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Heath Th.L. — Diophantus of Alexandria. A Study in the History of Greek Algebra
Heath Th.L. — Diophantus of Alexandria. A Study in the History of Greek Algebra

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Название: Diophantus of Alexandria. A Study in the History of Greek Algebra

Автор: Heath Th.L.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 1910

Количество страниц: 387

Добавлена в каталог: 14.08.2008

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Предметный указатель
Quadratic equations in Diophantus      7—8 66
Quadratic equations in Euclid      63
Quadratic equations in Heron      63 64
Quadratic equations in Hippocrates of Chios      63
Quadratic inequalities in Diophantus      60—63 5
Quadratic inequalities, limits to roots      60—63 65 95
Qust$\bar{a}$ b. L$\bar{u}$q$\bar{a}$      19
Radice ($=x$)      40
Radix ($=x$)      38
Rahn      50 n. 286
Ramus      16 n.
Rationality, Diophantus’ view of      52—53
Recorde, Robert      50 n.
Regiomontanus      5 17 30 33 49
Relato, Italian term for certain powers of unknown      41
Res, alternative for radix, in sense of unknown quantity      38
Rhind papyrus      113
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus      93—94 105—106
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, Euclid’s formula for      117 120
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, Fermat’s theorems and problems on      304—205 n. 218—219 220 229 230 231—232 235 236 239—240 293—318 364—371
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, Greek indeterminate problems on, other than those of Dioph.      119—131
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, method of “forming”      93—94
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, other methods of forming attributed to Pythagoras      116—117
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, other methods of forming attributed to to Plato      116—117
Right-angled triangles in rational numbers in Diophantus, Pythagorean formula once used by Diophantus      342
Rodet      34 35
Rosen      50
Rudio      63 n.
Rudolff, Christoff      23 50
Salmasius, Claudius      17
Sand-reckoner of Archimedes      122
Saunderson, N.      27 n.
Sch$\ddot{o}$ne      43 45 118
Schaewen, P.      v 327 328
Schmeisser      31
Schreiber, H.      see Grammateus
Schuler, Wolfgang      24
Schulz      9 11 18 30 31 108 140 219
Sebastian Theodoric      24
Serenus      12
Simon Simonius Lucensis      25
Simplicius      63 n.
Sirmondus, J.      27
Smith, H. J. S.      292
Speusippus on polygonal numbers      125
Square root, $=\pi\lambda\epsilon\upsilon\rho\acute{a}$(side)      65 n.
Square root, sign $\surd$ for      50 n.
Squares, numbers as sum of two      105—107 268—271
Squares, numbers as sum of two, three, or four      110 273 274
Squares, numbers as sum, not of three      108 109 273
Squares, numbers as sum, not of two      107—108 271—272
Squares, numbers as sum, of three      272—273
Stevin, Simon      29 30
Stifel, M.      23 49 50
Submultiples, decomposition of fractions into      46 112
Submultiples, sign for      45—47
Submultiples, submultiples of unknown and powers      47
Subtraction, symbol for      41—44
Suidas      1 18 22
Surdesolides, sursolida or supersolida      41
Surds      23—24
Suter, H.      19 n.
Tannery, P.      2 n. 3 5 6 8 10—12 14—19 25 28 31 32—37 43—44 45 108 111 118 125 135 138 144 148 150 156 160 198 219 234 256 278 279 280 281 290 308
Tanto, unknown quantity, in Bombelli      22
Tartaglia      21 40
Theaetetus      124
Theon of Alexandria      2 18
Theon of Smyrna      2 36 117 126 310
Theudius      124
Thompson, D’Arcy W.      37
Thymaridas, Epanthetna of      114—116
Unknown quantity ($=x$), $R$ (Radix or Res)      38
Unknown quantity ($=x$), $x$ first used by Descartes      50 n.
Unknown quantity ($=x$), called in Diophantus, $\acute{a}\rho\iota\theta\mu\acute{o}\varsigma$ “number”, definition of      32 115 130
Unknown quantity ($=x$), called in Diophantus, $\acute{a}\rho\iota\theta\mu\acute{o}\varsigma$ “number”, symbol for      32—37 130
Unknown quantity ($=x$), Egyptian scale      41
Unknown quantity ($=x$), Italian — Arabian and Diophantine scales of powers      40 41
Unknown quantity ($=x$), other signs for, $\underarc{1}$, used by Bombelli      22 38
Unknown quantity ($=x$), Radice, Lato, Cosa      40 n.
Unknown quantity ($=x$), signs for powers of      38 129
Unknown quantity ($=x$), signs for submultiples of unknown and powers      47 130
Vacca, G.      106 n.
Valla, Georgius      48
Vatican MSS. of Diophantus      5 15 16 17
Vergetius, Angelus      16
Vieta      27 38—39 49
Vieta, son      101 102 214 285 329 331
Vossius      31
Wallis      40286 287 288 289
Weber and Wellstein      107 n. 145
Weber, Heinrich      3 n.
Wertheim      30 110 137 138 145 151 161 209 211 212 216 217 254 256 257 286 294 295
Westermann      125 n.
Widman      49 n.
Wieferich      145 n.
Woepcke      5 n.
Xylander      17 22—26 27 28 29 35 38 107—108 140
Xylander, Xylander’s MS. of Diophantus      17 25 36
Zensus (—Censo), term for square of unknown quantity      38
Zetetica of Vieta      27 101 285
Zeuthen      118—121 205 278 281 290 294—295
“Cube-cube” (=sixth power of unknown, or $x^{6}$), sign for      38 129
“Diagonal-” numbers      117 118 310
“False supposition”, use of, in Egypt      112—113
“Pellian” equation, origin of this erroneous term      386
“Regula falsi” in Egypt      113—113
“Side-” and “diagonal-” numbers, Pythagorean solution of $2 x^{2}-y^{2}=\pm 1$ by means of      117—118 278 310
“Side” =square root      65 n.
“Species” ($\epsilon\zeta\delta\eta$) of algebraical quantities      7 130 131
“Square-cube” ( $= x^{5}$), sign for      38 129
“Square-square” ($=x^{4}$), sign for      38 129
“Triple-equations” of Fermat      163 n. 179 182 202 223 224 246 321—328
“Units” ($\mu o \nu\acute{a}\delta\epsilon\varsigma$)=absolute term      39—40
“Units” ($\mu o \nu\acute{a}\delta\epsilon\varsigma$)=absolute term, abbreviation for      39 130
“Wurm’s problem”      123
1 2
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