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Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science
Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed) — Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science

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Название: Scattering: Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science

Авторы: Ike E.R., Sabatier P.C. (Ed)


This comprehensive work of the various features of scattering is a handsome, two-volume boxed set of 100 articles covering wave scattering by macroscopic targets, scattering in microscopic physics and chemical physics, scattering in nuclear physics, particle scattering, scattering at extreme physical scales, and scattering in mathematics and non-physical sciences. Whatever the phenomena, the aim in explaining all the diverse scattering phenomena is to tease out—from the underlying particle or wave theory expressed in the form of differential equations—those features that describe scattering. Such features fall into two overarching problems: the "direct scattering problem" whereby the researcher must imagine waves coming from a given direction with a certain wavelength or energy, impinging upon an obstacle, traversing a locally nonuniform medium or interacting with a center of force, and detecting them at large distances in other directions and possibly, at other energies or wavelengths. Or, the "inverse problem" whereby the aim is to obtain, at large distances, information about the local nature of the unknown medium or force that caused the scattering. Addressing the specifics of these overarching problems is an international array of contributors identified by their institution and full contact information.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 1831

Добавлена в каталог: 04.07.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Gorelik, Vladimir S., Raman Scattering      828-848
GPiR (ground-penetrating imaging radar)      448
GPR (ground probing radar)      448
GPR (ground-penetrating radar)      432 448
Gradshteyn and Ryzhyk relation      477
Graf’s formula      373
Gratings      371 378
Gravitational lensing      1609-1610
Grazing incidence scattering      1090-1091
Green’s dyad      494
Green’s dyadic      451-452
Green’s formula, acoustic scattering      39-41
Green’s free-space function      98
Green’s function      4-9 (see also Diagonal and distorted Green’s function)
Green’s function equations, light scattering in continuous dielectric media      807-808
Green’s function for homogeneous media, acoustic waves, linear      124-125
Green’s function of two operators, light scattering in continuous dielectric media      805-807
Green’s function, diffusion approximation      924-925
Green’s function, free      8 12
Green’s function, free radial      13
Green’s function, gratings      371
Green’s function, layered media      489-497
Green’s function, quantum      13
Green’s function, quantum scattering      9-14
Green’s function, scattering by black holes      1615
Green’s representation      40
Green’s tensor for the Maxwell equations      216 222
Green’s tensor gradient, elastic surface waves      565
Green’s tensor in dyadic form, elastic wave scattering      534-537
Green’s tensor in the far field, elastic surface waves      562-565
Green’s theorems, acoustic scattering      39-41
Green’s theorems, first integral theorem      40
Green’s theorems, second integral theorem      40
GRI (Gas Research Institute)      463
Gribov theorem      1540
Grossmann, J. G$\ddot{u}$nter, Shape Determination of Biomolecules in Solution from Synchrotron X-ray Scat-tering      1123-1139
Ground probing radar (GPR)      448
Ground probing radar, antennas      461-462
Ground probing radar, applications      462-465
Ground probing radar, concept      449-453
Ground probing radar, digital impulse radars      460-461
Ground probing radar, digitisation      462
Ground probing radar, electromagnetic scattering as a generalised radon transform      456-457
Ground probing radar, electromagnetic waves scattering      448-466
Ground probing radar, fluids in porous rock      465
Ground probing radar, geometry of scattering      454-455
Ground probing radar, idealised system      449
Ground probing radar, imaging in a homogeneous wholespace      459-460
Ground probing radar, injected colloidal gel      463-465
Ground probing radar, laboratory floor survey      463
Ground probing radar, location and imaging      453-360
Ground probing radar, mathematical description      449-453
Ground probing radar, model for imaging      455-456
Ground probing radar, overview      448-449
Ground probing radar, practical description      460-462
Ground probing radar, radon transform      456-459
Ground probing radar, SAR imaging by inversion of generalised ground probing radar, radon transform      457-459
Ground probing radar, scattering from pipe as example      453
Ground probing radar, websites      460
Ground-penetrating imaging radar (GPiR)      448
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)      432 448
GRT (generalised Radon transform)      456-457
GTD (geometrical theory of diffraction)      245
Gylys - Colwell theorem      84
H polarisation      17
H$\ddot{a}$hner, P., Scattering by Media      74-94
H$\ddot{a}$hner, P., Scattering through Media      211-229
H$\ddot{o}$lder continuity      184
H$\ddot{o}$lder space mapping properties      48
H$\ddot{o}$lder spaces      46 184 187
H$\ddot{o}$lder uniformly continuous function      46-47
Haldorsen, Jakob      see Michael Oristaglio
Half-space problems, dispersive and complex material      288-289
Hamiltonian system, collisions of ions, atoms and molecules, fast and slow      1026
Hamming window      166
Hankel functions      50 106
Hankel functions, spherical      43
Hansen, V.      see R. Meyer
Harrison, Robert G. and Dejin Yu, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering      958-968
Hausdorff - Besicovitch dimension (HB)      469
Hausdorff measure      469
Hawking radiation      1620-1621
Hazard, C. and M. Lenoir, Surface Water Waves      618-636
HB (Hausdorff - Besicovitch dimension)      469
Heat operator, two-dimensional scattering      1725-1727
Heavy atom replacement method      1106-1107
Helmholtz equation      5 38
Helmholtz equation, entire solutions      41
Helmholtz equation, fundamental solution in two dimensions      50 82-83
Helmholtz equation, fundamental solutions      75-76
Helmholtz equation, modified fundamental solutions      76
Helmholtz equation, radiating solutions      41-43
Helmholtz equation, special solutions      82
Helmholtz form, diffusion approximation      926-927
Helmholtz representation      40
Herglotz kernel      49
Herglotz wave fields, electromagnetic waves scattering      187-188
Herglotz wave functions, acoustic scattering      49
Heterodyne spectroscopy, measurement accuracy      794-795
Heyman, Ehud, Pulsed Beam Solutions for Propagation and Scattering problems      295-315
HH (horizontal-to-horizontal polarisiton)      16
Hietarinta, Jarmo, Scattering of Solitons and Dromions      1773-1791
High energies, scattering and production processes, scattering through strong interactions (Hadronic or QCD scale)      1582-1604
High-energy behaviour      707
High-energy bounds      1537-1538
High-energy eikonal limit      1388-1391
High-energy elastic scattering, amplitude bounds      1549-1550
High-energy elastic scattering, amplitude, real part      1558-1559
High-energy elastic scattering, definitions      1549
High-energy elastic scattering, diffraction models      1551-1554
High-energy elastic scattering, diffraction models, geometrical picture      1551-1552
High-energy elastic scattering, diffraction models, impact picture      1552-1553
High-energy elastic scattering, dip-shoulder region      1560-1562
High-energy elastic scattering, elastic scattering      1559-1563
High-energy elastic scattering, forward elastic peak      1559-1560
High-energy elastic scattering, future      1563-1564
High-energy elastic scattering, introduction      1548
High-energy elastic scattering, large momentum transfer region      1562-1563
High-energy elastic scattering, multiple diffraction model      1553-1554
High-energy elastic scattering, quantum chromodynamics models      1554-1555
High-energy elastic scattering, Regge models      1550-1551
High-energy elastic scattering, scattering through strong interactions (Hadronic or QCD scale)      1549-1564
High-energy elastic scattering, total cross section      1555-1558
High-frequency methods, cone tip      268-269
High-frequency methods, corners      266-268
High-frequency methods, diffraction at a smooth convex surface      262-266
High-frequency methods, diffraction, physical theory      273-275
High-frequency methods, discontinuities in nonconducting boundaries      269-271
High-frequency methods, edge diffraction      257-261
High-frequency methods, electromagnetic wave scattering      245-276
High-frequency methods, equivalent current method      271-273
High-frequency methods, geometrical optics method      246-251
High-frequency methods, geometrical theory of diffraction      257-269
High-frequency methods, iterative physical optics method      255-257
High-frequency methods, multibounce physical optics method      254-257
High-frequency methods, physical optics method      251-254
High-frequency methods, physical theory of diffraction      273-275
High-frequency methods, shooting and bouncing ray method      254 255
High-precision electroweak scattering      1519-1531
High-resolution neutron scattering      1264-1286
Hirota - Satsuma equation      1779-1780
Hirota’s method      1788-1790
Hodograph      1672
Hohlwein, Dietmar and Jiri Kulda, Elastic and Inelastic Nuclear Scattering of Neutrons      1155-1173
Holmgren’s theorem      40-41 179-180
Holography      1318-1334
Homogeneous media, pulsed beam solutions      300-302
Homogeneous plane waves in homogeneous media, acoustic waves, linear      124
Horizontal-to-horizontal polarisiton (HH)      16
Hudson, J. A., Scattering of Elastic Body Waves      543-561
Humphreys, Colin J., Theory of Electron Scattering and Electron Diffraction      1287-1303
Hurst coefficient      470
Huygens’ principle, direct potential scattering      719-720
Huygens’ principle, obstacles scattering (acoustic)      57-58
Huygens’ principle, obstacles scattering (electromagnetic waves)      196-197
Hydrodynamics, solitons, applications      1742-1743
Hydrogen, quantum degenerate gases      1057-1058
Hyper - Airy functions      284
Hyperspherical approach, collisions of ions, atoms and molecules, fast and slow      1027-1029
Hyperspherical coordinates      1071-1072
ICBA (intersecting canonical body approximation)      108
IEM (integral equation method)      467
Ill-conditioned solution      335
Ill-posed problem and ill-posedness, continuity of the inverse      929
Ill-posed problem and ill-posedness, definition      45
Ill-posed problem and ill-posedness, diffusion tomography in dense media      928-929
Ill-posed problem and ill-posedness, Helmholtz example      928-929
Image enhancement      156
Imaging and inversion, elastodynamic waves scattering      578-593
Imaging, nondestructive testing with ultrasound      613-615
Immune system      514
Impedance approximation      378
Impedance boundary condition      39 176
Impedance matrix entries, numerical techniques      321-322
Impedance problems      5
Impulse ground probing radar, antennas      461
Impulse response behaviour, dispersive and complex material      282-285
Inclined precession field boundaries      1272-1279
Incoming radiation condition      62 200
Incremental theory of diffraction (ITD)      245
INDEX      1829
Inductance matrix      338
Inelastic magnetic scattering      1186-1192
Inelastic magnetic scattering, crystal-field excitations      1190-1192
Inelastic magnetic scattering, itinerant magnetic systems      1190
Inelastic magnetic scattering, spin wave dispersion      1188-1190
Inelastic magnetic scattering, spin waves      1187
Inelastic magnetic scattering, spin waves scattering      1187-1188
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, antiferromagnetic Cr      1256
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, Fermion superconductor      1257
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, ferromagnets excitations      1255-1256
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, longitudinal neutron polarimetry      1252-1253
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, low-dimensional systems      1257-1259
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, magnetic excitations      1257
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, magnons      1257-1259
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, paramagnetic scattering      1254-1255
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, phasons      1256
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, solitons      1257-1259
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, spin waves      1256
Inelastic neutron scattering with polarised neutrons, XYZ method      1253-1254
Inelastic opalescence, Raman scattering      842-847
Inelastic scattering in crystalline solids      1164-1172
Inelastic scattering in crystalline solids, applications      1169-1172
Inelastic scattering in crystalline solids, experimental techniques      1167-1169
Inelastic scattering in crystalline solids, lattice dynamics      1164-1165
Inelastic scattering in crystalline solids, phonons scattering      1165-1167
Inelastic scattering spin echo, introduction      1270
Inelastic scattering spin echo, Larmor prescession      1270
Inelastic scattering spin echo, quantum mechanical treatment      1271-1272
Inelastic scattering spin echo, ray tracing      1270-1271
Inelastic scattering, few-body models of nuclear reactions      1379
Inelastic scattering, recoil adiabatic approximation      1381-1382
Inelastic spectroscopy      1210
Infrared properties of quantum electrodynamics      1459-1460
Inhomogeneous bodies in open regions, numerical techniques      353-355
Inhomogeneous bodies, numerical techniques      351-353
Inhomogeneous cylinders, numerical techniques      323-330
Inhomogeneous media, pulsed beam solutions      300-302
Insonified object      98
Integrable wave equations, nonlinear ocean waves      642-647
Integral equation method      7
Integral equation method (IEM)      467
Integral equation method, obstacles scattering (acoustic)      54-56
Integral equations for electromagnetic scattering, singularity expansion method      432-433
Integral representations, nonlinear scalar inverse scattering      142-144
Interatomic bond lengths      1314-131
Interfacial magnetism      1149-1153
Interior transmission problem      79
Internal resonance      54
Interpolatory polynomial bases, numerical techniques      331
Intersecting canonical body      107
Intersecting canonical body approximation (ICBA)      108
Intervening host      97
Invariance principle      708
Invariant embedding      721-723
Inverse acoustic media scattering problems, reconstruction of the refractive index      88-90
Inverse acoustic media scattering problems, stability      84-87
Inverse acoustic media scattering problems, uniqueness      81-82
Inverse acoustic media scattering problems, uniqueness in two dimensions      82-84
Inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problems, approximation method      69-70
Inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problems, approximations      70-72
Inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problems, boundary-to-far-field map      66-68
Inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problems, iterative methods      68-69
Inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problems, uniqueness      64-66
Inverse electromagnetic obstacle scattering problems      202-204
Inverse kinematic problem      1672-1674
Inverse potential scattering, inverse scattering theory      770-785
Inverse potential scattering, Marchenko method      742-753
Inverse potential scattering, radial inverse scattering      726-741
Inverse potential scattering, three-dimensional inverse scattering, Marchenko method      742-753
Inverse potential scattering, three-dimensional inverse scattering, theory      754-769
Inverse problem at fixed energy, radial inverse scattering      735-741
Inverse problems at fixed angular momentum, radial inverse scattering      727-734
Inverse problems at fixed energy, basic matrix method      737-739
Inverse problems at fixed energy, classes of potentials      737-739
Inverse problems at fixed energy, generalisations      740
Inverse problems at fixed energy, nonuniqueness problems      736
Inverse problems at fixed energy, transformation formulae      735-736
Inverse problems at fixed energy, transmutation operators      735-736
Inverse scattering by a medium      761-764
Inverse scattering by obstacles      764-767
Inverse scattering for elastic waves      768
Inverse scattering for electromagnetic waves      768
Inverse scattering problem and applications to NLPDE, inverse scattering problem method      1701-1705
Inverse scattering problem and applications to NLPDE, inverse scattering transform and nonlinear partial differential equations      1695-1706
Inverse scattering problem and applications to NLPDE, scattering problem for the one-dimensional Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger operator      1695-1700
Inverse scattering problem method (ISPM)      1695 1701-1705
Inverse scattering problem, fixed energy, scattering by a metric      1674-1676
Inverse scattering problem, solving methods, inverse scattering theory      773-778
Inverse scattering problem, stability, media scattering (electromagnetic)      222-225
Inverse scattering problem, uniqueness, media scattering (electromagnetic)      221-222
Inverse scattering theory, characterisation      778
Inverse scattering theory, D-bar method      777
Inverse scattering theory, direct scattering theory      754-758
Inverse scattering theory, exterior point sources      758
Inverse scattering theory, Faddeev - Marchenko method      774
Inverse scattering theory, from $\mathcal{A}$ to near field      758-761
Inverse scattering theory, Gel’fand - Levitan method      774-775
Inverse scattering theory, inverse potential scattering      770-785
Inverse scattering theory, inverse scattering by a medium      761-764
Inverse scattering theory, inverse scattering by obstacles      764-767
Inverse scattering theory, inverse scattering for elastic waves      768
Inverse scattering theory, inverse scattering for electromagnetic waves      768
Inverse scattering theory, inverse scattering problem, solving methods      773-778
Inverse scattering theory, Newton - Marchenko method      776
Inverse scattering theory, nonhomogeneous media      781
Inverse scattering theory, nonhomogeneous media with jump discontinuities      782-783
Inverse scattering theory, phase recovery      780-781
Inverse scattering theory, potentials from changing signs of reflection coefficients      779
Inverse scattering theory, potentials vanishing on a half-line      778
Inverse scattering theory, potentials with Dirac delta distributions      778-779
Inverse scattering theory, rational scattering coefficients      778
Inverse scattering theory, Riemann - Hilbert problems      773-774
Inverse scattering theory, Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation      770-773
Inverse scattering theory, singular integral equations      775
Inverse scattering theory, special cases      778-779
Inverse scattering theory, steplike potentials      779-780
Inverse scattering theory, trace method      775
Inverse scattering theory, Wiener - Hopf factorisation      776-777
Inverse scattering transform      637-666
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