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Bethe H.A., Salpeter E.E. — Quantum Mechanics of One-and-Two-Electron Atoms |
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Parabolic quantization, charge distribution 29
Parity 8 228 255
Partial sum rule 256
Partial transition regions of the Stark effect for weak fields 245
Partial wave solutions 45
Particles, "bare" 175
Parzen, G., P.McCormick and D.Keiffer 359
Paschen — Back effect, complete 210 220
Paschen — Back effect, general 211
Paschen — Back effect, partial 210
Pauli approximation 56 57.178 269
Pauli exclusion principle 126
Pauli spinors 212
Pauli, W. 51 54 56
Pauli, W., P.Guttinger 203
Pauli, W.and M.Fierz 94
Pauling, L. 13 86
Pauling, L., B.Podolanski 39
Payne, W.B. 69 294
Payne, W.B.and J.Levinger 294
Peierls, R.E., S.Brenner, G.Brown and J.Woodward 313
Peierls, R.F., T.Kinoshita and R.F.Peierls 356
Pekeris, C., D.Menzel 308
Perl, W., and V.Hughes 222
Perturbation theory, unsymmetric 123
Phase relation 290
Phase shift 46
Phillips, M. 222
Photoeffect, Hall's high-energy expression 315
Photoelectric absorption coefficient 306
Photoelectric cross-section, forward shift of the maximum 311
Pirenne, J. 117
Plane wave plus incoming spherical wave 296 323
Podolanski, B., and L.Pauling 39
Polarization for excited helium states 137
Polarization of an electron beam 75
Polarization of Bremsstrahlung 328
Polarization of photons 336
Pollock, F., N.M.Kroll 111
Positronium 114
Positronium ground state 117
Positronium in Pauli approximation 115
Positronium, fine structure 114
Positronium, lifetime 115
Positronium, radiative corrections 117
Powell, J., A.Ore 115
Preston, M.A. 279
principal quantum number 9
Principal quantum number, apparent 68
Principal series 293
Principal value 41
Prodell, A., and P.Kusch 113
Prodell, A., S.Koenig and P.Kusch 226
Projection operator 260
Projection operators of Casimir 79
Proton anomalous moment, structure 112
Proton electron mass ratio 226
Proton radius 103 113 352 354
Proton resonance experiments 226
Purcell, E.M. 286
Purcell, E.M., J.Gardner 226
Quadrupole intensities, electric 281
Quadrupole moment, electric 280
Quantum electrodynamics 89
Quenching of lines by strong field 324 253 238
Rabi, J., G.Breit 216
Radial eigenfunctions 15 69
Radiation field, virtual 90
Radiation width 284
Radiative capture 322
Radiative corrections 77 89
Ramberg, E., and F.Richtmyer 295
Rausch v.Traubenberg, H. 234
Ravenhall, D.G., D.R.Yennie and R.N.Wilson 34 71 75
Ravenhall, D.G., D.Yennie and M.Levy 352
Ravenhall, D.G., G.E.Brown 177
Recombination processes 321
Red shift 233
Redhead, M.L. 343
Reich, H., J.Heberle and H.Reich 352
Renormalization 92
Rest-mass energy 47
Retardation 249
Retardation correction 182
Retardation effects 310
Retardation neglected 100 298
Retherford, R.C., W.E.Lamb 104
Richtmyer, F., E.Ramberg 295
Ritz variation method 121
Ritz — Paschen series 10
Robinson, A.O. 177
Robinson, H.A. I69
Rohrlich, F., J.Jauch 94
Rojansky, V. 238 241
Rose, M.E. 278
Rossi, B., and K.Greisen 336
Rubinowicz, A. 78 281
Russell — Saunders approximation 219 255 271 282
Russell — Saunders coupling 219
Rustgi, M., J.S.Levinger and K.Okamoto 358
Rutherford scattering 30
Rydberg constant 12
Rydberg constant for hydrogen 27
Rydberg correction for highly excited S-states 143
Rydberg corrections 136
Rydberg Coulomb correction 134
Rydberg exchange correction 135
Rydberg frequency 3
Rydberg polarization correction 139
S-matrix 89
Sachs, R.G. 284
Salpeter, E.E. 38 40 80 101 102 106 114 196
Salpeter, E.E., P.Kabir 191 320
Salpeter, E.E., W.Newcomb 112
Salpeter, E.E.and H.A.Bethe 195
Salwen, H. 224
Sambursky, S. 281
Sauter formula, correction factors 312 315
Sauter, F. 310 312 329
Sauter, F., B.M.Strobbe 305
Saxon, D. 89
Scattering amplitude 33
Scattering amplitudes, relativistic 74
Scattering asymmetry factor 75
Scattering cross-section of Thomson 312 313
Scattering of light 314
Scattering, extreme relativistic 72
Schawlow, A., and C.Townes 88 102
Scherzer, O. 329
Schiff, L., and H.Snyder 217
Schlapp, R. 238
Schroedinger's equation 4
Schroedinger's variational principle 146
Schroedinger, E. 8 13 20 27 276
Schueler, H. 188
Schull, H., P.O.Lowdin 355
Schur, G. 310 311
Schur, G., A.Sommerfeld 13 20 304
Schwartz, H.M. 150
Schwinger, J. 92 106 195
Schwinger, J., B.A.Lippmann 40
Schwinger, J., H.A.Bethe and J.Ashkin 323 336
Schwinger, J., R.Karplus and A.Klein 97
screening 85 297 325 334 340
Screening constant, inner 297
Screening factor, constant 128
Screening, atomic 334
Screening, complete 340
Screening, Sommerfeld's empirical 88
Segre, E. 278 313
| Selection rule for the magnetic quantum number 253
Selection rule for the orbital quantum number 253
Selection rules 252 271
Selection rules, weakening by an electric field 246
Self-consistent field 85 129 143 145 292
Self-energy diagram 91
Self-energy of the electron 98
Self-energy, transverse 91
Series, G.W. 104
Sessler, A., and H.Foley 183 205
Shacklett, R.L., and J.W.DuMond 351
Sherman, N. 75
Showers of the soft component 344
Simons, L. 114
Single-particle potentials 128
Single-particle wave functions 85
Singlet system 120
Sjoergen, K. 231
Slack, F.G. 231 264
Slater, J.C. 86 227
Slater, J.C.and J.G.Kirkwood 246
Smith, L.P. 142 323 354
Snyder, H., L.Schiff 217
Sommer, H. 226
Sommerfeld's differential cross-section for Bremsstrahlung 331 359
Sommerfeld, A. 8 18 30 84 331 359
Sommerfeld, A.and A.Maue 331
Sommerfeld, A.and A.Unsold 274
Sommerfeld, A.and G.Schur 13 21 304
Sommerfield, CM. 351 357
Spectroscopic mass of electron 26
Spencer, L., J.Doggett 75
Spherical harmonics 5 344—349
Spherical harmonics addition theorem 349
Spherical harmonics, normalized 346
Spherical wave, incoming 32
Spherical wave, outgoing 30
Spin direction 62
Spin electron, Pauli theory 56 57
Spin flip 224
Spin matrices of Pauli 48
Spin operators of Dirac 48
Spin orbit coupling 58 182 185
Spin wave functions 19
Spin, total 187
Spin-spin interaction 182 186
Split notation (of Dirac matrices) 48 80
Spring, K.H. 295
Stark effect 139 228 248
Stark effect for strong fields 234
Stark effect plus Lamb shift 240
Stark effect, electric quantum number 230
Stark effect, linear 228 seq
Stark effect, parabolic coordinates 229
Stark effect, partial transition regions for weak fields 245
Stark effect, quadratic 232 242
Stark effect, weakening of the selection rules 246
Stark, J. 276
States in the continuum, average energy 265
Stearns, M. 339
Stehn, J.R., H.A.Bethe and J.R.Stehn 103 308 319
Stern — Gerlach experiments 212
Stibbs, D., R.Woolley 154
Stobbe formula 304
Stobbe, B.M. 22 306 321
Stobbe, B.M.and F.Sauter 305
Stone, A.P. 169
Stuckelberg, E.C.G., and P.M.Morse 321
Sucher, J., and H.Foley 181 192
Sugiura, Y. 183 264
Sum rules of quantum mechanics 255 256 272 357
Sum rules, examples 258
Sum rules, proof 259
Superposition of central field functions 161 355
Svartholm, N. 38
T-scale normalization 23
Tamm — Dancoff method 175 176
Tamm — Dancoff method, new 177
Tamm, I. 175
Taub, H., P.Kusch 222
Teller, E., G.Breit 285
Temple, G. 30
Teutsch, W., and V.Hughes 204
Thomas — Reiche — Kuhn rule 256 358
Thomas, H.A., Driscoll R.L.and Hippie, L.H. 57 86
Thomas, H.A., R.L.Driscoll and J.A.Hippie 226
Thomsen, J., J.Bearden 106
Thomson scattering cross-section 312 313
Three-parameter wave functions 155
Tolanski, S. 111
Total energy, apparent 298
Townes, C., A.Schawlow 88 102
Transition probabilities for hydrogen 266
Transition probabilities for hydrogen in polar coordinates 262
Transition probability 250
Transition probability, average 266
Transitions, bound-free 295
Transitions, free-free 317 334
Transitions, free-free absorption 334
Transitions, without change of principal quantum number 263
Triebwasser, S., E.Dayhoff and WT.Lamb 105 106
Triplet, inverted regular 186
Triplet, regular 186
Triplet, system 120
Trumpy, B. 293
Two-quantum annihilation 114
Two-quantum processes 285
Tycko, D.H. 355
Underhill, A.B. 276
Undheim, B., E.Hylleraas 158
Units, atomic 2
Unsold, A. 146 243 269
Unsold, A., A.Sommerfeld 274
Urey, H.C, F.G.Brickwedde and G.M.Murphy 26
Vacuum, bare 176
Vacuum, polarization 77
Vacuum, polarization diagram 91
Vacuum, real 177
Variation method 146
Variation method for helium 130
Variation perturbation method 122 152 247
Variational wave functions 151
Velocity of light 106
Vinti, J.P. 255 357
Virial theorem 18 165
Votruba, V. 343
Waller, I. 13
Watson, G.N., E.T.Whittaker 344
Watson, R.E., J.H.Bartlett 75
Wave function in product form 184
wave number 11
Weinreich, G. 222
Weinreich, G.and V.Hughes 204
Weinstein, R., M.Deutsch and S.Brown 118
Weinstock, R. 333
Weisskopf, V., E.Wigner 288
Weisskopf, V., J.Blatt 284
Weisskopf, V., J.French 92
Weneser, J. 106
Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin method (WKB method) 18 234 237
Wentzel, G. 29 30 177 234
Wergeland, H., H.Olsen and H.Wergeland 359
Wessel, W. 321
Weyl, H. 36
Wheeler, J., and W.Lamb 343
White, G.R. 295 307
White, H.E. 17 69
Whittaker, E.T., and G.N.Watson 344
Wichman, E., and N.M.Kroll 97
Wick, G., and M.May 336
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