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Dickson L.E. — History of the Theory of Numbers, Volume ll: Diophantine Analysis |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Oblique triangle 214—216 (see also “Rational”)
Oblique triangle, automedian 205 439
Oblique triangle, linear relation between angles of 213—214
Oblique triangle, rational angle-bisectors 209—213
Oblique triangle, rational medians 202—209 212 428
Ochitowitsch, A.P. 76
Octahedral 16 23
Oettinger, L. 124 534 541
Olson, H. 501
Oltramare, G. 719 729
Ono, T. 399 471
Optic formula 1/x+1/y=1/a 688—691
Orlando, L. 724 (724)
Orthogonal substitutions 530—532
Osborn, G. 560
Osborne, G.A. 183
Ottinger, L. 379
Oughtred, G. 171
Ozanam, J. 9 178 182 187 446 602 612 618 621 482)
O’Riordan, M.S. 503
Paciuolo, L. 226 351 462 468)
Paciuolo, Luca 79
Pack of cards 157
Pados, A. 688
Pagliani, C. 582
Pagnini, G.M. 190
Palatini, F. 63
Palmstroem, A. 37 252 390 392 679 689
Panormitanus, J. 460
Paoli, P. 53 64 71 107—110 364 367 567 130 423)
Pappus Of Alexandria 486
Parallelogram, Heron 207
Parallelogram, rational sides and diagonals 205—206
Parallelograms, ratio of areas given 486
Parallelopiped 267 487 502 613 670
Paranjpye, R.P. 426 480
Partition 101—164 250 270 “Circulating” “Circulator” “Combinations” “Combinatory” “Composition” “Distributions” “Generating” “Multipartite” “Permutation” “Separations” “Symmetric” “Variations” “Wave”)
Partition, compound 123 141
Partition, conjugate 121 124 136 139 154 163
Partition, double 123
Partition, graph of 118 134 137 139 141 142 147 151—154 158 160
Partition, into squares 296
Partition, modulo M 88
Partition, new definition of 161
Partition, perfect 143 145
Partition, regularized 139 141—142 152
Partition, self-conjugate 136—137 141
Pascal, B. 9
Pascal, E. 144
Pasternak, P. 252
Paulet, F. 171 682 737 745
Paulmier 255
Pauly-Wissowa [345]
Peacock, G. 22
Pegorier, F. 581
Peirce, B. 370 596
Pell equation 341—400
Pell equation in polynomials 389 390 393—394 397 743
Pell equation, upper limits for solutions 399 400
Pell, J. 201 354 483 608 355 366)
Pellet, A.E. 303 736 749 751 751 753 763 770
Pendse, N.B. 272
Pentagon inscribed in circle 202 221
Pentagonal 1 2 5 6 8 10 11 13 16 18—20 22 23 25 26 28 29 31 33—35 37 113 147
Pepin, T. 25 29 184—185 198 228 246 248 263 296 298 310 326 338 339 405 418 426 477 480 487—488 510 534—537 541—542 549 574 576 596 619 626 630 632—633 637—638 641—642 748 750 758 39 257 290 325 476 488 542 576 633 639 640 643 736 750 763 769)
Perkins, G.R. 181 438 531 587 492 531)
Permutation of letters 114 131 147 155 157 162
Perott, J. 57 350 385—386
Perrin, R. 549
Perron, O. 399 (399 400)
Peters, C.A.F. [195]
Petersen, J. 243 594
Petr, K. 300 314 316 558
Petrus, M. 446 (446 474 671)
Pezzi, F. 53 367
Pfeiffer, E. (257)
Philbrick, P.H. 321
Phillips, F. 436
Picard, E. 289 756
Picou G. 35
Pietrocola, C. 638 (638)
Pilatte 49
Pile of bullets 25
Pin Kue 60
Pisani, F. 267 384
Pisano see “Leonardo”
Pistor, T.L. 369 (419)
Piuma, C.M. 132 169 338 751
Plainer, G. 145
Plakhowo 439
Plana, J. 24 241 293 356 424 357 427)
Planude, M. 486 (486—487)
Planude, problem of 485—487
Plato 165 (167 171 177 385)
Plemelj, J. 771
Pleskot, A. 52 72
Plutarch 3 (6 12)
Pocklington, H.C. 273 457 634 638 772 636)
Poeschko 703
Poincare, H. 384 673 676 678 756 568)
Poinsot, L. 66 167 171 403 171)
Poletti, G. 430
Pollaczek, F. 775
Pollock, F. 22—24 288—289 291—292 705 282 318)
Polygon 56 147 386 543 688
Polygon, rational inscribed 221
Polygonal divisors 32
Polygonal number 1—7 9—22 24 28—39 117 147
Polygonal number equal square 3 10 11 13 38
Polygonal number of second order 5 10
Polygonal number, central 5 10 12 16
Polygonal number, number of ways a 3 7 11
Polygonal number, sum of powers of 30 34
Polygonal numbers of m sides, every number a sum of m 6 12—14 16—18 29—32 309
Polygonal numbers, g.c.d. of two 36
Polygonal numbers, sum of 2 5 19 20 22 25 26 28 29 34 35 37
Polygonal residues 33
Polyhedral 16 17 24
Polynomial in a+b and ab equal to 737 739 745
Pomey, J.B. 14
Porcelli, O. 63
Poselger, F.T. 18 369 454 554
Praetorius, J. 79 (81)
Prestet, J. 435 446 552 572 667 574—575 577 589)
PRIMES 11 36 148 234 252 260—261 264 266 396 681
Primes, sum of two 282 289
Prize 312 641 734 742 751 763
probability 28 158 214
Proclus 341 [165]
Product of 2 forms a like form 431 470 570 594—595 678 691 697 727—728
Product of consecutive integers 9 56 398 679—682
Product of factors (x+1)/x 687—688
Products by twos plus n made squares 513—520
Pronic 5 6 232—233 350 407
Proth, F. 272 534 538 657 705 659 705)
Prouhet, E. 239 705
Ptaszycki, J. 641
Puchta, A. 297
Pulverizer 41—44 59
Pyramid, rational 221—224
Pyramidal number 1—5 7 9 10 14 16—18 20 25 30 34
Pyramidal number, central 5
Pyramidal number, every number a sum of 14 23 30
Pyramidal number, not a cube 25 34
Pyramidi-pyramidal 7
Pythagoras 1 165 177 187)
Pythagoreans 341
Quadratic congruence 19 279 280 282—288 295—297 325—327 384 408 693 749
Quadratic equation in unknowns 419—434
Quadratic equation in x, y 412 485
| Quadratic form in variables 263 288 308 311 313 330 332 335—337 387 431 433 643 724
Quadratic form, binary 11 17 26 94 184 233 236 239 242 247 254 260—263 265 269 273—274 331 356 359 362 364—365 367 370 372 374—379 381 386 391—392 398 401—402 404—406 408 410—411 417—418 430 507 536—537 541—542 549 553—554 559 578—579 619 637 657 697 699 707 712 733 741 760
Quadratic form, ternary 17 260 264—265 272—273 282 287 294—295 379 422 424 429 430—431
Quadratic function = constant 407—412
Quadratic function = cube 28 533—539
Quadratic function = power 533—544 662 764
Quadratic function = square 10 13 19 341—401 404—407 438 445 459—532
Quadratic residue 231 241 253 279 282 284 287 292 296 299 301 325—326 365 370—371 378 421—424 432 476 630 751 766
Quadrilateral 201 211 216—221 223 255 449
Quartic equation 465 485 615—671
Quartic form 671
Quartic form a square 567 627—644 732 746—748
Quaternion 297
Quetelet, A. [737]
Quijano, G. 478
Quintili, P. 170
Quotity 119
Rabinovitch, G. 726
Radau, R. 745
Radicke 685
Rados, G. 700 (677)
Rahn, J.H. 201 354 483 608
Rallier des Ourmes 522
Ramanujan, S. 36 162—163 317 318 725
Rannucci, D.N. 771
Rao, T.S. 171
Rassicod, L. 70
Rath, H. 189 196
Rational group of points 676—677
Rational oblique triangle 191—214 220 668
Rational oblique triangle, circumscribed circle 191 195—196 200—201
Rational oblique triangle, escribed circles 195 200—201 213
Rational oblique triangle, Feuerbach’s circles 201
Rational oblique triangle, inscribed circle 194—197 200—201 208 211 215 693
Rational oblique triangle, isosceles 201 211
Rational oblique triangle, Malfatti’s circles 197
Rational oblique triangle, perimeter 193 195—197 199 200—201 212
Rational oblique triangle, rational angle-bisector 210—213
Rational oblique triangle, rational medians 207—209 212—213 511
Rational oblique triangle, sides in arithmetical progression 192 196—199 200—201 214—215
Rautenberg 418
Realis, S. 11 24—28 245 248 266—268 293—294 297 384 402 407 410 411 425 431—432 488 535 543 556 563 575 584 590 596—597 627 632 637 657 663 694 718 293 433 539 598 627 634)
Rebout, E. 728
Rectangles, ratio of area given 485—487
Recurring series 36 75 110 366 391 674 695—696
Reduced multiplier 41
Regiomontanus 60 78 259 276 435
Regular prime 741 745 757 759 762 767 775
remainders 57
Remak, R. 97 399 724 400 724—726)
Remmelin, J. 6 (5)
Renaldini, C. 446
Representation by squares 296 305
Reuschle, C.G. 51 241
Reutsel, P. 109
Rhabdas, N. 351
Ricalde, G. 392
Ricatti, V. 514 525
Richaud, C. 378 555 580 586
Richaud, H. 386 (366)
Richert, P. 171
Richter, W. 775
Rieke, A. 745—745 (755)
Ries, Chr. 765
Riesz, F. 92
right triangle 165—190 273 459 463
Right triangle formed from 2 numbers 166
Right triangle, area given 465 615
Right triangle, area not a square 462 615—620
Right triangle, primitive 166 459
Right triangle, problems involving area of 166 175—181 498 533 617 634
Right triangle, problems involving sides, but not area 184—188 620—627
Right triangle, product of sides divisible by sixty 171
Right triangle, rational angle-bisectors 188—189
Right triangles of equal area 172—174 525
Right triangles of equal hypotenuses 225
Right triangles with given difference or sum of legs 181—184
Right triangles, areas in given ratio 174 474 494—495
Right triangles, number of, with given side 172
Right triangles, tables of 189 190
Rignaux, M. 38 201 213 257 273 419 458 483 489 501—502 513 578 606 634 647 671 699 700 477)
Ripert, L. 314 719
Ritter, F. [192 226]
Robarts, D. 670
Roberts, C.A. 198 388
Roberts, S. 27 124 186 244 383 385 411 426 470 751 753
Robins, S. 198 219
Robinson, R. 62
Robinson, T. 595
Rocchetti, M. 384
Roche, J.P.L.A. 39
Rochetti 432 694
Rodet, L. 78 350
Rodrigues, O. 114
Rogers, L.J. 148 163
Rolle, M. 45 447 52 53 450 456 458)
Roman Codex 3 (6)
Romero, F. 643
Romero, J. 393
Roots of unity see “Cyclotomy”
Rose, J. 439 544
Rothen, P. [5]
Rothholz, J. 754—755
Rouve, L. 723
Rowe, J.E. 772
Rudolff, C. 79 (79)
Ruffini, F.P. 319
Ruggeri, C. 412
Runge, C. 674
Runkle, J.D. [50]
Ruoss, H. 73
Rutherford, W. 212 512
Rychlik, K. 767 (550 620)
Ryley, J. 609
Ryley, S. 436 455 527—528 563 726
Sachs, J. 190 199
Sadier, J. 689
Sadun, E. 144
Safford, T.H. 199
Saint, W. 441
Saint-Martin 187 (178)
Sainte-Croix 259 260 275
Salkin, L. 68
Sanczer, E. 53
Sang, E. 189 (190)
Sanjana, K.J. 186 272
Santomauro, E. 309
Saorgio, le pere 189
Sardi, C. 54 125 128 309
Sartori, A. 63
Satin 87 245
Satunovsky, S.O. 696
Sauer R. 761
Saul, J. 600
Saunderson, N. 46 61 80 497 514 516 519 93 515 520)
Sawin, A.M. 575
Scarpis, U. 93
Schaefer, J.C. 64
Schaewen, V. 51 73
Scheffler, H. 53 410 412
Schering, E. [733]
Scherrer, F.R. 201 (196)
Schier, O. 267 682 750
Schilling, F. 689
Schimmack, R. 687
Schlegel, V. 126 244 557
Schlesinger, L. 641
Schloemilch, O. 195 198 219 380
Schmidt, E. 724
Schmidt, W. 381
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