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Shamms Mortier — 3ds max 5 for Dummies
Shamms Mortier — 3ds max 5 for Dummies

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Íàçâàíèå: 3ds max 5 for Dummies

Àâòîð: Shamms Mortier


With this easy-to-follow guide, you will learn how to use 3ds max to build 3D animations and special effects. The book also covers modeling, modifiers, mapping surfaces, rendering, lighting, and more.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.05.2005

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Face mapping      210
Faces      40 171
FFD (Free-Form Deformation) Cylinder Space Warp      319—320
FFD (Free-Form Deformation) Modifier      164—165
File formats 3DS file format      373
File formats animations      228 344—345
File formats images      333 336
File menu      see “Specific menu options”
Files CD      376
Files finding in Asset Browser      34
Fillet tool      191 193
film grain      341 348—349
FilmGrain.avi file      349
Filter channel      205 206 281
Fit tool      191
Flip option, Editable Polygon Command Panel      176
floating toolbars      53
Focal Depth parameter      247
Font Name option, Command Panel      76
Forces Space Warps      310—314
FOV (Field Of View) parameter      244—245
fps (frames per second)      251
Frame Rate option, Time Configuration Panel      253
frames      see also “Animation”
Frames configuration parameters for      253—254
Frames definition      251
Frames keyframes      254—257
Free Camera      242
Free Direct light      237
Free Point/Linear/Area light      238
Free Spot light      237
Free-Form Deformation (FFD) Cylinder Space Warp      319—320
Free-Form Deformation (FFD) Modifier      164—165
freeware      368—369
Front viewport      15—16
Fuse option, Command Panel      190
Gengon Primitive      66
Geometric Deformable Space Warps      315—320
Geometry option, Command Panel      56—57
GeoSphere Primitive      58—59
Gizmo      310 (see also “Space Warps”)
Glossiness channel      205 206 280
Glow channel      see “Self-Illumination channel”
Go To Parent button, Material Editor      202
Gradient      223
Gradient map      223—224
Graphical User Interface      see “GUI”
Grid and Snap dialog      30
Grid and Snap Settings option, Customize menu      30
Grid in viewport      28—30 34
Grid viewport option      34
Group menu      see “Specific menu options”
Group/Ungroup option, Group menu      145—146
Grouping attachments      151—154
Grouping linked hierarchies      147—150
Grouping Modifiers applied to      159
Grouping nested groups      147
grouping objects      145—147
Grouping ungrouping      146
GUI (Graphical User Interface)      see also “Viewports”
GUI Animation controls      17 252—257
GUI background color, changing      26—28
GUI Command Panel      16
GUI description of      9—12
GUI displaying elements of selectively      23
GUI menus      2
GUI screen resolution, changing      23
GUI toolbars      13—15
GUI Track Bar      252—257
GUI Viewport Manipulation controls      17—22
Handshaking applications      371—374
Hedra Primitive      65—66
Helicoid Generator plug-in      369 371
Helix shape      77 134 139
helpers      323—328
Hemisphere option, Create Command Panel      52 63—64
Hierarchies, linked      147—150
Hierarchy tab, Command Panel      44 126
Highlights      200
Hose Primitive      64
Hot spots      200
Hot-keys, configuring      109
Icons Camera Control      247
Icons in Command Panel      16
Icons in Main Toolbar      14—15
Icons in Tab Panel      14
Icons in Viewport Manipulation controls      17—22
icons used in this book      5—6
Icosahedron Primitive      66
IES Sky light      239—240
IES Sun light      239
Illusion plug-in      374
Images      see also “Textures”
Images as backgrounds      226—227
Images file formats      333 336
Images printing      337
Images rendering      332—337
Images tracing      363
In-betweens      255
Index of refraction      see “Refraction channel”
Initial Type option, Command Panel      72
Installing CD files      376
instancing      116—117 159 382
INTERFACE      see “GUI”
Intersect option, Command Panel      91
Intersection operation      90—91
JPEG file format      336 345
Key Steps option, Time Configuration Panel      253
Keyboard Entry option, Create Command Panel      61 114—116
Keyboard hot-keys      109
Keyboard tab, Customize User Interface window      109
Keyframes animating cameras with      275
Keyframes combining with path animation      269—271
Keyframes definition      254—255
Keyframes editing      256—257
Keyframes example animations using      258—261
Keyframes Track Bar tools for      255 256
L-Ext Primitive      65
Lathe icon, Tabs Panel      140
Lathe option, Modifiers menu      140
Lathe tool      192
Lathing closed shapes      143
Lathing compound      144
Lathing cut-aways      143
Lathing NURBS curves      184 192
Lathing open shapes      141—143
Lattice Modifier      165
Layers in Adobe Photoshop      213
Layout tab, Viewport Configuration window      32—33
Lens effects, imitating      340 341—342 351—352
Lens parameter      244
Lifeforms software      373
Light Galleries plug-in      367—368
Light Lister option, Tools menu      359
Light Lister Panel      359
Lighting models for rendering      334—335
Lights animating      271—273
Lights area      238
Lights attaching to camera      248
Lights attenuation of      234—235
Lights cloning      273
Lights color of      234—235
Lights intensity of      234—235
Lights lens effects and      341—342
Lights Light Galleries plug-in      367—368
Lights linking      273
Lights listing for a scene      359
Lights Omni      232—234 237 341
Lights option, Command Panel      231
Lights photometric types of      238—240
Lights rendered images      337
Lights shadows of      235
Lights source (placement) of      231—234
Lights standard types of      236—238
Line shape      72—73 78—79
Linear lights      238
Link tool, Main Toolbar      148—150 267
Linked hierarchies      147—150
Load Custom UI Scheme option, Customize menu      36
Loft Command Panel      94 96—101
Loft options, Modify Command Panel      96
Lofting      93—101
Main toolbar      12 14—15
Make Planar option, Editable Polygon Command Panel      176
Mapping axis for      212—213
Mapping Channel      213 217
Mapping channel number for      213
Mapping composite textures      213—220
Mapping definition      210
Mapping particles      306—307
Mapping special effects using      291
Mapping textures      209—210 217 235
Mapping types of      210—212
Maps Rollout      205—207 217—220
Marquee      see “Region Zoom control”
Material Editor accessing      198
Material Editor accessing Material Map from      201
Material Editor applying composite textures in      214—217
Material Editor applying textures in      203—204
Material Editor channel-mapping controls in      205—207
Material Editor customizing background textures in      225—226
Material Editor Gradient Map in      223—224
Material Editor navigating when lost in      202
Material Library      201
Material Map Browser      201 203
materials      see “Textures”
MaxScript Listener viewport option      34 361—362
Melt Modifier      163
Menu bar      12 (see also “Specific menu options”)
Menus      2 11—13
Merge option, File menu      361
mesh      see “Polygon mesh”
Mesh Select Modifier      169—172
Mesh Select Modifier tab, Tab Panel      169—170
Min/Max Toggle control      22
Mirror option, Tools menu      127
Mirror tool, Main Toolbar      127
Mirror tool, NURBS Toolbox Panel      191 192
Mirror:Screen Coordinates panel      127
Mirroring adjusting Pivot Point for      125—127
Mirroring axis options for      131
Mirroring axis variance for      128
Mirroring NURBS curves      191 192
Mirroring offset options for      131
Mirroring offset variance for      128
Mirroring with cloning      129—132
Mirroring without cloning      127—128
Mixed.avi file      261
Modeling tab, Tab Panel      82 136 140
Models      see “Objects”
Modifier menu      105—106 156
Modifier-Based Space Warps      320—323
Modifiers accessing      105—109 156
Modifiers applied to objects      158—159
Modifiers applied to sub-objects      178—180
Modifiers Command Panel      158
Modifiers creating models with      167—168
Modifiers descriptions of      159—166
Modifiers locating objects for      110—112
Modifiers order applied      156—158
Modifiers stacking      156—158
Modifiers tab, Tab Panel      106—107 156
Modify Command Panel      107—109 (see also “Specific tabs and options”)
Modify tab, Command Panel      107
Moebius plug-in      371
Morphing      277—278 359—361
Motion blur      341 349
Motion icon, Command Panel      266
Motion path      see “Animation” “Paths
Mountain plug-in      368—369
mouse, using      2
Move values, Array panel      118
MultiCurve Trimmed tool      193
Multipass Effect parameter      246
Multisided Blend tool      193
NGon shape      75
nodes      256 268—269
Noise Modifier      161
Non-uniform rational B-spline      see “NURBS”
Non-uniform Scale option, Scaling tool      48—49
normal      41
Normal Projected tool      191
Null object      382 (see also “Dummy object”)
NURBS converting from Primitives      185—188
NURBS curves for, converting to 3D      183—185
NURBS curves for, creating      181—183
NURBS curves for, modifying      191—192
NURBS Curves option, Create menu      181
NURBS exporting      187—188
NURBS modifying      188—193
NURBS points for      181 185 189—191
NURBS surfaces of      188 192—193
NURBS Surfaces, Create menu      188
NURBS Toolbox Panel      188—193
Objects (models)      see also “Compound objects” “Primitives” “Sub-objects”
Objects (models) attaching      151—154 174
Objects (models) cloning      114—117
Objects (models) creating      18—19 50—53
Objects (models) creating with Modifiers      167—168
Objects (models) definition      39
Objects (models) finding with Selection Floater      24
Objects (models) grouping      145—147
Objects (models) hiding temporarily      112
Objects (models) importing      42—43
Objects (models) instancing      116—117 159
Objects (models) labels for      110
Objects (models) lathing      140—144
Objects (models) linking      147—150
Objects (models) list of      111
Objects (models) locating for modification      110—112
Objects (models) lofting      93—97
Objects (models) mirroring      129—132
Objects (models) modeling with Space Warps      328
Objects (models) morphing      277—278 359—361
Objects (models) of revolution      140
Objects (models) Pivot Point of      43—45 125—127 129—130
Objects (models) polygons as basic element of      39
Objects (models) positioning      45—47 53
Objects (models) referencing      117 159
Objects (models) rotating      47—48 53
Objects (models) scaling      48—49
Objects (models) using as Blizzard particle      298—299
Objects (models) wireframe rendering of      34—35
Objects tab, Tab Panel      18 55—56
Octahedron Primitive      66
Offset tool      191 192
Offset variance for mirroring      128
Oil Tank Primitive      65
Omni Light      232—234 237 341
Opacity channel animating      281 285—286
Opacity channel description of      205 206
Opacity channel for particles      292 306—307
Opacity channel with RGB Multiply      219
OpacityAnim_01.avi file      286
Open architecture      365
Open/Close option, Group menu      146
operating system requirements      see “System requirements”
Optimize Modifier      166
Orthographic Projection parameter      246
Other option, Viewport Options menu      35
1 2 3 4
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