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Hodgson E. — A Textbook of Modern Toxicology
Hodgson E. — A Textbook of Modern Toxicology

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Название: A Textbook of Modern Toxicology

Автор: Hodgson E.


Hodgson (toxicology, North Carolina State University) provides an accessible overview of toxicology, suitable for junior and senior undergraduate courses in environmental, pharmacological, medical, and veterinary toxicology. The text emphasizes the biochemical aspects of toxicology at the cellular and molecular levels, and readers are assumed to have some background in chemistry, biochemistry, and animal physiology. In this third edition, new contributors describe the latest work in their respective areas of specialization and discuss emerging topics such as molecular biological aspects of technology. A glossary and a summary section are included.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Медицина и здравоохранение/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Third edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 582

Добавлена в каталог: 12.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pregnancy, effects on metabolism      171
Pregnane X receptor (PXR)      196 197
Pregnenolone-16?-carbonitrile      191
Prevention of toxicity      411—421
Primitive streak      252
Procarcinogen      see Carcinogen
Procedural manuals      24
Progesterone      119
Progression      241
Proguanil      122
Promazine      265
Promethazine      129
Promoter insertion      245
Promotion      241—243 537
Propanolol      138
Propiconazole      310
Propofol      122
Prospective assessment      479—480
Prostaglandin synthase      132
Prostaglandin synthaseand cooxidation      112
Prostaglandins      132 274
Protein binding      97 270
Protein effects on metabolism      163
Protein, stabilization      198
Protein, synthesis      17 264 266
Proto-oncogene      245
Pulmonary toxicity      see Toxicity
Puromycin      265
Pyrethroid insecticides      61 222 477
Pyridoxine      165 166
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids      265
QA/QC manuals      24
QSAR      see Quantitative structure activity relationships
Quality assurance      27
Quality control      27
Quantitation      26
Quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR)      537
Quinidine      123 187
Quinones      151
Radiation      237
Radioimmunoassay      21
Rainbow trout      394
Rapamycin      123
RAS      246—247
RCRA      see Resource conservation and recovery act
Reactive intermediates (metabolites)      149—161 269 538
Reactive oxygen      149 151 267 322
Receptors, androgen      309
Receptors, ecdysone      307
Receptors, ecological      505—506 508
Receptors, estrogen      303 306 308
Receptors, glucocorticoid      309
Receptors, hormone receptor agonists      306
Receptors, hormone receptor antagonists      308
Receptors, nuclear      302—303
Receptors, retinoic acid      307
Receptors, retinoid X (RXR)      195 196 304 308 315
Receptors, steroid      303
Receptors, thyroid      303
Red book      367
Reduction reactions      133—135
Reference Dose (RfD)      see Acceptable daily intake
Regulation, of toxic chemicals      353—354 411
Regulatory agencies      354
Renal elimination      205—207
Renal system      see also Kidney
Renal system, blood flow      274
Renal system, cortex      273
Renal system, function      273
Renal system, structure      273
Renal system, susceptibility      274—275
Renal system, tubules      273 274 275
Renin      274
Reproductive physiology, female      346—347
Reproductive physiology, male      343—344
Reproductive toxicants      see Toxicants
Reproductive toxicity      see Toxicity
Resistance      see Adaptation to toxicants
Resource conservation and recovery act (RCRA)      414 538
Respiratory system and elimination      210
Respiratory system, anatomy      317
Respiratory system, cell types      317
Respiratory system, function      317
Respiratory system, lungs      210
Respiratory system, susceptibility      320
Respiratory toxicity      see Toxicity
Retinoic acid      122 304
Retinoic acid receptor      see Receptors
Retinol      122
Retrospective assessment      479—480
RfD      see Acceptable daily intake
Riboflavin      165 166
Rifampicin      123 191 196
Risk analysis      538
Risk assessment      8 423—438 521 538
Risk assessment, environmental      501—517
Risk assessment, non-cancer      427—428
Risk characterization      426—427
Risk communication      8
Risk management      8 503 521
Risk toxicologic      538
RNA, hnRNA      17
RNA, mRNA      17
RNA, processing      17
RNA, translation      17
Rodenticides      63
Rotenone      223
Rubella virus      257
RXR      see Receptors
S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM)      141
S9      113 385
Safe drinking water act      412
Safety factor      538
Safety pharmacology studies      364
Safrole      127 265
Salmonella assay      249
Sample preparation      447—448
Sampling, air      443
Sampling, soil      444
Sampling, tissue      445
Sampling, water      445
Sarin      200
Schwann cells      284 287—288
Segment II study      371 374—378
Selectivity (selective toxicity)      172 181 524 538
Selegiline      122
Senescence, effects on metabolism      167
Serotonin      142
Serum enzymes      274
Sexual behavior      345 348
Sexual characteristics, secondary      300
Sexual differentiation      300
Sexual function      300
SHBG      305 306
Signal transduction      242 246
Silica      318
Silicosis      321
Sinusoids      207
Sister chromatid exchange      390
SKF 525A      185 186
Skin      204
Slope factor      433
Soil pollutants      40
Solvents      70 539
Somite      253
Southern blot analysis      18
Spectrometry, bimolecular interaction analysis-mass      459
Spectrometry, induced coupled plasma      457
Spectrophotometry, infrared      459
Spectrophotometry, ultraviolet / visible      460
Spectroscopy, atomic absorption      456
Spectroscopy, mass      458
Sperm quality      345
Spermatogenesis      344
Standard operating procedures      24
Starvation, effects on metabolism      165
Steroid receptor      see Receptors
Stilbestrol      176
Streptomycin      276
Stress, effects on metabolism      200
Stressors, ecological      502
Stressors, response profile      510 512
Stressors, sources      507 513
Stressors, susceptibility      504
Structure-activity relationships      6 354 395
Styrene 7,8-oxide      137
Subchronic toxicity      see Toxicity
Suicide inhibitor      155
Suicide substrate      151 189
Sulfanilamide      265
Sulfate      209
Sulfate conjugation      139
Sulfhydryl oxidation      270
Sulfotransferase (SULT)      139 140
Sulfoxide reduction      135
Sulfur dioxide      318
Sulfur oxides      36
Superoxide anion      322 525
Superoxide dismutase      525
Surface area      203
Susceptibility, ecosystem      504
Sweat      204
Sympathetic nervous system      280 291
Synapses      280 282 290
Synapses, postsynaptic      280 281
Synapses, presynaptic      280 282 290
Synergism and potentiation      189 381 539
Talc      318
Tamoxifen      123 129 308
Tannic acid      265
Taxol      122
TCDD      191 239 242 464 468 476
Temperature, effects on metabolism      200
Teratogenesis      6 251—259 343 539
Teratogenesis, multi-generation study      258
Teratogenesis, single-generation study      258
Teratology      251 374—378
Testes      170 300
Testing guidelines      257—258
Testosterone      169 300 305 310 311
Tetanus toxin      292
Tetrachloroethylene      265 318
Tetrachloromethane      153
Tetracycline      181 265
Tetrafluoroethylene      278
Tetrodotoxin      173
Thalidamide      256
Thelarche      313
Therapy      539
Thermal desorption      403—404
Thiobenzamide      129
Thiophenol      138
Thioridazine      265
Thiourea      182
Threshold      219 220
Threshold dose      10 539
Threshold limit value(s) (TLV)      44 418 539
Threshold limit value(s) (TLV), ceiling (TLV-C)      418 539
Threshold limit value(s) (TLV), short-term exposure limit (TLV-STEL)      418 539
Threshold limit value(s) (TLV), time-weighted average (TLV-TWA)      539 418
Thyroid      300 303 304 310 311
Thyroid hormones      169 300
Thyroid receptor      see Receptors
Thyroxine      300 301
TK locus      387
TLV      see Threshold Limit Value
TOCP      see Tri-o-cresylphosphate
Tolbutamide      123
Tolerance      see Adaptation to toxicants
Tolerance reassessment advisory committee (TRAC)      415
Toxic action, mechanism of      5
Toxic action, mode of      5
Toxic substances control act (TSCA)      414 540
Toxicant(s), chemical effects, on metabolism      184—199
Toxicant(s), comparative effects, on metabolism      172—183
Toxicant(s), definition      3 537 540
Toxicant(s), developmental effects, on metabolism      166
Toxicant(s), distribution      97—105
Toxicant(s), elimination      203—211
Toxicant(s), environmental effects, on metabolism      199—200
Toxicant(s), environmental movement      11
Toxicant(s), fate and effect      5
Toxicant(s), food chains      11
Toxicant(s), genetic effects, on metabolism      172—183
Toxicant(s), measurement of      6
Toxicant(s), metabolism      111—148
Toxicant(s), nutritional effects, on metabolism      163—166
Toxicant(s), physiological effects, on metabolism      166—172
Toxicant(s), reproductive      344—348
Toxicant(s), selective      524
Toxicity, acute      215—224 470 471 525
Toxicity, acute toxicity tests      359—363 525
Toxicity, assessment, definition      353
Toxicity, behavioral      343 527
Toxicity, behavioral toxicity testing      379—381 383
Toxicity, chronic      472 528
Toxicity, chronic toxicity tests      370—371 528
Toxicity, cytotoxicity      529
Toxicity, definition      3
Toxicity, developmental      343 371—378 380
Toxicity, genotoxicity      322 533
Toxicity, genotoxicity testing      385—393
Toxicity, hepatotoxicity      263—272 274 277 533
Toxicity, immunotoxicity      327—338 533
Toxicity, inhalation      357
Toxicity, measurement of      6
Toxicity, nephrotoxicity      273—278 536
Toxicity, neurotoxicity      174 279—297 536
Toxicity, neurotoxicity testing      378—381
Toxicity, prevention      411—421
Toxicity, pulmonary      537
Toxicity, reproductive      343—349
Toxicity, reproductive toxicity testing      371—378
Toxicity, respiratory      317—325
Toxicity, selective      538
Toxicity, subchronic      539
Toxicity, subchronic toxicity testing      363—370
Toxicity, testing      6 353—397 533
Toxicity, testing requirements, summary      355
Toxicity, testing, routes of administration      356
Toxicity, testing, selection of test species      366
Toxicokinetics      105—109 382 540
Toxicologic pathology      6
Toxicology work sheet, forensic      402
Toxicology, analytical      6 441—461
Toxicology, applied      6
Toxicology, behavioral      5 527
Toxicology, biochemical      4 524
Toxicology, clinical      6 399—409
Toxicology, comparative      528
Toxicology, definition and scope      3 540
Toxicology, developmental      251
Toxicology, ecotoxicology      464
Toxicology, environmental      7 530
Toxicology, forensic      7 399—409 532
Toxicology, history      8 399
Toxicology, industrial      7 533
Toxicology, molecular      5 524
Toxicology, nutritional      5
Toxicology, occupational      399
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