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Shamms Mortier — 3ds max 5 for Dummies
Shamms Mortier — 3ds max 5 for Dummies

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Íàçâàíèå: 3ds max 5 for Dummies

Àâòîð: Shamms Mortier


With this easy-to-follow guide, you will learn how to use 3ds max to build 3D animations and special effects. The book also covers modeling, modifiers, mapping surfaces, rendering, lighting, and more.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.05.2005

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1-Rail Sweep tool      192
2-Rail Sweep tool      192
2D shapes      see “Shapes”
3D objects      see “Objects”
3DS file format      373
3ds max      see also “GUI”
3ds max handshaking applications for      371—374
3ds max plug-ins for      365—373
3ds max saving frequently while using      357—358
3ds max starting      10
3ds max system requirements      2 3
3ds max version requirements      3
Accelerator      375
ActiveShade      34 334—335
Actors paths for      265 269—273
Actors, backgrounds for      221—222 227
Addition      89—90 121—122
Adobe AfterEffects      261
Adobe Illustrator      373
Adobe Photoshop      213 286 337
Adobe Premiere      261
Advanced Lighting options      334
Airfoil plug-in      369
Algorithm      see “Procedural textures”
Alignment section, Command Panel      213
Ambient channel      205 279
Ambient color      279
Ambient component, Phong Shader      198—200 203
Animation as backgrounds      227—228
Animation Bump channel      284
Animation combining paths and keyframes      269—271
animation controls      17 252—257
Animation correcting errors in      261
Animation Diffuse channel      282—284
Animation Displacement channel      286
Animation effects      348—353
Animation examples of      258—261
Animation file formats for      228 344—345
Animation frames in      251 253—254
Animation keyframes in      254—257
Animation object data during      254
Animation of cameras      273—275
Animation of lights      271—273
Animation of materials      277—287 291
Animation Opacity channel      281 285—286
Animation option, Time Configuration Panel      253
Animation paths for      263—269
Animation post-production changes      261
Animation previews      346—347 358
Animation rendering      343—347
Animation RingWave Primitive      67—68
Animation saving to a file      344—346
Animation special effects using      291
Animation time configuration for      252—254
AnimBump_01.avi file      284
AnimTxtr_01.avi file      284
Arc Rotate control      20—22
Arc shape      74
Area lights      238
Array option, Tools menu      118—120
Array panel      118—120
Arrays      117—123
ArtBeats      291
Asset Browser viewport option      34
Atmosphere options, rendered images      338—339
Atmospheric Apparatus Helpers      325—328
Attach option, Edit Mesh Modifier Command Panel      151 153—154
Attach option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      174
Attach/Detach option, Group menu      146
Attaching      see also “Addition”
Attaching objects to a group      146
Attaching objects to each other      151—154 174
AVI movies as backgrounds      228
AVI movies saving animations as      344—345
Axis      see also “Pivot Point”
Axis arrays and      118
Axis constraining for transformations      53
Axis Constraints toolbar      53
Axis mapping      210 212—213
Axis mirroring and      128 131
Axis of extrusion      136
Axis transformations and      42
Axis X, Y, and Z      384
B-spline      see “NURBS”
Backdrop      221 373
Backfaces      171—172
Background animated bitmaps as      227—228
Background bitmapped images as      226—227
Background color hues as      222—224
Background definition      221—222
Background for actors      221—222 227
Background for rendered images      337
Background material presets as      224—226
Background of viewport      26—28
Basis-spline      see “B-spline”
Bend Modifier      159—160
Bend Space Warp      320—321
Bend1.avi file      321
Bevel option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      175
Bezier Spline      73
Bias option, Command Panel      77
Bitmap option, Material Map Browser      226
Bitmapped image      226—227 (see also “Textures”)
Blend composite texture      214—215
Blend tool      191 192
BlizPtl1.avi file      299
Blizzard particle system      296—299 306—307
Blur      341
BMP file format      336 345
Boolean operations addition (union)      89—90 121—122
Boolean operations cut      91—92
Boolean operations intersect      90—91
Boolean operations subtraction      90
Boolean option, Command Panel      89 90 91
Box mapping      210
Box Primitive      59—60
Brightness      341
Bump channel      205 206 219 281 284
C-Ext Primitive      65
Camera Control Icons      247
Camera Modify Command Panel      244—245
Camera view      242
Cameras animating      273—275
Cameras attaching light to      248
Cameras configuring      244—247
Cameras creating      241—242
Cameras lens effects of, imitating      340 341—342 351—352
Cameras manipulation controls for      247
Cameras multiple      242—244
Cameras option, Create menu      241
Cameras positioning      242—243 269
Cameras types of      241—242 246
Cameras viewport for      242
Cap tool      192
Capsule Primitive      64
CD animation examples on      259 260 261 271 274 284 286 349 363
CD contents      376
CD Helper examples on      326 328
CD installing      376
CD particle system examples on      295 299 301 303 305 307
CD snowflake opacity map on      307
CD Space Warp examples on      311 312 314 315 317 318 321 322 323
CD system requirements for      375
CD troubleshooting      377
Chamfer tool      191
ChamferedBox Primitive      65
ChamferedCylinder Primitive      65
Channels animating      278—287
Channels Mapping Channel      213
Channels mapping composite textures to      217—220
Channels mapping textures to      205—208
Charityware      368
Circle shape      74
Clipping Planes parameter      246
Clone Options panel      116 123
Cloning arrays      117—123
Cloning copy cloning      116
Cloning instancing      116—117 159 382
Cloning lights      273
Cloning mirrored      129—132
Cloning referencing      117 159
Cloning splines      135
Cloning sub-objects      177
Cloning with Keyboard Entry option      114—116
Close option, Group menu      146
Collapse option, Editable Polygon Command Panel      176
Color 2D shapes      80
Color ambient      279
Color background      222—224
color balance      341
Color of IES Sky light      240
Color of lights      234—235
Color of shadows      235
Color Swatches      198
Color viewport background      26—28
Color viewport labels      28
Colors tab, Customize User Interface window      27—28
Combustion plug-in      374
Command Panel      16 (see also “Specific tabs and options”)
Composite texture      216—217
Compound objects adding objects together      89—90 121—122
Compound objects Boolean operations for      88—92
Compound objects conforming one object to another      87—88
Compound objects connecting objects together      86—87
Compound objects cutting one object out of another      91—92
Compound objects definition      83
Compound objects intersecting two objects      90—91
Compound objects lofting      93—101
Compound Objects option, Command Panel      83—84
Compound objects scattering one object across another      84—85
Compound objects subtracting one object from another      90
Compounds tab, Tab Panel      83
Computer animation      see “Animation”
Cone Primitive      60 62—63
Configure option, Viewport Options menu      31—32
Conform operation      87—88
Conform option, Command Panel      87
Conform Space Warp      317—318
Conform1.avi file      318
Connect operation      86—87
contrast      341
Convert to NURBS option      185
Copy cloning      116
Corner Radius option, Command Panel      73
Create Command Panel      50—52 61—64 (see
Create Curve Point tool      190
Create Curve-Curve Point tool      190
Create menu      see “Specific menu options”
Create Offset Point tool      190
Create option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      174
Create Point tool      190
Create Surface Curve Point tool      190
Create Surface Point tool      190
Create Surfaces options, Modify Command Panel      183—184
Create tab, Command Panel      56—57 231
Cross-section for lofting      93 96—101
Cubahedron Primitive      66
CURVES      see also “Line shape”
Curves Arc shape      74
Curves in expanded Track Bar      256—257
Curves NURBS      181—183
Customize menu      see “Specific menu options”
Customize User Interface option, Customize menu      26—28
Customize User Interface window      26—27 109
Cut operation      91—92
Cut option, Command Panel      91
Cut-aways, lathing      143
CV (Control Vertex) curve for NURBS      181 185
CV and Point tool      192
CV Curve on Surface tool      192
CV surface for NURBS      188
CV tool      191
Cylinder Primitive      59—60 62—63
Cylindrical mapping      210 211 212
Data Readout, Track Bar      254
Decay Noise plug-in      370
Deflectors Space Warps      314—315
Deformations options, Loft Command Panel      96—101
Delete option, Command Panel      191
Delete option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      174
Depth of field      see “DOF”
Detach option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      174
Detach option, Group menu      146
Diffuse channel      205 206 218 279—280 282—284
Diffuse color      206
Diffuse component, Phong Shader      198—200 203
Digimation plug-ins      365—367
Discreet Combustion      261
Displace Space Warp      310—311
Displacement channel      205 207 220 282 286
Display tab, Command Panel      112
DisSpW.avi file      311
Divide option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      175
Dodecahedron Primitive      66
DOF (Depth of Field) camera parameters for      246—247
DOF (Depth of Field) render effects for      341
Dolly camera perspective      247
Donut shape      74—75
Drag Types options, Command Panel      72
Draw in All Viewports option, Command Panel      182—183
Dummy object      324 325
Duplication      see “Cloning”
Dynamic-system modeling      see “Particle systems”
Edge icon, Mesh Select Modifier      171
Edge tool      192
Edges of polygon      40
Edit Geometry button, Editable Mesh Command Panel      174—176
Edit menu      see “Specific menu options”
Edit Mesh Modifier Command Panel      151—154
Edit Mesh Modifier tab, Tab Panel      151—154
Edit Spline option, Command Panel      264
Editable Mesh Command Panel      172—176
Editable Patch Command Panel      177
Editable Polygon Command Panel      176
effects      see “F/x”
Effects options, rendered images      340—342
Element icon, Mesh Select Modifier      171
Ellipse shape      74
Emitter plane      292
Environment Ranges parameter      246
Environment tab, Tab Panel      222 224 337
Explode option, Group menu      147
Exposure options, rendered images      338
Extend option, Command Panel      190
Extended Primitives      64—68
Extended Primitives option, Command Panel      64
Extended Primitives option, Create menu      56
Extended viewport option      34
Extrude option, Editable Mesh Command Panel      175
Extrude option, Modifiers menu      136
Extrude tool      192
Extruding      136—139 184
F/x      see also “Particle systems”; “Space Warps”
F/x clouds and fog      327
F/x explosion effects      291
F/x fire effects      291 325—326
F/x fur and hair      372
F/x Helpers      323—328
F/x snow and blizzards      295—299 306—307
Face icon, Mesh Select Modifier      171
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