space 176
Fock's method for helium 130 140 354
Fock, V. 36 39 130 140 151
Foersterling, K., and G.Hansen 223
Foldy Wouthuysen transformation 83
Foldy, L.L. 103
Foldy, L.L.and S.Wouthuysen 83
Foley, H. 222
Foley, H., A.Sessler 183 205
Foley, H., J.Sucher 181 192
Foley, H., P.Kusch 225
Forbidden lines 246
Forbidden transitions 278
Foster, J.St. 241 244 276
Foster, J.St.and L.Chalk 276
Fourier transform 179
Fowler, R., H.Hulme, R.McDougal and R.Buckingham 315
Franck — Condon principle 138
Franken, P., and S.Koenig 222
Franken, P., and S.Liebes 356
Fred, M. 169 188 203
Free-free absorptive transition 334
French, J., and V.Weisskopf 92
Fuchs, R. 154
Fues, E. 21
Fulton, T., and P.Martin 118
Furry, W.H. 342
Gardner, J., and E.Purcell 226
Gaunt, J.A. 308 332
Gaunt, L. 183
Gegenbauer function 39
Gell — Mann, M., and F.E.Low 195
Gibbon, J., J.Bartlett and C.Dunn 151
Glover, F., W.Barker 101
Goldberger, M.L. 40
Goldberger, M.L.and A.Clogston 159
Gombas, P. 86
Good, R.H. 47
Goppert — Mayer, M. 285
Gordon, W. 12 20 21 30 32 33 63 65 262 276
Goudsmit, S., R.Bacher 223
Grant, LP. 358
Green, L.C. 161 355
Greifinger, C. 114
Greisen, K., B.Rossi 336
Grotrian, W. 11
Guettinger, P. 203
Guettinger, P.and W.Pauli 203
Guth, E., and C.J.Mullin 45
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