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Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science
Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science

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Название: Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science

Авторы: Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed)


This comprehensive work of the various features of scattering is a handsome, two-volume boxed set of 100 articles covering wave scattering by macroscopic targets, scattering in microscopic physics and chemical physics, scattering in nuclear physics, particle scattering, scattering at extreme physical scales, and scattering in mathematics and non-physical sciences. Whatever the phenomena, the aim in explaining all the diverse scattering phenomena is to tease out—from the underlying particle or wave theory expressed in the form of differential equations—those features that describe scattering. Such features fall into two overarching problems: the "direct scattering problem" whereby the researcher must imagine waves coming from a given direction with a certain wavelength or energy, impinging upon an obstacle, traversing a locally nonuniform medium or interacting with a center of force, and detecting them at large distances in other directions and possibly, at other energies or wavelengths. Or, the "inverse problem" whereby the aim is to obtain, at large distances, information about the local nature of the unknown medium or force that caused the scattering. Addressing the specifics of these overarching problems is an international array of contributors identified by their institution and full contact information.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 1831

Добавлена в каталог: 04.07.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Numerical techniques, inhomogeneous bodies      351-353
Numerical techniques, inhomogeneous bodies in open regions      353-355
Numerical techniques, inhomogeneous cylinders      323-330 341-344
Numerical techniques, interpolatory polynomial bases      331
Numerical techniques, linear operator equations      332-334
Numerical techniques, matrix assembly rule      327
Numerical techniques, matrix solution time      361
Numerical techniques, mesh truncation      363
Numerical techniques, method of moments      320-323
Numerical techniques, method of moments for solving linear operator equations      332
Numerical techniques, moment methods      330-334
Numerical techniques, PMCHW formulation      349-351
Numerical techniques, point and surface loading      358-359
Numerical techniques, tetrahedron approach      351-353
Numerical techniques, time domain methods      362-363
Numerical techniques, voltage excitation vector      322-323
Numerical techniques, wires      357-358
Nystr$\ddot{o}$m’s method      59 70
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), approximation of the scattered field      69-70
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), boundary-to-far-field map      66-68
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), direct scattering problem      53-54
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), Dirichlet-to - Neumann map      56-57
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), far field operator      60-64
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), far field pattern      59-60
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), Huygen’s principle      57-58
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), integral equation methods      54-56
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), introduction      52-53
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), inverse problem, uniqueness      64-66
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), iterative methods for the inverse problem      68-69
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), null-field method      56
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), numerical solutions of integral equations      58-59
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), plane waves      60
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), point sources      60
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), reciprocity relations      59-60
Obstacle scattering (acoustic), sampling methods      70-72
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), boundary component map      196
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), boundary-to-far-field map      204-205
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), direct scattering problem      192
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), far field operator      198-202
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), Huygens’ principle      196-197
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), integral equation methods      192-195
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), introduction      191-192
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), inverse electromagnetic obstacle scattering problems      202-204
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), inverse problem, scattered field approximation      205-206
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), Maxwell equations      192
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), null-field method      195-196
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), orthotropic media      208-209
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), reciprocity relations      197-198
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), sampling methods      206-208
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), scattered field approximation      205-206
Obstacle scattering (electromagnetic), scattering from a sphere      197
Obstacle scattering, acoustic scattering      52-73
Obstacle scattering, electromagnetic waves scattering      191 210
Oceanographic measurements, nonlinear ocean waves      662-664
Oceans scattering, inverse scattering transform      637-666
Oceans scattering, nonlinear ocean waves      637-666
Oceans scattering, surface water waves      618-636
ODC (ornithine decarboxylase)      515
ODE (ordinary differential equations)      4
Off-shell T matrix      12
One-dimensional analyses, direct potential scattering      720-721
One-dimensional Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger operator      1695-1700
One-step Born approximation, direct reaction theories      1363-1364
Optical diffusers, rough surfaces scattering      875-876
Optical fibres, stimulated Brillouin scattering      964-965
Optical properties of X-rays      1107-1110
Optical properties of X-rays, Kramers - Kronig analysis      1109-1110
Optical properties of X-rays, Lorentz model      1108
Optical properties of X-rays, optical constants      1107-1110
Optical properties of X-rays, scattering factors      1108-1109
Optical soliton      1744-1745
Optical theorem      62 200
Optimisation methods, media scattering (electromagnetic)      228
Ordered crystal      1157-1158
Ordinary differential equations (ODE)      4
Oristaglio, Michael, Douglas E. Miller and Jakob Haldorsen, Ground Probing Radar      448-466
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC)      515
Orthotropic media, electromagnetic waves scattering      188 189
Orthotropic media, media scattering (electromagnetic)      227-228
Orthotropic media, obstacles scattering (electromagnetic waves)      208-209
Osborne, A.R., Nonlinear Ocean Waves and the Inverse Scattering Transform      637-666
Outgoing radiation condition      62 200
Outward energy flux      176
Overcritical field      715
Overrelaxation methods      144 145 147
P - SV waves (pressure, shear-vertical waves)      122
Paints, scattering properties      381
Pair creation by time-dependent fields      714-715
Paramagnetic and critical scattering, magnetic correlations      1195-1196
Paramagnetic and critical scattering, magnetic critical scattering      1193-1195
Paramagnetic and critical scattering, static critical exponents      1193
Paramagnetic and critical scattering, universal critical phenomenon      1193
Paramagnetic scattering      1192 1254-1255
Parameterisation of the real signal      298
Paraxial parameterisation for collimated pulsed beams      298
Parity conservation implications      1418-1419
Parity violation      1409-1410
Partial differential equations (PDE)      4
Partial-wave expansions      1364-1365 1497-1498
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, conclusions      916
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, diffusing-wave spectroscopy      909-910
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, extinction method      910-912
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, finite molecular size      914-915
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, Fraunhofer scattering      907-909
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, introduction      895
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, molecular optical anisotropy      915-916
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, photon correlation spectroscopy      895-907
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, polydisperse molecular weights      914
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, visible and near-visible light scattering      895-919
Particle sizing by laser light scattering, Zimm plot      912-916
Parton distributions      1569-1576
Past and future of $S$-matrix theory, state of the art of pertubative methods      1483-1504
Patch-currents      369
Path-average theory      1747-1748
Pathak, Prabhakar H. and Robert J. Burkholder, High - Frequency Methods      245-276
Pauli matrix coefficients      415
Pavlov, Boris and Roman Romanov, Scattering and Number Theory      1689-1694
Pavlov, Boris, S - Matrix and Dirichlet-to - Neumann Operators      1678-1688
Pavlov, Boris, Scattering and Semigroup theory      1653-1667
PB (pulsed beams)      295
PCS (photon correlation spectroscopy)      850-851
PDE (partial differential equations)      4
PEC (perfect electric conductor)      246
PEC (perfect electric ground plane)      359-360
Pekeris function      263
Penetrable scatterers      126 127 129-131 134-136
Penning ionisation (PI)      1035
Percus - Yevick theory for liquids      172
Perfect conductor, low-frequency scattering      232 235-237 241-242
Perfect electric conductor (PEC)      246
Perfect electric ground plane (PEC)      359-360
Perfect magnetic conductor (PMC)      246
Perfect magnetic ground plane (PMC)      359-360
Periodic inverse scattering, nonlinear ocean waves      642-647
Perrottet, M.      see M. Knecht
Pertubative methods      8
Pertubative methods, application to scattering of photons and electrons      1462-1482
Pertubative methods, past and future of S-matrix theory      1483-1504
Pertubative methods, quantum electrodynamics      1435-1461
Perturbation analysis, acoustical imaging      105-108
Perturbation analysis, diffusion tomography in dense media      927-928
Perturbation of natural frequencies, singularity expansion method      436-437
Perturbation theory renormalised, infrared properties of quantum electrodynamics      1459-1460
Perturbation theory renormalised, naive power counting      1455-1456
Perturbation theory renormalised, one-loop divergences      1456-1459
Perturbation theory renormalised, perturbation series summation      1460
Perturbation theory renormalised, quantum electrodynamics      1455-1460
Perturbation theory renormalised, regularisation      1456
Perturbation theory, Feynman rules and diagrams      1452-1455
Perturbation theory, Gell - Mann - Low formula      1451-1452
Perturbation theory, quantum electrodynamics      1451-1455
Perturbation theory, rough surfaces scattering      866-873
Perturbation theory, spin-dependent forces      1423
Perturbative quantum field theory      11
Perturbed Maxwell equations      222
Phase conjugation      114
Phase recovery, inverse scattering theory      780-781
Phase screens, rough surfaces scattering      881-882
Phase transition point in crystals      837 847
Phase-shifts      1613-1614
Phasons      1256
Phenomenology      1595-1601
Phenomenology, scattering and production processes at high energies      1595 1601
Phonon focussing      1272-1273
Phonons scattering      1165-1167
Photon correlation function      898-899
Photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS)      850-851
Photon correlation spectroscopy, dual method of mathematical programming      905-907
Photon correlation spectroscopy, eigenfunction analysis      900
Photon correlation spectroscopy, experimental technique      898-899
Photon correlation spectroscopy, higher-order moments      899-900
Photon correlation spectroscopy, introduction      895-897
Photon correlation spectroscopy, light scattering from dense polymer systems      850-851
Photon correlation spectroscopy, mathematical programming, primal photon correlation spectroscopy, method      904-905
Photon correlation spectroscopy, mean diameter      899-900
Photon correlation spectroscopy, particle sizing by laser light scattering      895-907
Photon correlation spectroscopy, photon correlation function      898-899
Photon correlation spectroscopy, physical principles      897-898
Photon correlation spectroscopy, polydispersity      899-900
Photon correlation spectroscopy, primal method of mathematical programming      904-905
Photon correlation spectroscopy, singular system analysis      901-903
Photon correlation spectroscopy, square-root problem      903-904
Photon focussing      1274-1276
Photon measurement density function (PMDF)      930-931
Photon statistics, light scattering spectroscopy      792-795
Photon trajectories      1608-1609
Photon transport, diffusion tomography in dense media      922-923
Photonic crystals      375-376
Photons, application to scattering      1462 1482
Photons, free      1439-1440 1442-1443
Photons, physical states      1440-1441
Photorefractive media      995-999
Physical optics (PO)      245
Physical optics approximation      58 196
Physical optics far field inverse scattering (POFFIS)      132
Physical optics method, high-frequency methods      251-254
Physical theory of diffraction (PTD)      245
Physical theory of diffraction, high- frequency methods      273-275
PI (Penning ionisation)      1035
Pike, Roy, Particle Sizing by Laser Light Scattering      895-919
Pike, Roy, The Theory of Light Scattering in Continuous Dielectric Media      801-814
Pion - Pion partial wave amplitudes      1541 1543-1545
Pion - Pion scattering, $S$-wave constraints      1543
Pion - Pion scattering, Froissart - Gribov formula      1541-1542
Pion - Pion scattering, Pion - Pion partial wave amplitudes      1541 1543-1545
Pion - Pion scattering, rigorous consequences of analyticity and unitarity      1541 1546
Pion - Pion scattering, Roy’s equations      1543-1545
Pion - Pion scattering, threshold behaviour      1541-1542
Pion - Pion scattering, total amplitude below the threshold      1542
Planck scale to the cosmic scale, scattering by black holes      1607-1626
Plane wave      39 176
Plane wave, diffracted by a half-plane, elastic body waves scattering      547-550
Plane wave, obstacles scattering (acoustic)      60
Plane wave, spherical cavity, elastic body waves scattering      544-547
Plasma physics, solitons, applications      1742-1743
PMC (perfect magnetic conductor)      246
PMC (perfect magnetic ground plane)      359-360
PMCHW formulation, numerical techniques      349-351
PMDF (photon measurement density function)      930-931
PO (physical optics)      245
POFFIS (physical optics far field inverse scattering)      132
Point matching method      368
Point sources, mixed reciprocity relation      79
Point sources, obstacles scattering (acoustic)      60
Point sources, symmetry relation      79
Points rule      328
Polak - Ribi$\grave{e}$re conjugate direction      150 156-157
Polar liquids      279
Polarimetric radar inferometry, scattering polarimetry      426-427
Polarimetry scattering      see Scattering polarimetry
Polarisation in multiple scattering, scattering polarimetry      420-421
Polarisation in nuclear reactions      1414-1432
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, analysing powers and scattering amplitudes      1420
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, analysing powers and their extraction      1418-1420
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, analysing powers definition      1418
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, analysing powers in different coordinate systems      1429-1430
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, concept      1416-1418
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, conclusions      1429
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, description      1416-1418
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, deuteron-nucleus scattering      1425-1426
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, elastic scattering of polarised nuclei      1424-1429
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, introduction      1414-1416
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, nucleon-nucleus spin-orbit force      1425
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, parity conservation implications      1418-1419
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, scattering near the Coulomb barrier      1426-1428
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, significance      1415
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, spin 1/2 particles scattering      1415-1416
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, spin-dependent forces      1420-1422
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, spin-dependent forces and analysing powers      1422-1424
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, tensor operators depending on orbital variables      1430-1431
Polarisation in nuclear reactions, tidal symmetry      1428-1429
Polarisation scattering amplitude matrix, scattering polarimetry      408-413
Polarised neutron scattering      1242-1263
Polarised neutron scattering, atomic motions      1259-1260
Polarised neutron scattering, collective diffusive atomic motions      1259-1260
Polarised neutron scattering, conclusions      1260
Polarised neutron scattering, cryopad      1250
Polarised neutron scattering, elastic neutron cross section      1243 1244
Polarised neutron scattering, form factors      1245-1249
Polarised neutron scattering, high-$T_{C}$ superconductor      1249
Polarised neutron scattering, inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons      1251-1259
Polarised neutron scattering, introduction      1242-1243
Polarised neutron scattering, Kondo effect      1250-1251
Polarised neutron scattering, magnetic form factors      1246-1247
Polarised neutron scattering, magnetisation distribution in molecular magnets      1247-1249
Polarised neutron scattering, polarised neutrons production      1244-1245
Polarised neutron scattering, self-diffusive atomic motions      1259-1260
Polarised neutron scattering, spherical nuclear polarimetry      1249-1251
Polarised neutron scattering, spin densities      1245-1249
Polarised neutron scattering, spin susceptibility      1249
Polarised neutron scattering, zero-field chamber      1250
Polarised neutrons production, single-crystal polarisers      1244
Polarised neutrons production, spin filters      1244 1245
Polarised neutrons production, thin films      1244
Polarised waves scattering by random media, scattering polarimetry      413-418
Polydisperse molecular weights      914
Polydispersity, photon correlation spectroscopy      899-900
Pomeranchuk-like theorems on cross sections      1539
Pomeranchuk-like theorems on real parts      1539-1540
Pomeron phase space      1499
Porter - Bojarksi integral equation      134
Porter - Bojarski equation      138
Positron scattering by atoms and molecules      1017-1020
Positron scattering by atoms and molecules, introduction      1002
Positron scattering by atoms and molecules, scattering by atoms      1017-1019
Positron scattering by atoms and molecules, scattering by molecules      1019-1020
Potassium, quantum degenerate gases      1059
Potential representations, electromagnetic wave scattering      317
Potentials from changing signs of reflection coefficients, inverse scattering theory      779
Potentials vanishing on a half-line, inverse scattering theory      778
Potentials with Dirac delta distributions, inverse scattering theory      778-779
Potthast’s point source method      70
Powder diffraction      1105-1106 1161-1162
Pressure, shear-vertical waves (P - SV waves)      122
Prony’s method      442
Pseudo-image      97 104
Pseudo-inner product      324
PTD (physical theory of diffraction)      245
Pulsed beam solutions, analytic time signals      312-313
Pulsed beam solutions, canonical problems for scattering and pulsed beam solutions, diffraction      304-309
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