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Bethe H.A., Salpeter E.E. — Quantum Mechanics of One-and-Two-Electron Atoms |
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Hall's high energy expression for the photoeffect 315
Hall, H. 295 307 315
Hamermesh, M. 169 188 203
Hansen, G., K.Foersterling 223
Harriman, J.M. 106 260 264 307 319
Hart, J., and G.Herzberg 355 356
Hartree ionization potential 144
Hartree wave function 144
Hartree — Fock method 130 140 354
Hartree, D.R. 85 129 143
Hasse, H.R. 246
Havens, G.G. 357
Heald, M., R.Beringer 113 226
Heberle, J., P.Kusch and H.Reich 352
Hector, L.G., A.P.Wills 228
Heisenberg's method for helium 129
Heisenberg's method, first order for excited helium states 131 354
Heisenberg, W. 129 134 135 183
Heisenberg, W., M.Born and P.Jordan 260
Heitler, W., H.A.Bethe 336
Helium, level scheme 124
Helium, levels, experimental energies 127
Helium, wavefunctions, symmetry 118
Helium-like ions 127
Henrich, L.R. 151 155
Herzberg, G. 104
Herzberg, G., J.Hart 355 356
Herzberg, G., S.Chandrasekhar 151 356
Herzberg, G., S.Chandrasekhar and D.Elbert 150
Herzberg, G.and R.Zbinden 153
Highly-excited S-states 141 354
Hippie, J.A., H.A.Thomas and R.L.Driscoll 226
Hiyama, S., Y.Ishida 233
Hobson, E.W. 344
Hoenl, H. 273
Hole theory 77
Holoien, E. 355
Hough, P.V. 339
Houston, W., L.Kinsler 223
Huang, S. 117
Huff, L.D. 213
Hughes, D.S., and C.Eckart 167
Hughes, D.S., G.Weinreich 204
Hughes, D.S., V., W.Teutsch 204
Hughes, D.S., W.Perl 222
Hulme, H., J.McDougal, R.Buckingham and R.Fowler 315
Hydrogen atom, charge distribution 16
Hydrogen ion, negative 154 316
Hydrogen radial eigenf unction 15
Hydrogen wave-function, asymptotic expression 22
Hydrogen, normalized eigenfunctions 15
Hydrogen-like approximation 155
Hylleraas expansion 148
Hylleraas, E.A. 36 128 130 134 136 141 146 150 152 154 155
Hylleraas, E.A.and B.Undheim 158 159
Hylleraas, E.A.and J.Midtal 151 153 155
Hynek, J.A. 283
Hyperfine structure 107—114 201—204
Hyperfine structure in, 2 S-state of H 110 352
Hyperfine structure operator 107
Hyperfine structure, Fermi formula 352
Hyperfine structure, nuclear motion corrections 110
Hyperfine structure, of the triplet S-state 203
Hyperfine structure, radiative corrections 111 353
Induced emission 224
Infrared catastrophe 93
Inner quantum number 53
Intensities, dynamical 267
Intensities, for hydrogen 267
Intensities, in parabolic coordinates 276
Intensities, in triplet spectra 275
Intensities, of electric quadrupole radiation 281
Intensities, of fine structure of 274
Intensities, of Stark effect components 277
Intensities, statistical 267
Intensity formulas 273
Intermediate states 90
Ionization limit, classical 236
Ionization potential for helium-like ions 192 356
Ionization potential, variational 150
Ishida, Y., and S.Hiyama 233
Isotope shift 169
James, H., and F.Yost 161
James, M., A.Coolidge 160
Jauch, J., and F.Rohrlich 94
Jeffries, C., F.Bloch 226
Joenssen, E. 307
Johnson, M., and B.Lippmann 213
K-absorption jump 307
K-absorption limit 305
K-shell 88
K-shell absorption coefficient 304
Kabir, P., and E.E.Salpeter 191 320 358
Kabir, P., T.Kinoshita, D.Bowers and J.F.Bird 164
Karplus, R., A.Klein and J.Schwinger 97
Karplus, R., and J.Klein 111 118 196
Karplus, R., and N.Kroll 93 106 218
Kato, T. 151
Katzenstein, J. 326
Keiffer, D., P.McCormick and G.Parzen 359
Keller, G., and R.Meyerott 317
Keller, G., J., R.Christy 88
Kellner, G.W. 130 146
Kinetic energy, local 234
Kinoshita, T. 150 169 191 355 356
Kinoshita, T., D.Bowers, J.F.Bird and P.Kabir 164
Kinoshita, T., M.Nauenberg and R.F.Peierls 356
Kinsler, L., and W.Houston 223
Kirkpatrick, P., and L.Wiedmann 333 334
Kirkwood, J.G. 256
Kirkwood, J.G., J.C.Slater 246
Klein — Gordon equation 50 205
Klein — Nishina formula 314
Klein, A. 106
Klein, A., R.Karplus and J.Sch winger 97
Klein, J., R.Karplus 111 196
Koenig, S. 113
Koenig, S., A.Prodell and P.Kusch 226
Koenig, S., P.Franken 222
Kramers, H.A. 234
Kroll, N.M., and F.Pollock 111
Kroll, N.M., and W.Lamb 92
Kroll, N.M., E.Wichman 97
Kroll, N.M., R.Karplus 93 106
Kuhn, H., L.Bradley 169
Kulsrud, R. 317
Kupper, A. 264
Kusch, P., A.Prodell 113
Kusch, P., and H.Foley 225
Kusch, P., and H.Taub 222
Kusch, P., J.Heberle and H.Reich 352
Kusch, P., S.Koenig and A.Prodell 226
L-shell 88
L-shell absorption coefficient 306
Laguerre functions 13 21
Laguerre functions, integral representation 21
Lamb experiments 104
Lamb shift diagram 91
Lamb shift excitation energy 320
Lamb shift in helium 190 356
Lamb shift in lowest order 103
Lamb shift plus Stark effect 240
Lamb shift splitting 285
Lamb shift with retardation 100
Lamb shift, nonrelativistic 97
Lamb shift, numerical values 107 352
Lamb, W.E. 85 105 214 287 352 355
Lamb, W.E., and R.C.Retherford 104 286
Lamb, W.E., E.Dayhoff and S.Triebwasser 105 106
Lamb, W.E., J.Wheeler 343
| Lamb, W.E., N.M.Kroll 92
Lamb, W.E., T.Maiman 188 355
Lanczos, C. 234 235 238
Landau, L., V.Berestetski 117
Lande factor 209 221 225
Lande, A., E.Back 223
Laplace operator 345
Laporte's rule 255
Larmor precession 206
Legendre polynomials 344—348
Level scheme for large Z 196
Levinger, J.S., M.Rustgi and K.Okamoto 358
Levinger, J.S., W.Payne 294
Levy, M. 38 78
Levy, M., D.Yennie and D.Ravenhall 352
Lew, H. 222
Liebes, S., P.Franken 356
Lifetimes in electric fields 289
Lindsay, R.B., W.S.Wilson 143 145
Lippmann, B.A., and J.Sch winger 40
Lippmann, B.A., M.Johnson 213
Lipworth, E., R.Novick and P.Yergin 106
Local energy 160
Local energy, kinetic energy 234
LoEwdin, P.O., and H.Schull 355
Lohmann, W. 220
Lomon, E.L. 94
Lorentz gauge condition 50
Lorentz triplet 207 209
Lorentz triplet in the normal ZEEMAN-effect 254
Low, F.E. 114
Low, F.E., G.F.Chew 41
Low, F.E., Gell — Mann 195
Ludwig, G. 140
Lueders, G. 238 241 286
Luke, P., R.E.Meyerott and W.Clendenin 158 161 204
Lyman series 10
Lyman series, intensities in parabolic coordinates 277
Lyman series, mean oscillator strengths 263
Lyman series, radial integrals and transition probabilities 262
Lynn, N., A.Dalgarno 357 358
Mack, J.E. 89
Magnetic and electric fields crossed 287
Magnetic anomalous moment of the electron 57 351
Magnetic moment of the electron, Dirac term 50
Magnetic moment of the electron, Pauli term 50 57
magnetic quantum number 6
magnetic susceptibility 227
Magnus, W., and F.Oberhettinger 344
Maiman, T., and W.Lamb 188 355
Mann, A. 222
Margenau, H. 213 357
Mark, H., and R.Wierl 276
Martin, P., T.Fulton 118
Mass, bare 98
Mass, correction, elementary 167
Mass, correction, exchange 167
Mass, correction, polarization 168 356
Mass, observed 98
Mass, reduced 166
Mass, renormalization 93
Massey, H.S., and E.H.Burhop 69 295
Matrix element of a dipole 252
Matrix element of a gradient 252
Matrix element of acceleration 252
Maue, A., A.Sommerfeld 331
Maximon, L.C., H.A.Bethe 342
Maximon, L.C., H.Davies and H.A.Bethe 342
Maximon, L.C., H.Olsen and H.Wergeland 359
Maxwell, L.R. 264
May, M., and Z.Wick 336
Mayers, D.F., G.E.Brown 358
McCormick, P., D.Keiffer and G.Parzen 359
McDougal, J., H., Hulme, R., Buckingham and R.Fowler 315
McKinley, W.A., and H.Feshbach 76
Mclntyre, J., and S.Dhar 352
McWeeny, R., and C.A.Coulson 38 162
Mean lifetime 266
Mean values of 17
Meixner, J. 12 344
Meixner, J., K.Bechert 195
Menzel, D., and C.Pekeris 308
Metastable state of hydrogen and deuterium 105 268 185
Meyerott, R.E. 143 204
Meyerott, R.E., G.Breit 112
Meyerott, R.E., G.Keller 317
Meyerott, R.E., P.Luke and W.Clendenin 158 161
Microwave resonance absorption method 224
Midtdal, J., H.A.Hylleraas 151
Millman, S. 216
Minimum momentum transfer 337
Mitler, H. 161
Mixed representation 78
Moment of the atomic state 212 217
Momentum space 36 162 174
Momentum space wave functions 39 45
Momentum space, Dirac equation 78
Momentum space, reduced Breit equation 178
Moore, C.E. 127 136
Morse, P.M., E.C.G.Stuckelberg 321
Mott, N.F. 76
Motz, J.W. 341
Mullin, C.J., E.Guth 45
Multiplet, regular 186
Multipole expansion 278
Multipole radiation 270 281—285
Murphy, G.M., H.C.Urey and F.G.Brickwedde 26
Nauenberg, M., T.Kinoshita and R.F.Peierls 356
Nebular lines 284
Negative energy states 76 173
Newcomb, W., and E.Salpeter 112
Nordsieck, A., F.Bloch 94
Normalization for continuous spectrum 22
Novick, R., E.Lipworth and P.Yergin 106
Nuclear magneton 109
Nuclear moment 109
Nuclear radius 102
Nuclear spin 201 215
Nuclear structure correction 102 113 352
Nucleus, motion of the 25 101 166
Oberhettinger, F., W.Magnus 344
Occupation numbers 290
Octupole transitions, electric 284
Okamoto, K., J.S.Levinger and M.Rustgi 358
Olsen, H. 323 342
Olsen, H., L.C.Maximon and H.Wergeland 359
Opacity, stellar 317
Operator manipulation 260
Oppenheimer, J.R. 170 235
Orbital angular momentum operator 7 52
Ore, A., and J.Powell 115
Ornstein, L., and H.Lindemann 268
Ortho-helium 119 184
Ortho-state 120
Oscillator strength 250
Oscillator strengths of alkali-atoms 283
Oscillator strengths, asymptotic formula 265
Oscillator strengths, for hydrogen 265
Oscillator strengths, mean, of the LYMAN-series 263
Oscillator strengths, relativistic 294
Oscillator strengths, summed 269 308
Overlap charge density 140
Pair annihilation, virtual 116
Pair creation 314 343
Pair theory 77 174
Pake, G., and E.Feenberg 51
Panofski, W.K., D.Bernstein 343
Para-helium 119
Para-state 120
Parabolic coordinates 27
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